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Religious freedom should not be anti-rights

Many organizations are against the bill of "religious freedom", because it is unconstitutional, undemocratic and regressive in the human rights of citizens.
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Female quotas YES are required

In the media, in justice and in the most diverse areas of debate, there is still discussion about the need to establish female seats in order to gain access to political positions. Although women make up more than half the population, in no decision-making area we reach 50% representation in Argentina. In this context, quotas are a tool for changing unequal historical trends.

Workshop on Gender Violence with Las Omas

Last July 3 we met in Barrio Chacras de la Merced and held a workshop on gender survivorship together with Las Omas.

Seven months and counting of acephaly for the Public Defender’s Office

Despite not having designated authority, the Office of the Public Defender continues to receive international awards for its management in previous years. In this case, the "Inter-American Award for Innovation for Effective Public Management".

Organizations demand continuity of discontinued disability pensions

More than 25 civil society organizations demanded the Minister of Social Development, Carolina Stanley, the immediate restoration of all disability pensions suspended and withdrawn retroactively, and all social or health benefits that they They derive. In addition, we raise the insufficiency of the explanations given publicly

Participation in the public hearing for the expansion of the Bajo Grande sewage plant

On Wednesday, December 7, the government of the province of Córdoba called a public hearing to announce the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) corresponding to the expansion of the current Sewage Treatment Plant (WWTP) And the construction of…

Acuerdo de Escazú - Ir al Sitio Web

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.



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