Link to: DemocracyLink to: EnvironmentLink to: GenderLink to: Global GorvernanceLink to: Global Gorvernance

Organizations demand information from the government on the situation of ESCR

More than 20 civil society organizations submitted a petition to the Argentine State at the beginning of May, in order to carry out the pending reports on the state of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR).

Repeated figurine: garbage, conflicts and San Roque lake

The project "Centro Ambiental Carlos Paz" presents serious irregularities and violates environmental regulations and participation. It would affect Lake San Roque and would not be a definitive regional solution to the historical problem related to the integral management of solid urban waste.

Strategies for an industry that does not want to smoke

A study in the capital of this province shows that in Córdoba, tobacco companies continue to advertise their products at points of sale through shelves and exhibitors.

We participated in the workshop on advocacy actions against Chinese investments in the region

Representatives of civil society and native communities participated in the workshop in the city of Bogotá (Colombia). The result was the elaboration of an agenda that complements the territorial demands of the affected communities with the proposals raised from civil society and the academy.

The acquittal of “Belén”

As was the news in the past few months, "Belén", the Tucuman woman who had been imprisoned for two years accused of the murder of her newborn baby in a hospital, was acquitted by the Supreme Court of Tucumán on March 23 of this year.

The interruption of pregnancy as a health problem: approved the first university chair of the country

The Board of Directors of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Rosario (UNR) voted, at the beginning of May, to incorporate an optional subject that addresses the practice of termination of pregnancy in cases permitted by law, such as Public health problem. From FUNDEPS, we celebrate the resolution.

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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