Link to: DemocracyLink to: EnvironmentLink to: GenderLink to: Global GorvernanceLink to: Global Gorvernance

We presented an amicus curiae in defense of the right to health and food in Colombia

With FIC Argentina, we presented an amicus before the Constitutional Court of Colombia within the process of guardianship established by the Colombian Corporation of Fathers and Mothers (Red Papaz) against the Superintendence of Industry and…

We launched the website “Emergencia Agroquímica”

We launched a participatory website where environmental conflicts related to the use of agrochemicals in the province of Córdoba are made known, as well as providing legal tools and the possibility of making visible the existence of other conflicts…

The summit OGP left more questions than answers

During the week of May 27 to 31, the Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership took place in Ottawa, Canada. Governments, civil society and fans of transparency issues met to discuss the benefits of government openness. What did the conference…

We participated in a talk about the problem of Chacras de la Merced in the Siglo XXI University

On Friday, May 24, a talk was organized by the Environmental Law Chairs of the Lawyer's career and the Social Sustainability Center of the Siglo XXI University, in which members of the Omas de Chacras de la Merced Organization participated.…

For the 8th time the IVE project to the Congress is presented

Today, May 28, on the International Day of Action for Women's Health, Campaña Nacional por el Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito, which brings together more than 500 feminist, social and political organizations, presents for the eighth time, the…

National government seek to agree a new model of food labeling

In a context of alarming prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight, Argentina aims to move towards a new model of food labeling. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Production seek to agree on the model to be followed in our country. “Below,…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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