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We seek to work with all the groups that intervene in the development process: with different government levels, other civil society organizations, the private sector, the academic sector, communities, and the public. The objective is to promote a sustainable, equitable and participatory development guided by human rights.

We structure our work in 5 areas that constantly interact and develop the following activities: research, training and capacity building, political advocacy, strategic litigation, networking, and awareness campaigns.

Latest News in Working Areas ›


China is committed to respecting human rights in its foreign investments

On March 15, China accepted 284 of the recommendations made in its third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). These are aimed at preventing human rights violations in the field of their investments…

We present a report to the IACHR on the rights of the elderly

In the framework of the public consultation carried out by the Unit on the Rights of Older Persons of the IACHR, Fundeps, together with other civil society organizations, presented a report on national systems for the protection of the rights…

Healthy school environments: a key policy in the fight against childhood overweight and obesity

The Ministry of Health of the Nation published a document that condenses a series of recommendations for the implementation of policies to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents (NNyA) in educational institutions. It…

Climate change and human rights: request for a thematic hearing before the IACHR

Together with organizations with a history in the defense of human rights and the environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, we request a thematic hearing before the IACHR regarding the violation of human rights in the context of climate…

Revocation of the order to carry out studies on environmental contamination in Porta Hnos.’s case

On February 22, the Federal Court of Appeals of Córdoba, by majority vote, decided to revoke the resolution issued by the Federal Court No. 3 of Córdoba in the context of the Porta Hermanos case. In that resolution, studies were ordered on…

More than 100 organizations are calling on EITI to publish environmental information

On the initiative of the Peruvian organization 'Law, Environment and Natural Resources', on February 25, a letter was presented to the Board of Directors for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), demanding the publication…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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