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Extraordinary agreement reached between the Ministry of Health of Mendoza and major cigarette manufacturers Nobleza Picardo and Massalin Particulares
On 15 October 2014, the Health Minister of the province of Mendoza announced a campaign launched in collaboration with major tobacco transnationals Massalin Particulares and Nobleza Piccardo.
Right of access in environmental matters. Towards a Latin American regional convention. Fourth meeting on focal points: negotiations begin.
The process towards international environmental governance has its origin in 1972 in the Stockholm Conference, and developed through various conferences and summits.
FUNDEPS participates in the Annual Meeting of the World Bank and the IMF, dominated by the review of the World Bank’s environmental and social safeguards
In addition to participating in the discussions and demonstrations that took place regarding the process of reviewing the World Bank’s environmental and social safeguards, FUNDEPS met with staff from the IDB and MICI; and it was part of a discussion panel where a publication about the current funding landscape for infrastructure in Latin America, prepared by the Regional Group on Finance and Infrastructure, was presented.
Amicus Curiae submitted to the Constitutional Court of Colombia
FUNDEPS was called by the University of Medellín to take part in an Amicus Curiae presented to the Constitutional Court of Colombia. The case is about adoption by homosexual couples and supports an appeal made by the Legal Clinic of General Theory of Law in Colombia.
Concerns on the ICIM potential weakening in the review process being carried out by the IDB
The changes put in place by the bank suggest a deliberate weakening of the Mechanism, especially in terms of accessibility and independence, aspects that are crucial for creating an effective and efficient instrument.
The Independent Consultation…