This document analyzes the operation of the Inter-American Development Bank mechanism: Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism -MICI-. For this, not only the MICI policy is taken into account, but also the number of cases submitted to the mechanism, how many have been registered and considered eligible and how many have not, why they have not been considered, the countries with the most complaints, the reasons why complaints have been rejected, among other parameters. All this with the objective of observing how clear and precise the MICI Policy is for the communities affected by the projects financed by the IDB and IDB Invest.

This document proposes a descriptive and evaluative analysis of the recently published (2020) “Gender Risk Assessment Tool” (HERG) of the IDB Invest, which is a gender plan for companies to evaluate the impact of their projects on gender issues and structure prevention processes.

This document analyzes those issues that have been incorporated and the aspects that have not been incorporated and / or modified from the public consultation process carried out by the IDB. In particular, it emphasizes the need to guarantee the rights of girls, adolescents, women and LGBTTTQ + people so that the human rights of all people are effectively respected and guaranteed (Only spanish)

This document proposes a comparative analysis between the bill of Interruption Pregnancy Volunteer who was treated in the Chamber of Deputies in 2018 and obtained average sanction; the bill of the National Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion presented in 2019 in Congress and the project presented by the Executive Power in November 2020.

This material is a practical resource for the basics of self-management. It is the result of debates and dialogues, loaded with great desires for social transformation (only Spanish)

This document aims to examine, from a comprehensive environmental and public health perspective, the impacts caused by the application of agrochemicals. One of the many consequences of the existing agricultural production model in Argentina is linked to the excessive application of agrochemicals and their consequent negative externalities for the environment, public health and the general population.

Through a statement addressed to the Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank, civil society organizations, peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants and people with disabilities in Latin America and the Caribbean, we express our concern regarding the presidential elections of the Institution. In particular, we express our rejection of the decision of the United States government to present a North American candidate to preside over the Bank, and of the election process itself, which does not give rise to the participation of social organizations and communities.

The following primer develops the technical and legal aspects that must be considered when guaranteeing the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy during the crisis generated by the coronavirus, with references to protocols and recommendations drawn up by the World Health Organization and other health institutions. It also contains a section on the use of telemedicine to attend to these practices.

In early July, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) published the second draft of the Environmental and Social Policy Framework -MPAS- and began the second phase of the 30-day consultation process. This document was produced within this framework and contains observations and comments on the second draft of the MPAS from a gender perspective.

On August 11, through a Resolution of the Official Gazette, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock defined its new organization chart and made official the creation of the National Directorate of Agroecology, which will be chaired by the agronomist Eduardo Cerdá who is the president of the National Network of Municipalities and Communities that Promote Agroecology (Renama). This direction will act under the orbit of the Secretariat of Food, Bioeconomy and Regional Development.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The main objective of the directorate will be “to intervene in the design and implementation of policies, programs and projects that promote intensive and extensive primary production based on agroecology at all its scales, coordinating with producers, agrarian organizations and municipal and provincial governments.” To comply with this, it is expected, among other actions, the creation of a Strategic Plan of Productive Transition that contains the objectives, methodology and recipients for the agro-ecological implementation; and the granting of technical, credit and tax assistance to promote said activity.

This government decision is historic for our country, and is framed within the growing environmental crisis and the need to establish consistent public policies, such as the design of alternatives to the agricultural production model that prevails today. It is a decision that recognizes the approach that various farmer organizations have been developing for years, who have created alternatives to confront the hegemonic system. In addition, the current Minister of the Environment, Juan Cabandié, has repeatedly pointed out the risk that the use of pesticides and phytosanitary products entails in the health of the population and the environment, classifying them as “poisons”.

In this sense, agroecology proposes another way of producing food, which in the words of Eduardo Cerdá “implies taking into account and putting into play all ecological processes when producing agriculture and livestock. It is not a business look, it is a system look, to understand the natural processes that work in a field. By taking into account all the processes, it is easier to take care of them ”.

For these reasons, we welcome the implementation of this direction at the national level, since it represents a change of vision in the way of producing food in our country and implies an advance in the much-promised food sovereignty. We believe that this measure provides the appropriate initial impulse to give place and space to this production alternative based on sustainability and caring for the health of people and the environment. In this way, it is possible to incorporate a social and environmental perspective to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, which is extremely necessary in these times.


Maria Laura Carrizo Morales 

Ananda Maria Lavayén


Juan Bautista Lopez,

The transformation of school canteens during the COVID-19 pandemic: speed in the provision and deficiencies in the nutritional quality of the food modules (Only spanish)

From the Network of Organizations Against Corruption (ROCC) we published a document that compiles information on what public procurement is like at the national level, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza and Salta during the state of emergency. In addition, recommendations are proposed to increase transparency and accountability in processes.