Institutional financial contributions

All institutional financial contributions

Fundeps’ work is supported mainly by international funders that rely in our work and donate funds to our projects. We do not accept funding from companies or governmental agencies that could enter in interest conflict with our work.

Bellow, the composition of the previous year’s funding, as well as the detail of expenditures according to the different thematic areas. Then, the historical detail of all the projects that received support from different institutions.

Summary of financial contributions 2023

Funds received

40% ~ Global Health Advocacy Incubator
17% ~ Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
12% ~ Women’s Equality Center
7% ~ Legal Empowerment Fund
6.5% ~ Unicef
6% ~ Mott Foundation
4.5% ~ O’Neill Institute
2% ~ Heinrich Böll Foundation
1% ~ Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
1% ~ Open Government Partnership Secretariat
1% ~ Consorcio Latinoamericano contra el Aborto Inseguro (CLACAI)
0.002% ~ Donantes individuales

Funds by work theme

66% ~ Right to health
20% ~ Gender Equality
7% ~ Environmental Rights
6% ~ Development Financing Monitoring
1% ~ Transparency and access to information

Our historical financiers

Our funded projects

Donor: Mott Foundation – Subgrant

Country: United States

Period: 2022/2024

Project: International finance institutions in Argentina in the pandemic economy recovery context

Partner: Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN) and CAUCE

Amount: USD 50,000

Period: 2020/2022

Project: “Development financial institutions and their impacts in Latin America; the case of Argentina”

Partner: Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) y CAUCE

Donation: USD 50.000

Period: 2018/2020

Project: Monitoring investments in infrastructure in Argentina

Partners: Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) y CAUCE

Donation: USD 50000

Period: 2016/2018

Project: Monitoring investments in infrastructure in Argentina

Partner: Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Donation: USD 50000

Donor: Center for Environmental International Law – CIEL

Country: United State

Period: 2016/2017

Project: Coalition for Human Rights in Development Secretariat

Donation: USD 9400

Donor: National Ministry of Health – Health Research National Commission

Country: Argentina

Period: 2023

Proyect: Undercover marketing? Perception, knowledge and attitude about new advertising tactics for tobacco products in the City of Córdoba

Donation: ARS 1.056.000

Period: 2016/2017

Project: Optional labelling and marketing techniques directed at children on food packaging processed in Argentina.

Donation: ARS 62.000

Donor: Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales – DAR

Country: Perú

Period: 2016

Project: Panaroma of Chinese Investments in Latin America: Argentina, Mexico and Peru.

Donation: USD 6.120

Period: 2014

Project: Shadow report about Chinese investments in Latin America. Case studies: Argentina, Peru and México. 

Donation: USD 3.300

Period: 2014

Project: Shadow reports for projects promoted by UNASUR-COSIPLAN.

Donation: USD 2.200

Period: 2013

Project: Elaboration of a proposal of a policy of transparency and access to information for the national bank of economic and social development and of Brasil.

Donation: USD 6.120

Donor: Global Giving

Country: United State

Period: 2017/2020

Project: Protection of communities exposed to agrochemicals

Donor: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Country: United States

Period: 2020/2021

Project: Strengthening accountability through subnational control bodies.

Partners: Salta Transparente, Andhes, Nuestra Mendoza

Donation: USD 61.000

Period: 2020/2021

Project: Chinese investments in Latin America

Partner:Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Perú) y Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (Colombia)

Donation: USD 30.095

Period: 2020/2021

Project: Strengthening accountability through organs subnational control

Partner: Salta Transparente, Andhes, Nuestra Mendoza

Donation: USD 61.000

Period: 2019/2020

Project: Chinese investments in Latin America

Partner: Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Perú)

Donation: USD 30.000

Period: 2018/2020

Project: Strengthening of accountability in multilevel institutional instances: open government and access to public information in Argentina.

Donation: USD 50000

Periodo: 2018/2019

Project: Chinese investments in Latin America

Partner: Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Perú)

Donation: USD 14500

Period: 2017/2018

Project: Promoting Civic Monitoring and Accountability in Argentina

Donation: USD 25000

Period: 2017/2018

Project: Increasing transparency and accountability in Chinese investments

Partners: Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR); Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (AAS); Centro de Análisis e Investigación, A.C., FUNDAR

Monto: USD 10000

Period: 2016/2017

Project: Building Democracy From Below: Strategies for Citizen Empowerment in Argentina

Donation: USD 20000

Period: 2016/2017

Project: Increasing transparency and accountability in Chinese investments.

Partners: Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR); Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (AAS); Centro de Análisis e Investigación, A.C., FUNDAR

Donation: USD 10000

Donor: O’Neill Institute de la Universidad de Georgetown

Country: United States

Period: 2022/2024

Project: Strategic litigation for access to sexual and reproductive rights in Argentina.

Amount: USD 38.121

Period: 2021/2022
Project: Legal research on access to sexual and reproductive rights
Donation: USD 24.150

Period: 2020/2021

Project:Legal research on access to sexual and reproductive rights

Donation: USD 22.500

Period: 2019/2020

Project: Access to sexual and reproductive rights

Donation: USD 32.000

Period: 2017/2018

Project: Access to sexual and reproductive rights

Donation: USD 50.000

Period: 2015

Project: Systematization and legal analysis for the strengthening of the legislation on the risks to noncommunicable diseases and the health authority.

Donation: USD 8360

Donor: Social and Environmental Entrepreuners (SEE)

Country: United States

Período: 2017/2018

Proyecto: Community engagement

Monto: USD 3000

Period: 2017/2018

Project: Secretariat for the Coalition for Human Rights in Development

Donation: USD 11.900

Donor: Fondo Innovacion ALC

Period: 2018

Project: Enhancing citizen monitoring in infrastructure projects.

Donation: USD 2500

Donor: Unicef

Country: Argentina

Period: 2023/2024

Project:  Second part – Strengthening and capacity building of the Coalition for the prevention of child and adolescent obesity in Argentina

Amount: ARS $7.073.583

Period: 2022/2024

Project: First part – Strengthening and capacity building of the Coalition for the prevention of child and adolescent obesity in Argentina

Amount: ARS 3,492,500

Period: 2019/2020

Project: Promotion of healthy eating in provincial school food plans

Donation: ARS 1.710.160

Donor: RACI

Period: 2021

Project: “Transparent emergency purchases: making visible the use of public funds in a pandemic at the federal level”

Partner: Red El Ruido

Donation: USD 5.000

Donor: Global Advocacy Incubator

Country: United States

Period: 2023/2024

Project: Food Promotion Law in Argentina

Partner: FIC

Amount: USD 10.000

Period: 2022/2023

Project: Advocate for the promulgation of the regulatory norm of the frontal labeling law for the promotion of healthy foods in

Argentina: a multi-component and collaborative project

Partner: SANAR

Amount: USD 310.000

Period: 2021/2022

Project: Promote the updating of the regulatory framework for Trans Fats based on the best international standards

Partner: Argentine Consumers and SANAR.

Amount: USD 127,283

Period: 2021


Partner: Fundación Interamericana del Corazón, Consumidores Argentinos, FAGRAN y SANAR.

Donation: USD 89.325

Period: 2021

Project: Promote the updating of the regulatory framework for Trans Fats based on the best international standards

Partner: Consumidores Argentinos y SANAR

Donation: USD 77.283

Donor: Legal Empowerment Fund

Country: United States

Period: 2022-2023

Project: Strengthening communities, workshops on access to environmental justice.

Amount: USD 60,000

Donor: Open Extractives / Global Impact

Country: United States

Period: 2022

Project: Transparency in lithium extractive companies in Argentina

Partner: Red El Ruido

Amount: USD 25,000

Donor: Fundación AVINA

Origin: Internacional

Period: 2014/2015

Project: To improve and provide effective mediums of communication in order to better the function of the Bajo Grande (Córdoba) waste treatment facility, allowing citizens living downriver from the plant access to clean drinking water.

Partner: Foro Ambiental Córdoba

Donation: USD 2500

Donor: Global Greengrants Fund – GGF

Country: United States

Period: 2020

Project: Accountability mechanisms of International Financial Institutions from a gender perspective

Donation: USD 14000

Period: 2017

Project: Accompaniment to communities in the town of Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

Donation: USD 4000

Period: 2016

Project: Posible caso para el MICI: Construcción de una planta de manejo de residuos sólidos en la Reserva Natural Militar La Calera, en la ciudad de Carlos Paz.

Donation: USD 6300

Period: 2014/2015

Project: Management of solid urban waste in Argentina. Financing and application of environmental safeguards of the World Bank and IDB.

Donation: USD 5000

Period: 2013/2014

Project: The role of International Finance Institutions in the sustainable management of forest resources in Argentina.

Donation: USD 5000

Donor: Fundación Heinrich Böll

Country: Germany – office in Chile

Period: 2023

Proyect: Feminist Economics for the Sustainability of Life

Partner: Espacio de Economia Feminista Córdoba

Amount: USD 15.384

Period: 2022

Project: “Self-management and sustainability of life”

Partner: Space for Feminist Economics Córdoba

Amount: EUR 13,460

Period: 2021
Project: “Strengthening self-management from a perspective of sustainability of life”
Partner: Incubadora Feminista – Córdoba
Donation: EUR 13,926

Period: 2020

Project: Making self-management visible from a perspective of the sustainability of life.

Partner: Espacio de Economía Feminista – Córdoba 

Donation: EUR 15.233

Period: 2019

Project: The participation of women and people LGBT  in advertising agencies and in the media

Partner: Asociación Civil Comunicación para la Igualdad

Donation: EUR 13.249

Period: 2018

Project: The participation of women and people LGBT in advertising agencies and in the media

Partner: Asociación Civil Comunicación para la Igualdad

Donation: EUR 18.057

Period: 2016/2017

Project: The participation of women and GLTBB people in the media

Partner: Asociación Civil Comunicación para la Igualdad

Donation: EUR 19.960,24

Period: 2015/2016

Project: Communication and gender: strengthening of monitoring public policies about violence towards women.

Donation: EUR  4.578,73

Donor: Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

Origin: Internacional

Period: 2014/2015

Project: Study of how the “right to health” influences the comments of organizations that monitor the fulfillment of human rights treaties.

Donation: USD 5000

Donor: Socio-Environmental Support Center – CASA

Country: Brazil

Period: 2014/2015

Project: Access to information, participation, and monitoring of a project financed by the National Bank of Economic and Social Development of Brazil (BNDES) to construct five natural gas pipelines in Córdoba.

Donation: USD 5600

Donor: Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations – SOMO

Country: Netherlands

Period: 2021/2022

Project: Advocacy in MICI and in the process of the business and human rights treaty

Donation: 17.880 euros

Period: 2019/2020

Project: Institutional support

Donation: EUR 20.400

Period: 2018

Project: Incidence in MICI and in the process of the treaty of companies and Human Rights

Donation: EUR 23.462

Period: 2017

Project: Impact on the ICIM

Donation: EUR 22.000

Period: 2016

Project: MFS Program

Donation: EUR 10.400

Period: 2014/2015

Project: Review of the IDB Research and Investigation Mechanism (MICI).

Donation: EUR 11.300

Period: 2014/2015

Project: Creation of a report that analyzes the accountability performance of international finance institutions.

Donation: EUR 5.000

Donor: Global Forest Watch – WRI

Country: United States

Period: 2015

Project: To influence the effective application of rules of protection regarding the native forest of Córdoba, as well as the rest of the country.

Partner: Foro Ambiental Córdoba

Donation: USD 15.696

Donor: Tides Foundation

Country: United States

Period: 2018

Project: Mapping of socio-environmental conflicts for community empowerment

Donation: USD 3800

Donor: Embajada Británica Buenos Aires

Period: 2021
Project: “Strengthening the capacity of civil society in the exercise of the right to information citizenship, through the Escazú Agreement.”
Donation: USD 5,000

Period: 2021
Project: “Activating Transparency in four Argentine provinces.”
Partner: Nuestra Mendoza – Salta Transparente – Directorio Legislativo
Donation: USD 8,000

Period: 2019

Project: Strengthening of the right of access to public information and open data policies in Córdoba and of sub-national civil society networks.

Donation: ARS 290.000

Period: 2018

Project: Citizen monitoring of infrastructure projects and open government

Donation: ARS 168.000

Donor: Women’s Equality Center

Country: United States

Period: 2023/2024

Project: Sexual and reproductive rights defenders: capacity building and support for health workers, socorristas and members of the educational community

Partner: ECOS Foundation

Amount: USD 50.000

Period: 2022/2023

Project: Activities aimed to enhance the access to legal abortion in Argentina through the dissemination of support and guidance material for health professionals.

Partner: ECOS Foundation

Amount: USD 50,000

Period: 2022

Project: Improving access to legal abortion in Argentina through the dissemination of support and guidance material for health professionals. Workshops and meetings with health professionals in local communities of Córdoba.

Partner: ECOS Foundation

Amount: USD 50,000

Period: 2021
Project: Strengthen access to abortion services in Argentina through the recognition and capacity building of health professionals.
Partner: Andhes – ECOS Fundación
Donation: USD 58,315

Period: 2020

Project: Communication and awareness to promote sexual and reproductive rights

Donation: USD 21.000

Period: 2018/2019

Project: Incidence on issues related to sexual and reproductive rights.

Donation: USD 40.800

Period: jun a ago 2018

Project: Support for communication, mobilization and advocacy activities with local senators regarding the legislative debate on the draft Law on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy.

Partner: Campaña por el Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito

Donation: USD 10.000

Donor:  Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Country: United States

Period: 2023/2024

Project: Promoting better marketing regulations to counteract the tobacco industry strategies

Partner: CREA

Donation: USD 70.000

Period: 2022/2023

Project: Advocating for the best standard in the regulation of tobacco marketing strategies

Partner: CREA

Donation: USD 70.000

Period: 2021/2022

Project: Towards a total ban on the advertising, promotion, sponsorship and display of tobacco and nicotine products in Argentina.

Donation: USD 50.070

Period: 2020

Project: New approaches to tobacco control policies: social media and new tobacco and nicotine products.

Donation: USD 10.000

Period: 2021/2022

Project: New strategies of the tobacco industry and the impact on public health policies

Donation: USD 19.965

Donor: Open Government Partnership Secretariat

Country: United States

Period: 2022/2023

Project: Strengthening of the co-creation process of the V Open Government Plan of Argentina.

Partner: Huésped Foundation, Collective Action and Online Democracy.

Amount: USD 10,000

Donor: Fondo de Mujeres del Sur

Country: Argentina

Period: 2022/2023

Project: “Feminist pedagogies from the territories: organization and strategy of feminist struggle in Argentina before and after the sanction of the abortion law”

Amount: USD 10,000

Donante: Consorcio Latinoamericano contra el Aborto Inseguro (CLACAI)

País: Perú

Period: 2023/2024

Project: Promoting health in Córdoba communities

Amount: USD 4.000