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The problem of solid urban waste in Córdoba
Fundeps prepares a working document that deals with the problem of MSW (Urban Solid Waste) in our city. The objective is to contribute and influence public policies at the local level that guarantee the right to health and a healthy and balanced…

Let’s all engage in the elaboration of the regional agreement on environmental matters
Our foundation is participating actively in the monitoring of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, in accordance with Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration. By means of this letter we invite you to participate in the elaboration of the Guidance Document for Negotiations, providing comments and suggestions.

Eighth Chamber rejects injunction to get authorization to fumigate in Alta Gracia
In a trial in which FUNDEPS intervened as amicus curia, The Eighth Chamber of Civil and Commercial Affairs of Cordoba rejected once again the injunction for which VERDOL S.A. requested authorization to fumigate in the City of Alta Gracia, in a celebrated but censurable decision.

States’ Extraterritorial Obligations regarding the protection of human rights
Despite the universitality of human rights, a large number of States continue interpreting their obligations as applicable only within their own territory. This has led to an important void in the protection of these rights, for which reason a series of principles has been developed that intend to clarify what States' extraterritorial obligations are in terms of economic, social and cultural rights.

The IDB approves the ICIM’s new policy. A weaker and less reliable Mechanism
With virtually no regard for the comments and suggestions from civilsociety, the IDB has approved the new policy of the IndependentConsultation and Investigation Mechanism (ICIM). While this doesinclude a sparse few positive aspects, it implies a setback in theprocess of strengthening the ICIM started in 2010.