
We present an annual report to INAM and we express concern about its inactivity

The civil society organizations representing the Argentine provinces in the Ad Honorem Advisory Council of INAM on November 10 presented the situation reports. We also regret the inactivity of the Council during the year and the little interaction of INAM with its members.

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The civil society organizations representing the Argentine provinces in the Ad Honorem Advisory Council of INAM on November 10 presented the situation reports. Likewise, we regret the inactivity of the Council during the year and the little interaction of the INAM with its members. Since last year, FUNDEPS has been part of the Ad Honorem Advisory Council of the INAM, a space for collaboration between the government and organizations committed to the struggle for equality. women. This Council, created under article 9 of the comprehensive protection law 26.485, is composed of organizations from all provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and its main function is to advise and recommend courses of action to address the problem of gender violence. However, since the meeting held in October of last year, the Council organizations have not been able to establish an active communication with the INAM, nor has progress been made in the preparation of the operating regulations of the Council.

Even so, complying with the commitments assumed as advisors, from FUNDEPS we present the annual report of the situation of Córdoba in relation to the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of Violence against Women 2017-2019.

In this regard, it should be noted that our province does not adhere to the National Plan, which we warn as the main warning regarding the commitments assumed by the country in the fight against violence against women, through the signing of the Conventions of Human rights that address the problem, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CEDAW (for its acronym in English) and the Inter-American Convention of Belem Do Pará.

Likewise, we made information requests to the corresponding provincial bodies, in order to respond to the information required by the INAM, orders that were not answered within the deadlines established by law. In this sense, we resort to the information gathered through our fieldwork, as well as the data available online in the official sites of the province.

The lack of access to information is another important warning that we warn, mainly given the seriousness of the problem in our province, which already has more than 11 femicides, until August, so far in 2018.

In the report presented, activities were reported in the areas of health, education, media, as well as access to justice and work.

The lamentable inactivity of the Council and the INAM

During the month of September, FUNDEPS along with other advisory organizations presented a request for information to the INAM to understand what the operating guidelines of the Consultative Council are, in order to be able to fulfill the assumed commitments.

During the inaugural meeting of the space, the advisory organizations and the officials of the INAM agreed that during the current year we would be prepared to elaborate the regulations for the purposes of the functioning of the organ. This regulation was never drafted, nor were the consultations and questions of the Councilors answered by INAM.

Also, as part of our work of constant monitoring of media, we have made a report of media violence by the statements of Nicolás Repetto, who in an interview with a young victim of public transport abuse questioned the type of clothing that was using at that time. For this reason, we initiated the corresponding claim process before the INAM, but we did not have a timely or adequate response to our complaint.

Fully recognizing the efforts of INAM to increase transparency and accountability on the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of Violence against Women 2017-2019, carried out within the framework of its commitment to open government, the Lack of interaction and response to civil society is contradictory.

It is also important to analyze the economic context of the country, mainly from the forecast of the funds for the fight for equality and against the violence carried out by INAM. As ELA points out, in its report on the 2019 budget, “INAM had achieved a total of $ 211.5 billion pesos for 2018, as a result of the budget reallocations achieved during the year. For 2019, a total of $ 234,394,881 will be awarded. Although this represents an 11% increase in nominal terms, taking into account the average inflation used by the Executive Power itself in the preparation of the budget (34.8%), this implies a fall of 18% in real terms in relation to to the previous year”.

In a context where the economic crisis and the consequent budget cuts impact especially on women, organizations that do not have a voice to express their opinions and complaints or find an answer in the authorities responsible for promoting gender equality policies in all spheres, worrying.

Without prejudice to the complex reality of INAM, the advisory organizations comply with our commitments, and we hope that next year we will be able to advance in the consolidation of real spaces for public participation, with the guarantee of being consulted and listened to when designing and implementing the public policies to fight against violence against women.-

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Virginia Pedraza, vir.pedraza@fundeps.org