We present the website “Escazú for communities”: a tool to defend the environment
We launched the web platform “Escazú Agreement for communities”, which provides information about the Agreement and the rights it contemplates with data and practical models to make them effective. Additionally, within the site, a document is available to download that brings together the experiences and learnings of different communities in Córdoba that face environmental problems and have been fighting for years.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.
The Escazú Agreement is the first environmental treaty in the region on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is also the first treaty in the world to contain provisions related to the protection and promotion of the work carried out by human rights defenders in environmental matters.
At Fundeps, we have been accompanying the process of the Agreement since before its approval in 2018, due to the central role it plays in strengthening environmental democracy and climate justice. Within the framework of this process, when it came into force in Argentina we launched a Resource of the Escazú Agreement and a Guide on Access to Environmental Information. Then, we carried out a training cycle on access to public environmental information and an introduction to Escazú, and in 2023, as part of the project called “Escazú Agreement: What is happening in Córdoba?”, we held workshops in different locations in the province. crossed by socio-environmental conflicts.
This entire journey, added to the daily accompaniment to communities in Córdoba, allowed us to detect the need to create a tool that brings together all the inputs created, information related to the Escazú Agreement and that provides practical instruments to facilitate the exercise of the rights it regulates. For this reason, we launched “Escazú for communities” (agreementdescazu.org), a platform that provides information about what the Agreement is, what rights it contemplates and how they are exercised, what is the history of the Agreement, which countries in the region are part, the answers to frequent doubts that arise among those who defend the environment, among other contents. Our objective is to make available to communities the tools that Escazú offers to promote and monitor their effective implementation, and strengthen the struggles of people and groups that defend the environment, collective health and their territories.
Among the tools on the site, you can find: models for requesting public environmental information, explanations on how citizen participation should be guaranteed and made effective in decisions that impact the environment, types of judicial actions that can be filed to claim; the obligations of States to guarantee the safety of those who defend the environment, among other issues.
At Fundeps we have also been working to strengthen the strategies and approaches to socio-environmental conflicts, putting human rights defenders in environmental matters at the center. For this reason, within the website you can also access “Resisting and re-existing in community. Stories and experiences of socio-environmental struggles in Córdoba. This document is the result of a series of interviews carried out during 2023 and 2024 with seven communities in struggle in the province of Córdoba (OMAS, VUDAS, Todxs por Nuestros Arreros, Vecinos Autoconvocados de Marcos Juárez, Preservando el Parque de la Vida, Madres de Barrio Ituzaingó and Friends of the San Martín Reserve), to whom we deeply appreciate their support and collaboration. The purpose is to share the experiences of the communities, their stories and their useful advice for those who are beginning a process of socio-environmental struggle.
We are committed to this website serving as reference material and strengthening environmental capacities. We also promote the dissemination of struggle strategies and the learning of those who carry them out in the province, so that socio-environmental challenges are navigated solidly knowledge, based on shared experiences and, above all, on the network.
We hope that it will be useful to interested people, and above all, to those who defend human rights in environmental matters.
Ananda María Lavayen
Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org