Entries by Florencia Martinez Ogas


(Re)ordering the territory: Escazú and citizen participation

In an effort to promote the effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement at the local level, Fundeps held three meetings during the month of August, aimed at the Urban Planning Department of the Municipality of Córdoba. These training sessions focused on strengthening competencies in environmental law and the rights of access to information, participation and […]


A decree cannot limit access to public information

The undersigned organizations express our concern about Decree 780/24 with which the National Executive Branch attempts to restrict the right of Access to Public Information. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more […]


Good practices in the care of pregnancy termination

This report is the result of a survey carried out during the first months of 2024 among health personnel in the province of Córdoba who guarantee sexual and reproductive health practices in this territory. The objective is to circulate those strategies that have generated good results for access to services, such as the internal organization […]


The IDB approves a New Access to Information Policy

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) took the final step of a process that lasted several years and culminated with the approval of a new Access to Information Policy (PAI) by the Board of Executive Directors. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but […]


Marcos Juárez’s health remains at risk: statement on fumigation protection

The provincial justice decided to consider that the protection initiated by residents of Marcos Juárez and Fundeps had not been presented due to errors related to the formalities of the process that were corrected at the time of being requested. The underlying issue, which is the distance for the application of agrochemicals within the municipal […]


MapaInversiones Argentina Platform: Strengths and Aspects to Improve

MapaInversiones is a regional initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), whose objective is to support the improvement of transparency and efficiency of public investment by strengthening the provision of information on infrastructure and development projects in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. Operating in optimal conditions, this tool allows citizens, authorities and other interested […]