Legal abortion is still in force in Córdoba
This Wednesday, an opinion signed by Juan Manuel Delgado, Attorney General of Córdoba, was published in the press within the framework of the judicial case promoted by former legislator Aurelio García Elorrio that seeks to suspend in the provincial territory the effective implementation of Law 27,610 of Voluntary termination of pregnancy.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”
The opinion arises in the framework of the appeal that García Elorrio presented after the Administrative Litigation Chamber rejected the precautionary measure requested in the amparo that seeks to suspend Law 27,610 in Córdoba. To resolve, the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) must notify all parties and also the Attorney General in order to issue an opinion on the matter, but it is in no way binding and may even be rejected.
It is not less than the letter has also been signed by the deputy prosecutor Pablo Bustos Fierro, with the explicit intention of avoiding that at the time of ruling, it is still pending to resolve its separation requested by the intervening associations. It is also worrying that the resolution is public before being available for the view of those who intervene in the judicial case. The TSJ has not yet issued on the matter, that is to say that the opinion was presented irregularly without being resolved the recusal of the prosecutor.
From Catholics for the Right to Decide (CDD), Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and Legal Clinic of Public Interest Córdoba (CLIP) we express our concern about such untidiness that we consider is not innocent and confirms our concern in relation to the suitability of said official to act with the objectivity and respect for the legality required by said function.
Prior to their appointment, Fundeps and the Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP) participated in the public hearing at the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Justice and Agreement of the Córdoba Legislature, which evaluated their specifications to warn about their lack of suitability and its position contrary to the human rights of women and people with childbearing capacity. In the letter that we signed together with more than 40 civil society organizations, we spoke out against his appointment for publicly advancing a position against abortion, an issue on which he should decide later.
The suspension of the right to access the IVE through a precautionary measure and would imply a setback and irreparable damage for women and pregnant people in Córdoba who would be unable to access a basic human right such as health. It should be remembered that the Provincial Justice has already issued on these issues in the action filed by Portal de Belén against the provincial Protocol of Non-Punishable Abortion in 2019, where the amparo was rejected for lack of a specific case.
In the same way, we point out that this type of filings against the IVE Law have been raised throughout the country and most of them have already been rejected by virtue of their inadmissibility. Access to the legal and voluntary interruption of pregnancy is fully valid in the province of Córdoba, as in the entire national territory, despite attempts to obstruct its access through abusive and openly inappropriate prosecutions.
This law represents an advance in the guarantee of the right to life, physical and mental integrity, health, autonomy, freedom and equality of women and people with the capacity to bear children. We are not going to allow undemocratic actions that violate human rights carried out by anti-rights groups to harm it. We continue to work together for our rights.
Clínica de Litigio de Interés Público Córdoba
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