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We seek to work with all the groups that intervene in the development process: with different government levels, other civil society organizations, the private sector, the academic sector, communities, and the public. The objective is to promote a sustainable, equitable and participatory development guided by human rights.

We structure our work in 5 areas that constantly interact and develop the following activities: research, training and capacity building, political advocacy, strategic litigation, networking, and awareness campaigns.

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The president of the World Bank resigns: possible conflict of interest and transparency in the appointments

On January 7, the world was surprised by the untimely resignation of World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. With three years left to finish her second term, Kim stepped aside to take a position within the private sector. A possible conflict of interest…

The Morning Show again incurred media violence

The Ombudsman's Office responded to the complaint we made against "El Show de la Mañana", broadcast on Channel 12, for content that spectacularized a situation of clear violence towards a 12-year-old girl. “Below, we offer a google translate…

Arcor responded to the complaint filed with the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents

The company Arcor presented a report to the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents (NNyA) arguing that the campaign "your fair share" is respectful of current legislation and does not violate the rights of children and adolescents. “Below,…

The tobacco companies lose a battle: Tierra del Fuego can display cigarettes in kiosks

The province of Tierra del Fuego regulated the law nº 1203 of control of smoking, sanctioned on December 15, 2017. The regulations are called to be the highest national standard because, besides incorporating the complete prohibition of advertising,…

Entre Ríos and the right to abortion

In the last weeks, a case of non-punishable abortion in the city of Concordia was reported to a girl victim of rape. Health professionals from the hospital where the practice was performed made the case public, violating the professional secrecy…

Bajo Grande again in environmental and health emergency

The Municipality of Córdoba once again extended the environmental and sanitary emergency in the Wastewater Treatment Plant (E.D.A.R.) of Bajo Grande and in the downstream areas. It did so through Decree No. 3413 and the measure governs for…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

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