Lack of information from the World Bank Project on non-communicable diseases

On June 11, 2015, the World Bank Board approved a project to Argentina for a 350 million dollars in the health area. This project focused on the Protection of Vulnerable Population against NCDs, supported the strategy of the Ministry of Health for these diseases, in search of improved the access to prevention and control services to 3.2 million adults between 40 and 60 years who takes greater risks. We presented a request for information to the World Bank because of the lack of official information project and the non-reply from the Ministry of Health of the Nation and the province of Cordoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases are responsible for 81% of deaths in Argentina. However, a considerable part of these diseases can be prevented or controlled, reducing risk factors, among which we can find: a diet with excess sugars, refined flour, fat and salt, and low fiber intake; overweight and obesity; snuff consumption; hypertension; and a high level of blood glucose.

The project aims to work to improve the capacity of primary care to provide quality services in early detection and continuous monitoring of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Added to that, at provincial and municipal level are expected to perform aimed at promoting healthy diets, promoting physical activity and consumption of snuff control interventions.

Despite the importance of the project from the Ministry of Health of the Nation, it has only produced an early report, but it has not been updated, or have incorporated references to the way it is being implemented.

In this context, from FUNDEPS -together with FIC Argentina- present public information requests to the agencies of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, to learn about the progress of the project. Likewise, we consulted about the existence of instances of citizen participation and if the project monitoring mechanisms are foreseen by Civil Society Organizations.

In addition, information particularly referred to the contribution of funds requested by YPF, as expressed in the portal of the Government of the Province of Tierra del Fuego.

Finally, given the lack of response by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, we request the information by the means provided to apply directly to the World Bank, financer of the project.

Lack of information undermines its objectives and hinders proper coordination with provincial authorities. Of journalistic sources it is known that some governments have deposited more funds are not enabled to run.

From FUNDEPS as members of the Argentina Coalition for the Prevention of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases with other organizations that share the mission to work in preventing these diseases from different perspectives (medical, consumer, human rights, advocacy, academic ) we are monitoring this project.

More information:

– The Minister of Health of the Nation received the Governor of Tierra del Fuego (Prensa Tierra del Fuego – 19/05)

– Ricardo Cardozo manages resources to the nation for the Province (Diario La Republica 13/09)

– Investment of U $ S 437 million in protection against chronic noncommunicable diseases (Telam 08/10)


Franco De Grandis,

María Victoria Gerbaldo,