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We seek to work with all the groups that intervene in the development process: with different government levels, other civil society organizations, the private sector, the academic sector, communities, and the public. The objective is to promote a sustainable, equitable and participatory development guided by human rights.

We structure our work in 5 areas that constantly interact and develop the following activities: research, training and capacity building, political advocacy, strategic litigation, networking, and awareness campaigns.

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75 years after the foundation of the World Bank: successes and failures in its relationship with civil society

Since the creation of the World Bank (WB) in 1944, with the aim of facilitating and promoting reconstruction and post-war development, the purpose of the institution has been changing over time, adapting to new realities and international…

International Day for the Fight against Corruption: We need comprehensive public policies

Corruption negatively impacts the quality of our democracy and affects the validity of human rights, particularly those groups and communities that are most vulnerable. By reducing the quantity and quality of public resources available, the…

The ANMAT Provision that authorized the sale of Misoprostol in pharmacies is suspended

The judge in the Federal Administrative Litigation No. 11, Cecilia Gilardi de Negre, issued on Thursday a precautionary resolution within the framework of the collective protection initiated by the Association for the Promotion…

Gender policies in journalism and advertising. The debates we owed

We held the National Forum on Gender Policies in Journalism and Advertising on September 12 and 13 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA. We have the presence of interns from the interior of the country dedicated to advertising, journalism…

Elections that gave no respite to gender violence

In August, during the election campaign, newspaper profile published a note assaulting Ofelia Fernandez. From Fundeps we denounced to INAM and INADI but their responses were lukewarm and insufficient in the case of INAM and restrictive in the…

Journalists and NGOs meet to talk about transparency and access to information

On November 28 and 29, the 2nd annual meeting of the Network of Organizations Against Corruption (ROCC) was held in the city of Córdoba. In this context, a meeting was held with journalists to talk about corruption and access to information. The…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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