Judgment of the Appeals Chamber in favor of Potrerillo de Larreta
On July 15, the Ninth Nomination Chamber of Civil and Commercial Appeals of the city of Córdoba resolved to nullify the first instance ruling and allow the placement of fences in the Los Paredones stream in the town of Alta Gracia. In the same cause, with the group Todos Por Nuestro Arroyos, we request in 2018 to participate as interested third parties.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.
During the month of July of this year, the Chamber of Appeals in Civil and Commercial matters of the 9th nomination issued a judgment in the proceedings entitled “El Potrerillo de Larreta S.A against Province of Córdoba-Ordinary-contentious administrative claim of full jurisdiction-precautionary”. The court decided to annul the judgment of first instance, admitting the demand of the Country Club Potrerillo de Larreta and consequently allowing the enclosure of the Los Paredones stream in that sector corresponding to the undertaking.
In the framework of this cause, together with the group of neighbors Todos por Nuestro Arroyos, we requested in 2018 the participation as interested third parties. The request had and is intended to be able to participate in the judicial process, allowing us to contribute elements that we consider relevant for its resolution. However, as of this date, said request continues without being resolved.
After almost two years have passed, the delay in processing and resolving the incorporation of Fundeps and the group Todos por Nuestro Arroyos in the case constitutes a barrier that restricts adequate access to justice while violating the guarantee of effective judicial protection . While we wait together with the community for acceptance to be part of the process, the case continues with its processing, a second instance having already been resolved and with the possibility of a final resolution, without being able to be heard those who have legitimate interests in participating.
Juan Bautista Lopez, <juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org>