
National Cycle of Training in Legal and Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy

Focusing mainly on students, professionals and workers in the health field, Fundeps, Ecos and Andhes launch a cycle of virtual meetings where different aspects related to the voluntary and legal interruption of pregnancy will be addressed, from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Through 4 free webinars of national scope, work will be done on protocols, legal framework, safe techniques, ways of monitoring situations and other tools to take into account regarding Law 27,610.

The first meeting will be on August 27 at 6:00 p.m. It will focus on conditions and standards of application of IVE / ILE, conscientious objection and responsibility of health professionals and will have the participation of Marisa Herrera, Doctor in Law from the University of Buenos Aires, CONICET researcher and teacher .

The second meeting, to be held on September 10 at 6:00 p.m., will focus on the comprehensive approach and safe abortion techniques. It will have as exhibitors Dras. Mariana Romero and Nadya Scherbovsky. Mariana is a doctor, a researcher at CEDES / CONICET, she is a member of the Safe Abortion Access Network and technically assists health teams in the implementation of services. Nadya, for her part, is a general and family doctor, and a member of the Córdoba Integral Health Clinic, the ECOS Foundation and the Network of Health Professionals for the Right to Decide.

Then, on October 4, the third meeting will take place, and it will be attended by Luis Pedernera, a member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. This meeting will be focused on analyzing access to the Legal and Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in girls and adolescents.

Finally, the last meeting on October 15 will take place with a workshop dynamic, where cases will be addressed that allow participants to analyze practical situations to be able to carry out accompaniments from a rights perspective.

Registration is free and free through this form, and you can participate in the full cycle or in each meeting separately.