PreCOP Córdoba “Civil Society Collaboration”
On August 7, a parallel event was held within the framework of the Pre-COP Córdoba 2019, where we participated in the organization jointly with Fundación Tierravida, Córdoba Young Agency Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The Side Event convened various sectors of civil society, NGOs, universities, native peoples, entrepreneurs and activists, involved in the theme of climate change.
“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.
Given the cross-cutting nature of environmental management, which is why environmental problems must be considered and assumed comprehensively and cross-sectorally, a logic of horizontal, multisectoral and interdisciplinary participation was sustained throughout the day.
In the morning the event began with the dissertation of specialists in climate change and then in the afternoon, through various work tables, the participants discussed, discussed and contributed on an equal and transparent footing to write a Roadmap . The discussion, in addition to being linked to the PreCOP issues, was framed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In addition to the aforementioned, various projects and actions of NGOs against climate change were presented under the Pecha Kucha format, topics such as renewable energy, differentiated waste collection, community empowerment on climate change were discussed.
About the Roadmap
The Road Map was the central and final objective of the event, in which representatives of the Cordoba civil society left the actions to be followed. Specifically, it focused on what elements are necessary to achieve governance that guarantees and promotes the effective participation of all sectors in decision-making and in the allocation of resources for projects, plans and programs related to climate change.
The aforementioned document was presented, in its preliminary version, before the official PreCOP authorities and at COP 25 to be carried out in December 2019 in Chile. During the month of September, work will continue among the participating organizations of the Side Event to continue developing their content.
The Climate Summit (COP) this year will be held in Chile and is a great opportunity to reach our representatives the various voices embodied in a document that show what are the necessary actions to deal with climate change. The summit is attended by representatives from almost every country in the world, scientists, specialists and NGOs where they intend to set criteria for compliance with the Paris Agreement and improve gas reduction goals.
Carolina Tamagnini
Ananda Lavayén
María Laura Carrizo
Juan Bautista López,