Tag Archive for: Trans Fat

After a long journey in pursuit of the health of all the inhabitants of our country, at the 146th meeting of the National Food Commission (CONAL) held on August 24 and 25, 2022, the proposal for updating of Art. 155 tris of the Argentine Food Code (CAA) to reduce the limits on the content of trans fats in food products and the prohibition of partially hydrogenated oils.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In September 2021, from the Argentine Federation of Graduates in Nutrition (FAGRAN), the Argentine InterAmerican Heart Foundation (FIC Argentina), the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps), Argentine Consumers and the Argentine Society of Nutrition and Food Reales (SANAR), we presented a proposal to CONAL to improve the standards of industrially produced trans fats. Argentina currently has one of the least strict policies compared to other countries in the region. At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Nation presented its proposal online with the aforementioned organizations.

After an arduous follow-up and joint work, CONAL was able to include the treatment of the proposal in its agenda, reaching the Public Consultation instance, with great support from the community and Scientific Societies. The process was postponed in some stages, finally reaching its approval, with adaptation of the deadlines, although without other modifications of the original proposal. The approved proposal grants a term of two years for the adequacy of food to the established limit of 2% trans fatty acids, three years for the adequacy of ingredients and raw materials to the established limit of 2% trans fatty acids and four years for the elimination of the use of oils and partially hydrogenated fats in the food industry.

The new regulation will be adapted to the guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). These are designed to promote the worldwide reduction and elimination of industrially produced Trans Fats in the food supply, given the overwhelming evidence of their negative effects on the cardiovascular health of the population, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the to die for these It should be noted that, in addition, the implementation of superior policies contribute to protecting the human right to health and adequate food.

From this great step in defense of the right to health, from Civil Society we ask the Executive Branch to promptly publish the resolution in the Official Gazette to make the policy effective.

Organizations committed to the health of the entire population celebrate that we will finally be able to say Bye Trans Fats.


Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

On May 12, the public consultation ends where the proposal is evaluated presented by civil society to update Article 155 tris of the Code Argentine Food Code, which regulates the presence of Trans Fats in marketed foods, and thus reduce their content and eliminate partially hydrogenated oils. The organizations invite the
population to support the proposal.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Aiming to protect the health of the population throughout the country, various civil society organizations came together to work in a better regulation regarding Trans Fats. In this regard, they request that establish a maximum limit of the content of trans fats from production industrial 2% with respect to total fats in all products, including those that are used as ingredients and/or raw materials, and that are prohibit the use of partially hydrogenated oils.

This proposal is currently, and until May 12, in consultation public and it is expected that, based on the participation of the citizenry, it will be approved by the National Food Commission (CONAL). It is a proposal that passed to Public Consultation after the CONAL meetings on March 13 and 14 of this year. In this framework, from the Argentine Federation of Graduates in Nutrition (FAGRAN), the Inter-American Heart Foundation (FIC Arg.), the Argentine Society of Nutrition and Real Foods (SANAR), and the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (FUNDEPS) the entire community is invited to participate in the Public Consultation process by signing a letter of support for the proposal. In this way, citizens have the opportunity to participate in this instance of discussion on a public health policy.

These fats are found in products such as cookies, snacks, baths, confectionery, among other ultra-processed products, as well as in products of bakery. Scientific evidence establishes that this type of fat is not essential, are not required for any biological function in the body, and are not they have no health benefits. Therefore, international standards recommend that its consumption be eliminated from the world diet.

The Public Consultation takes place until 12/5 and the entire community can participate. To do so, just go to www.chaugrasastrans.org and sign the letter.


More Information


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org

On March 14 and 15, the National Food Commission (CONAL) held its ordinary meeting No. 144. There, among other topics, it worked on improving the regulation of trans fats based on the proposals presented by civil society and the Ministry of Health.

Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.

CONAL, at its first meeting in 2022, put the update of art. 155 tris of the Argentine Food Code (CAA), referring to the maximum percentage of trans fats allowed in food products. For this, it used two proposals: one that civil society organizations presented in September 2021 and another, by the National Ministry of Health, whose presentation took place this year.

Both proposals state:

  • Establish a maximum limit of 2% of industrially produced trans fats on total fats in all food products. Including those used as ingredients and/or raw materials.
  • Ban the use of partially hydrogenated oil (main source of trans fatty acids).

It is important to highlight that these proposals are aligned with the best standards of public health protection, as well as with the recommendations of international expert organizations.


What’s coming

According to the minutes issued after the last meeting of CONAL, the National Food Institute (INAL) has the duty to prepare the so-called “joint resolution project” (PRC). This project is a document, where, taking into account both the proposal of civil society and that of the Ministry, the effective proposal to modify art. 155 tris.

After its preparation, the PRC must be sent for a period of 20 calendar days to all CONAL representatives and if no substantial comments are received, it must be submitted simultaneously to CONASE -Advisory Council- and to Public Consultation -open stage to the community-, for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.

However, neither the statements made by members of CONASE or those that may arise in the framework of the public consultation, are binding. In other words, CONAL is not obliged to follow the positions that result from both instances, but they will be an important input to be assessed by the Commission when modifying the Food Code.

Subsequently, a new meeting of the CONAL will take place and if the modification proposal is approved, it will go to the administrative process so that the joint resolution between the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the Secretary of the Ministry of Health is issued, acquiring thus its character and rigor of the norm after being published in the Official Gazette.


Why is it important for civil society to participate?

Participation will be key to driving the proposal forward, as well as countering possible interference from the food industry. In general terms, the discussions raised within the scope of CONAL, given its institutional and operational scheme, are behind closed doors and quite far from citizen participation. Therefore, it is transcendental that civil society organizations begin to take part in this space, bringing the perspective of public health, human rights and, above all, prevention of non-communicable diseases.

Argentina is behind in terms of trans fat policies, so it is necessary to redirect efforts again to ensure the right to health of citizens.

We are getting closer to saying #ByeTransFats!


More information:

We present a proposal to eliminate trans fats in Argentina


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org

The purpose of this document is to address key concepts around trans fats: their health effects, uses by the food industry, regulatory efforts that are being made both internationally and regionally to reduce their presence in products. food and current regulations in Argentina along with its main challenges. It concludes with the proposal for regulatory improvement presented by civil society.