Entries by Florencia Martinez Ogas


Protection against gender violence is a commitment to the entire society

Three days after the 9th anniversary of Ni Una Menos and five after the publication of the femicides report that confirmed that in 2023 there were 250 victims in our country, the national government decided to close the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence. A woman dies every 35 hours in Argentina, while one in […]


We present the website “Escazú for communities”: a tool to defend the environment

We launched the web platform “Escazú Agreement for communities”, which provides information about the Agreement and the rights it contemplates with data and practical models to make them effective. Additionally, within the site, a document is available to download that brings together the experiences and learnings of different communities in Córdoba that face environmental problems […]


We launched the guide for reflection and transformation “Rethinking the economy: a feminist perspective”

During the months of August and October 2023, from Fundeps, together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space and with the support of the Heinrich Böell Foundation and the UPC Extension Secretariat, we carry out the Rethinking the Economy Training Cycle: a feminist perspective. From these meetings we built a guide for Reflection and Transformation. “Below, […]


Guide | Rethinking the economy: a feminist perspective

This booklet is a compilation of what we worked on in six meetings held at the Provincial University of Córdoba (UPC) within the framework of the Rethinking the Economy training cycle: a feminist perspective. Between August and October 2023, from Fundeps and the Feminist Economy Space of Córdoba, we carry out this cycle in order […]


Food industry interference – Report

Food and beverage industry interference is defined as influencing legal frameworks and policy environments in order to delay, weaken or prevent the development of healthy eating policies. These companies and groups related to their interests carry out different actions to intervene in the development of public policies and to influence the academic world and science. […]


The fight for decent food in Argentina: perspectives and challenges

In situations of multidimensional crisis, such as the one our country is going through, those who suffer the most are the lower-income sectors and, in particular, girls, boys and adolescents. The withdrawal of the State and economic deregulation imply greater lack of protection. Guaranteeing the basic right to adequate food, in this context, becomes urgent. […]


ESI because Yes, guaranteeing Comprehensive Sexual Education is expanding rights

This is the slogan of our campaign that seeks to debunk myths about CSE, promote open debates and provide essential knowledge that allows students to exercise their rights and lead a healthy and fulfilling life. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but […]


The National Congress must treat DNU 70/2023 urgently and reject it for violating the National Constitution

Civil society organizations write a letter to legislators asking them to focus on the immediate treatment and rejection of the decree “Bases for the Reconstruction of the Argentine Economy.” “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of […]


1st Congress of Food Policies in Argentina: Implementation of the Front Labeling Law

This report summarizes the main contents and challenges addressed in the first congress dedicated to the implementation of the Healthy Eating Promotion Law. Through thematic tables and debates, strategies were explored to improve the application of these regulations throughout the country. Includes testimonies and practical tools to strengthen the right to healthy eating in Argentina.