Given the absence of women in the presidential proposal to fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, a group of 12 civil society organizations sent a letter to the president of the Agreements Commission of the Chamber of Senators, Guadalupe Tagliaferri, so that the public hearing for the appointment of the two male judges proposed by the Executive Branch does not begin because it is unconstitutional and discriminatory based on gender. Likewise, it implies a strong setback in the diversity that the highest court must have, with a serious impact on its legitimacy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In all of Argentine history there were only three women in the Court compared to 104 men. Instead of reversing this alarming reality, the Executive Branch decided to integrate this court only with men. Today it is the Agreements Commission of the Upper House, the body that has the historic opportunity to prevent us from having an absolutely male Court for at least 7 years, leaving out women who meet the conditions to occupy that position and reinforcing the stereotypes that block their access to places of power and decision-making.

The moments of greatest political participation of women in these spaces also coincided with important advances in gender matters. The creation of the Court’s Women’s Office and the Domestic Violence Office, fundamental organizations for documenting and reversing discrimination and violence, took place when Carmen Argibay and Elena Highton de Nolasco were part of the highest judiciary.

An equal integration of the Supreme Court and equal access to public positions, especially in hierarchical and power bodies, are political rights of women and the State has the obligation to make them effective, in accordance with the commitments assumed in international rights treaties. humans with constitutional hierarchy. Likewise, Decree 222/03 includes these standards for the process of appointing judges to the Court and establishes that a diverse gender composition must be promoted when defining appointments.

Although in the Argentine Judiciary 57% of the staff is made up of women, they occupy only 31% of the positions of judges in the national and federal justice system and only 29% of the highest authorities there.

It is the duty of the Executive Branch to propose women for the Court who have the qualities, suitability and commitment to the rights required for such a function and, of the Legislative Branch, to promote and ensure that said obligation is fulfilled.

For this reason, Amnesty International, the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), the Women’s Network for Justice, the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps), Women in Equality (MEI), the Foundation for Study and Research of Women (FEIM), Fundación Poder Ciudadano, the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), the Institute of Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP), the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the GQUAL Campaign and the Association for Civil Rights (ADC), ask the Senate not to begin the discussion of the specifications to appoint two judges to the Court in order to guarantee gender equality in the Argentine Justice.



Mayca Balaguer,


*Image taken from a publication of the Gender with Class Foundation

Yesterday, June 10, a resolution from the Ministry of Justice was published in the Official Gazette ordering the dissolution of 81 Access to Justice Centers. In this way, there will be only one Center per province and remote care will be privileged, which dismantles a primary legal care system linked to decentralizing and breaking down the geographical barriers that the most vulnerable people face when accessing justice. Civil society organizations and different people and institutions committed to access to justice agree on the loss that the reduction of this service means.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

For 15 years, the Access to Justice Centers (CAJ) have been extended as a federal policy throughout the country that brings answers to all citizens, but particularly to the most vulnerable groups in society. The focus is precisely on popular neighborhoods and/or rural areas, places that historically have had greater barriers to accessing their rights. CAJs are devices that provide primary legal care: it is about providing services that specifically address the daily legal needs of vulnerable communities: access to personal documentation, advice on family or work issues, assistance to crime victims, among others. issues. It is the first line of care, located in the territories, that allows removing historical barriers linked to the distance between those most vulnerable people and the state responses they require.

The traditional institutions of the justice sector do not deal – or arrive very late, in a fragmented manner and through long, rigid, winding, expensive and generally ineffective paths – to provide answers to many of the problems that communities face. Faced with this, having decentralized centers, with a territorial approach, that can fully accompany people in resolving the needs they experience is essential.

According to data from the Ministry’s own website, from 2016 to 2022, the Access to Justice Centers attended more than 1,300,000 queries.

What is the current situation of the CAJs?

According to official information from the Ministry of Justice provided in response to a request for access to information made by the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), six Centers had been closed so far this year (going from 109 to 103 ). However, today, a resolution from the Ministry of Justice was published in the Official Gazette that resolves that there will be only one Center per province and remote care will be privileged, which violates a first principle of primary legal care linked to decentralize and break down the geographical barriers that people face. At the same time, it does not take into account the need for support that the most vulnerable people face or the technological barriers.

The cost of Access to Justice

Simultaneously with the announcement of the Official Gazette, the Executive Branch issued a statement that ignores, on the one hand, the most basic premises of access to justice and, on the other, some obvious facts such as that in Argentina there has been no Ombudsman for a long time. 15 years or that the Crime Victim Assistance Centers (CENAVID) operate precisely in the CAJ or remotely through telephone service.

In the same statement, reference is made to the cost that this policy has for the country. The first thing to say is that it is not possible to verify the figure of 8 billion pesos that the Ministry of Justice mentions regarding the cost of maintaining the CAJs. However, it is necessary to highlight that, if that were the correct number, it would correspond to only 0.01% of public spending. In comparative terms, it is equivalent, for example, to 8% of the tax benefits granted to the Mercado Libre company in 2023 or 0.18% of what Argentina has paid in external debt services so far.

At the same time, it is important to highlight that the use of the law by people in situations of greater vulnerability and early attention and resolution
of legal consultations and conflicts result in better economic results in general, avoiding the loss of resources and the aggravation and escalation of the problems they face. Investment in Access to Justice ends up reducing State expenses. Currently, international organizations such as the OECD encourage the implementation of this type of device, in part, with arguments of this type.

Concern about the current situation is transversal. Civil society organizations and different people and institutions committed to access to justice agree on the loss that the reduction of this service means. In the current situation of socioeconomic crisis, these territorial and people-centered policies are a fundamental instrument for effective access to justice.


  • ACIJ – Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia
  • ELA – Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género
  • INECIP – Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales
  • CELS – Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
  • Fundeps
  • Capibara
  • Xumek
  • RAAC – Red Argentina de Abogacía Comunitaria
  • Curas Villeros
  • Andhes – Abogados y Abogadas del Noroeste Argentino en derechos humanos y
    estudios sociales.
  • Observatorio de justicia sanitaria y climática

About access to justice

Access to justice is an internationally recognized human right and is also considered instrumental, that is, it allows access to others rights. It includes guaranteeing the effectiveness of the rights of all people, which includes not only being able to access judicial actions but not finding non-judicial, administrative and alternative responses to conflicts that affect people’s daily lives.

Mayca Balaguer,

Three days after the 9th anniversary of Ni Una Menos and five after the publication of the femicides report that confirmed that in 2023 there were 250 victims in our country, the national government decided to close the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence. A woman dies every 35 hours in Argentina, while one in two women in a relationship has suffered or is suffering from domestic violence and there are no state structures to resolve it.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

According to data from the National Registry of Femicide of the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice, there have been between 226 and 260 victims of femicide per year from 2017 to 2023. It is clear that lethal gender-based violence is far from being resolved. The problem is real and not ideological. To these lethality data we must add the 124,000 calls to line 144, a state policy that has been in existence for 10 years and is a hub for prevention.

Public policies to address cases of gender violence are part of a commitment that the Argentine State has historically made within the framework of international agreements and that is why gender institutions were created almost 40 years ago to carry them out. Argentina occupies a privileged role in the fulfillment of these agreements and has been a pioneer in taking measures against discrimination and violence against women and LGBT people. It is taken as an example internationally.

Without specialized bodies in the comprehensive approach or sufficient personnel and budget, the Argentine State will not be able to design and implement adequate policies to prevent and punish these acts. But, furthermore, you will not be fulfilling your obligations. With the closure of the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence, the Argentine State goes back to times prior to 1987 when the first undersecretariat for women was created and retraces a path of progressive progress that it achieved in the last 37 years.

Our National Constitution grants constitutional status to the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), committing to the development of policies aimed at eliminating discrimination against women by all appropriate means and without delay and enshrining the Inter-American Convention to Prevent , Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women (Belem do Pará) in 1996 through Law No. 24,632. With the closure of the Undersecretariat, the commitments no longer have reference authority for the design of policies and budgets and Law No. 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women will no longer have enforcement authority.

Fiscal regulation cannot be done at the cost of deaths and other forms of discriminatory violence against the population. Our society has built a consensus against gender violence. It is not an option to reverse four decades of progress.

We demand that the government rise to the urgency and immediately designate an adequate structure to respond to a problem that does not cease. We urge Congress to ensure that the laws it defines for social protection are executed.


SEE ACCESSIONS: La protección contra la violencia de género es un compromiso con toda la sociedad

Gides (Social Rights Research Group), Fundeps (Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies) and Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Argentina presented ourselves to the Ministry of Justice of the Nation to explain the reasons why we consider that the candidates for fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla, do not meet the conditions required to integrate the highest body of justice in our country.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

As academic and civil society organizations with a long history in the field of human rights, we understand that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as the main guarantor of the National Constitution and the Rule of Law, can only be made up of people whose experience reflects strong suitability and independence, as well as a firm commitment to constitutional principles and human rights.

Ariel Lijo faces serious accusations in the Judicial Council, including negligence in the investigation of corruption cases, unjustified delays in legal processes and accusations of illicit enrichment, in addition to criminal charges for illicit association, money laundering, bribery and influence peddling. . Furthermore, he lacks professional or academic merits to support his candidacy.

Likewise, we express our deepest concern about the flagrant lack of representation of various sectors of society in the potential composition of the Supreme Court. The inclusion of new members should reflect gender diversity and thematic and regional specialization, to ensure adequate representation of a federal country like ours. It is necessary to emphasize that gender diversity in public positions and decision-making bodies is a legally binding requirement derived from our constitution and international treaties.

For all of the above, we reject the candidacies of Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla to the CSJN. We demand that constitutional guarantees be respected to achieve an equitable composition that takes into account regional and gender diversity, as well as the minimum conditions of professional experience required to occupy one of the most important positions of justice in our country.


Mayca Balaguer,

During the months of August and October 2023, from Fundeps, together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space and with the support of the Heinrich Böell Foundation and the UPC Extension Secretariat, we carry out the Rethinking the Economy Training Cycle: a feminist perspective. From these meetings we built a guide for Reflection and Transformation.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In this training cycle we met with a wide diversity of spaces to devise resistance alternatives that put the sustainability of life at the center, among them participated: self-managed organizations, enterprises, cooperatives, unions, academic spaces, workers in the field public-state, civil society organizations, social and feminist movements and interested people in the province.

From this enriching experience that consisted of six instances, we proposed to share a systematization with those interested in embarking on a path of (de)construction on the ways in which we understand and participate in the economy. From a critical perspective, this input seeks not only to understand reality from a complex perspective, but also to contribute to its transformation. To this end, we recover and organize both the theoretical and methodological contributions as well as the reflections, questions and dynamics from which the training meetings were built.

The pedagogical orientation of this guide was designed from a feminist perspective, integrating various tools of popular education, sensitivity and affectivity. It is divided into two parts: the first addresses fundamental conceptual categories to analyze the economy from a feminist perspective; The second includes annexes with activities designed to raise awareness and reinforce said contents. As a closing, some poems are presented that seek to connect the reflections and thoughts developed during the meetings, with our deepest and most sensitive emotions.

In this sense, the guide presents several fundamental conceptual and political contributions, among them: the sexual division of labor and its impact on the labor market; the social organization of care and the reproduction of inequalities; the reconfiguration of statehood from feminist perspectives, including the idea of an Open State. It also covers some bills that represent important precedents for the construction of proposals that could give rise to regulatory frameworks for the recognition of care work in community settings.

This guide, then, becomes a commitment and a political tool to socialize various critical and collective knowledge related to the construction of “another fairer economy” in which we can be participants. We hope that this resource will be useful to generate enriching dialogues between the conceptual assumptions of Feminist Economics and the vital and organizational experiences of those who consult it. We hope that this guide helps to question current living conditions and thus be able to build solid foundations that support and strengthen care practices for the sustainability of life.




Carola Bertona

Cecilia Bustos Moreschi,

This is the slogan of our campaign that seeks to debunk myths about CSE, promote open debates and provide essential knowledge that allows students to exercise their rights and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On February 26, students from across the province of Córdoba will begin a new school year. Those who turn eighteen in 2024 will have the same number of years that will be counted in October from the enactment of Law 26,150, known as the Comprehensive Sexual Education Law (ESI). In this return to school, they hope that ESI will finally be implemented in their classes, so as not to continue being part of the 80% of students who consider that it is not applied adequately in their school, according to the data that emerges from a survey carried out by the Huésped Foundation.

“Comprehensive Sexual Education is an inalienable right of students throughout the country who attend both public and private educational establishments, as established by Law 26,150. Although this law has been in force since 2006, its effective compliance has not been achieved and, furthermore, today this right is threatened by strong disinformation campaigns that circulate both in public opinion and in institutional spaces,” explains Mayca Balaguer, executive director. from Fundeps.

Coinciding with the start of classes, at Fundeps we launch the ESI because Yes awareness campaign, with the aim of making adolescents and young people aware that Comprehensive Sexual Education is their right and that it must be guaranteed in all cases. With clear and precise information, the campaign aims to combat false news, myths and hate speech that circulate on social networks, generating confusion and false beliefs about the content and effective practices of the law in schools.

ESI because Yes, is intended mainly for secondary level students in the province, but also for teachers and educational authorities.

“The teaching role is fundamental: teaching sexual education is essential for the eradication of gender violence, the integration of sexual diversity, the prevention of sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, among other issues. ESI is not a gender ideology, but rather a systematic and transversal space for teaching and learning, which ensures the transmission of precise, reliable and appropriate scientific knowledge at each evolutionary stage of the students. Teachers are guarantors of rights,” defines Mayca Balaguer.

In Córdoba, the Provincial Education Law (9870) reinforces adherence to national regulations, both in content and knowledge and in values. However, impediments to its application continue to exist in many institutions. That is why we also bet on networking, together with other organizations committed to the promotion of human rights.

“Guaranteeing ESI is expanding rights. It allows students to be formed who are free in thought and choice, with empathy and the ability to live a full sexuality with respectful bonds, since the very definition of Comprehensive Sexual Education stipulated by Law 26,150 contemplates the articulation of biological, psychological, social, emotional and ethical aspects “, confirms our executive director.

The ESI because Yes campaign will be available on the social networks of Fundeps and allied organizations.



Mayca Balaguer,

We present three amicus curiae before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to offer some considerations regarding care as a human right. Our participation was part of a collective process that synthesizes specialized knowledge.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In January, the Argentine State asked the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IAC Court) to issue a ruling regarding “The content and scope of the right to care and its interrelation with other rights.” What motivated this request, according to the different ministries involved, was the opportunity to address gender inequalities by building more fair and equitable standards in terms of care.

Based on this request, the Inter-American Court will issue an Advisory Opinion, previously allowing the involvement of other actors in the interpretative process of this right. At Fundeps we have taken part, along with other spaces, in the construction of a judicial tool called amicus curiae, which enables voluntary participation through a technical-legal opinion. Likewise, we have adhered to the documents prepared by the CLACAI Legal Network and the Red DESC.

This collective work process brought together activists, professors from Latin American and European universities, people from academia and experts from different committees, feminist and human rights organizations. The document presented seeks to provide elements to the court regarding care as a human right: to care, to be cared for, and to self-care.

The document reconstructs the conception of care as a need that transcends interpersonal relationships, in order to consider it “as an inherent process linked to the sustainability of life and well-being.” From this position, the amicus maintains the right to care as an autonomous right that, at the same time, maintains interdependencies with other rights. Thus, considerations were offered regarding its connection with the right to health, sexual and (non) reproductive health, sexual diversity, social security, a healthy environment, the territories and the city. Furthermore, the amicus explained the importance of having systems of indicators – quantitative and qualitative – of human rights, which allow States to produce complete and systematized information, for monitoring compliance with the right to care.

Regarding the enforceability of the State’s obligations, it was stated that the respect, protection and fulfillment of women’s right to non-discrimination and the enjoyment of equality is an obligation derived from this autonomous right. However, it was expressed that it becomes necessary to take into account, from an intersectional perspective, those obligations derived from the right to care in sectors most exposed to vulnerability: people with disabilities and mental health problems, migrants and indigenous peoples.

As a point to highlight, our presentation also raised the importance of community care work, establishing that it takes particular forms in soup kitchens and soup kitchens, picnic areas, kindergartens, medical rooms, among others, to face economic crises. In this sense, the organization mainly of women and dissidents in territories where social inequalities are evident, this type of care allows social reproduction and the sustainability of life.

In conclusion, we maintained that the right to care is an autonomous right that must be guaranteed by States under conditions of universality, equality and non-discrimination. This means the revaluation of care as an independent right that requires both enforceability towards the State, as well as co-responsibility and distribution, involving both society as a whole and the market.


See Amicus Curiae

See Amicus Curiae – Red DESC

See Amicus Curiae – CLACAI



Carola Bertona


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi,

In June of this year, La Casita Trans filed a lawsuit in the jurisdiction of violence against the Medical Council for offering training with pathologizing content. From Fundeps we present an amicus curiae in the case.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

La Casita Trans is a Civil Association of Córdoba that accompanies trans identities and their families. Through different actions they fulfill one of their fundamental objectives: working for the recognition and protection of their rights. They are also a center of support and reference, with a focus on trans masculinities.

At the beginning of this year, through publications on social networks of the Medical Council of the province of Córdoba about training aimed at health professionals, the entity promoted an update program that has a module named “Gender Dysphoria.” La Casita intervened by filing a complaint with INADI, requesting rectification of the training since, with that name, it violates current laws and contains violent and discriminatory content against trans identities.

Given the lack of agreement and appropriate response from the Medical Council, the organization filed a lawsuit to prevent this training module from being carried out. The case is pending before the 3rd Nomination Court of Children, Adolescence, Family and Gender Violence of Córdoba.

At Fundeps we intervened through an amicus curiae in which we confirmed that the pathologization of trans identities violates current legislation, the timeliness of scientific information and constitutes a type of violence. It is particularly dangerous that the entity that regulates and supervises the medical profession in our province dictates training with outdated scientific content. It must be taken into account that the organization is in charge of training professionals who will then reproduce said learning in doctor-patient relationships, with the risk of generating situations of violence, discrimination and violation of human rights.

The current international and national provisions, which in our country have been pioneers and avant-garde in the matter, are essential for the protection and recognition of the human rights of diversities. Therefore, judicial interventions that seek to guarantee its respect and avoid future violations are a key tool to ensure compliance.

In a socio-cultural context that still strains the human rights of people from the LGBTIQ+ community, it is necessary to act against symbolic violence. These violations are directly related to hostile treatment in the field of health, which influences trans people to avoid it so as not to be (re)victimized.

The State, private entities and society must focus on supporting the diversity of gender experiences, celebrating the identity of each person and creating inclusive spaces that promote the well-being and safety of trans people.

See Amicus curiae



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer,

From Fundeps, together with IDEJUS and Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, we present “Breaking schemes: a Conversation on Feminist Litigation” at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Córdoba. We spoke with an international panel of lawyers with outstanding experience in the defense of human rights.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On Friday, September 15, within the framework of the optional subject “Feminist Litigation: Legal Strategies for Gender Equality” taught this semester at the Faculty of Law, the first discussion on feminist litigation took place. The subject addresses conceptual issues about strategic litigation and feminist criticism of law, with a practical part in which cases and experiences are studied. The teaching team is made up of lawyers from Fundeps, CDD and IDEJUS.

With the participation of Lucía de la Vega (CELS), Soledad Deza (Women x Women), Mariela Galeazzi (Amnesty International), Patricia Sotile (Latin American Justice and Gender Team) and Natalia Acevedo Guerrero (O’Neill Institute for Law and Global and National Health from Georgetown University), we talked about her experience in social organizations and in the development of strategic litigation, the obstacles to the practice of law with a feminist perspective and her response to all types of judicial controversies. They highlighted the importance of collective and interdisciplinary work for comprehensive approaches and the need for training in feminist and human rights perspectives in the legal field.

With a review of those causes in which they participated, the progress of the integration of perspectives for real access to justice and the importance of its promotion and dissemination was analyzed.

Through these instances, in line with what was discussed with the panel and with the institutional support of the Faculty of Law, we are committed to contributing to the training of legal professionals with a gender perspective.



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer,

During the last few months we have participated in international training, exchange and strengthening of the struggle for the right to access to abortion in the continent.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Both the organization for advocacy and the difficulties involved are a common factor of the movements in the struggle for access to abortion throughout the region. With their differences and local particularities, a large group of people are part of international instances to share experiences and perspectives.

A tide that crosses borders

In February, following the new scenario that emerged with the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the famous “Roe v. Wade” ruling, the Green Wave Gathering was held in Washington, D.C. More than one hundred leaders and activists from the Americas participated under a fundamental premise of the feminist movement: joining forces. During three days, there were multiple tables of exchange and presentation of the problems of each country and the ways to address them, focusing on the construction of an intersectional and decolonial perspective of struggle. The meeting ended with a pañuelazo at Freedom Plaza, where the artwork created by the artist Paola Mendoza, representing the connection between the two continents for reproductive justice, was exhibited. In addition, the artwork pays tribute to the activists who have worked tirelessly to promote reproductive rights in both regions.



Persisting for change: abortion is our right

In June we also participated in the VII Regional Conference of CLACAI (Latin American Consortium Against Unsafe Abortion) which took place in Panama City, Panama. The Conference brought together health and legal professionals and journalists working for the defense of abortion rights from eighteen Latin American countries. There were multiple spaces for debate, training and collective construction for a comprehensive approach to the proposal. We would especially highlight the first face-to-face meeting of the recent Youth Network for the Right to Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is presented as a powerful space for the future of the movement.

The exchange of regional experiences and the strengthening of networks is one of the great signs that the struggle is collective.



Networked law

In line with the strengthening of networks and as part of the CLACAI Legal Network, we recently presented an Amicus Curiae before the Constitutional Court of Colombia. This action is framed in a case about a situation of multiple violence in the care of a young woman’s termination of pregnancy.

Through these instances we fight for the participation and collective and regional construction of the legal recognition of the right to access to safe abortions, the construction of public policies and standards respectful of the human and fundamental rights of pregnant women.



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer,

From August 5 to September 30 we will carry out a training cycle on Feminist Economics at the UPC. It is aimed at self-management organizations, enterprises, cooperatives, unions, academic spaces, civil society organizations, social and feminist movements and interested people in the Province of Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Did you know that women dedicate twice as much time as men to domestic and care work, and that this affects them, leading them to situations of greater precariousness and poverty?
We know this data from the contributions of Feminist Economics. This offers a critical perspective that allows us to discuss the limits of conventional economics, recognizing the activities that take place in the realm of “the private” and demonstrating that they are essential for life to happen. It contributes to reflections on the economic aspects of the lives of women and LGTBIQANoBi+ and how they are related to access to their rights.

The critical approach of Feminist Economics allows us to analyze the complexity of economic reality, not only to better understand it but also to transform it. That is why it is a commitment to establish the bases towards “another, fairer economy” in which we can participate.

For this reason, we invite you to participate in a training cycle for mutual learning and critical reflection from the tools provided by the Feminist Economy. It is aimed at self-managed organizations, enterprises and cooperatives, unions, academic spaces, civil society organizations, social and feminist movements and people interested in the subject of the Province of Córdoba.

We hope that this space generates powerful dialogues between the conceptual assumptions of this perspective and the life and organizational experiences themselves, to problematize the living conditions and build foundations that sustain and strengthen experiences that bet on the sustainability of life.

Schedule and contents
The cycle will take place in the City of Arts of the Provincial University of Córdoba, on Saturday August 5, 19 and 26 and September 9, 23 and 30. The meetings will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The training is made up of 4 modules organized in a comprehensive and sequenced manner to be able to delve into specific topics and debates at each meeting.

For more information, download the content program 

It is possible to enroll in the complete cycle as in 1 or more separate modules. We recommend participation in the entire cycle to have a full and deep understanding of the proposed themes.

Interested persons must register through the following form. We will prioritize the participation of feminized subjects and the LGTTTBIQ+ community.
The registration deadline is July 30 inclusive.

Transfer grants
We will provide transfer scholarships so that distance is not an impediment to participation from different parts of the province of Córdoba.
Because we have a quota of transfer scholarships, we will prioritize those who do not reside in the City of Córdoba and cannot afford transportation.
The application for these scholarships is made through the registration form. We will communicate directly with those who access the scholarship up to a week before the start of the cycle.

People who attend the training, either the full cycle or one of its modules, will receive the corresponding accreditation certificate endorsed by the Feminist Economics Space, Fundeps and the University Extension Secretariat of the Provincial University of Córdoba.

Organized by: Fundeps, Espacio de Economía Feminista and Fundación Heinrich Böll.
Support: Provincial University of Córdoba

More information

We present “Pañuelos en lucha”, a series of four episodes that highlights the testimonies of different people who fought for the sanction of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law in Argentina and continue to raise their handkerchiefs to defend it.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The project, carried out together with Parque Podcast and with the support of the Mujeres del Sur Fund, has as its protagonists the voices of women and gender dissidence members of the green tide, who had some type of participation in the process prior to the enactment of the law , and in its subsequent implementation and defense.

Based on the collection of testimonies and the sound archive that brings together experiences from different parts of the country, we tell the story of the enactment of the IVE law and what came after. The objective of this sound essay is to serve as a historical account that recovers and reconstructs various forms of organization and strategies of struggle of the movements in favor of reproductive autonomy.

We set out to reflect how, despite the actions and strategies implemented by conservative and religious fundamentalist groups, the sanction could be obtained and work continues for its full implementation.

Each episode poses a fight scenario. In the first, “The desire made law”, we develop how the conquest process was experienced in Congress, during the vigils, and what the collective achievement of a law means. In the second, “Not a step back”, we reflect on how this right is accessed in health systems. In the third, “Winning the courts”, we tell how the judicial scenario is constituted as a space for dispute. Finally, in the fourth, “Abortion after abortion”, we propose some reflections on the pending challenges and how we see the future.

The ideation process of each episode and the collection of testimonies was carried out by the staff and volunteers from Fundeps’ Gender and Sexual Diversity and Communication areas. The script was written by Florencia Flores Iborra. The recording was in charge of Leticia Riera. The mixing and sound design was in charge of Paula Manini and the locution was by Constanza Barbisan.


We invite you to listen to it!



And here we share the transcriptions of the scripts for each episode:



Mayca Balaguer,