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On World No Tobacco Day, we again call for the development and implementation of public health policies to be free of interference from tobacco companies. It is urgent that the Argentine State prioritize the well-being and health of its population, and especially those who are the focus of the marketing strategies of this industry, that is, children and youth.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Tobacco and nicotine products are lethal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 8 million people die each year due to the consumption of these products and 1.3 million people die from just being exposed to second-hand smoke. For its part, Argentina’s epidemiological context is not far behind. According to the latest World Youth Tobacco Survey (2018), our country has one of the highest prevalence rates of tobacco addiction in the region: 20.2% of adolescents smoke. As if that were not enough, the age of initiation into consumption is already between 12 and 15 years.

Although it is well known that tobacco kills up to half of those who consume it, States are permeable (and sometimes even complicit) to the wide range of interference strategies deployed by tobacco companies. In general terms, these strategies seek to hinder the processes of advancing more protective norms of the right to health, undermine existing regulatory frameworks, take advantage of certain legal loopholes, as well as the ineffectiveness of State control mechanisms and, Finally, -the greatest purpose- to increase their profits and generate the necessary conditions to guarantee the sustainability of their businesses.

In Argentina, the interference of the tobacco industry is present, mainly, through the permanent and sustained lobbying of authorities of the National State and the provinces, the sabotage of legislative processes, the misrepresentation of scientific evidence along with the construction of confusing narratives that They seek to position their products as having reduced risk and the generation of economic threats in the face of the development of policies that seek to regulate their activity.

Without going any further, the push and pull that is taking place within the framework of the debate over the Bases bill in the National Congress which, among other things, implies a reform in the tax structure on tobacco products, are a clear example of the way in which this interference materializes. Both the exchanges between legislators and the media coverage have focused on the economic damages that one or another tobacco company would suffer if the reform were to advance, without taking center stage the negative impact that public health would suffer with a tax modification of these characteristics. -which enables the presence of very cheap cigarettes on the market, hindering the reduction of consumption- and, least of all, the great scandal that represents the fact that public power intervenes (or rather, plays a decisive role) in decision-making. any tobacco industry.

Although this has been the case of interference that, in recent days, has acquired greater notoriety, it is also possible to find other cases that reveal that progress towards better regulatory frameworks is, historically, a process fraught with obstacles. In this sense, the numerous draft regulations stand out that, after the sanction of the National Tobacco Control Law in 2011, were presented in the National Congress with the purpose of strengthening the response of the Argentine State to marketing tactics. of the tobacco industry. Despite the different presentations by various political parties and the important efforts of civil society to promote them, none of them achieved legislative treatment, losing their parliamentary status.

Along these lines, the large number of failed attempts to get the Argentine State to ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) deserves special mention. A survey of the databases of the Chamber of Deputies and Senators of the Nation showed that, between 2003 and 2022, 33 bills were submitted – 15 in the Senate and 18 in the Deputies –, postulating accession to the Framework Agreement and without None of them managed to reach the plenary session. This instrument and its ratification by the National State are necessary and urgent as it would allow for a comprehensive framework for the implementation of policies aimed at reducing supply, demand and health, social and environmental damage caused by products. tobacco and nicotine. In addition, it would provide effective tools to protect public health policies against the commercial interests of tobacco companies, as well as individuals or other organizations that work to promote the interests of this industry. Even though the positive and strategic implications of being part of the Framework Convention are more than evident, our country is the only one in South America and one of the few in the world that is not yet part of it.

That said, it is worth asking: what are the consequences of allowing the deployment and interference of these practices within the States and, particularly, the Argentine State? Who is really harmed?

Although our country has a regulatory framework that in preventive matters has adopted certain restrictions on marketing, the protection of smoke-free environments and the prohibition of emerging products (such as electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products), the truth is is that these regulations have become outdated in the face of an industry that is constantly renewing itself and that spends millions of dollars on amplifying and diversifying its marketing strategies. Added to this is the almost non-existence of oversight mechanisms by the State, which prevents the identification of violations of existing regulations, the application of sanctions to offenders and, ultimately, a serious weakening of the progress that – after many efforts – the Argentine population managed to achieve tobacco control policies.

This situation is especially critical for the protection of children and youth, who, because they are in a stage of training and development, are highly vulnerable to the manipulative practices of the tobacco industry. This deepens if regulatory frameworks and state responses are insufficient to combat them.

Industry strategies are diverse. The launch of innovative and sophisticated products, the construction of narratives that position them as the “alternative” to quit smoking, the organization or presence at massive events or parties, and the use of social networks together with the hiring of influencers for their promotion have a single purpose: to naturalize – especially among young people – the consumption of tobacco and nicotine products, create a new generation of consumers and maintain a captive audience among those who already suffer from this addiction.

There is no doubt that tobacco industry interference undermines efforts to reduce the tobacco epidemic in our country. For this reason, we reiterate that the ratification of the FCTC by the Argentine State would represent a fundamental step to reverse this situation, as well as a firm commitment to the health and quality of life of its youngest population.

Protecting public health policies from the stalking of corporate interests in this industry is the most challenging aspect of tobacco control and, at the same time, the most urgent and necessary. The Argentine population needs the commitment of all social actors and political forces so that their rights are prioritized. It is no longer possible to continue waiting.


Clara Diaz Yofre Maga

Merlo Vijarra


Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

Food and beverage industry interference is defined as influencing legal frameworks and policy environments in order to delay, weaken or prevent the development of healthy eating policies. These companies and groups related to their interests carry out different actions to intervene in the development of public policies and to influence the academic world and science.

This report seeks to document the case of interference by the food industry in Argentina, within the framework of the debate and sanction of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (No. 27,642), better known as the Labeling Law, as well as the initiatives developed by civil society to counteract this interference.

This report, carried out with the financial support of the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), compiles the views of five civil society organizations that actively and jointly participated in the promotion of the law, and currently continue working towards its correct implementation: the Inter-American Heart Foundation Argentina (FIC Argentina), Consciente Colectivo, the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (FUNDEPS), the Foundation
SANAR and the Argentine Federation of Nutrition Graduates (FAGRAN). These organizations, free of conflict of interest, began working together in 2021 and provided scientific evidence to justify the choice of labeling. In addition, they carried out advocacy actions with different political decision-makers during all the years in which the policy was debated, and carried out communication campaigns to inform and support the approval of the law.

A project to promote healthy eating that adheres to the national front labeling law was presented to the Córdoba Legislature. The initiative establishes stamp-free schools, promotes the public purchase of healthy foods and creates a monitoring commission made up of civil society organizations, among other things.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On August 16, a project for adhesion to the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PAS), better known as the “labeling law,” entered the Córdoba Legislature, which presents the best standards among the adhesion laws sanctioned so far. . It was achieved through collaborative work between the team of legislator Miranda and legislator Labat, together with the College of Nutritionists of the Province of Córdoba and Fundeps. It hopes to have the support of all the blocks that consider it a priority to defend public health and access to adequate food for all consumers and, fundamentally, children.
To understand the importance of subnational progress in relation to the national front labeling law, we must look not only at the letter of the law but also at its implementation. The text explicitly obliges the provinces to guarantee the implementation of the law in their territories, but does not say how. It does not command adherence. For this reason, at the time of the sanction and regulation of the national law, the question arose: is it necessary for the provinces to adhere? What should and what can the provinces do to guarantee effective compliance with these recognized fundamental rights? How can we guarantee equality in the enjoyment of these rights throughout the territory? Despite the questions, what was not questioned is that the national standard is mandatory throughout the country beyond the strategies defined by the province.

It is important to highlight that the standard aims to address the food issue in a comprehensive and transversal way. For this reason, it not only introduces front labeling that allows warning about the true composition of what is being consumed, but also regulates aspects such as: healthy school environments, nutritional food education, marketing strategies of food industries, public purchases. carried out by the State, etc. That is why this law is recognized as a kind of suture of the great regulatory dispersion that exists in the regulation of the right to food in Argentina, and it is also seen as a model law for the region.
Now, the implementation of all these components of the law put at the center the challenges of federalism and the system of distribution of powers, and requires coordination between different ministries, agencies and levels of government. In this scenario, the issuance of adhesion or complementary regulations emerged as the best way to ensure the full implementation of all the measures established by law, and thus effectively protect the health of the population.

To date we have only 7 adhered provinces, which according to the regulatory map of labeling in Argentina reflects 63.3% progress at the national level, and this has to do with the fact that none of the regulations regulate the implementation of the different components of the law that require it.

The bill in Córdoba

In this scenario, the bill presented in Córdoba appears as a model to be followed by the rest of the provinces. It proposes broad and comprehensive local regulation, which ensures the effective application of all the measures provided by national law. Thus, it not only assumes the responsibility of controlling and supervising compliance with the front labeling of food products and national regulations on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of these products, but also expands the scope of restrictions on advertising in the areas of local jurisdiction, such as points of sale and public roads. It also defines what is meant by advertising aimed at children and adolescents, correcting an important deficiency in national regulations. Thus, the text achieves full protection of the environment against marketing strategies that aggressively encourage the purchase of products that harm health.

Also, it speaks out regarding the two crucial components that require the actions of the provinces.

  • About school environments: prohibits the offer, sale and advertising of products with the seal within schools of all levels, formal and informal, and requires the permanent and free supply of drinking water; provides for the inclusion of food education in school curricula and teacher training plans; establishes that school cafeterias should prioritize the offer of fresh or minimally processed foods that come from local farmers; and provides that menus be designed by nutrition professionals and improvements are made to school infrastructure.
  • About public purchases: the project accepts the criteria of national law and prioritizes the purchase of healthy foods in all types of contracts and food programs. A priority that becomes absolute if the recipients are children and adolescents.

Other points to highlight in the proposed regulations have to do with the definition of the Ministry of Health as the application authority in coordination with other ministries involved. This is essential so that all the measures taken in the different areas are considered from a public health approach. We also consider the provision of complaint channels, sanction systems and registration of offenders at the local level to be a success, which allow us to reinforce national mechanisms that have been presenting certain limitations in practice.

Another point of interest, which has to do with strengthening the availability of healthy foods, is the incentive to consume unprocessed and natural foods produced by regional economies and peasant, indigenous (and/or) family agriculture.

Finally, we want to emphasize that the project provides for the creation of a Consumer Commission made up of civil society organizations, consumers and professional associations whose objective is the protection of the rights involved. Commission that guarantees citizen participation in monitoring the implementation of the law and in the development of complementary policies.

For these reasons, it is an advanced law for the promotion of healthy eating in the province. It can set the path to be followed by other provinces that have not spoken out and also for provinces with simple accessions to dictate complementary regulations that ensure comprehensive compliance with this public health policy that is being a reference in the region.

We invite citizens to support and follow the process of processing the law in the legislature. Your involvement is essential so that the balance does not tip in favor of the interests of large food industries and the rights of the population, and fundamentally children, to enjoy a healthy life and healthy eating are protected.

Access the bill


María Laura Fons


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org

This infographic provides information about the responsibility that corresponds to merchants of food products and non-alcoholic beverages that present warning seals and/or precautionary legends, as arises from the incorporation of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating to the national regulatory system. of food, as well as international principles that govern business activity.

This report provides information about the responsibility that corresponds to merchants of food products and non-alcoholic beverages that present warning seals and/or precautionary legends, as arises from the incorporation of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating to the national regulatory system of food, as well as international principles that govern business activity. In this sense, the commitment of the sector is essential in order to guarantee compliance with the public policies in question and protect the health of the population.

From Fundación Sanar, Fundeps and Fagran we launched “Let’s build a healthier school”, materials aimed at the educational community. Their objective is to promote the implementation of the labeling law in school environments and reflect on the nutrition of children and adolescents.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Law 27,642 for the Promotion of Healthy Eating, known as the labeling law, is a comprehensive policy that seeks to protect and promote the right to adequate food and the right to health, especially for children and adolescents. To achieve this, it proposes a package of measures that seek to transform the environments where they grow and develop, limiting the supply of unhealthy products in schools and exposure to marketing, educating on food and nutritional aspects, and promoting equitable access to healthy foods.

In this framework, schools constitute a key space for the implementation of the law and have specific regulations to comply with. Children and adolescents spend a large part of their time there and therefore, it is a suitable place to promote healthy habits.

In this context, the process of adaptation to the norm requires an accompanied and informed educational community. For this reason, from Fundeps, Fundación Sanar and Fagran we launched the kit of materials “Let’s build a healthier school”.

The objective is to provide tools to encourage the active participation of the entire educational community in promoting healthier and more sustainable eating practices. It includes materials so that each member can rethink her role within the process and become a change agent in school nutrition.

What materials are included in the kit?

  • A document with information about the law as a comprehensive public policy. It provides information about the evidence that supports it and the purpose of each of its axes. At the same time, it approaches a practical activity of a reflective nature to achieve collaborative work among the members of the community.
  • 3 Videos: one aimed at authorities and decision makers in the educational field, another at those responsible for children and adolescents; and one for children (which can be useful in the classroom).


This document explores arguments used by food companies against the health policies of Chile, Uruguay, Mexico and Peru, and the responses of the States. The objective is to provide tools that ensure the legal defense of policies in other countries, taking what has happened before as an example.

The objective of this work was to identify those factors that facilitate and hinder the implementation of Law 27,642 in relation to public purchases for school canteens in 5 Argentine provinces. At the same time, recommendations are made to be distributed between the executive and legislative branches of the jurisdictions.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

From Fundeps, Fundación Sanar and Anfibia Podcast we launched “Exceso de Todo”, a podcast narrated by Lucas Fridman, which runs from the controversy around the octagons and focuses on healthy eating.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Almost a year ago, the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating began to be implemented in Argentina, better known as the Law of Frontal Labeling. The black octagons that we see on the products are the ones that generated the most debate, but they represent one of the components of the law.

The objective of this podcast is to bring all the points that make it up and tell in 5 episodes how we eat in Argentina and what we need to eat better. It also addresses everything from advertising regulation to what can be eaten in schools, how public purchases for school and community canteens are managed and why when we talk about food it is not about individual choices.

The testimonies it gathers are from members of organizations that promoted it, journalists, leaders in nutrition and food, environment, people from the advertising industry, among others.

Listen to the podcast here

The episodes will premiere weekly on Thursdays until August 17. The podcast will be broadcast on Spotify and on all audio platforms.



Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

This document systematizes the reasons why Argentina must ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to strengthen health protection standards.

On August 9 and 10 we will hold the 1st Congress of Food Policies in Argentina in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. It is organized by Fundeps and Fundación Sanar.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

With the participation of national and international speakers, for 2 days we will talk about the progress and challenges of the 1 year anniversary of the implementation of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating, known as the labeling law.

We will share views and opportunities for joint work between students and health professionals, the educational community, state authorities, organizations that work for the right to health, the environment, among other actors.

The main topics of the congress include:

  • Challenges for the implementation of the law in the provinces.
  • Healthy school environments: recommendations and tools.
  • Transformation of food programs.
  • Food Industry Marketing Strategies.


  • First day (August 9): begins at 8:30 a.m. with the accreditations. There will be 3 discussion tables and speakers ending the day at 5:15 p.m.
  • Second day (August 10): starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 12:40 p.m. There will be 2 dialogue tables.

The congress will take place at SCALA HOTEL (BERNARDO DE IRIGOYEN 740, CABA).

It is free and with limited seats. Requires prior registration.


See the full program and speakers here.


The objective of this document is to provide simple, clear and timely information about the scope of Law 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating so that the various people that make up the educational community become agents of change that accompany the new food paradigm in the school environments.