Next Monday, July 12 -from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.- we will present, together with a group of organizations, the Argentine Network of Community Advocacy, a space for articulation, support, advocacy and learning between organizations and legal professionals from all over the country, that we work for access to rights and legal empowerment of vulnerable people or groups. To participate, register here.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Taking into account the great difficulties that social organizations and activists encounter in defending the rights of vulnerable groups, from ACIJ, FUNDEPS, TECHO, CAPIBARA, XUMEK – REPAD and ANDHES we saw the need to create a Community Advocacy Network to solve legal needs and structural problems that similarly affect large groups: people with disabilities, migrants, women, children and adolescents, the elderly, indigenous peoples, people deprived of liberty, victims of institutional violence , among others.

We seek to face with collective strategies the great obstacles that exist when practicing social advocacy and, in this way, guarantee effective access to the rights of their communities.

We are waiting for you next Monday, July 12 -from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.- to the presentation of this initiative, which is in permanent construction, to continue adding contributions from organizations and activists who want to be part of it.

What is RAAC?

RAAC is the Argentine Network of Community Advocacy. Its objective is to build a space for articulation, support, advocacy and learning among legal professionals from all over the country, who work for access to rights and the legal empowerment of vulnerable people or groups.


  • Generate alliances, synergies and solidarity between social organizations, professionals and activists that work in the field of community advocacy and community legal empowerment.
  • To promote greater visibility of the different local experiences linked to the subject.
  • Carry out an advocacy agenda in local and national public policies, linked to community advocacy and legal empowerment.
  • Increase the national debate on community advocacy and its development as a disciplinary field.
  • Generate a learning community that respects the plurality of thoughts and opinions, strengthens community growth and contributes to the development of the capacities and abilities of all those who are linked to community advocacy and legal empowerment

Para participar del evento, inscribite en este formulario.

Together with the organizations Andhes, Nuestra Mendoza and Salta Transparente, we have prepared a report that gives an account of how public budgets are created in the provinces of Córdoba, Tucumán, Mendoza and Salta, as well as the availability of information around them and the existence or not of participation mechanisms.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Determined to strengthen the mechanisms of publicity, accountability and citizen participation, the Fundeps, Andhes, Nuestra Mendoza and Salta Transparente organizations prepared a report that explains the public budget formation cycle in the 4 provinces, as well as its execution and control by part of the public authorities.

The budget is a key element of public management, it defines the public policies that a government will carry out, determines how much will be collected and invested in public policies over a specific period, which is usually a anus.

The ABC report of the Public Budget seeks to answer the following questions, how is the public budget cycle in each of the provinces under analysis? What are your times and what key actors are involved? Is this information available? Does the citizenry have spaces for citizen participation?

To this end, the legal frameworks of each province, the stages of the provincial budget processes – elaboration, debate and approval, execution and control – were analyzed, identifying in each of them the key actors involved, the times of the process and which ones. they are the most relevant documents that result in each instance. Finally, for each province, the level of publicity and dissemination of budget information was analyzed, as well as opportunities for citizen participation, giving recommendations adapted to each situation.

In an instrument as relevant as the public budget that has a direct impact on the exercise of people’s human rights, it is necessary to guarantee, on the one hand, the highest levels of dissemination, publicity so that it is accessible to all citizens. , as well as instances and mechanisms of citizen participation that contribute to the construction of a more just and inclusive society.



Nina Sibilla,

Civil society organizations asked the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, a meeting to discuss the need to start as soon as possible a new selection process for the highest authority of the Agency for Access to Public Information of the Executive Branch of the Nation, vacant position since January 1, 2021.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

A group of organizations made up of the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information, Network Democracy, Legislative Directory, the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies, Citizen Power and the Fundación Vía Libre, this June 18 sent a request for a meeting to the Chief of Staff to express the need for the Access to Public Information Agency to once again have a Director formally designated for that role.

After the selection process that began in February and whose public hearing took place on March 23, the Executive Power did not advance with the first proposed candidacy. Faced with this situation, Law 27,275 establishes that the deadline to start the selection procedure again is 30 days, a period that has already been exceeded.

The Access to Public Information Agency is a fundamental institution for the democratic system, which is why the absence of its highest authority threatens its proper functioning and, consequently, the exercise of its functions. Among these, the role of ensuring full transparency of all the institutions and entities under the orbit of the Executive Power stands out (which is achieved by centralized and decentralized public administration bodies, public companies and with state participation, public service concessionaires, State contractors, among others). In turn, it must ensure the protection of the right to privacy and the full application of the Law on Protection of Personal Data.

In their letter, the organizations highlight the importance of creating open instances to discuss the profile required for the person who is proposed, and that this leads to the prompt appointment of a new authority and the consequent normalization of the operation of the the Agency for Access to Public Information.

I accessed the letter here.


Joint statement of ACIJ, Democracia en Red, Legislative Directory, Fundeps, Citizen Power, Vía Libre and the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information, on the occasion of the conclusion of the hearing in which the set of observations presented in around the candidate proposed by the Executive Power, Gustavo Fuertes.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

We celebrate that, after the public hearing in which the public was able to express themselves regarding the candidacy of Gustavo Fuertes to lead the AAIP, the Executive Power has not made progress in appointing him. Once the deadline with which he had to confirm said proposal has expired, it is now necessary that spaces for open discussion be urgently generated regarding the new profile that the Head of Cabinet should promote, to fill the vacancy in the Agency through a participatory process.

On March 23, the public hearing was held in which the candidacy of the lawyer Gustavo Fuertes was discussed to occupy the position of Director of the Access to Public Information Agency, which has been vacant since January 1, 2021. The hearing represented an opportunity for different people and civil society organizations to detail the numerous observations on the candidacy proposed by the Executive Power, which coincided in the lack of suitability and guarantees of autonomy of the candidate.

After this participatory instance, the Executive Power decided not to finally confirm the Strong’s nomination to the position. As indicated in Law 27,275 in its article 21 subsection f, the Chief of Staff had a period of seven days from the holding of the hearing to approve the appointment. After this period, then, the Executive Power must restart the selection process from the proposal of a new person to occupy the position.

The decision to listen to the arguments offered by different civil society organizations and individuals in an instance designed so that citizens can participate in relevant public decisions, and thereby review an official proposal, is a very valuable step in the construction of a democracy. deliberative in which reasons matter. For this reason, the fact that the Executive Power has desisted from advancing in a decision that was questioned with highly relevant arguments as a result of the impacts that it could have on the validity of the human right to access public information, should be highlighted.

This position, which has been vacant for more than four months, is fundamental to the democratic system. In the first place, because it has the role of ensuring full transparency of all institutions and identities under the orbit of the Executive Power (which is achieved by centralized and decentralized public administration bodies, public companies and with state participation, public service concessionaires , State contractors, among others). In turn, it has among its functions to ensure the protection of the right to privacy and the full application of the Law on Protection of Personal Data. Both functions, due to their implications in the exercise of other rights, cannot be postponed for any reason, even less in an emergency context such as the current one.

For all these reasons, it is urgent that the Executive Branch send a new candidacy for the position in accordance with the standards of suitability and autonomy set forth in Argentine regulations and international law. This implies, among other antecedents, that the person has extensive experience in access to public information and protection of personal data, in such a way that his commitment to the effectiveness of these human rights can be corroborated. For this, it is desirable that open instances be generated to discuss the profile required for the person who is proposed, and that this result in the prompt appointment of a new authority and the consequent normalization of the operation of the Access Agency. Public Information.

The Government of Córdoba was selected to participate in OGP Local, a global pilot that seeks to implement an Open Government Action Plan through the co-creation of public policies with various stakeholders.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The objective proposed by the province of Córdoba is to deepen the provincial work in the field of open government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from a joint effort with different municipalities in the province. In this way, it is proposed to work towards accompanying the local governments of Córdoba in the development of a collaborative territorialization of the SDGs, with a gender and youth perspective.

From the province, the process is led by the Secretariat for Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Coordination, the Córdoba Joven Agency and the Córdoba Ministry of Women also joined. From Fundeps and PARES we are accompanying the process of co-creation of said Plan and we call on other actors of civil society in the province to join in promoting this process of co-creation with the province of Córdoba.

If you are a civil society organization, a group or space that works on open government, gender or youth issues and you want to be part of the process of building a Local Open Government Plan, complete this form.

More information


Today the Red Ruido made its presentation with its first investigation on “Public procurement in a pandemic: 2020, the year of direct contracting and the lack of transparency.”

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Ruido is a national network made up of journalists, communicators, specialists in open data and referents of civil organizations from 15 provinces that aims to make visible content from all over the country related to issues of transparency, access to public information, corruption and produce investigations, reports and other content related to these topics. From Fundeps we support the creation of the Red Ruido in alliance with FOPEA and with the collaboration of Poder Ciudadano.

These are the results of the first Noise investigation How were public funds used in Argentina for purchases related to the pandemic in 2020?

Through surveys on public portals and requests for access to information, it investigated information on public purchases in pandemic in 13 Argentine provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires between March and December 2020 to answer the following questions: what bought? how they did it? How much did they pay?


  • 92% of purchases in the framework of the health emergency were made directly, according to the Noise survey in 14 Argentine provinces.
  • The province of Buenos Aires bought ambulances at prices much higher than those of the rest of the districts.
  • Chaco paid for the most expensive N95 chinstrap in the country.
  • Córdoba and Buenos Aires concentrated the highest billing in a single supplier.
  • Santa Cruz purchased the liter of ethyl alcohol at the highest cost.
  • The most opaque provinces: Formosa, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán do not make any purchase details public.
  • Difficulties in accessing information in each district.
  • Reports and data province by province

Buenos Aires, with the most expensive ambulances in the country
The information obtained is partial and incomplete despite requests for access to the information, which were not answered. The most striking case: the ambulances of more than $ 13 million.

Catamarca, little information and a lot of jet
There are no public portals to access purchases and the information collected on expenses due to Covid-19 is minimal. A health jet purchased in a pandemic cost $ 8,950,000.

Chaco, no frame
There is a shopping portal, but it is impossible to know which ones correspond to the emergency due to the pandemic. The request for access to information was not answered.

CABA, with 210 operations without consignment
It is one of the best organized districts, with the display of public purchases. Although there are 210 operations that cannot be traced. Suppliers to investigate.

Córdoba, with differences
Almost all the data are available online. The Noise survey shows 83% of direct awards. The Government has another interpretation.

Entre Ríos: the dispute to investigate overpricing
The limit for direct purchases in a pandemic was extended to almost $ 5 million. And the ordinary and federal Justices dispute an investigation for overpricing.

Formosa, the impenetrable
There are no web portals or information on hiring in a pandemic. The only response to the request for access was the figure of how much was the total spent.

Mendoza, accessible
The province is one of the most transparent in relation to the publication of contracts. More information here.

Salta, the imprecise

It is not possible to access the information of the final awards. The government did not respond to requests for access to information on Ruido.

Incomplete answer in Santa Cruz
It does not publish official purchase data. Noise got them after access requests, which were answered by five out of seven ministries. The “sensitive data” that is not displayed. More information here.

Santa Fe, with confusing data
There is no coincidence between the few operations that appear on the official shopping portal, reported by Ruido. It is also not clear if they correspond to the emergency due to the pandemic. More information here.

Santiago del Estero: not even paying
It is one of the most opaque provinces: it was not possible to access any public information, despite requests for access. More information here.

Tierra del Fuego: Covid drivers
Partial data was accessed. The hiring of chauffeurs for a secretariat is striking, due to pandemic reasons. More information here.

Tucumán: 5 years to access the information
No information was obtained regarding any public purchases of pandemic expenditures. There is a case about access to information that the Tucumán Justice has not resolved for five years. More information here.

More information

Authors of the Noise survey

Mariela Arias (Santa Cruz), Marcela Arce (Santiago del Estero), María Ester Romero (Buenos Aires and CABA), Yamile González (Formosa), Gabriela Sánchez (Mendoza), Bárbara Maidana (Chaco and Sante Fe), Cristian Pérez and Juan Manuel González (Córdoba), Gabriel Ramonet (Tierra del Fuego), Luciano Garro (Entre Ríos), Gonzalo Guzmán (Salta Transparente), Luis María Ruiz (Tucumán), Sol Minoldo, Julieta Fantini, Andrés Vázquez, Sergio Carreras and Edgardo Litvinoff.

Learn more about El Ruido

After the public hearing held last Tuesday, March 23 to discuss the candidacy of Gustavo Fuertes as head of the Access to Information Agency, civil society organizations requested a meeting with the President of the Nation to ask him to propose a ideal candidate at the head of this key body to guarantee transparency in the State.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Together with ACIJ, Poder Ciudadano, Legislative Directory, Democracia en Red, Vía Libre Foundation and the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information, we requested an interview with Alberto Fernández in order to express a series of observations about the candidacy -proposed by the Chief of Cabinet, Santiago Cafiero- for the position of Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP).

The public hearing that was held on March 23 to discuss the candidacy of lawyer Gustavo Fuertes as head of the AAIP revealed the need for another profile to be proposed for the position. After a series of challenging statements by numerous individuals and civil society organizations and the candidate’s responses to the observations and questions made, it was clear that the candidate lacks the knowledge and track record to demonstrate his suitability and commitment that a charge of this relevance requires.

Faced with this worrying situation, the organizations request to meet urgently with the President of the Nation, trusting that we will be able to state the reasons why a new candidacy must be sent that meets the requirements of suitability and autonomy for the position.

Access the letter


Nina Sibilla,

Joint statement of ACIJ, Democracia en Red, Legislative Directory, Fundeps, Citizen Power, Vía Libre and the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information, on the occasion of the conclusion of the hearing in which the set of observations presented in around the candidate proposed by the Executive Power, Gustavo Fuertes.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On March 23, the public hearing was held to evaluate the candidacy proposed by the Executive Power for the Agency for Access to Public Information, which promotes Attorney Gustavo Fuertes for the position. Contrary to what is established by current regulations, and what should have even happened due to the nature of the position under discussion, the hearing was not broadcast live for the general public, which restricted the number of listeners and access by part of journalists.

The candidate presented some work proposals, but his answers to the questions asked – generally incomplete and limited – showed the lack of specific knowledge regarding access to information and protection of personal data, which corroborates that his professional career in other areas of the public sector do not make him a person qualified for the task that is intended to entrust him. Far from reaffirming that he is the most suitable person for the position, the candidate acknowledged on several occasions the need to study the issues on which he was asked and the existence of people with a greater background in the matter.

The hearing revealed what numerous civil society organizations raised in their challenges: the candidate lacks the knowledge and track record to show his suitability and commitment for the position. Dozens of male and female speakers presented their objections over almost 5 hours. All the people who spoke agreed on the need for another candidacy to be sent to ensure the proper functioning and autonomy of this fundamental body, while no person came forward to argue in favor of the candidacy.

Public hearings must be an instance of substantive participation of the citizens that result in better decision-making by the State. Otherwise, they become a mere formality. It is clear from the results of this hearing that the candidacy of the Executive Power for the position does not meet the requirements of the law.

We ask the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Santiago Cafiero, to withdraw this candidacy and send that of a person who demonstrates his suitability and commitment to the position, in compliance with articles 20 and 21 of Law 27,275 on the Right of Access to the Public information.

A group of more than 30 organizations in Córdoba prepared a letter expressing our concern over the eventual appointment of Juan Manuel Delgado as Attorney General of the province of Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Today the Legislature of Córdoba is voting for the nomination of Juan Manuel Delgado to the position of Attorney General of the province of Córdoba. The position, by Constitutional mandate, is proposed by the provincial executive and must have the agreement of the Legislature.

Last Thursday, March 11, we attended the Public Hearing that was held and presented observations on some aspects that we consider critical. In this sense, we highlight the lack of independence that we consider to exist when nominating a person who is currently serving in the executive branch, as well as the lack of training and experience in criminal matters, human rights, gender and diversities and environmental problems.

Today, more than 30 organizations made public our concerns regarding the appointment of the proposed Prosecutor. Although they take up some of the points raised at the Hearing, this open letter places special emphasis on the threat that we warn regarding the validity of the sexual and (non) reproductive rights that have been achieved, given the candidate’s previous connections and his statements in the Commission. of Constitutional Affairs.


Nina Sibilla,

Mayca Balaguer,

This Thursday we participated in the Public Hearing to discuss the application of the lawyer Juan Manuel Delgado to the position of Attorney General of the Province of Córdoba, convened on 03/04/2021 through the Official Gazette.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

It was carried out after Governor Juan Schiaretti sent to the Unicameral Legislature of Córdoba, through file No. 32245 / P / 21, the formal proposal for the purpose of requesting agreement for the appointment of Juan Manuel Delgado as Attorney General of the province.

Juan Manuel Delgado, is a lawyer, and currently works as Procurator of the Treasury of the Province of Córdoba (since May 2019). In addition, he was Secretary of the Arbitration Court of the Cordoba Stock Exchange (2012/2018), Member of the Board of Directors of the Cordoba Stock Exchange (2019), Secretary of the Stock Exchange (2018), and Director of the Institute of Legal and Business Investigations of the Córdoba Stock Exchange (2017-2019).

On this occasion, we leave raised the following aspects, which we consider extremely worrying: 1) First, the serious impact on the institutional quality of the province with the application to occupy the highest position of the Public Ministry to a person who has just practiced as a lawyer within the executive power, precisely as a Procurator of the Treasury of the Province of Córdoba, which depends on the State Prosecutor’s Office of the province. This strongly undermines the constitutional mandate of independence among the powers of the State; 2) Secondly, and according to the only information available about the applicant’s career, there is an obvious lack of knowledge and experience in criminal matters, the area of ​​main activity of the Attorney General of the province. In addition to this, there is no evidence in the applicant of training and / or background in human rights, environmental law and in the perspective of gender and diversity.

Finally, we leave it exposed that, beyond the training, experience and trajectory in these topics, which we consider of great relevance, we are interested in the applicant showing a commitment to active work in these matters. The Attorney General’s Work Plan, which defines the priorities of criminal policy, must be public to all citizens and must incorporate these issues.


Organizations from all over the country requested an urgent meeting with the Chief of Cabinet of the Nation, Santiago Cafiero, to discuss the selection process of the highest authority of the AAIP – the control body of the Executive Power in matters of access to public information – given that the proposed candidate does not meet the suitability requirements for the position, as a result of the lack of relevant antecedents that demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to this human right.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On February 17, the Chief of Staff of the Nation proposed as Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP) of the Executive Branch the lawyer Gustavo Juan Fuertes, who does not have a track record related to transparency issues, access to public information or protection of personal data –see published CV-.

The Access to Information Agency has a task that is irreplaceable in the protection of this human right, which is in turn essential for a quality democracy in which citizens can know and actively participate in public affairs.

Their roles include not only that of resolving the claims of the petitioners and monitoring the proactive publication of information, but also of ensuring that the best standards are applied in the matter and that a citizen and state practice is stimulated that allows counting with an Open State based on the pillars of transparency, citizen participation and accountability. To this is added that it is the body in charge of protecting personal data and ensuring that the right to privacy is respected in our country.

The proper functioning of the AAIP requires officials with a high commitment in the subject and proven suitability in the matter. Otherwise, there is a risk that lower levels of transparency and openness of information will be tolerated in the hands of all the institutions under the orbit of the Executive Power (centralized, decentralized public administration bodies, State companies, concession companies public services, universities, political parties).

For this reason, and within the framework of the selection process open to citizens, it is important that the authorities are receptive to this type of objection from civil society and provide answers regarding the concerns raised. The Executive Power’s commitment to the right of access to public information must be reflected in the type of profile proposed to occupy this position, otherwise the right to know is at stake.

The organizations signing the petition are: Collective Action – Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) – Concepción Data – Network Democracy – Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN) – Open Knowledge Foundation – Legislative Directory Foundation – Guest Foundation – Women in Equality Foundation – Nuestra Mendoza Foundation – Foundation for the Study and Research of Women (FEIM) – Fundamentals for Education (FundaEdu) – Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) – Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences ( Inecip) – Public Policy Laboratory – PARES – Citizen Power – Our Córdoba Citizen Network – Transparent Salta.

The reception of observations on the proposed candidacy is open until March 15, as well as the registration period for the virtual public hearing -which will be held on March 23 at 9 a.m.- for the appointment of the authority of the AAIP of the Executive power. It is important that citizens participate in these processes, which help to strengthen democracy. Enrollment link

A group of 40 organizations from all over the country prepared a letter sent to different agencies and entities of the National Government expressing our concern about the situation arising from the existence of an informal vaccination system.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

It was addressed to the Undersecretary of Open Government and Digital Country and President of the National Open Government Table, César Gazzo Huck; the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti and the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Santiago Cafiero in the face of the political and social upheaval caused by the unofficial vaccination system at the Posadas Hospital.

We make concrete proposals for joint work, within the framework of the principles of Open Government, for transparency and participation. In addition, we reaffirm our willingness to collaborate in everything necessary to bring tranquility to the population and guarantee that support for the most ambitious vaccination campaign in our history remains unchanged.


Nina Sibilla,