Tag Archive for: Healthy nutrition

The Ministry of Health published a bibliographic review document of front labeling options. The highest health authority in our country explicitly recommends the frontal labeling of warnings. It is urgent to turn those recommendations into public policies.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In our country, according to the National Survey of Risk Factors 2013 (ENFR 2013, Ministry of Health of the Nation), 57.9% of the adult population is overweight, 34.1% have high blood pressure and the daily average of portions of fruits or vegetables consumed is 1.9 per person. Added to this is the fact that salt consumption is twice as much and added sugar is three times the maximum recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). This situation demonstrates the need to formulate public policies that tend to reduce the consumption of products with critical nutrients and to improve the dietary habits of the population in order to reduce overweight, obesity and other noncommunicable diseases.

In this sense, the World Health Organization has recognized a series of policies of proven effectiveness to prevent obesity, such as the restriction of advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages, a front labeling of food warnings, fiscal measures, among others. In addition, numerous human rights committees have recommended the implementation of food policies as a necessary element to protect the right to health of people.

Thus, in the concluding comments made in November of the current report to Argentina, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recommended “Taking effective measures to discourage the consumption of food and beverages harmful to health, including by increasing the tax on sugary drinks, strengthening the regulation of the Argentine Food Code in terms of front labeling of foods, including information on sugar in products, and implementing restrictions on the advertising of foods and beverages harmful to health, particularly those intended for children”. In the same sense, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) proposes frontal labeling as one of its lines of action for the prevention of them because it facilitates the selection of healthier foods and encourages the industry to reformulate its products with the goal of making them healthier.

In Argentina there is no system of front labeling of foods established by law that informs consumers about high contents of critical nutrients (sugars, fats and sodium) nor is it mandatory to declare sugars in packaged products. For this reason and in accordance with the recommendations described, the National Program of Healthy Eating and Prevention of Obesity worked to promote a debate and positioning of the National Commission of Healthy Eating and Prevention of Obesity, regarding the type of frontal labeling to recommend for the Argentina. In this framework, 16 participating institutions voted on what type of frontal labeling and which nutrient profile system to adopt: 9 proposed warning labeling, 2 suggested Nutri-Score, 1 proposed the combination of both (warning plus Nutri- Score), 1 institution recommended a system of its own, 2 suggested the GDA with colors of the traffic light and 1 institution proposed “anyone other than the GDA”. Regarding the nutrient profile, 9 institutions proposed a profile of PAHO or an adaptation of it.

The researches examined showed the ineffectiveness of the GDA (daily feeding guides) labeling – which reports recommended percentages of daily energy or nutrient intake per serving or product – since it is generally not understood by adults or by adults. children, it takes a lot of time and is confusing even with nutritional knowledge. Despite this, this system was recommended by the Coordinator of the Food Products Industries (COPAL), an institution that declared conflicts of interest to receive financing from the industry, and by the Ministry of Production and Labor (Secretary of the Government of Agribusiness and Secretary of Commerce).

On the other hand, numerous publications explain why the frontal labeling type traffic light and the summary systems (Nutri-Score and HSR) do not influence the purchasing behavior, which is why they would not be appropriate to help the consumer in the choice of products healthy The semaphore problems to achieve this purpose, are linked to the confusion that generates in the nutritional interpretation. It has been proven that there is a compensation effect between green and red colors when they occur in the same product at the same time and that reporting on unfavorable attributes has a greater effect on the purchase decision than reporting favorable attributes. Therefore, we compare the confusion generated by the traffic light front labeling with the confusion that would generate for a motorist, that the traffic light keep its red and green lights on at the same time.

On the other hand, Nutri-Score classifies foods and beverages according to five categories of nutritional quality and a score is established assigning the product a letter and a color. The most nutritionally favorable product obtains a green “A” score and the nutritionally less favorable product obtains a red “E” score. Research showed that although it was useful to classify how healthy foods are, it was not effective to improve purchasing behavior due to the complexity generated by the combination of 5 letters with a gradient of 5 colors ranging from red to green. In addition, a food may have a high sugar content, but if it has fiber, its assessment will not necessarily be red. In this way, the consumer does not know that the food has a high content of sugar, fat or sodium, information that was shown to influence the purchasing behavior. This type of front labeling was recommended by the Center for Studies on Food Policy and Economics (CEPEA) and Center for Studies on Child Nutrition (CESNI), both institutions that expressed conflicts of interest in receiving financing from the industry.

From FUNDEPS, we supported the recommendations made by 9 of the participating institutions, including the Health Ministry, who spoke in favor of the frontal warning labeling and the nutrient profile of OPS. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that this system is the most effective in identifying products with a high content of critical nutrients (sugars, saturated fats and sodium), provides better information for the consumer, in a shorter time and favors the selection of food. healthier. Likewise, this type of labeling is prioritized because it is the most understood by children and adolescents and people of lower educational level, which is central to contemplate the perspective of inequity in public policy and protect especially the groups in the most vulnerable situations. vulnerability, those who suffer the most from obesity, malnutrition and chronic diseases in general. 

On the other hand, the Government Health Secretariat recommended that “the frontal labeling system be implemented in a mandatory and gradual manner. Progressive implementation could be useful to give both consumers and industries time to adapt to changes. It is also proposed to accompany the strategy of front labeling with communication and awareness campaigns so that the population understands the labeling and has more information on nutrition and healthy eating. In addition, it is recommended that front labeling be used as a tool to define other healthy eating and obesity prevention policies. Thus, all those foods and beverages with a critical nutrient in excess, as established by the frontal labeling system, are subject to marketing restrictions, are excluded or are included in small quantities in social plans with a food component and are not offered in establishments. schoolchildren or community kitchens. “

We consider that the technical recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the design of food labeling policies are adequate to protect the right to health of the population. In effect, the warning labeling supplies the necessary information on critical nutrients in excess, whose consumption is sought to be reduced. Thus, it protects consumers in order to make informed decisions, and contributes to the prevention of noncommunicable diseases related to inadequate nutrition. In this context of the growth of chronic noncommunicable diseases linked to an inadequate diet, it is urgent that the recommendations of the Ministry of Health become public policies that enable effective protection of health.

More information

Nutritional front labeling of food


Slavenka Zec


Agustina Mozzoni, agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org


In the period that extended from September 12 to 21 of this year, our country had the visit of the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations, Hilal Elver, with the objective of evaluating the realization of the right to food in the country, to subsequently submit a final report to the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2019.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The rapporteur, in her preliminary observations, emphasized:

  • Current crisis and its impact on the right to food: The Argentina faces a situation of economic and financial crisis, with
    great impact on the right to food of the population. In this At the moment, Argentina must use the maximum of its resources available to ensure the full realization of rights humans.
  • Interrelation of the right to food with other rights human rights: All human rights are interrelated, and the right to food can not be achieved without the right to a adequate housing, education, health for all and all included migrants, indigenous peoples, peasants, children and adults greater.
  • Reception of the right to food in the order Argentine legal system: Argentina, as a State party to the Pact International of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, has the obligation to respect, protect and guarantee the right to feeding. It is also part of other international treaties fundamental principles on human rights, and they all include provisions related to the right to food adequate There is no explicit constitutional protection of the right to food at the national level and, therefore, the issues related to the right to food so integral and multidimensional. For all these reasons, it highlights the need for comprehensive framework law, with guidelines to promote and implement this right that includes food sovereignty for all.
  • Lack of update on statistical data: Argentina does not has up-to-date official data and other statistical materials that can provide reliable data on hunger and poverty in the last almost 10 years. The latest survey on food and nutrition habits was carried out in 2004-2005, and the latest survey of agricultural sector in 2002, which is not acceptable from the point of view to understand the needs and limitations of related policies with food security.
  • Food consumption in Argentina and its relationship with NCDs: El consumption in the country of fruit and vegetables is low, with only 6% of the population that consumes the amount of fruits and vegetables recommended by the WHO Food Guide. It is the country of the region that consumes the largest number of ultra-processed products and leads the consumption of soda The country includes the highest rates of obesity between children and adults. Currently, 40% of the children and adolescents and 60% of adults are overweight, and 7.3% of Children under the age of five are obese, it is the most important Elevated Childhood Obesity in Latin America It is crucial that nutrition policies are comprehensive, address all forms of malnutrition and have adequate financial support.
  • Marketing and regulation techniques. Although Argentina has with regulations on the content of advertising, have not been applied in an effective way to address the problems of obesity and poor nutrition. There are no specific rules in relation with advertising of food and drinks addressed to children, nor restrictions in relation to nutritional criteria.
  • Breastfeeding and marketing of milk formulas: the rapporteur mentions misleading advertising and growing concern about the health impacts of breast milk substitutes. Insists in the control of advertising and the implementation of strategies for promote and encourage breastfeeding, particularly during the first six months of life.
  • Family Farming: To achieve the objective of a diet adequate and healthy, considers it necessary to strengthen the family farming programs to support and protect this sector of crucial importance. Efforts should be made to promote family farming as a priority. It is the only way to achieve a balance between current industrial agriculture and the development of agroecological production systems. The achievement of this balance would be the only way to achieve a sustainable and just solution for the Argentine people.
  • School Dining Rooms: The current economic crisis seems to have a negative impact on the quality of the food in the different school canteens for the increase in prices. These dining rooms are essential for children and should be strengthened further to ensure they have access to a adequate nutrition and food.
  • Social Programs: Your concern is based on the fact that some of the social benefits exclude certain marginalized groups and disadvantaged and that these programs are not sufficient for the changing economic context.
  • Environment: Suggests that a law or program be implemented to reduce the use of pesticides in agricultural production. In relation to the Protection of Forests, the Organization of the United Nations for Agriculture and Food ranked Argentina among the countries that had lost more forests between 2010 and 2015. Warns that deforestation continues in areas where it is prohibited, and that the national government has shown a lack of interest considerable in applying the law, which is reflected in the lack of funds necessary to finance  conservation policies.
  • Use of Pesticides and Breastfeeding: The widespread use of pesticides with such frequency and intensity has generated concern regarding the exposure of women of reproductive age and of pregnant women who, in turn, can expose children to through breastfeeding. The National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) conducted a study of mothers who gave birth in hospitals of the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. The study determined that milk of these mothers contained levels of pesticides that were 15% more higher than the levels considered safe by law.

More information:

Preliminary Observations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Hilal Ever, on her mission to the Argentina 12-21 September 2018


Andrea Melissa Hill


Agustina Mozzoni, agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org


Supported by public health organizations from across the region, FUNDEPS files a complaint against the Arcor campaign “Your fair share” with the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents.

In mid-September of this year, Arcor launched the advertising campaign called “Your fair share” which states that “a healthy life is a balanced life in which to take a liking and take care of health go hand in hand.” In this way, a green front label with the phrase “Your fair share” was stamped on several products of the company, indicating “what is the recommended daily portion of what you like and it does you good”.

These types of messages have been criticized by public health specialists for being deceitful and risky, and for contradicting recommendations of human rights organizations and public health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization ( OPS). Commercial strategies of this kind in practice promote products with high concentrations of critical nutrients (sodium, sugar, fats) whose regular consumption has a harmful effect on health. In fact, Argentina leads the rates of childhood obesity in Latin America.

This commercial strategy violates the right to health and food for children and adolescents. That is why we decided to make a complaint to the Ombudsman for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Province of Córdoba, as a public body in charge of protecting the rights of these groups. Our presentation asks:

  • that the means to respond to Arcor’s advertising campaign “Your Fair Share” be determined for the impact on the rights to health and food of children and adolescents;
  • that mechanisms be put in place for the dissemination of correct and scientific information on healthy eating and in particular regarding this campaign;
  • that the Executive and Legislative Power of the Province be urged to strengthen the regulatory framework to prevent commercial actions such as this one from being carried out, which violate the right to health and food of children and adolescents.

Argentina’s current regulations related to food labeling and marketing techniques are ineffective in adequately protecting the right to health and food, which leaves room for companies to take advantage of these legal gaps, confuse consumers and consumers, and limit their choices.

In this way, the State fails to comply with its obligation to protect the human right to health, which requires that the actions of third parties not affect the effective enjoyment of the right to health of a group of people. This implies a violation of human rights obligations as long as the State fails to comply with the recommendations of monitoring bodies on how to deal with the obesity epidemic. Different organs and specialized offices such as the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on the Rights of the Child or the Rapporteurs for the right to health or the right to food have marked that the epidemic of obesity is definitely a human rights problem.

This situation demonstrates the need to strengthen the existing regulation and the implementation of effective mechanisms aimed at restricting these deceptive marketing practices and preparing a nutritional label that provides the necessary information to ensure the right of consumers and consumers to clear and truthful information, contributing to the choice of healthier options.

Furthermore, considering that this marketing strategy does not facilitate access to information, it directly targets children and generates confusion about critical aspects of these products, since FUNDEPS is investigating a possible violation of the legal framework of consumer protection. This could imply a breach of the company’s duty to provide adequate and accurate information, and the prohibition of misleading advertising, affecting the right to health and healthy eating of consumers, fundamentally in children and adolescents

Beyond these considerations on the need to improve the current regulatory framework and on an eventual violation of consumer protection regulations, the presentation before the Ombudsman’s Office aims to limit a strategy that affects the rights to health and nutrition. boys and girls. In this sense, Juan Carballo, Executive Director of FUNDEPS, argues that this proposal seeks that an agency in charge of looking after the interests of children and adolescents, pay special attention to a campaign that affects their rights. “We hope that Arcor can be aligned with the practices recommended by specialized health agencies. In addition, in this way it would not fall into a double standard depending on the country in which its products are sold ”

While in Argentina the same product is promoted with the label “your fair measure”, in Chile it receives the triple warning of product “high in saturated fats”, “high in calories” and “high in sugars”:

Arguments against the campaign:

  • The campaign promotes ultra-processed foods in the context of health emergency due to the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in NNyA
  • The campaign uses deceptive marketing techniques
  • The campaign puts the health of children and adolescents at risk
  • The campaign emphasizes individual responsibility
  • The campaign violates the right to information of consumers
  • The campaign is presented in products of “small portions” and not for 100 grams
  • The campaign is based only on calories


  • Dirección General de Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles – Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Córdoba
  • Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable (CLAS)
  • Fundación Interamericana del Corazón y sus afiliadas en México, Argentina, Bolivia y Caribe
  • CISPAN Centro de Investigaciones Sobre Problemáticas Alimentarias Nutricionales (UBA), Argentina
  • IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Associations) y su sede nacional de Argentina, IFMSA-Argentina
  • Consumers International Latinoamérica
  • ACT Promoción de la Salud, Brasil
  • El Poder del Consumidor, México
  • Alianza por la Salud Alimentaria, México
  • Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud y Nutrición (ISYN), Quito, Ecuador
  • Alianza para el Control de ECNT Chile
  • Frente por un Chile Saludable
  • Fundación EPES, Santiago, Chile
  • Guillermo Paraje, Profesor titular de Economía, Escuela de Negocios, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
  • Alianza ENT-Uruguay
  • Centro de Investigación para la Epidemia de Tabaquismo, CIET-Uruguay
  • Asociación Uruguaya de Dietistas y Nutricionistas – Uruguay
  • Instituto Nacional de Cáncer, Uruguay
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor – IDEC, Brasil
  • FEMAMA, Porto Alegre, Brasil
  • Educar Consumidores, Colombia
  • Fundación Colombiana de Obesidad (FUNCOBES))
  • Mesa por las ENT Colombia
  • Corporate Accountability, Colombia
  • Alianza ENT-Perú
  • COLAT (Comisión Nacional Permanente de Lucha Antitabáquica). Perú
  • ESPERANTRA (Asociación de Pacientes y Usuarios de Servicios de Salud de Perú)
  • SLACOM Sociedad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Oncología Médica
  • Coalición México Salud-Hable, México
  • Salud Crítica, México
  • Contrapeso, México
  • Public Health Institute


Juan Martin Carballo – juanmcarballo@fundeps.org

Agustina Mozzoni – agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

During the VIII Summit of the Americas that took place in Lima, Peru, presidents of the region discussed corruption, the governance of our peoples and economic and social sustainability. For the first time at the Summit, health is on the agenda.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Corruption, obstacles to democratic governance, lack of transparency, and difficulties in implementing public social policies are all factors that negatively impact the health systems of the region and conspire against the development of the communities of the Americas. The four main noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases) are the main cause of disease, disability and preventable death in the world in general and in the region of the Americas in particular. They are responsible for 70% of deaths.

The costs of these diseases constitute a significant burden for health budgets and national economies. These diseases reduce economic productivity, overload health systems and promote individual and family poverty. It is not possible to build a sustainable and functional economy if disability and premature deaths due to NCDs remain so high and costly for governments.

That is why civil society organizations in the region, based in the Healthy Latin American Coalition (CLAS), asked presidents present at the Summit to implement concrete measures to protect the health of the population without the interference of the industry. These measures include fiscal policies that increase the price of unhealthy products (cigarettes, sugary drinks, among others) to discourage consumption; the implementation of front labeling in foods that provide clear and useful information to consumers, among others. In parallel, CLAS asks presidents to make an appointment with health and attend the UN High Level Meeting on NCD on September 27, 2018 in New York City.

About CLAS

It is an alliance of more than 250 non-governmental organizations in Latin America whose purpose is to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in this region. Its members include medical societies, patient organizations, health NGOs, consumer NGOs, religious and academic entities. Founded in March 2011, it is aimed at reducing inequality, promoting human rights, and promoting effective policies with an impact on the risk factors and determinants of NCD. Its objective is to strengthen the action of civil society to prevent and control NCDs in the region through political advocacy, education, awareness and research, at the national and regional levels, so that effective policies are implemented, in line with the objectives of the United Nations (UN) and PAHO-WHO. It is an initiative of the Inter-American Heart Foundation.


Agustina Mozzoni, agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

Together with FIC Argentina, the O’Neill Institute and the Chair of Food Sovereignty of the Nutrition School of the UBA, we present a report in which we warn the situation of chronic diseases in Argentina focusing on the particular situation of children and adolescents ; At the same time, we suggest to the State the adoption of some measures to reduce the consumption of tobacco products and unhealthy foods.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

When a country ratifies an international human rights treaty, it undertakes to comply with the obligations established in it. Many of these treaties establish mechanisms so that the rendering of accounts on the level of compliance with these obligations is open to the participation of civil society. In this case, Argentina’s obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child will be reviewed before the Committee on the Rights of the Child, which is the body of independent experts that supervises its application.

Measures such as, the limitation of advertising directed to boys and girls, the adoption of a simpler and more understandable nutrition labeling, the raising of taxes, the ratification by the Argentine State of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the establishment of school kiosks healthy

The information presented and the recommendations made are intended to ensure that between the next May 14 and June 1 the 78th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child will be held, where the final evaluation will be made regarding the degree of compliance with the rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the Argentine state. The final observations that the Committee issues will be tools to require the Argentine State to comply with human rights standards.

Link to the full report: bit.ly/InformeENTs


Agustina Mozzoni – agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

Juan Carballo – juanmcarballo@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


In our country, overweight and childhood obesity constitute a public health problem of great magnitude. This was corroborated by the World School Health Survey which showed that in Argentina overweight in adolescents aged 13 to 15 years increased from 24.5% to 28.6% between 2007 and 2012. Likewise, the results of the National Nutrition Survey and Health reported an obesity prevalence of 10.4% in children from 6 months to 6 years of age.

In this context, FUNDEPS participated in an investigation together with the Inter-American Federation of the Argentine Heart (FIC) and the Catholic University of Santa Fe in which the labeling of foods, claims and marketing strategies in various products of our country was analyzed.

After examining 301 products, the research showed that 87% of breakfast cereals, desserts and sweet cookies contain an excessive amount of one or more critical nutrients such as sodium, free sugars or fats. Likewise, 4 out of 10 containers of cereals, desserts and cookies of low nutritional quality use nutrition messages such as “Source of vitamins and minerals” or “50% of recommended daily calcium”.

On the other hand, it was determined that the current regulations related to food labeling and marketing techniques in our country are ineffective in adequately regulating this matter, which leaves an important margin for companies to take advantage of these legal gaps, confusing the consumer and limit in your choices. In this way, the State fails to comply with its obligation to protect the human right to health, which requires preventing the actions of third parties from affecting the possibility that a group of people can effectively exercise their right to health.

This situation demonstrates the need to strengthen the existing regulation and the implementation of effective mechanisms aimed at restricting these deceptive marketing practices and developing a nutritional labeling that provides the necessary information to ensure the right of consumers to clear and truthful information, contributing to the choice of healthier options. In this way, in addition, the State will adequately fulfill its obligations in relation to human rights to health and adequate food.

More information

– Description and analysis of the Argentine regulatory framework and international standards

– Full report


Slavenska Zec – slavenska.zec@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

BUENOS AIRES. On Friday, November 24, there is a day for the presentation of the National Coalition for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity; What is sought from this initiative is to decrease the highest rates of this epidemic, based on mutual and collaborative work.

Currently, there are about 41 million children under 5 years of age who are overweight or obese, of which more than 80% live in developing countries. The data available in the Latin American region indicate that, in general terms, 20% to 25% of those under 19 years of age are affected by overweight and obesity. In Argentina, the World School Health Survey conducted in 2012, showed that overweight among students was 28.6% in 2012, being higher among men (35.9% vs. 21.8% women) and with higher prevalence at younger ages.

The event contains instances for intersectoral dialogue in order to discuss the situation of the problem in Argentina, define lines of action and next steps. Representatives of international organizations such as PAHO Argentina, representatives of the governmental sector, and members of the academic and civil society are participating.

In addition, the first consensual document of the Coalition is presented, which deals with policy standards for healthy school environments in Argentina. The same was working in a coordinated manner among the members and its final conclusion is intended, from this day.

Our decision to participate in this network arises with the intention of addressing more effectively an important public health problem. In addition, we believe that it is necessary that these spaces have local data for the purpose of designing policies appropriate to local realities in terms of healthy eating.


Juan Carballo – juanmcarballo@fundeps.org

Agustina Mozzoni – agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


On August 10, we made a presentation before the Colombian Constitutional Court to clarify the content and scope of the fundamental right to health. An amicus curiae (friend of the court or friend of the court) is a presentation made by a non-litigious third party, where he voluntarily offers an opinion on some aspect of law, to collaborate with the court in the resolution of the litigation.

The Colombian Association of Consumer Education (Educar Consumidores) launched in August 2016 a campaign called “Take care of your life – Tómala en Serio”, which sought to provide information on the harmful health consequences of regular consumption of certain sugary drinks. In the framework of this campaign, a video was broadcast on television and on radio that showed the high sugar content of these beverages, connecting these behaviors with health complications such as diabetes or obesity, which occur both in Colombia and throughout Region of Latin America. Postobon S.A., a sweetened beverage company from Colombia, denounced this video before the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC). As a result, the SIC prohibited by resolution 59176, the dissemination of the commercials alleging that it was “misleading advertising” for not having scientific or medical support for their assertions.

Resolution 59176 issued by the SIC ordered Educar Consumidores to cease the dissemination of the commercial. Also, it ordered to send to the office of the Delegation of Research and Consumer Protection of the SIC, any advertising piece that in the future wishes to transmit on the consumption of sweetened beverages (BBAA) before its publication. This restriction would apply to any medium of communication, including social networks; And the SIC established it with the objective of exercising prior control over it and deciding whether to authorize its publication and dissemination or not, under penalty of fine.

Faced with this situation, Educar Consumidores filed a lawsuit claiming for violation of its freedom to express itself in a matter of public interest. At the same time, Dejusticia filed a supplementary legal action claiming that the resolution of the SIC violated the right of consumers to access relevant information. After different instances and a very good decision of the Supreme Court of Colombia that was already commented by FUNDEPS, both cases were accumulated by the Constitutional Court. In this instance, the Constitutional Court will have the opportunity to clarify the limits of the commercial discourse and its differences with the awareness campaigns. At the same time, it may raise the relevance of access to information to ensure the right to health and to make consumer decisions with adequate information.

The amicus presented together with FiC Argentina provides arguments of international human rights law that we consider relevant for the resolution of the case. With this intervention, we hope to contribute to the solution of a case that we consider to be of extreme importance for both Colombia and the rest of Latin America. Judicial processes like this have great repercussions both globally and regionally, as they generate valuable jurisdictional background on the important issue of healthy eating.

The foundations of the amicus curiae seek to demonstrate that the measures adopted by the SIC resolution mean a violation of human rights obligations at different levels, while weakening the possibilities of responding to a global epidemic of malnutrition and obesity. On the one hand, it violates the freedom of expression of a civil society organization, it is even a clear prior censorship regarding its action in the public sphere. It also implies a violation of human rights obligations as it violates the recommendations of monitoring bodies on how to deal with the obesity epidemic. Different bodies and specialized offices such as CDESC, CRC or rapporteurs for the right to health or the right to food have pointed out that the obesity epidemic is definitely a human rights problem affecting a vulnerable population: children And adolescents.

From FUNDEPS and FIC Argentina we believe that this decision will have relevance both within Colombia and at the regional level. The growth of obesity – with a particularly strong impact on children and adolescents – and the strong presence of advertising strategies in the food industry are repeated throughout the region. Chronic noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. It is the duty of the State to respect, guarantee and protect the rights of its citizens, especially when dealing with fundamental issues such as the protection of health. Therefore, the decision of the Court in this case will be important beyond the borders of Colombia.

More information

– Amicus Curiae presented at Colombian Constitutional Court


María Victoria Gerbaldo


Agustina Mozzoni – agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

Juan Carballo – juanmcarballo@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The main objective of the meeting is to inform about the lines of action that the Program develops and to propose strategies for the joint work. This Commission was established on the basis of Resolution 732/2016 that determined the creation of the National Program of Healthy Food and Obesity Prevention in the scope of the Direction of Promotion of the Health and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases.

At the beginning of the event, Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein (Secretary of Health Promotion, Prevention and Control of Risks) and Dr. Verónica Schoj (Director of Health Promotion and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases) speak. Veronica Risso Patrón (Coordinator of the National Program for Healthy Eating and Obesity Prevention) explains the Commission’s working proposal: thematic and modality of work, schedule, expected products. Finally, the signing of declarations of conflicts of interest takes place at the meeting.

It is expected that the Commission will work through voluntary advisory subcommittees on different topics: food reformulation, nutritional profiles and front labeling, marketing and advertising of foods, promotion and healthy school environments.

Childhood obesity is a problem with serious health and economic consequences that is increasingly affecting low- and middle-income countries and the most vulnerable sectors of the population. At present, there are about 41 million children under 5 years of age who are overweight or obese, of whom more than 80% live in developing countries. We celebrate these kinds of initiatives that represent an opportunity for the debate and the coordination of efforts of multiple actors of society. We also emphasize the importance of including and ensuring the effective participation of organizations from different provinces that account for the specific and specific reality of each one, and allow progress towards the construction of a federal policy on healthy eating.


Agustina Mozzoni, <agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org>

The decision null and void the prohibition on “Take it seriously”, an operation aimed to make people aware of the impacts of the sugar-sweetened drinks. It sets a precedent on the defense of the information, health and food rights.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.”

Bogotá.- “Don’t hurt yourself”, announces the commercial of “Educar Consumidores” that exposes the consequences of the excess of sugar on the human being. However, after a complaint from Postobon –one of the biggest companies in Latin America- the Industry and Trade Superintendence (SIC) ordered the immediate suspension of the whole campaign, for “misleading advertising”.

Last April 5th, the Constitutional Court of Colombia left with no effect the resolution and for the first time were recognized the rights to access to food and health-related information.

Educar Consumidores is a non-profit civil society organization that in September of last year launched the campaign ¨Cuida tu vida – Tómala en Serio¨. It is intended to show the health consequences of drinking. After the complaint, SIC prohibited the dissemination of commercials claiming to be “misleading advertising” because they did not have scientific or medical support, although the issuing organization forwarded the documents that supported their claims.

The ban constituted a violation of freedom of expression, the right to health and the right to information.In response to this situation, one of the judicial authorities, one of the agency issuing the campaign, focused on its right to freedom of expression, and another from Dejusticia along with a coalition of NGOs, focused on the right of access to information.

The second action was rejected in first and second instance until arriving at the Constitutional Court of Colombia, which ruled in favor of. The Court argued that the SIC should have allowed consumers to participate in a decision affecting them, and that it had not violated their right to the process.In addition, he referred to the right of users to make decisions based on informed consent, and the importance of accessing the information for it to be configured. Likewise, the Inter-American System and the United Nations Protection System, Colombia has an obligation to respect the rights enshrined, and in this case, the SIC failed to comply with this obligation.

From FUNDEPS we accompany actions such as Educate Consumers who seek to empower people to make informed decisions. We also welcome the provision made by the Colombian justice system. Chronic noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. It is the duty of the State to respect, guarantee and protect the rights of its citizens, especially when it comes to fundamental issues such as the protection of health.

More Information

Commercial Consumer Education


Maga Ailén Merlo Vijarra, Federico Piccioni y Agustina Mozzoni.


Agustina Mozzoni – agustinamozzoni@fundeps.org

Maga Ailén Merlo Vijarra – magamerlov@fundeps.org