Tag Archive for: Gender violence

Three days after the 9th anniversary of Ni Una Menos and five after the publication of the femicides report that confirmed that in 2023 there were 250 victims in our country, the national government decided to close the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence. A woman dies every 35 hours in Argentina, while one in two women in a relationship has suffered or is suffering from domestic violence and there are no state structures to resolve it.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

According to data from the National Registry of Femicide of the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice, there have been between 226 and 260 victims of femicide per year from 2017 to 2023. It is clear that lethal gender-based violence is far from being resolved. The problem is real and not ideological. To these lethality data we must add the 124,000 calls to line 144, a state policy that has been in existence for 10 years and is a hub for prevention.

Public policies to address cases of gender violence are part of a commitment that the Argentine State has historically made within the framework of international agreements and that is why gender institutions were created almost 40 years ago to carry them out. Argentina occupies a privileged role in the fulfillment of these agreements and has been a pioneer in taking measures against discrimination and violence against women and LGBT people. It is taken as an example internationally.

Without specialized bodies in the comprehensive approach or sufficient personnel and budget, the Argentine State will not be able to design and implement adequate policies to prevent and punish these acts. But, furthermore, you will not be fulfilling your obligations. With the closure of the Undersecretariat for Protection Against Gender Violence, the Argentine State goes back to times prior to 1987 when the first undersecretariat for women was created and retraces a path of progressive progress that it achieved in the last 37 years.

Our National Constitution grants constitutional status to the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), committing to the development of policies aimed at eliminating discrimination against women by all appropriate means and without delay and enshrining the Inter-American Convention to Prevent , Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women (Belem do Pará) in 1996 through Law No. 24,632. With the closure of the Undersecretariat, the commitments no longer have reference authority for the design of policies and budgets and Law No. 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women will no longer have enforcement authority.

Fiscal regulation cannot be done at the cost of deaths and other forms of discriminatory violence against the population. Our society has built a consensus against gender violence. It is not an option to reverse four decades of progress.

We demand that the government rise to the urgency and immediately designate an adequate structure to respond to a problem that does not cease. We urge Congress to ensure that the laws it defines for social protection are executed.


SEE ACCESSIONS: La protección contra la violencia de género es un compromiso con toda la sociedad

In June of this year, La Casita Trans filed a lawsuit in the jurisdiction of violence against the Medical Council for offering training with pathologizing content. From Fundeps we present an amicus curiae in the case.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

La Casita Trans is a Civil Association of Córdoba that accompanies trans identities and their families. Through different actions they fulfill one of their fundamental objectives: working for the recognition and protection of their rights. They are also a center of support and reference, with a focus on trans masculinities.

At the beginning of this year, through publications on social networks of the Medical Council of the province of Córdoba about training aimed at health professionals, the entity promoted an update program that has a module named “Gender Dysphoria.” La Casita intervened by filing a complaint with INADI, requesting rectification of the training since, with that name, it violates current laws and contains violent and discriminatory content against trans identities.

Given the lack of agreement and appropriate response from the Medical Council, the organization filed a lawsuit to prevent this training module from being carried out. The case is pending before the 3rd Nomination Court of Children, Adolescence, Family and Gender Violence of Córdoba.

At Fundeps we intervened through an amicus curiae in which we confirmed that the pathologization of trans identities violates current legislation, the timeliness of scientific information and constitutes a type of violence. It is particularly dangerous that the entity that regulates and supervises the medical profession in our province dictates training with outdated scientific content. It must be taken into account that the organization is in charge of training professionals who will then reproduce said learning in doctor-patient relationships, with the risk of generating situations of violence, discrimination and violation of human rights.

The current international and national provisions, which in our country have been pioneers and avant-garde in the matter, are essential for the protection and recognition of the human rights of diversities. Therefore, judicial interventions that seek to guarantee its respect and avoid future violations are a key tool to ensure compliance.

In a socio-cultural context that still strains the human rights of people from the LGBTIQ+ community, it is necessary to act against symbolic violence. These violations are directly related to hostile treatment in the field of health, which influences trans people to avoid it so as not to be (re)victimized.

The State, private entities and society must focus on supporting the diversity of gender experiences, celebrating the identity of each person and creating inclusive spaces that promote the well-being and safety of trans people.

See Amicus curiae



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

May 17 corresponds to the date on which the World Health Organization removed (31 years ago, in 1990) homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. That is why on this day the “International Day for the Fight against Discrimination due to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” is celebrated and particularly in the province of Córdoba the “Provincial Day for Equality and Non-Discrimination due to Sexual Orientation, Identity and Gender Expression ”. These advances are accompanied by laws that demonstrate achievements but also obstacles in their implementation.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

May 17 is a fundamental day to make visible and raise awareness about the multiple violence suffered by LGBTIQ + people.

By virtue of the incorporation of international human rights treaties into our constitution, eradicating discrimination based on gender is a duty assumed by the State and also a commitment by all of us who want to live in a more just and equitable society.

There are various tools to eradicate violence, one of them is the formation and creation of laws, which imply the recognition of rights. Among them we can name Law 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence; the 26,743 of gender identity; Law 26,150 on comprehensive sexual education; among other. Despite its recognition, in law there are two fundamental concepts: on the one hand, formal equality, and on the other, material equality. The first corresponds to what we have been talking about, the recognition and promotion of equal rights written in the law, but the second is the opposite. That is, it allows us to identify if what is written is reflected in everyday life and these rights are specified, generating real equality, or if they are simply statements narrated on paper.

According to updated data from Amnesty International, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex, or are perceived as such, are at greater risk of being harassed and victims of violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The life expectancy of the transvestite-trans population in Argentina is 35 to 41 years. In this sense, it is important to remember the case of Tehuel De La Torre, a trans boy who disappeared on March 11 of this year, when he left his home for a job interview. To this day Tehuel does not appear, there are few clues about his whereabouts since the last people who saw him alive do not provide information, and it is a case that does not have enough repercussion and dissemination in the hegemonic media. The Tehuel case highlights the reality of the country’s trans population: the situation of extreme vulnerability and exposure to multiple gender-based violence.

Among the discriminations that people suffer due to their sexual orientation or gender identity there are homophobia, lesbophobia and transphobia, which are irrational hatred towards people whose sexual orientation is different from heterosexuality and / or their gender identity does not matches your biological sex. An example of this is the rejection that was generated by a sector of Cordoba society towards the LGBTIQA + flag that was hung by the Municipality of the capital in Sarmiento Park. On that occasion, there were clear reactions of violence and hate mobilizations against him, even reaching the fact that on several occasions the flag was removed, including acts of physical violence against LGBTIQA + people.

The aforementioned regulations suffer some difficulties at the time of their implementation due to the resistance of conservative groups that hinder the development of this policy in society. Whether through legal litigation, media campaigns, legislative lobbies, and particularly resistance in teaching spaces such as schools. These sites are important institutions for socialization and learning, where issues of promoting equality and non-discrimination must be addressed early.

What has been said so far, makes it clear that despite having rights recognized in various laws (formal equality), even so, people continue to suffer multiple violence because of their sexual orientation and / or gender orientation (material equality) when they do not conform to the heterocisnorm. Therefore, the need for a comprehensive plan to eradicate violence is evident. The enactment of a law is not enough, but comprehensive public policies are required that provide true responses to the problem and a profound cultural change.

This is the case of “María Magdalena”, a woman who came to the guard of a hospital with an abortion in progress and suffered torture, inhuman treatment and obstetric violence when she was treated, and later was unable to access justice in the province of Tucumán.

In 2012, María Magdalena (name used to preserve her anonymity) arrived at the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Maternity guard with a miscarriage in progress. The gynecologists who treated her, Claudia Callejas and Alejandra Bereguer, performed a curettage without anesthesia and later reported her to the police, accusing her of having caused the abortion.

María Magdalena was dismissed in 2015 and has been trying to get justice ever since. She denounced these doctors for gender violence and violation of professional secrecy, but in all the judicial instances of Tucumán they refused to investigate, and they filed the case.

The case reached the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and in February of this year it was resolved that the Judicial Power of Tucumán should investigate the medical actions of the gynecologists and rule on the denounced facts, since these signify a flagrant violation of the Women rights.

From Fundeps, we present an Amicus Curiae presenting a series of arguments to substantiate the human rights violations suffered by María Magdalena, and thus demand that justice be done. Among them, we highlight the right to a life free of violence in the framework of health care, compliance with the medical obligations of health professionals (derived from the Law on the Rights of the Patient in their Relationship with Professionals and Health Institutions) and the right to access justice.

We demand that the Judicial Power of Tucumán comply with its duty to guarantee women the full enjoyment of their rights and that it punish those who attempt against them, doing justice for María Magdalena and all women who see obstacles hindering access to essential services under conditions. safe and affordable.


Sofia Armando


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

Five years ago, on June 3, 2015, after the news of the femicide of Chiara Páez and in the face of extreme sexist violence, we took to the streets and banded ourselves under the “Not a Less”. For this year, one of the slogans is “We are supported by feminist networks”. In the context of social isolation, various virtual activities will take place.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

This slogan represents the fight against the most extreme consequence of sexist violence: death. According to official data, prepared by the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, in 2018 there were 255 direct victims of femicides. These reports are based on data from the previous year and the methodology consists of statistically analyzing the judicial cases in which violent death due to gender is investigated. According to the 2019 report, there were 268 direct victims of femicide and femicide victims and 5 transvesticides and transfemicides in Argentina.

You can also find current data that is produced by various social actors. The observatory of gender violence “Now that they see us” reported that as of April 30 of this year, 177 femicides had occurred.

In the context of a pandemic and taking into account the social scenario against the measure of Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation (ASPO), the Adriana Marisel Zambrano Femicide Observatory of the Casa del Encuentro decided to relieve and publicize the number of women murdered since the 20th of March. As of May 28, during ASPO there were 57 femicides and linked femicides of women and girls. The data reveals that 1 in 6 victims had previous complaints, that 71% were murdered in the home and 65% of the aggressors were partners or ex-partners of their victims.

For her part, the Minister of Women, Genders and Diversity of the Nation told the Télam Agency that during ASPO calls for consultations to 144 increased by 40%.

Particularly in Córdoba, the Judiciary informed that since the extraordinary recess was declared, as of April 30, the Courts specialized in family and gender violence issued 1803 orders to restrict contact between the aggressor and the victim and 471 exclusions from the home to the aggressors.

Now how do we read this data? Male violence finds its source in gender inequality and its most extreme expression in the high numbers of complaints of violence and femicides. Added to this, the context of social crisis, deepened by the pandemic and the tool of social isolation, intensify the conditions of vulnerability of people living in contexts of gender-based violence.

The figures, the claims and the vulnerability are an alarm call to put in check the strategies that the State develops in the face of male violence. A few days ago, it was announced that the Network of People Crossed by Femicide and the team of litigation on Human Rights Justice and Reparation made a presentation before the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against women (CEDAW) for the case of the femicide of Florence Bathrobe. What is raised in the case, as reported, is the lack of protection and access to justice, by the Argentine State, in a context of gender violence.

In this scenario and as an achievement of the pressure exerted by the feminist movements, Tucumán adhered to the Micaela law. At the national level and in all provinces, mandatory training and awareness-raising on gender and gender-based violence for all persons in public service at all levels and hierarchies of the three branches of the State now governs. Micaela’s memory and many others demand that this law is not just one more box to complete. The gender perspective in public policies, norms, and access to justice must force the visibility of existing inequalities and generate strategies to make gender equality real and structural. For this, it is necessary to allocate the necessary budget and the political will to deepen structural changes.

As long as the old mechanisms of patriarchy continue to function, feminist movements will continue to raise flags on the streets and in (the) networks.


Ivana Sánchez


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

As every November 25, this Monday marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Date that calls us to review and rethink some data and measures taken by the last management.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

This date and its corresponding march close the “feminist calendar” and like every end of the year it is an opportunity to take stock, in addition to this on the occasion of the early change of government, which invites us to extend the analysis to management four years of President Mauricio Macri.

Thus, for example, at the beginning of the current month the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich shared in her networks the data on femicides relieved by the portfolio she is in charge of, together with the phrase, in a festive tone like who celebrates an achievement, “We lower the femicides 12.1%! ” This statement, which refers to the amount of femicides of the year 2018 compared to that of 2017 (according to that information, 281 and 292, respectively), in addition to being factually incorrect, is an image of an erroneous perspective on the macho violence that explains largely the action (or lack of action) in gender policy of the outgoing government.

First, the numbers presented by Bullrich differ from those registered by the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice. According to the latter, the figures are 278 for 2018 and 273 for 2017, so it would be the opposite of the alleged reduction alleged by the minister.

According to Chequeado, the difference between the two statistics would be that in the case of the Ministry “as with other types of crimes, their figures come from police records. That is to say that it is the first post-crime analysis, before the start of the judicial investigation. ” Instead, the Women’s Office relieves information on the legal cases in process. This disparity of data should not be a problem for those corresponding to the current year, since the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Security and the Attorney General’s Office have signed an agreement to unify femicide statistics. However, we will have to wait until 2020 for the report to be published.

Meanwhile, although the official data is not possessed, the work of some feminist organizations that, as part of their militancy and without receiving any compensation, do a thorough monthly survey based on the information obtained in the media Communication. In this regard, the Mumalá National Observatory has registered 226 femicides between January 1 and October 31, 2019, not counting 38 cases under investigation, which means at least one victim every 32 hours. Broken down, this number includes 192 direct femicides, 18 linked and 6 trans / transvestites. Another relevant indicator is that 68% of the murders were perpetrated by either the couple (40%) or the former partner (28%) of the victims. Considering that 18% of them had made prior complaints, the question that arises immediately after reading these data is where the State is and what is the true scope of the policies that it has been implementing regarding gender violence.

A success of the year 2019 was undoubtedly the approval of the Micaela Law, which according to its article 1 stipulates “mandatory training in the subject of gender and violence against women for all people who work in the public service at all levels and hierarchies in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Nation ”.

However, if we look more closely at the work of the INAM (National Women’s Institute), a body designated as the authority for the application of that law and in charge of other gender policies, the balance has not been positive. Despite having been ranked in 2017 acquiring the rank of Secretary of State within the Ministry of Social Development, this did not translate into an appropriate budget and in fact this was cut annually.

The gender specialist journalist, Mariana Carbajal, says in her note on Page 12 that, “after the complaint of human rights organizations and women, Congress increased the items assigned to it by the Executive Branch, but those increases did not cover inflation: in 2018 the INAM budget was 15 percent lower in real terms than in 2017 and in 2019, the reduction (also in real terms) compared to last year was 16 percent ”. As logically the budget deficit hinders the execution, it is understandable that, as the note reports, of the 36 shelters for women survivors of gender-based violence that Macri had promised, only 9 have been completed and equipped, of which 8 had begun to be built during the previous government.

All this allows us to affirm that, although during these four years there was some progress, such as the explicit inclusion of gender in the national budget, they were not enough. This is because, fundamentally, it is still necessary for the State to take a stand against this type of violence as a structural problem.

Far from functioning as any crime, the security and punitive approach is inadequate and, despite what Bullrich has said, the figures for femicides have not dropped. Assuming that there had been about ten fewer victims between one year and another, isn’t it alarming that they still exceed 200 annually? Obviously, much remains to be done, not only from the Ministry of Security, but entirely from the entire state apparatus.

Just as gender is transversal and inequality is reproduced in all social spheres (in politics, in the economy, etc.), gender violence is not limited to femicide or physical violence, but, for example, Criminalization of abortion is also a form of violence against pregnant people. In this sense,the latest news regarding the update of the protocol for the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (ILE) was another attack on sexual and reproductive rights. In turn, it served as a reminder of the unfortunate decision that the government made this year to transform the Ministry of Health into a Secretariat, taking away the margin of decision (in fact, the reason used to justify the cancellation was the lack of consultation of the secretary to his superior). Since we are talking about cabinet portfolios, the promise of President-elect Alberto Fernández to inaugurate the Ministry of Gender Equality is at least hopeful. We also hope that the new administration that will assume this December 10 can redirect strategies against sexist violence to give reins to the profound cultural change that is necessary to really end it.

Of course, the claim to the State for answers is not a simple wait with crossed arms: the feminist movement remains active in the streets and the slogan Ni Una menos remains more current than ever, because beyond the number of victims of femicide and of the percentages in which they vary, as long as there is at least one dead there will be nothing to celebrate.


Mariana Barrios Glanzmann
Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

The OIT is an agency of the United Nations (UN) that brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member states, to establish international labor standards. Within the framework of its 108th meeting in the city of Geneva in the month of June of this year, an agreement was approved (with 439 votes in favor, 7 against, 30 abstentions) and its respective recommendation (with 397 votes in favor , 12 against and 44 abstentions), on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, which materialize proposals related to the topic.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The issue takes on special relevance in our country since, according to this entity: “France, Argentina, Romania, Canada and England have indicated the highest rates of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, (…), based in the largest global study that has been done so far on violence at work. “

The particularity of this agreement is that, in its content, it deals with the theme with an inclusive, integrated and gender perspective approach that is embodied in norms that imply a transcendental socio-cultural advance towards the protection of women and other groups. vulnerable (art.6), disproportionately affected by preventing their access to the market, permanence or professional progress.

This agreement would have a projection in the formal and informal work, public and private, regardless of their contractual situation. Through its rules it defines and distinguishes “violence and harassment” (Article 1 a) of “violence and harassment based on gender” (Article 1 b), leaving open the possibility for ratifying countries to contemplate them in their national legislations as unique or separate concepts; and understands that they can constitute “a violation or abuse of human rights, a threat to equal opportunities and contrary to decent work”.

The text provides that member countries should establish mechanisms for registration, control and monitoring of violence and harassment in the world of work, and that national bodies responsible for labor inspection, safety and health in this field should consider them as psychosocial risks in its management It also establishes the obligations of adoption and application of workplace policies related to violence and harassment, information and training on the subject, and even contemplates sanctions against perpetrators and compensation for victims for the damages and / or psychosocial, physical illnesses. or of any other type that are consequences of such acts. In a novel and positive way, through this normative proposal domestic violence is contemplated within the workplace and determines an obligation to mitigate its impact and even to evaluate it as a risk in the workplace.

However, despite the progress it represents, the text standardizes forms of violence and harassment, and affected groups. Mainly by establishing and leaving the concept of “vulnerable groups” undefined; without contemplating the diversity of the victims, of violence and harassment, hindering a true solution to the conflict.

The agreement is open and awaiting ratification by the member countries and will be an international legally binding instrument once ratified by our country, with a supralegal or constitutional hierarchy, after the approval of the National Legislative Power.

It is an opportunity to assume a genuine commitment to equal rights, based on positive actions that allow regulation and reform of situations of violence and harassment in the world of work, once it is effectively translated into concrete public policies and not mere empty commitments (purplewashing).

A better future of work for women and vulnerable groups can only be achieved by ending discrimination and overcoming entrenched stereotypes in relation to women in society, the value of their work and their position in the labor market. This future will be possible not only with the protection of women and vulnerable groups against violence, but with actions that simultaneously aim to achieve equality at work, access to social services and equal care services, and participation and representation of women in internal structures such as unions and trade unions.


Luz Baretta


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

With an extraordinary organization in all parts of the country, and within the framework of an international movement, women are once again demanding equality.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On women’s day in 2017, a mobilization was carried out in more than 35 countries to denounce the historical inequality of women in society and its multiple consequences: from sexist violence -and its most extreme expression, femicides- to feminization of poverty, economic violence, domestic work and unpaid care, wage gap in relation to male salaries, job insecurity, universal vacancies in kindergartens, extension of maternity and paternity leave, salaries for victims of gender violence, equal salary for equal work, reopening of the moratorium for housewives, among other claims.

This year, the mobilization multiplied, and the organizations and movements and unions of all the places of the country reconvene under the same banner. Thousands of people are gathering in the Organizational Assemblies of the International Stop of women, trans, lesbians and of all feminized identities, and we call for various measures, from unemployment to marches, interventions, digital campaigns, etc.

The deployment of energies occurs throughout Latin America, and the claims are adjusted to the most urgent needs of each place, making visible the diversity of our continent.

Undoubtedly, the collective Ni Una Menos, present in all provinces and almost all cities in the country, is the space that brings together people who want to make visible again the struggle for the rights to equality and a life free of violence. From these spaces are built the alliances and the links of a historical and tireless struggle that grows every day.

From FUNDEPS we stop all the identities that are part of our organization. We return to the need to rethink our relationships, our policies and our socio-cultural reality. We accompany the fight, invite and adhere to the International Women’s Strike on March 8, 2018.


Virginia Pedraza, vir.pedraza@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


In September of this year, after a year of the call to call, organizations that would be part of the CCAH of civil society were announced, whose main function is to advise and recommend courses of action to address the problem of gender violence. . This Council, created by virtue of article 9 of the integral protection law 26.485, is composed of two organizations per province and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, with a total of 48.

On October 27, the first meeting of the aforementioned Council took place, in which besides presenting the organizations, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of Violence against Women was informed (2017-2019) and about INAM’s plans in terms of design and implementation of policies. Likewise, the functions and regulations that should be dictated by the CCAH were discussed. Among the functions of the organizations, are to participate in the annual meetings and monitor the application of law 26,485 in their respective provinces, to then submit reports that serve as an input to the INAM to promote the application of the law at the federal level.

One of the main points of the agenda was the change suffered by this body, which went from being the National Council for Women, to being the INAM. The authorities that stated, mentioned that the decision regarding this modification addresses the need to give greater hierarchy to public policies of prevention, assistance and eradication of violence against women by having the rank of Secretary within the Ministry of Social Development, the time that the organism is granted greater autonomy.

On the other hand, it was pointed out that in future it is planned to establish provincial delegations, to territorialize INAM policies and facilitate access to procedures in the different Argentine provinces. However, no references were made to how public policies in this matter are going to be mainstreamed towards the other areas of the State, beyond the scope of the Ministry of Social Development.

We welcome the initiative of INAM to comply with the provisions of the law and to consolidate an institutionalized space for civil society to participate in a federal manner in matters of gender violence. The construction and monitoring of public policies for a problem as widespread as gender inequality requires the participation of civil society in all of Argentina, so we hope that we will continue advancing towards the promotion of women’s rights, also assuring budget and the necessary infrastructure so that they work in all the national territory.

We can not fail to mention that the participation of organizations should be reinforced, in addition to the existence of the CCAH. It is necessary to implement mechanisms so that other women’s rights organizations in all provinces can access the participation, which do not meet the formal requirements to belong to the CCAH, but due to their experience and trajectory, they must be considered purposes of the design and implementation of public gender policies in our country.

More information

– Resolution creating the INAM and the CCAH

– Annex of member organizations of the CCAH


Carolina Tamagnini – carotamagnini@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


At the beginning of this year, the cut for the budget aimed at eradicating gender violence in our country was evident, which was later clarified by the authorities of the National Women’s Council (current National Institute of Women) , recomposing such “error”. This movement aroused an alert to the organizations for the serious lack of transparency and clarity on the management of the public funds that would go to the Council.

In this context, it is worth noting that our country has signed and ratified a series of international agreements and treaties relating to human rights for gender equality (the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention of All Forms of Discrimination against Women , Sanctions and Eradication of Violence against Women), which oblige the State to develop public policies with the maximum resources required, mainly technical and economic, to guarantee the exercise of rights by women on equal terms with men.

Ignoring these commitments, in September of this year the budget for 2018 was presented, from which a number of civil society organizations (ELA, ACIJ, CAREF, FEIM, MEI and the Siglo 21 Foundation) once again alerted a reduction in the budget allocated to INAM, the main body of application of Law No. 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection for Women, and the lack of clarity and disaggregation of the budget directed at other programs to eradicate violence against women. The difference is 17% less than the current year, taking into account only the official inflation forecasts for the coming year.

The budget gap is more significant if one takes into account that the creation of INAM was established in order to give greater economic autonomy and institutional hierarchy to the body that regulates gender equality policies.

The budget forecast for next year is alarming, especially if we consider that in our country women receive a lower wage of up to 27% less than their male counterparts for the same work performed and are the most likely to work in precarious conditions, the figures of femicides amount to one every 18 hours, that the symbolic and media violence is reproduced through the media by the crisis of the institutions created for its monitoring and eradication.

We note that the budget cut and the absence of a clear picture of the resources that will be allocated to public policies aimed at promoting gender equality in various areas, jeopardize all the positive measures and actions that are being developed in this area. sense and backtrack with the national and international commitments made.

We add that the lack of disaggregation and budget specification towards gender policies shows serious difficulties in addressing the need to incorporate the gender perspective in matters related to the resources allocated, and also prevent their monitoring and monitoring in order to guarantee their fulfillment. In this sense, the State’s action is questionable, since, if it has committed itself to fight against gender-based violence, the measures and the budget approach for this purpose should not reproduce inequalities and violence against women.

The invisibilization and lack of clarity on the budget lines destined to most of the most important programs to guarantee the equality of opportunities and to combat the macho violence (except for some exceptions like the Program of Integral Sexual Education and the Victims against the Violence among others) , create a gray space that would allow the state to shape and alter public funds in favor of interests and contingent needs that could affect the survival and effectiveness of public policies to ensure gender equality.

That is why, once again, we adhere to the demand of civil society organizations against the budget reduction and in favor of transparency and specification regarding State funds allocated to public policies aimed at eradicating the violence that relapses in an insistent and relentless about so many women.


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi – cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


More than 50,000 women gathered for another year to share experiences, update debates, express feelings and define policies that meet their needs, betting on collective work to advance the fight. Women approached from different parts of the country, but it is worth noting the presence of women from El Impenetrable Chaqueño, who made the difference in their first participation in an ENM.

The meeting was marked by a variety of workshops, including women and feminisms, sexual and reproductive rights, femicides, indigenous peoples, among others. Two new themes were added this year: “Women and Culture of Rape”, which developed the role of the media in the construction of the victim and the victimizer, institutional violence, sexual, affective and relational consent, among other axes . Also added “Activism Gordx”, workshop that dealt with the hegemonic medical model, cultural stigmatization of fat bodies and new forms of politicization. At the same time, women were able to enjoy numerous cultural activities, with 25 de Mayo Square being the epicenter of talks, handicrafts, music and mates “encounters”.

On Sunday, at 6:00 p.m., a multitudinous march was conducted that covered more than 35 blocks on the way to the Democracy Park, with the presence of women belonging to different social, political, trade union, civic organizations, indigenous communities, and so on. The march culminated with a great rock to the rhythm of good music, dance and several meals.

We can not fail to mention the lamentable assaults that were suffered by several women who attended the ENM on Monday by a group of people who, shouting “let them all go”, threw stones at them, chased them on motorcycles, hit with sticks, and threatened, corralated and intimidated violently. Once again, intolerance and violence played a part in the NME. We repudiate this episode of this anti-rights sector, which, far from respecting freedom of expression and democracy, once again tarnished an MNA. It is also worth noting that, unlike the previous ENM, the security forces did not repress and acted with respect for the rights of the attendees, safeguarding the security of the meeting.

We celebrate these 32 years of struggle that will not stop and we will meet again next year in Puerto Madryn, Chubut, headquarters of the 33rd ENM.


Incidents in the march of repudiation to the meeting of women | TN24

Violent demonstration of Resistance against the women of the Meeting | El Diario de la Región


 Mariana Cabanillas


Virginia Pedraza, vir.pedraza@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


In the most vulnerable areas of our country, women are traced by the most serious violence. The rights we have conquered and the laws that we must protect often take time to come in their application, and communities are not always properly informed about how to make effective the guarantees offered by the State.

In the area of ​​collaboration and accompaniment that we built together with Las Omas, we also understand that it is important to strengthen the ties and ties between the women who make it up, since the networks of containment between women are the first that help to overcome those who face to the worst situations of violence.

The activities and mechanisms generated through Las Omas, with the women who make it up, are an essential tool for the follow-up actions that can be started and can be reinforced over time. That is why we have proposed to carry out workshops on gender violence, its types and the mechanisms of protection provided by the State. But this would be little if it is not complemented with tools that strengthen the bonds between those who are part of the community.

The first Gender Violence Workshop we conducted focused on promoting the development of ties and links that could serve to reinforce support mechanisms among women, so that confronting situations of violence can be collective, with the support of those who have overcome the obstacles, from those who can understand each other, and that in this way, women continue to take care of us in the fight against gender violence.


Virginia Pedraza – vir.pedraza@fundeps.org