Training cycle: Rethinking the Economy, a feminist look
From August 5 to September 30 we will carry out a training cycle on Feminist Economics at the UPC. It is aimed at self-management organizations, enterprises, cooperatives, unions, academic spaces, civil society organizations, social and feminist movements and interested people in the Province of Córdoba.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.
Did you know that women dedicate twice as much time as men to domestic and care work, and that this affects them, leading them to situations of greater precariousness and poverty?
We know this data from the contributions of Feminist Economics. This offers a critical perspective that allows us to discuss the limits of conventional economics, recognizing the activities that take place in the realm of “the private” and demonstrating that they are essential for life to happen. It contributes to reflections on the economic aspects of the lives of women and LGTBIQANoBi+ and how they are related to access to their rights.
The critical approach of Feminist Economics allows us to analyze the complexity of economic reality, not only to better understand it but also to transform it. That is why it is a commitment to establish the bases towards “another, fairer economy” in which we can participate.
For this reason, we invite you to participate in a training cycle for mutual learning and critical reflection from the tools provided by the Feminist Economy. It is aimed at self-managed organizations, enterprises and cooperatives, unions, academic spaces, civil society organizations, social and feminist movements and people interested in the subject of the Province of Córdoba.
We hope that this space generates powerful dialogues between the conceptual assumptions of this perspective and the life and organizational experiences themselves, to problematize the living conditions and build foundations that sustain and strengthen experiences that bet on the sustainability of life.
Schedule and contents
The cycle will take place in the City of Arts of the Provincial University of Córdoba, on Saturday August 5, 19 and 26 and September 9, 23 and 30. The meetings will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The training is made up of 4 modules organized in a comprehensive and sequenced manner to be able to delve into specific topics and debates at each meeting.
For more information, download the content program
It is possible to enroll in the complete cycle as in 1 or more separate modules. We recommend participation in the entire cycle to have a full and deep understanding of the proposed themes.
Interested persons must register through the following form. We will prioritize the participation of feminized subjects and the LGTTTBIQ+ community.
The registration deadline is July 30 inclusive.
Transfer grants
We will provide transfer scholarships so that distance is not an impediment to participation from different parts of the province of Córdoba.
Because we have a quota of transfer scholarships, we will prioritize those who do not reside in the City of Córdoba and cannot afford transportation.
The application for these scholarships is made through the registration form. We will communicate directly with those who access the scholarship up to a week before the start of the cycle.
People who attend the training, either the full cycle or one of its modules, will receive the corresponding accreditation certificate endorsed by the Feminist Economics Space, Fundeps and the University Extension Secretariat of the Provincial University of Córdoba.
Organized by: Fundeps, Espacio de Economía Feminista and Fundación Heinrich Böll.
Support: Provincial University of Córdoba
More information
- Tools for self-management from a perspective of sustainability of life
- STRENGTHENING OTHER ECONOMY(S): Guide for self-managing organizations
- Other economies: the self-management from a perspective of la Sustainability of la Life
- Ciclo encuentros virtuales sobre Economía Feminista.
- Cortos audiovisuales sobre Economía Feminista y Autogestión
- Weaving the networks that sustain us: this is how we live the Feminist Economics Meeting