From the PSol they demand a project of “Law of Forests” participatory
As part of the public hearing on the regulation of the Forests Law, held this Tuesday in the provincial legislature, the Solidarity Party of Cordoba issued a statement rejecting the draft of the Union for Cordoba (UPC) and demanding “the possibility of discussing A participatory Forest Law project, in open forums that ensure that all voices are heard”.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.”
Communiqué: From Solidarity Party Córdoba we have been collecting the concern of the neighbors and neighbors of the whole province before this attempt of the Government of the Province to approve a New Law of Forests, between roosters and midnight, behind the backs of the society. Our party does not endorse the voracious commercialization of the forests and their ecosystems that the pro-government project seeks to enable.
We live in a province that has already devoured 96% of its forests. We can not afford to compromise even further the future generations of Cordovan people in return for the profit of a very few, who curiously are the mentors and facilitators of this project. It is not possible to compensate for a rise in the rural property tax with laws that allow the exploitation of previously restricted areas. We ask our government not to pay political agreements with our forests and the biodiversity that lives in them.
We oppose the abolition of the arrest warrant for ginning. Reducing fines to forest looters by 33% also does not seem an option, when the current penalties are already in many cases assumed by the speculators who choose to commit a crime and charge the fine as a cost to their business project.
We warn the legislators that our province has already shown symptoms of the environmental disaster to which we are advancing on public policies that only contemplate the profits of large agricultural producers and real estate speculation: desertification and its land storms (we should say of Soil), the water crisis in some regions or the terrible floods that have claimed lives in others. All these phenomena that besides the environmental impact, have had a deep social effect that strikes, above all, the most unprotected.
We therefore call for the possibility of discussing a participatory Forest Law project in open forums to ensure that all voices are heard. We accompany the demands of the Peasant Movement of Cordoba in this regard. We endorse the criticism made to the CARTEZ project by the Córdoba Environmental Forum, the DiverSus Research Diversity and Sustainability Center, the Multidisciplinary Plant Biology Institute (CONICET-UNC), the IDEA Civil Association, the Institute of Diversity and Animal Ecology (CONICET And the Center for Ecology and Renewable Natural Resources (FCEFyN, UNC) and the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (FUNDEPS).
Source: Diario Tortuga