Technical Legal Analysis of the Provincial Environment Policy Law of Córdoba- Law Nº 10208

With the aim of promoting discussion on public environmental policies and the rulemaking frameworks passed for achieving them, FUNDEPS hereby publishes a technical legal report on the new general environmental law.

In this document titled: “A legal technical analysis of the Environmental Policy Law in the Córdoba Province- Law No 10208. Raising the standard of environmental protection. Strengths and weaknesses” we discuss advances, setbacks and pending matters in the new regulatory framework. Whilst this document constitutes a legal revision, it also attempts to be within the grasp of any person or institution with an interest in the knowledge, the practice or the protection of the environment, the issue of collective health, universal access to basic quality rights and of sustainable and fair development.

In this document we have decided to highlight the key advances in local environmental law and the organizations that have created a new system of rights that should be exercised by citizens and organizations interested in protecting the environment and the social environment. At the same time, the obligations of the responsible public authorities have been both increased and strengthened and these obligations must be met.

Especially when comparing the approved version with the initial proposal, we believe that there has been a significant improvement in the provincial council’s role in the creation of complementation laws in consonance with the basic standards of national legislation. It is important to emphasize that many of these advances can either be reinforced or debilitated by the regulatory process of lawmaking.

At the same time, the law establishes a series of implementation deadlines, which must be followed in order to avoid the law becoming a dead letter. Environmental legislation has been gaining more importance in recent times. The broadening and collectivization of rights in formal terms have also been strengthened, but it is certain that the social reality remains distant from legal predictions and that conflicts and social injustices emerging from environmental issues are both problematic and numerous in local territory. As such it is essential to lobby for the actual implementation of the law and to contribute to achieving greater environmental justice. At FUNDEPS, we will continue to monitor both the regulatory process and the implementation of this rule.

More information:

Law 10208 – Environmental Policy – Córdoba Province – SPANISH

Law 1028 – Annexes – SPANISH

A legal technical analysis of the Environmental Policy Law in the Córdoba Province – Law No 10208. Raising the standard of environmental protection. Strengths and weaknesses – SPANISH


Agustín Filippi