On December 1, we filed an amparo action for delay of the Secretary of Environment of the Province of Córdoba in providing environmental public information. Through this action we ask the courts to require the Province to fulfill its duty to provide the requested information.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

During the months of October and November, we asked the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change of the Province for public information related to the policies and actions implemented by the Provincial State regarding prevention, mitigation and adaptation measures to the phenomenon. In the absence of a response within the term provided by current provincial regulations, we again request the prompt dispatch of the administration.

In the absence of a specific response, and when the deadlines have expired, we filed an action for protection for default. This consists in informing the Provincial Courts of the delay in complying with the deadlines ordered by law to answer the request, so that later the judicial body requires the authority in question to fulfill its duty.

It should be remembered that the right of access to information is guaranteed in the Argentine regulatory system and is recognized in Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro of 1994, the Escazú Agreement ratified by National Law No. 27,566, in art . 41 of the National Constitution, as well as Laws 25,831 on Access to Public Environmental Information and 25,675 General on the Environment. This right is a fundamental presupposition proper to democratic coexistence and is necessary for proper environmental management.

In fulfilling their obligations, the authorities must provide such information, without it being necessary to prove interest or any reason, free of charge and within the prescribed deadlines. In the event of non-compliance, the action for protection by default is outlined as the way to guarantee the enjoyment of such a fundamental right.


Juan Bautista Lopez, juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org

Within the framework of a project that seeks to strengthen accountability at the federal level, together with the NGOs Nuestra Mendoza, Andhes and Salta Transparente, we are trained in “Budget Analysis and Advocacy Strategies for Transparency” in order to generate common tools and align our work on this matter.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The public budget is the main economic policy mechanism that defines how and how much public resources will be collected and invested in a whole year. Through this, the government defines its priorities in attention to public policies and therefore in the guarantee of rights.

The objective of the training was to generate tools and align our work on public budget matters, in order to carry out a joint strategy on the subject. Although, in general terms, all public budgets follow a similar scheme both at the national and sub-national levels, both the nation and each province have their own specificities. In this sense, guidelines were established for the analysis of each provincial budget process, identifying its key actors, times of the process and the existence or not of a mechanism for transparency and citizen participation.

In a particularly complex year, where the emergency was declared and large funds were allocated to care for the pandemic – a situation that is expected to continue at least for a while longer – we consider it key to delve into this issue. In this sense, we will advocate for greater visibility of the public budget, while making it more transparent, participatory and guarantor of human rights.


Nina Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org.


Every September 28 we celebrate the International Day of Access to Public Information in order to promote government transparency and raise awareness among citizens in the exercise of this human right. This day has been held since 2002, following a conference held in Bulgaria, organized by defenders of freedom of information from 15 countries. Years later, in 2015, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed the celebration of this date in order to consolidate public awareness about the importance of access to information.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The Right of Access to Public Information (DAIP) is a fundamental right that every person has to request and receive information that is in the possession of the State. In return, it is an inescapable duty of the public powers to implement and ensure compliance with the objective of making public management transparent. In its collective dimension, the DAIP acquires relevance for the strengthening of democracy since it functions as a mechanism to guarantee accountability and citizen control. In turn, it is a key right that enables and enhances the enjoyment of other human rights, such as health, a healthy environment, education, among others.

Access to information held by public entities can be guaranteed in two ways. Through active transparency, that is, when the State proactively publishes information or through a request for public information before a specific body, which is known as passive transparency.

Access to information in the province of Córdoba

In November 2019, and with the support of 14 organizations throughout the country, we launched the report “Córdoba: a proposal to update the law on access to public information” where, at the same time, highlighting the main international standards on the matter , we make specific recommendations so that Córdoba updates its law No. 8803 on Access to Knowledge of State Acts dating from 1999. From that moment to date, nothing has changed, so the update claim is still in force, let’s see what they are the main shortcomings of the law:

  • It is a law of 10 articles that, for the most part, is limited to establishing the procedure to access public information and fails to regulate the right of access to information in a comprehensive manner, so as to ensure its effective compliance.
  • It does not enunciate, beyond the principle of “publicity of government acts”, other key principles in order to guarantee the right of access to public information to any person.
  • It defines “public information” in a very limited way as “any type of documentation that serves as the basis for an administrative act or the minutes of official meetings.” In general, “document” refers to a written medium. That is why this definition is extremely restrictive and defines, ultimately, what citizens will or will not have access to. It is advisable that a broader definition of public information be followed as the national law does.
  • It contains a limited number of subjects obliged to provide information: it does not contain entities that receive public funds (such as political parties or unions) or are contractors of the State to provide a public service; and as for the Judicial Power, it restricts it to its administrative activity.
  • It does not provide for active transparency, so the type of information that it publishes is at the discretion of the provincial government without being subject to any type of control or minimum floor of information to be published.
  • It does not foresee measures for the promotion, implementation and assurance of the right, as is the case of the existence of an Access to Public Information Agency.

Access to public information is essential for the exercise of its function and the achievement of its objectives, since it constitutes a first element of analysis to be able to monitor public policies and collaborate accordingly.

In 2019, of more than 100 AIP requests made between the municipality and the province of Córdoba, only 10 were answered. There is also a practice that violates the principle of publicity and the strengthening of the institutions of democracy; This is to respond to requests for information, once they are prosecuted.

As an example we can cite the case “Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies c / Secretariat of Financial Administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Province of Cba. – Amparo Por Mora (Law 8,803) – Appeal for Cassation ”, in which, after 10 years we obtained in 2019 a favorable ruling from the Superior Court of Justice of Córdoba on budgetary information required in 2010 from the provincial and municipal governments regarding to the registry of suppliers and to the funds of direct execution in the hands of Ministers. Likewise, and without yet having a final judgment, in August 2019 we filed an amparo action against the provincial Ministry of Health for not responding to a request for information on health services in the area of ​​sexual and reproductive health in the province of Cordoba.

What happened this pandemic year?

The outbreak of the pandemic highlighted and exacerbated the difficulties that already existed and hindered the full exercise of the right of access to public information.

As is known, at the beginning of the pandemic and together with the mandatory social isolation measures, the “suspension of administrative terms” was ordered at all levels of government, both national, provincial and municipal, which implied a “stop” in the normal functioning of the entire public administration. In this area, it is worth highlighting a good practice on the part of the National Agency for Access to Public Information, which on April 14 of this year ordered through resolution 70/2020 to exempt itself from the general suspension of administrative deadlines so that all the procedures derived from both the national law on access to public information and the law on the protection of personal data, will be active. One of the fundamentals he used was the following “in the face of an emergency situation and a health crisis resulting from the pandemic generated by COVID 19, accessing public information is essential to know the Administration’s performance and avoid arbitrariness in taking of public decisions ”. We highlight this decision, which enabled Fundeps to make a total of 24 requests for public information at the national level, having already obtained 17 responses, which allows us to continue monitoring some key public policies on human rights.

Although at the provincial and municipal level, and in part due to the lack of active and interactive AIP Agencies with society and / or publicity of information related to AIP requests since the beginning of the pandemic, it was not possible to establish exactly when is that the AIP deadlines and mechanism were resumed.

At the municipal level, and given the new government management, the information request website has been updated, available here. For its part, the province forged by the emergency situation and social distancing that made it impossible to manage AIP requests in the only way that they were foreseen, that is to say in person, has settled a historical debt which has been the creation of a site of online inquiries to make requests for public information. Although we celebrate this progress, which is key in this period and which will facilitate the management of requests once it has ended, we consider that the requirement to have a Digital Citizen to be able to make a request for public information is excessive in terms of human rights. Although it may be desirable for the province for the entire population to manage its Digital Citizen, the right of access to public information cannot be subject to a formal and technological requirement such as this one. This is absolutely contrary to both the standards that guide this right and current legislation.

The Inter-American Model Law on Access to Public Information establishes that any person must access public information even anonymously, only having to provide a contact information in order to obtain the required information. Argentina, at the time of enacting Law 22,175 on access to public information in 2016, indicated that the requesting person must indicate their identity, the information requested and a contact information. Similarly, it is foreseen in Córdoba, in Article 6 of Law No. 8,803 where it is established that “the request for information must be made (…) with the identification of the applicant, without being subject to any other formality”. Therefore, the requirement of having a Digital Citizen is clearly an obstacle in the exercise of this human right.

In this context, some claims are still in force and are being deepened in order to effectively exercise the right of access to public information, such as the updating of Law No. 8,803 on “access to knowledge of the acts of the State” of Córdoba that dates from 1999, that special emphasis be placed on the obligation of active transparency by the States, having to publish complete and current information in open formats, as well as the creation of an Access to Public Information Agency at the provincial level that guarantees the full validity of this right.


Nina Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

The amicus curiae presentation made by CELS in a federal public interest case was rejected by the lower court and by the Appeals Chamber. His request to be considered a friend of the court reached the Supreme Court, so we request that the case be opened to amicus.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On September 10, we presented a request to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to open the call for amicus curiae in the case “Argentine Chamber of Medicinal Specialties and another against the National State Ministry of Industry of the Nation and others s / Nullity administrative act ”. In said process, where the controversy concerns the regulation of the conditions for the patentability of chemical-pharmaceutical inventions, the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) requested participation as “amicus curiae”. This in the understanding that there is an intimate relationship between the right to health, and access to medicines under conditions of equality, and the criteria for patentability. However, this request was denied both in the first instance and in the Federal Civil and Commercial Chamber.

The rejection was based on the absence of regulation of the procedural figure in lower instances than the Supreme Court and the lack of expertise of the CELS on the merits of the case. However, the jurisprudential antecedents show that this is not an impediment to admit the participation of the friends of the court. On the other hand, the reason why CELS requests participation in the cause lies in the public interest and the fundamental rights committed, a subject in which it has a recognized track record.

In our request we state that the intervention of the amicus curiae can contribute to an improvement in the jurisdictional activity of matters of public interest and to a democratization of the judicial debate. The denial of CELS as amicus curiae in all procedural instances obstructs the possibility of reaching a more democratic and transparent decision.

The decision made by the Court in this instance may mark a jurisprudential guide for similar cases. That is why this presentation constitutes a good opportunity for you to establish a broad criterion for the admission of this figure and for citizen participation in judicial debates of public interest to begin to be the rule and stop being the exception.


Barbara Juarez


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

From the Network of Organizations Against Corruption (ROCC) we published a document that compiles information on what public procurement is like at the national level, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza and Salta during the state of emergency. In addition, recommendations are proposed to increase transparency and accountability in processes.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The declaration of the health emergency in relation to COVID-19 implies facing both economic and social consequences, which impact on the use of public resources that the State has in order to meet urgent needs. Therefore, it is necessary to place special emphasis on the public procurement system in a state of emergency to publicize the traceability of how goods and services are acquired.

The publication “Public Procurement in Argentina during the state of emergency” compiles the regulatory information and information on the availability of purchasing and contracting, at the national level and in some of the provinces, including Córdoba; It also proposes recommendations for efficient, transparent and corruption prevention recruitment processes.

In general, the purchasing and contracting systems have deficiencies even during periods outside an emergency context, so it is in this type of situation that the manipulation of information and the use of extraordinary budgets can be most discretionary. When these resources are not intended for their original purposes, but diverted or misused, the rights of citizens are violated.

The Network of Organizations Against Corruption, based on the survey carried out, draws up a series of recommendations (available here) for public procurement for all levels of government carried out in the context of an emergency.

During the context of an emergency, an adequate exercise of public spending becomes particularly relevant, since otherwise it hinders and prevents people’s access to the exercise of their essential rights. It is essential to guarantee the functioning of the institutions and control systems of the financial administrations to ensure the correct use of public funds. In this way, public procurement systems must tend to satisfy the greatest number of rights, be efficient in the expenditure made and transparent in all its stages.

What is the situation in Córdoba?

Córdoba declared on March 9 the state of alert, prevention and sanitary action in the detection of cases of dengue, coronavirus, measles and any other edition of disease with high sanitary and social impact that may cause outbreaks and epidemics that affect or may affect the province of Córdoba, and adhered on March 18 to the public emergency in health matters declared by the national state through decree No. 260/2020 for a period of one year from March 12, 2020.

For the purposes of crisis management, the government of the province of Córdoba created the “Fund for the attention of the state of alert, prevention and health action for epidemic diseases” and for the purposes of the operation of this Fund, Córdoba referred to the measures that in 2015 and 2016 were arranged to deal with the massive floods that occurred in various towns in the province, at which time a “Permanent Fund for Disasters” was created.

In terms of purchasing and contracting, Córdoba did not issue specific rules that regulate the procedures that are carried out during the emergency period. As far as law 10,155 is applied, which enables in its article 10 direct contracting in the event of “existence of manifest urgency and / or imperative need in the contracting of a good or service”, which is why most of the contracting carried out during this period they have been under this modality.

To access the specific recommendations of the province of Córdoba click here


Nina Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

On the occasion of the completion of the Trunk Pipeline Work in the province of Córdoba, last year we made 5 requests for information to provincial agencies. When we did not get any response, we presented a prompt dispatch to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The difficulties we have encountered in accessing information about this project have been constant since its inception.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Since 2014, we have made various requests for information on this emblematic project to both the Provincial Government and the National Government. On the occasion of the project’s completion, last year between August and October we made a series of requests for information to three departments of the Province of Córdoba directly or indirectly involved in the project, namely: the Córdoba Investment and Financing Agency -ACIF -, the current Ministry of Public Works, former Ministry of Public Works and Financing and the current Ministry of Environment, ex. Ministry of Water, Environment and Public Services.

At the end of 2019, as we had not received a response from any of the provincial agencies for the requests for information made and the response period had ended, we decided to make an early dispatch to the Ministry of the Environment.

It is important to clarify that once the provincial agencies receive a request for information they have 10 days to respond and it can only be extended for an additional 10 days as long as it is reported within the deadline. In the event of an incomplete response or lack of response, as was the case here, a prompt dispatch may be submitted. This resource is the same request for information, but it details the date and details of the request that had been made, together with a warning to initiate legal actions, that is, an injunction for default. Any provincial agency has a term of 10 to respond to the prompt dispatch, with the possibility of extending it for another 10 days, as well as with requests for information. In our case, the prompt dispatch was carried out in mid-December 2019, however the Ministry of the Environment responded to us only in February 2020, that is, the deadline was more than expired.

Thanks to the prompt dispatch made, we received the response to the request for information made in August 2019. The request requested information on the final layout of the project, location and number of inhabitants, businesses and industries benefited by the works and the state of situation. of the project. According to the information provided, all the Regional Systems are completed with provisional and / or definitive reception of the work.

In addition, we inquired about the companies and / or Transitory Business Units (UTEs) that participated in the project as well as what were the details and characteristics of the plan for connecting the home units to the Trunk Systems Regarding this last query, the provincial agency He replied that by means of a protocolized Agreement No. 024/2017 signed by the province of Córdoba, the Banco de Córdoba and the Distribuidora de Gas del Centro SA The “Fund for the Financing of Natural Gas Home Networks” was approved. It established the guidelines and requirements that the adhering municipalities must meet to allow the neighbors the possibility of obtaining financing to face the costs of connecting to natural gas in the home networks. In line with the above, the origin of the financing of the Provincial Plan Connect Gas Industry that enables the connection to the natural gas service to Shops, SMEs, Industries, Industrial Parks, among others, was consulted. This Program has a Banco de Córdoba financing line of $ 200,000,000, an amount that is loanable up to 100% of the value of the work according to the client’s classification. Also, the Program has financing of $ 100,000,000 from the Federal Investment Council.

Most of the information requested had previously been requested in requests for information that we made in previous years but in which we did not receive any response. Information that would have been optimal to have long before.

The lack of response to requests for information, such as non-compliance with the deadlines stipulated by Provincial Law 8803 on Access to Public Information (called the Law on Access to Knowledge of State Acts), hints, again, not only the great difficulty currently existing to access public information in the hands of the government of the Province, but also how outdated this law is, which dates back to 1999. Consequently, last year together with social organizations we requested through a document the update of this Provincial Law in accordance with the guidelines of the Inter-American Model Law and the National Law of Access to Public Information.

Access to public information is a human right that strengthens citizen participation, transparency in public administration, and democratic governance. For this reason, it is necessary to update the provincial Law in this matter in order to solve the shortcomings it possesses, incorporating the highest standards and guaranteeing control mechanisms that supervise its compliance.

More information


  • Gonzalo Roza
  • Sofia Brocanelli


From the Argentine Open Government Civil Society Collective, we request that all levels of the State take special account of transparency, participation and collaboration policies in public decision-making to manage the current crisis. At the same time we make ourselves available to collaborate, inspect, monitor and contribute to public decision-making.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.


Communiqué of the Collective of Civil Society of Argentina of Open Government in relation to Covid-19


To the national government, to the provincial and municipal governments, and to all the judicial and legislative branches of Argentina; 

The Covid-19 pandemic at this point represents the most important challenge we have faced in decades, both globally, regionally and locally. Its impacts are substantial not only in health matters, but they significantly affect our economies, public services, institutions, the educational system, the inequality of our societies, the systems of protection of rights and many other crucial areas for development and well-being. of our peoples.

The measures taken jointly by the different governments of our country have so far mitigated part of the health effects of the pandemic and prepared our health systems for a possible increase in the number of infections. This enormous community effort, crystallized mainly in social, preventive and compulsory isolation, implies that our public institutions must continue to implement emergency measures that involve a large amount of public resources. Some examples of this are budget reallocations, large-scale purchases and contracts, transfers of funds to sub-national governments, expansion of social aid programs, and subsidies or exemptions to the private sector, among others.

The scope of these challenges is not exclusive to our executive powers, but rather that our legislative and judicial powers also face demands for which they were not fully prepared. In both cases, their effective operation is vital so that the responses to the pandemic adjust to democratic parameters and protect the rights of society as a whole, and in particular of the most vulnerable groups.

We know that the challenges and difficulties in this context are many, and that is why we believe that collaboration is necessary to strategically think about desirable and possible actions for governments to face the pandemic and recovery in the coming months in an open, transparent and participatory, facing the citizens who expect answers and who also have knowledge to contribute. In this framework, the principles of open government must be considered as a necessary part of the solution and as a way to provide agile responses in the pandemic response process.

As a first step, it is essential that the State, at all levels and powers, guarantee access to the necessary public information so that citizens can monitor and participate in an informed manner in emergency public policies. This implies guaranteeing the open information and accessibility of all the information related to sanitary measures, the use and distribution of public resources, public purchases made, programs aimed at protecting the most vulnerable groups, etc.

It is also essential to promote the full operation – by remote means if necessary – of all public institutions, especially of deliberative bodies such as the National Congress, provincial legislatures and deliberative councils, and the judicial powers of the nation and the provinces.

In addition to the necessary democratic control over the measures taken by the executive powers in this emergency situation, the legislative and judicial powers have non-delegable functions that must be resumed shortly to prevent the impact of the pandemic from deepening.

In turn, the full participation of citizens should be the way in which the different governments seek the solutions that this context demands, taking special consideration by the voices of traditionally excluded groups and communities. The process of formation and implementation of public policies must be based on evidence and on active listening by citizens as basic inputs to reach the most inclusive decisions possible.

On the other hand, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of sanitary measures, the government must pay special attention so that basic civil rights, such as the right to privacy or freedom of expression, are not violated, especially in the digital space. In situations where the use of databases is proliferating, it is essential to ensure unrestricted respect for people’s privacy. This implies that its activity by digital means or the use of mobile applications is free from undue interference from the public forces.

Lastly, the fight against corruption must occupy a central place on the public agenda in order to ensure that economic resources are allocated fully and efficiently to face the pandemic. Public monitoring of the use of public emergency resources, particularly in the area of ​​public procurement, must be sought by the control bodies and made available to the public through the publication in open formats of all its details, such as the amounts, suppliers and types of processes. The resources that are diverted due to the effects of corruption differentially affect the most vulnerable groups in times of normality, which deepens in these contexts.

The organizations of the society involved signatories make ourselves available to collaborate, inspect, monitor and contribute so that, also in times of crisis, our governments respect the values ​​of open government, can mainstream this paradigm and continue working in public decision-making based on evidence and guaranteeing transparency.Open Government Collective Argentine Civil Society.


Acción Colectiva

Amnistía Internacional Argentina

Asociación Civil Grupo Puentes

Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ)

Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC)

Datos Concepción

Democracia en Red

Educar 2050

Escuela de Fiscales

Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM)

Fundación Americana para la Educación

Fundación Cambio Democrático

Fundación Conocimiento Abierto

Fundación Directorio Legislativo

Fundación Huésped

Fundación Nuestra Mendoza

Fundación para el Desarrollo de Políticas Sustentables (Fundeps)

Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas (LPP)


Poder Ciudadano

Red Nuestra Córdoba

Salta Transparente


Wingu – Res Non Verba Asociación Civil

The world is going through extraordinary circumstances. The need to adopt urgent measures such as social isolation have changed our daily lives and put public health and security in tension. However, the policies implemented cannot forget the rights of citizens.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The situation of public knowledge of the progress of COVID-19 has necessitated the adoption of urgent measures whose objective is the protection of public health. The isolation and social distancing measures are supported by the scientific evidence that is beginning to be collected about the outbreaks of contagion of the pandemic. The World Health Organization recommends these measures and its representatives have recognized the Argentine government for its decisions that can limit the spread of this disease early on. As in other public health issues in which we have worked for years, Fundeps emphatically supports public policies based on scientific evidence and in line with the recommendations of specialized bodies in the field.

In this context of health emergency, it is essential to become aware of the importance of respecting quarantine in order to protect public health and guarantee the functioning of the Argentine health system. Failure to comply with the isolation measures, and the consequent risk for the population that this causes, allows the State to take sanctioning measures against those who violate it. However, it is also important to point out that, in the face of the initiation of a sanctioning process against a person who violates isolation, it is necessary that the acting security forces strictly comply with the legal procedure established for such a case, and respect all rights and the constitutional guarantees that, even in this state of emergency, remain in full force.

Those exceptions in which a person is allowed to circulate, undoubtedly should not be used by citizens as a pretext to violate preventive and compulsory social isolation. However, in the event of a permitted movement (For example: food supply), whoever is questioned by the security forces, must have the possibility of providing information to said personnel in order to make known the reasons for their movement. , that is to say, to exercise your release. A coercive measure by the police, should only find support in the existence of “enough reasons” (objective circumstances noted by the police officer at the time of the control) that allow us to assume that the person is actually violating the quarantine and that is not enabled to circulate (eg health professionals), but allowing before, worth the redundancy, to discharge it.

On the contrary, an arrest that does not take into account the reasons given by the person who circulates or even offers the possibility of giving them, will not only violate those constitutional guarantees that restrict the adoption of this type of measures (existence of enough reasons to proceed with the arrest and right of defense), but it will also make the exceptions contemplated by the DNU illusory Thus, any person who circulates on public roads should be detained and only after going through the entire procedure, could provide the reasons for their circulation to the competent judicial official. If so, this could cause an overflow in the places destined to house detainees, with the consequent overload of the minimum judicial system that is currently dealing with such cases.

Beyond the aforementioned, in cases in which security forces personnel detect a violation of quarantine and detain the person in question, the procedure must respect the dignity of the person without incurring degrading treatment, and using the force only when necessary. Furthermore, the procedural rules in force in each jurisdiction must be complied with, that is, immediately notify the competent judicial body, seeking the effective right of legal assistance and defense.

Finally, the application of inspection tasks should not be oriented and systematically directed to the “control” of those sectors in vulnerable situations. The guarantee of non-discrimination should not be ignored when supervising quarantine compliance, directing controls only to a certain population sector, but its scope should be general.

The existence of a state of sanitary emergency requires the responsibility of all citizens in complying with the quarantine measure. Failure to comply with such a measure undoubtedly demands a sanction to guarantee the health of the entire Argentine population, but must not lead to excesses, arbitrariness and abuse of authority by the security forces, seeking a quarantine with full validity of our rights.

From society, we must avoid acting by underestimating the number of cases existing today, which may seem few or with numbers that are not alarming enough: the behavior of the pandemic has already shown exponential growth in other countries. This is why it is necessary to think about the possible contagions of tomorrow, and especially the impacts on the health of those people belonging to the risk group and / or in a vulnerable situation.

Since the appearance of COVID-19, the need to review from the State and from all of society, the way of linking ourselves, both individually and daily and globally, has become evident. It is necessary that we collectively manage to take advantage of these circumstances to build ties, ways of relating that include citizenship, mutual respect and towards our environment, as starting points. Public health will be better protected with an active citizenry, responsible for the fulfillment of its obligations and capable of exercising its rights.

For more information, it is recommended to go to the official information channels by clicking here

Firm: Fundeps´s team

Following the opportunity represented by the change of management at the municipal level, we want to express ourselves on key issues for the future of our city. Therefore, we jointly address other Cordoba organizations to the new Mayor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, with the aim of making recommendations regarding structural problems that cause serious damage to human rights.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Within the framework of the assumption of the new municipal management, there are unattended situations for years that need an urgent response. Through an open letter, we announce in ten points what these problems are and we make ourselves available to the new cabinet to work in an articulated way.

The ten points are summarized in:

  1. Environmental and health emergency in the Chacras de la Merced neighborhood
  2. Solid Urban Waste
  3. Urban Planning and Development
  4. Gender parity in the cabinet
  5. Trans labor inclusion and quota law
  6. Access to Legal Disruption of Pregnancy in Primary Care Centers
  7. Application of the Micaela law
  8. Access to public information
  9. Healthy school environments
  10. Smoke-free environments and protection of the non-smoker

These are 10 points, which are not exhaustive or exclusive of other problems, but require an urgent response because of the critical situations they represent. We hope that in the next 4 years we can articulate a joint work to continue advancing in the fulfillment of the human rights of the Cordoba community.

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Carolina Tamagnini, carotamagnini@fundeps.org

Corruption negatively impacts the quality of our democracy and affects the validity of human rights, particularly those groups and communities that are most vulnerable. By reducing the quantity and quality of public resources available, the economic, social and cultural rights of the population are especially undermined.

Regarding the fight against corruption, our country still has numerous reforms pending. Among them, we can mention as unavoidable points the modification of the law of public ethics, the sanction of a new system of purchases and contracts of the State, implement policies of transparency in the financing of the policy, improve the control organisms, implement policies of transparency in markets and financial flows. It is also necessary to institutionalize spaces for citizen participation, not only in the fight against corruption, but to guarantee a more inclusive democracy.

On International Anti-Corruption Day, civil society organizations highlight that in order to successfully prevent, detect and punish corruption, comprehensive public policies are needed, aimed at different sectors of the State and private actors. For that, it is necessary to generate broad and robust consensus among the various social actors. In this sense, the Social Anti-Corruption Agreement, prepared by a diverse group of organizations and specialists, aims to draw up a roadmap of public policies that should be implemented to build a country with less corruption and, therefore, more just and egalitarian.

The document can be accessed at www.acuerdoanticorrupcion.org.


Nina Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

On November 28 and 29, the 2nd annual meeting of the Network of Organizations Against Corruption (ROCC) was held in the city of Córdoba. In this context, a meeting was held with journalists to talk about corruption and access to information.

The central theme that summoned us was the request to update the law on access to public information in Córdoba, supported by ROCC and other NGOs in Córdoba. During the meeting, the status of this right was discussed at the level of the provinces and at the national level, and the differences between the existence of a regulation and its application. Journalists and NGOs concluded in the need for a collaborative work together to be able to work on access to public information.

What is the situation in Córdoba?

The conclusions of the meeting show the need, in most cases, to have to prosecute requests for access to public information in Cördoba, and to have to wait for judicial times.

Córdoba, not only needs to update its law on access to information, but also the regulations that exist are far from being correctly applied. Fundeps only received 5% responses to requests for information submitted in 2019 to the municipality and the province; and when he prosecuted a case, the TSJ resolved it 10 years later.

And in the other provinces?

From the organizations of Mendoza, CLADH (Latin American Center for Human Rights) and Our Mendoza, it was highlighted that there were clear advances in relation to access to public information in their province, especially legislative ones. Since 2018 they have a new AIP law and in 2019 it was regulated. It contemplates issues of active transparency and even an office dedicated to its implementation, the Office of Administrative Research and Public Ethics. However, they warn that this does not work properly and that a system of comptroller, interprovincial for example, would be useful for the purpose of this being accountable to a third party.

On the other hand, both Salta and Santa Fe, Salta Transparente and Acción Acción, respectively, announced that their legislative situation is the most worrying. Salta does not have a law on access to public information at the provincial level, but at the municipal level of the city of Salta with an ordinance that includes, among other issues, active transparency and sanctions in the case of non-compliance with it. For its part in Santa Fe, the next will try for the ninth time to enter the law to the Legislature the bill on access to public information.

The Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, said it is preparing a report on the applicability of the national AIP law, which will be published at the beginning of the year 2020.

How did the ROCC event continue?

At the meeting, other civil society organizations in Córdoba were invited to present their projects on Open Government. Virginia Romanutti of the Our Cordoba Citizen Network attended, who presented her work in the framework of the Goals Plan of the Municipality of Córdoba. Also attended by representatives of PARES working around three strategic axes: gender, citizenship and development; and Minka who is dedicated to issues related to law and technology.

In relation to the Network of Organizations Against Corruption, a balance of the activities of 2019 was made, highlighting:

  • The note that was presented on January 25 to the president of the nation in relation to the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) issued on the Procedural Regime of Civil Action for Extinction of Domain.
  • Contribution of comments to the presentation of the Draft Open State Law in Salta.
  • Active participation in the Federal Council for Transparency.
  • The Social Anti-Corruption Agreement.

And, some actions were proposed to carry out next year as:

  • Participate in the Federal Council for Transparency.
  • Conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of the right of access to public information.
  • Supervise infrastructure works at the national level as they become one of the most important niches of corruption.
  • I work to regularize the lobby.
  • Consolidate a work plan on misuse of public resources.
  • Require a law on public ethics in provinces or municipalities that do not own one.


Nina Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

At the end of October of this year we present an action for amparo for late payment, within the framework of Law No. 8803 that regulates the right to access to knowledge of State acts, against the Ministry of Health of the Province of Córdoba, for not having responded to a request for public information filed on August 6.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Within the framework of our work in monitoring and promoting public policies that respect human rights, with special interest in accessing health services in sexual and reproductive health in the province of Córdoba, we requested information from the Ministry of Health of Córdoba and the directors of the main provincial hospitals.

The information requested focused on the services provided by the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program, with questions about the number of patients who received care, the amount of training that was done in the province on the subject, the budget allocated to the Program, between others. In addition, questions about the services of Legal Disruption of Pregnancy were specifically included, and about the regulations applied to cases of conscientious objection.

In the absence of a response from the Ministry of Health, one month after having dispatched the request, we submitted a request for prompt dispatch, but we also did not obtain any response. It is worth clarifying that the period provided by Law No. 8803 for the provincial State to answer these types of requests is 10 business days. At the end of October, because this deadline was long overdue, we decided to initiate an action for amparo for late payment, which is currently being processed in the Chamber of Administrative Litigation No. 1 of the provincial justice.

The difficulties of accessing information in Córdoba

The right of every person to request and receive complete, truthful, adequate and timely information from any body belonging to the public administration is a fundamental human right to guarantee citizen participation, the strengthening of the democratic system, the transparency of public management. and the effective enforcement of other rights.

Throughout this year, from Fundeps we presented a total of 62 requests for public information to various provincial and municipal public agencies. All meet the deadline, and we only got 3 answers.

It is unfortunate that we have to resort to judicial proceedings in order to access information that is public. It is necessary that the Province review the regulations and enact a law that contemplates the minimum standards for the effective validity of this right, so we request that the law on access to public information be updated.

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Mayca Balguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org