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The interruption of pregnancy as a health problem: approved the first university chair of the country

The Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Rosario (UNR) voted, at the beginning of May, to incorporate an optional subject that addresses the practice of termination of pregnancy in cases permitted by law, such as Public health problem. From FUNDEPS, we celebrate the resolution.

Presentation of a report to the UN Human Rights Council

The report focuses on health protection in the face of the tobacco epidemic and urges the UPR (Universal Periodic Review) Committee to recommend that the Argentine State adopt measures to achieve higher standards of protection.

Towards Argentina’s ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

In the Senate of the Nation took place today, a day of intersectoral dialogue that included the presentation of a bill for the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. "Below, we offer a google translate version of…

We support the declaration of Principle 10 and the objectives of sustainable development

The Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries for Sustainable Development in Mexico City met for the first time in April. It presented the progress of the negotiation process of the Regional Agreement by Principle 10. "Below, we offer…

The High Court of Justice and its doctrine on femicides

The High Court of Justice of the province of Córdoba (TSJ), established the criteria on how cases of femicide should be treated, confirming Gonzalo Lizarralde's life sentence for the crime of Paola Acosta, stating that he measured gender violence And it was a femicide.

Co-creating policies: Provincial Government Board Opened in Córdoba

During the past Wednesday, April 12 and 19, the Open Government Office of the Province of Cordoba summoned civil society organizations at a dialogue table. This, in the framework of the elaboration of the provincial goal that will be part of the National Plan of Action of Argentina before OGP during the years 2017 to 2019.

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