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The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Belt and Road Initiative: what are they?
In recent years, Argentina joined two initiatives promoted by China of great potential and relevance: the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Belt and Road Initiative. In this document we explain what they are and why we are interested…

Belt and Road Initiative (or “New Silk Road”)
Infographic with basic and simple information about the Belt and Road Initiative (or “New Silk Road”).

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Infographic with basic and simple information about the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Guide | Rethinking the economy: a feminist perspective
This booklet is a compilation of what we worked on in six meetings held at the Provincial University of Córdoba (UPC) within the framework of the Rethinking the Economy training cycle: a feminist perspective. Between August and October 2023,…

Food industry interference – Report
Food and beverage industry interference is defined as influencing legal frameworks and policy environments in order to delay, weaken or prevent the development of healthy eating policies. These companies and groups related to their interests…

1st Congress of Food Policies in Argentina: Implementation of the Front Labeling Law
This report summarizes the main contents and challenges addressed in the first congress dedicated to the implementation of the Healthy Eating Promotion Law. Through thematic tables and debates, strategies were explored to improve the application…

Tobacco Control Framework Convention – Infographic 2
Argentina is the only Mercosur country that has not ratified the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, despite having one of the highest addiction prevalence rates in the region. This infographic explains what tools…