Three days after the 9th anniversary of Ni Una Menos and five after the publication of the femicides report that confirmed that in 2023 there were 250 victims in our country, the national government decided to close the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence. A woman dies every 35 hours in Argentina, while one in two women in a relationship has suffered or is suffering from domestic violence and there are no state structures to resolve it.

According to data from the National Registry of Femicide of the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice, there have been between 226 and 260 victims of femicide per year from 2017 to 2023. It is clear that lethal gender-based violence is far from being resolved. The problem is real and not ideological. To these lethality data we must add the 124,000 calls to line 144, a state policy that has been in existence for 10 years and is a hub for prevention.

Public policies to address cases of gender violence are part of a commitment that the Argentine State has historically made within the framework of international agreements and that is why gender institutions were created almost 40 years ago to carry them out. Argentina occupies a privileged role in the fulfillment of these agreements and has been a pioneer in taking measures against discrimination and violence against women and LGBT people. It is taken as an example internationally.

Without specialized bodies in the comprehensive approach or sufficient personnel and budget, the Argentine State will not be able to design and implement adequate policies to prevent and punish these acts. But, furthermore, you will not be fulfilling your obligations. With the closure of the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence, the Argentine State goes back to times prior to 1987 when the first undersecretariat for women was created and retraces a path of progressive progress that it achieved in the last 37 years.

Our National Constitution grants constitutional status to the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), committing to the development of policies aimed at eliminating discrimination against women by all appropriate means and without delay and enshrining the Inter-American Convention to Prevent , Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women (Belem do Pará) in 1996 through Law No. 24,632. With the closure of the Undersecretariat, the commitments no longer have reference authority for the design of policies and budgets and Law No. 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women will no longer have enforcement authority.

Fiscal regulation cannot be done at the cost of deaths and other forms of discriminatory violence against the population. Our society has built a consensus against gender violence. It is not an option to reverse four decades of progress.

We demand that the government rise to the urgency and immediately designate an adequate structure to respond to a problem that does not cease. We urge Congress to ensure that the laws it defines for social protection are executed.


SEE ACCESSIONS: La protección contra la violencia de género es un compromiso con toda la sociedad

This booklet is a compilation of what we worked on in six meetings held at the Provincial University of Córdoba (UPC) within the framework of the Rethinking the Economy training cycle: a feminist perspective. Between August and October 2023, from Fundeps and the Feminist Economy Space of Córdoba, we carry out this cycle in order to generate a space for mutual learning about the concepts and problems that the Feminist Economy brings us, to devise forms of resistance that put the sustainability of life at the center.

The use we make of language is always loaded with meaning. Therefore, it becomes a tool to recognize the rights of identities that have been historically invisible.

Our starting point is to understand that what is not named does not exist, that is, it sustains oppressive power relations that reproduce inequalities and injustices. Therefore, when we refer to exclusive linguistic uses, we want to explain how the use of the masculine gender in a neutral way limits what can be said.

The following document includes concepts and recommendations on linguistic use, with the aim of promoting inclusion and trying to overcome the totalizing character of the masculine and the binary of conventional language.

The objective of this guide is to provide health personnel with fundamental content to carry out careful follow-up and guarantee safe practices of Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE/ILE). We intend to address legal aspects and based on current legislation, international standards and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). From the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and the ECOS Foundation we hope that it will be useful and consultation to carry out their daily work.

The Feminist Economy, together with the Ecological, Popular, Social and Solidarity Economy (the so-called Other economies) allow us to account for the unsustainability of the logics of inequality and looting that characterize the dominant capitalist and heterocis-patriarchal model. Also, it provides us with tools to identify, make visible and strengthen those that are committed to the sustainability of life.

Together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space, we present a report that rereads the self-managed experiences of the city of Córdoba and Valle de Punilla related to Feminist Economy, Ecological Economy, Popular Economy and Social and Solidarity Economy.

(ONLY SPANISH) The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented global impact in the modern era. Many countries are in a health, economic and social emergency due to the negative consequences of the fight against the new coronavirus.

Undoubtedly, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established for the United Nations 2030 Agenda will be affected. In this paper we analyze some of the positive and negative impacts on the SDGs, although we anticipate that in general the outlook is negative, especially if we focus on the effects it will have on community health and the increase in inequalities due to the economic slowdown. world.

This document proposes a descriptive and evaluative analysis of the recently published (2020) “Gender Risk Assessment Tool” (HERG) of the IDB Invest, which is a gender plan for companies to evaluate the impact of their projects on gender issues and structure prevention processes.

This document analyzes those issues that have been incorporated and the aspects that have not been incorporated and / or modified from the public consultation process carried out by the IDB. In particular, it emphasizes the need to guarantee the rights of girls, adolescents, women and LGBTTTQ + people so that the human rights of all people are effectively respected and guaranteed (Only spanish)

This document proposes a comparative analysis between the bill of Interruption Pregnancy Volunteer who was treated in the Chamber of Deputies in 2018 and obtained average sanction; the bill of the National Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion presented in 2019 in Congress and the project presented by the Executive Power in November 2020.

This material is a practical resource for the basics of self-management. It is the result of debates and dialogues, loaded with great desires for social transformation (only Spanish)

The following primer develops the technical and legal aspects that must be considered when guaranteeing the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy during the crisis generated by the coronavirus, with references to protocols and recommendations drawn up by the World Health Organization and other health institutions. It also contains a section on the use of telemedicine to attend to these practices.