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Advances and challenges at the Villa Carlos Paz Environmental Center Project

Administrative processes are advancing and it is expected that in May 2017 work will begin for the construction of the Villa Carlos Paz Environmental Center with financing from the Inter-American Development Bank.

The “Majul 910” program and its jokes about sexual abuse

En el programa “Majul 910” que se emite por Radio La Red, en el día martes 18 de octubre, un día antes de la marcha y paro realizados en toda Argentina tras el femicidio de Lucía Pérez, y bajo el lema #MiércolesNegro, un humorista realizó una cadena de chistes atravesados por un estereotipo de belleza que resultan ofensivos y opresivos para las mujeres.

The work of trunk gas pipelines in Cordoba has Chinese funding

The largest infrastructure project in the province of Cordoba has Chinese funding. Two Chinese banks: ICBC and Bank of China will finance 80% of the 8,400 million pesos of the trunk gas pipeline work in the province.

Discrimination: the failures of virtual “denunciations” before the INADI

On the site Infobae, it was published with a note titled "Reversed roles: did the woman become more masculine in relationships?", Which repeatedly incurs stereotypical and discriminatory comments and symbolic violence towards women. From this, a consultation was made with INADI, which did not have concrete results.

Critical Observations on the Native Forest Bill

We present to the Legislature critical comments on the native forest law project in the province of Córdoba, with a lot of irregularities in the participation process and several questionable points in the wording of its text, which would imply a decline in the protection of native forests.

The province of Cordoba in decline: implementation of electronic voting

On December 21, a draft law presented by the executive seeking the implementation of electronic voting was approved in the legislature of Córdoba. It is important to point out the dangers of such a system for our democracy. "Below, we offer…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

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