Public budget: the debate and approval stage began in the Legislature
Each year budget laws are enacted that will guide the development of public policies for the following year, both at the national and provincial levels and in all the municipalities of the country. Through these laws, management priorities are set, and it is determined how much will be collected and invested in public policies.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.
In Córdoba, this process began on November 15 when the provincial executive sent the provincial public budget bill to the Legislature, and with the presentation made by the Minister of Finance, Osvaldo Giordano, to the legislative body two days later. The project must be accompanied by a “Message from the Executive” which is a reflection of the government plan that the provincial government is in charge of to guide economic activities.
After this, a period of debate and review begins in several of the Legislative Commissions. Of these, the one that plays a major role in this process is the Economy, Budget, Public Management and Innovation Commission, since it is in charge of preparing the opinion (or two, one by majority and one by minority) that is incorporated into the order. of the day of the Legislature to be dealt with in Sessions.
How is the budget law approved in Córdoba?
The budget law is approved through the “double reading” mechanism, provided for by the Constitution of the province for certain important cases (such as the declaration of constitutional reform, borrowing, among others), which involves the debate in two legislative sessions. This arrangement was foreseen once the Legislature of Córdoba became unicameral, as of 2001. In addition, the possibility of holding a public hearing, between sessions, is foreseen, which in the case of the approval of the budget law it is mandatory.
In other words, it is approved in two legislative sessions, between which no more than 15 days can elapse, and a hearing is held in between. Entities representing various social, economic, productive, professional sectors, as well as citizens in general, usually participate in this.
This Hearing must be convened by the presidency of the Legislature, that is, the vice-government, once the bill has been approved in first reading. In addition, the call must be published both in the Official Gazette and in a newspaper of circulation of the province, for two days and one day respectively. The Legislature’s outreach channels are also used, such as its own website.
Any person, association or organization that wishes to give their opinion, comments or observations to the budget bill may participate in the hearing. You can participate by speaking or as a “simple assistant” as a listener. A Minute and a stenographic version are drawn up of each hearing, where everything said is reflected, material that is made available to the legislative body for its consideration in the face of the second reading session. Once the bill is approved or rejected, the versions of the hearings are available to the public on the Legislature’s Open Data Portal (Commissions section).
We leave you this information so that you can follow the debate process of the budget law 2022 in Córdoba
- Budget bill 2022 along with its Message, and attached documents.
- Tentative schedule for the treatment of the budget law 2022:
- Wednesday 1/12: 1st Session of treatment of the project in first reading
- Thursday 12/9: Public hearing
- Wednesday 12/15: 2nd session to discuss the project in second reading
- If you want to know more, contact:
Nina Sibilla,
Related note
ABC of the Public Budget in the provinces of Córdoba, Mendoza, Salta and Tucumán