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Civil society met in the C20

We were participating in the C20 meeting, a civil society affinity group for the G20 process. In it, we coordinated the discussions of the investment and infrastructure work group, and participated in meetings with authorities. “Below, we…

More than 15 Latin American countries requested presidents measures to protect health

During the VIII Summit of the Americas that took place in Lima, Peru, presidents of the region discussed corruption, the governance of our peoples and economic and social sustainability. For the first time at the Summit, health is on the agenda. “Below,…

We present a report on NCDs to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Together with FIC Argentina, the O'Neill Institute and the Chair of Food Sovereignty of the Nutrition School of the UBA, we present a report in which we warn the situation of chronic diseases in Argentina focusing on the particular situation…

Virtual course defense of the territory: Tools of the framework of international law and the rules of the IFIS

The virtual course will be held every Wednesday in May; It is free and proof of participation will be given to anyone who has completed the five modules of the course. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in…
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#WeWantToBreathe: A campaign against pollution in the Suquía River

Neighbors and neighbors of Capilla de los Remedios join the claims for contamination of the Suquía River due to the poor functioning of the Sewage Treatment Plant (WWTP). The campaign #QueremosRespirar reflects the desperate request of the…

We demand transparency to designate who supervises the public management in Mendoza

NGOs demand transparency and participation in the appointment process of the Auditor General of the Office of Administrative Investigations and Public Ethics. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish.…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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