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2021, another year defending human rights

We present the 2021 Yearbook, a synthesis of the work we have carried out at Fundeps in a challenging year, with great struggles and achievements in pursuit of a more just, equitable and sustainable society.

Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website.

During 2021 we investigated, debated, proposed, worked, and participated in historic victories for human rights. Activities that are reflected in this new edition of the yearbook, which begins with a compilation of our actions in numbers and the main milestones we have achieved.

In addition, we share a summary of the activities carried out in the agendas of our 5 areas: Environment, Democracy, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Global Governance and Health.

2021 was also a year in which we promoted our institutional growth and participated in different activities and meetings to rethink ourselves. In this framework, we present our renewed mission and vision and the values ​​present in each of our initiatives.

We believe that collective action is the way to transform reality. For this reason, we want to thank our entire team, friendly organizations and donors, and those who support us every day to continue defending human rights.