Analysis on the implementation of the Electronic Voting and new technologies in the elections in Córdoba in 2011.

Análisis crítico de la respuesta de la Justicia cordobesa ante el incumplimiento de suministrar información pública por parte del Poder Ejecutivo en el marco del proyecto Córdoba Transparente

Informe paralelo al Comité de las naciones unidas para la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer, apoyado por FUNDEPS

El presente documento contiene comentarios elaborados por FUNDEPS acerca del perfíl de Política de Acceso a la Información del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), que fueron enviados al Banco en el marco de la Consulta Pública sobre la revisión de la política de disponibilidad de información de la Institución, en abril de 2010.

In 2010, FUNDEPS is created, a result from the work of young professionals from Córdoba, Argentina.

The Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policy (FUNDEPS) is a non for profit organisation developed in Argentina with a focus on the development of a just, equitable and inclusive society. We envision the construction of strategies in which every stakeholder of the society will engage in the promotion of sustainable processes of widening of opportunities and the strengthening of democratic institutions that will ensure the full respect of Human Rights, building a sustainable development policy.

To contribute to the development of these strategies, FUNDEPS works for the establishment of improved relations, rules and institutions in the interactions among the government, the citizenry, the private sector as well as other civil society organizations from the local, national and international level.

To achieve these goals, FUNDEPS promotes the empowerment of the different stakeholders in the development process through initiatives of training, lobbying, policy & research, strategic litigation and cooperation.

Fundeps is part of The Argentine Coalition of The Access Initiative (TAI), together with CEDHA, OAJNU and FOCO.

Fundeps joins The Access Initiative Coalition to work in the promotion of Access Principles in the Law for Forestry Protection in Argentina.

The Access Initiative (TAI) is a global network that promotes access to information, participation, and justice in environmental decision-making. TAI is the world’s largest network of civil society organizations working to ensure that people have the right and ability to influence decisions about the natural resources that sustain their communities.

At the moment, the TAI Argentine Coalition is working in the Provincial Congress, advocating for the inclusion of the Access Principles in the Law that is currently being discussed in this field. The project is being developed by the Argentine Coalition of The Access Initiative, formed by FUNDEPS, together with the Argentine Youth Organization for the United Nations (OAJNU), the Citizen Assembly for Justice and Human Rights (FOCO) and the Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) with the Support from the World Resources Institute.