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Protection for delay in access to environmental information

On December 1, we filed an amparo action for delay of the Secretary of Environment of the Province of Córdoba in providing environmental public information. Through this action we ask the courts to require the Province to fulfill its duty to provide the requested information.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

During the months of October and November, we asked the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change of the Province for public information related to the policies and actions implemented by the Provincial State regarding prevention, mitigation and adaptation measures to the phenomenon. In the absence of a response within the term provided by current provincial regulations, we again request the prompt dispatch of the administration.

In the absence of a specific response, and when the deadlines have expired, we filed an action for protection for default. This consists in informing the Provincial Courts of the delay in complying with the deadlines ordered by law to answer the request, so that later the judicial body requires the authority in question to fulfill its duty.

It should be remembered that the right of access to information is guaranteed in the Argentine regulatory system and is recognized in Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro of 1994, the Escazú Agreement ratified by National Law No. 27,566, in art . 41 of the National Constitution, as well as Laws 25,831 on Access to Public Environmental Information and 25,675 General on the Environment. This right is a fundamental presupposition proper to democratic coexistence and is necessary for proper environmental management.

In fulfilling their obligations, the authorities must provide such information, without it being necessary to prove interest or any reason, free of charge and within the prescribed deadlines. In the event of non-compliance, the action for protection by default is outlined as the way to guarantee the enjoyment of such a fundamental right.


Juan Bautista Lopez, juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org