Let’s all engage in the elaboration of the regional agreement on environmental matters
Our foundation is participating actively in the monitoring of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, in accordance with Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration. By means of this letter we invite you to participate in the elaboration of the Guidance Document for Negotiations, providing comments and suggestions.
THE FOUNDATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE POLICIES (FUNDEPS), as a TAI member (The Access Initiative) is participating actively in the monitoring of the Regional Agreement on Access to information, public participation, and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, in accordante with Principle 10 of the Rio declaration For that purpose we cordially invite you to comment the Guidance Document for Negotiation, prepared by ELAC and attached to this email.
Our working team is responsible for coordinating and systemizing the commentaries of the document’s preamble and articles : 1 (objectives), 2 (definitions), 3 (principles), 4 (scope of application), 5 (general obligations) and 8 (public participation in environmental decision-making). We may also receive or forward commentaries on the entire text.
Being aware of your expertise and influence in this field, and so as to obtain ideas, commentaries, objections and suggestions on how to improve the text in preparation of the negotiation phase, and so that a wide participation becomes effective, we communicate this invitation to participate in the commentaries.
The commentaries will be received and processed until July 10th of this year. The commentaries can also be sent to the ELAC secretary until August 31st of of this year. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any doubt or inquiry. We look forward to your input in the effective implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio declaration!
Best regards,
Juan Carballo, Executive Director
Yamile Najle, Coordinator of the Human Right Area
Additional information is available at : http://www.cepal.org/rio20/principio10/.