Public Hearing to develop the Office for Dialogue and Participation
Last Friday March, 18th in Cordoba, Argentina, the Provincial Parliament together with Fundeps organized a public hearing to discuss the Law project that intends to develop an ‘Office for Dialogue and Citizen Pariticipation in the National Congress’.
The conference began with a presentation by the Executive Director of FUNDEPS, César Murúa, who spoke briefly about the National Deputies present at the Hearing and explained the dynamic of the meeting.
The Deputy of the Civic Coalition (CC) Héctor “Toty” Flores, one of the bill’s signatories, explained clearly what it covered; he emphasized that the idea of the bill is to create a space within the scope of Congress which allows society a further tool for participation, seeking greater interaction between legislative activity and the issues on which they work with many Organizations throughout the country. At the same time, they are looking to strengthen the work of the national legislators by having a source of material and intellectual resources available from Civil Society.
The Deputy, Griselda Baldata (CC), amongst other questions, commented on a similar matter which was thwarted in the Province of Córdoba some years ago, which highlighted the importance of joining together and promoting this bill, in order to generate shockwaves which would see this Office replicated throughout the provinces of the Argentine Republic. The leader, Laura Judith Sesma (CC) made a particular point on the idea of embedding the creation of the Office within the Regulations of Congress, with the aim of making it more effective and efficient in carrying out its duties, through the guarantee afforded by the Internal Regulation of the two Chambers.
The representatives of the various Civil Organizations present explained their opinions in respect of the Bill proposing the creation of the Office.
The Hearing is part of a framework of hearings and meetings to be carried out with various organisations and academic bodies in order to improve and enhance the content of the bill, making suggestions and proposals on the text already produced. The first hearing took place in December 2010 in Congress. More than 250 people, representing more than 90 organizations, took part in this hearing.
To follow the Hearing process and keep up-to-date on the progress of the bill, click here.
To read the full text of Bill No. 4397-D-2010 on the “Creation of the Office for Dialogue, Participation and Citizen Relations with Congress, within the scope of the National Congress”,Click here.
Bill for the Creation of the Office of Dialogue and Citizen Participation in Congress
Translated by Katherine Wingfield-Dobbs