Tag Archive for: Environment

The fundamentals of the amicus seek to prove violations of fundamental rights, environmental degradation and the inaction of the competent authorities. We consider that the case requires a structural response, in which the different entities with competence over the region participate and dialogue, always guaranteeing the participation of the communities. We believe that this is a case for ideal to carry out a model of dialogical justice in Colombia, to look for a structural solution to the problem, to carry out public hearings where all the parties involved have the possibility to be heard and to carry out a control active by the State.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


On Monday, August 7, we attended the public hearing convened by Federal Court No. 3 by Dr. Hugo Vaca Narvaja in the amparo promoted by neighbors Barrio Ne Antonio and Inaudi against the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Nation And the company Porta Hnos. They had the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office representing the interests of children and the State Attorney’s Office.

The amparo involving more than 25 neighbors and residents of San Antonio and other people of the Citizens’ Assembly “NEIGHBORHOODS IN DEFENSE OF A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT – VUDAS” was filed against the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Nation Of Hydrocarbon Resources) requesting the closure and final closure of the bioethanol plant of Porta Hnos SA They base their claim by stating that the company does not have the legal authorization to prepare biofuel (bioethanol) which should have been granted by the said secretariat and for not having concluded, prior to its entry into operation, the Environmental Impact Assessment process. Subsidiarily, amparists request the cessation of environmental pollution that the activity produces and irreparably affects the environment and the health of neighbors.

It is inexplicable the absence by the State in its different levels of government: national, provincial and municipal, both at the time of urban planning, to ensure compliance with current environmental standards and at the public hearing to listen to the parties and express Your position. But more inexplicable is that it was not the first time. At the end of April of 2015 the local group came to be chained in the headquarters of the Municipality of Cordova to obtain an audience with the intendant Ramón Mestre. They were forced to extreme acts to fulfill their right to be heard and to go to the authorities. Again an absent state.

But not everything has been unfortunate. We had the opportunity to accompany neighbors in this unprecedented audience for Cordoba. Initially, a conciliation hearing was scheduled under the federal law with the characteristic that it was going to be public. The judge then changed the character of the hearing to an information type imitating the proceedings of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the “Mendoza” case on environmental pollution of the Matanza – Riachuelo River. Having even arranged a mechanism for the participation of third persons, from FUNDEPS we register to take the floor. Finally, between roosters and midnight the judge again changed the character of the hearing to a conciliation so we could only participate as a public.

We emphasize the need to guarantee the right to information, participation and dialogue between the parties involved with the authorities with competence in urban planning, environmental territorial management, control of anthropic activities, setting and control of standards and norms. We also emphasize the importance of taking into account the hazards of this type of industry in light of the precautionary principle and prevention that governs environmental matters (article 4 LGA), because it is located in a residential neighborhood.

At the hearing, where the judge had broad powers to direct it, neighbors had the opportunity to tell the before and after that involved the installation and expansion of the company Porta Hnos and the consequences it brought in its health and quality of life. Then the lawyers, the Public Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor’s Office were given the floor for fifteen minutes. We consider this instance to be very valuable as it strengthens transparency, citizen participation and public dissemination of this socio-environmental conflict antecedent to Cordoba as the possibility given by the Court to the neighbors.

We believe that it is important to emphasize in these cases the role of the judges in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of present generations and future generations. This is an ideal case to carry out a model of dialogic justice, to seek a structural solution to the conflict, through. The court has the opportunity to establish clear judicial guidelines that address the protection of fundamental rights, such as the human right to a healthy environment, to the health and life of the neighbors of Barrio San Antonio and Inaudi. We trust that this instance allows the claim of neighbors to be effectively heard and that the State, at its different levels, recognize, investigate and solve a complex socio-environmental situation.

Victoria Gerbaldo, <victoriagerbaldo@fundeps.org>
Juan Carballo, <juanmcarballo@fundeps.org>

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

July 31 was the first day of meeting in which governmental authorities from 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, international experts and representatives of civil society resumed negotiations on the regional agreement on Principle 10.

The event was inaugurated by representatives of the government of Argentina, representatives of the public, the Deputy Minister of Environment of Costa Rica – a country that co-chairs the process with the government of Chile – and the Director of the Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements of ECLAC .

We emphasize that, from the Argentine government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Jorge Faurie said that “Argentina supports this initiative and invites all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to join this process of negotiation so that, With the collaboration of each one – States parties and civil society -, an agreement will be reached that will benefit the region and all its inhabitants.” We welcome the words expressed by the representative of Argentina as he affirms the need to work together with representatives of civil society and to concretize this agreement whose process began in 2012.

In addition, public representatives – Andrés Napoli and Danielle – pointed out that “effective access to environmental information, participation and justice is essential for democracy and natural resource governance, and characterized as solid the process and negotiations reached until the moment.”

This seventh negotiating meeting is scheduled to discuss capacity building for the implementation of the future agreement (Article 10), national actions undertaken by countries signatory to the Declaration on the implementation of Principle 10 and activities carried out by the Technical Secretariat; And the continuation of pending negotiations between them, the administrative, financial and budgetary implications (articles 11 to 25).

As representatives of civil society, we believe that the adoption of a regional agreement, which establishes essential standards in access rights, will strengthen capacities to deal with environmental challenges in the region, and will provide greater equality and environmental sustainability for Latin America and the Caribbean. Caribbean.

Follow the meeting live

More information

– We support the declaration of Principle 10 and the objectives of sustainable development | FUNDEPS

– Seventh Meeting of the Negotiating Committee | Principle 10


Male Martínez


“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Within the framework of the Environmental Leaders program, the objective is to generate a discussion area in order to promote representative spaces of the Cordovan youth committed against climate change and environmental themes.

This table of dialog each of the representatives of civil society organizations share opinions, ideas and proposals for the city and province of Cordoba that make up the current concerns and themes of the environmental agenda; And joint activities were designed to work together.

We emphasize that the objectives of this initiative are: to promote a space of positioning with regard to conjunctural themes with a view of participation and particularly young; And to build capacity building among youth, Young Córdoba Agency and the Secretariat of Environment and Climate Change of the province of Cordoba.

We celebrate and support the realization of this type of initiative, as they reflect the opportunity for articulating different proposals, activities and actions of civil society organizations together with spheres of government in pursuit of the construction of guidelines for more sustainable public policies In environmental matters, as well as the strengthening of a participatory democracy open to dialogue, listening and working together.


María Elena Martínez Espeche

Juan Bautista López


María Elena Martínez Espeche – malemartinez@fundeps.org

FUNDEPS has started a crowdsourcing campaign to assist local communities in Cordoba, Argentina, affected by the intensive use of Agrochemicals (pesticides and fertilizers). From June 12th to 30th, you can help us by donating through  Global Giving.

ccording to the UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (2017), pesticides are responsible for an estimated 200,000 acute poisoning deaths each year. Almost all of these deaths (estimated at 99%) occur in developing countries where legal regulations concerning health, safety and the environment are weaker or less strongly enforced. Agro-chemical spraying of pesticide and fertilizers, implemented by air or ground, have become severe health and environmental hazards for the populations exposed. This is particularly the case when the spraying occurs in the surroundings of neighbourhoods, schools or homes, underscoring the need for environmental protection.

Since 2013, FUNDEPS has been working with communities in Córdoba affected by an intensive exposure to agro-chemical use, in the neighbouring areas. This is a complex problem in all of Argentina, but particularly in Cordoba, a province that relies in agricultural production.

The different aspects of this problem can be seen in:

* The lack of public information on the health risks and effects of the irregular use of agrochemicals, which violates the human right to health and to a safe environment.

* The increased health problems connected to the agro-chemical exposure, such as asthma, allergies, cancer, infertility, abortion and neurological problems, which predominantly affect children, pregnant women, the elderly and rural workers and their families.

* The downplaying of risks and facts, which leads to the rejection of the official complaints of members of the communities by governmental bodies.

Having worked in this area for many years, we have seen a clear need to assist the communities affected by these issues, helping them to guarantee their right to health and to a safe environment. With these ideas in mind, FUNDEPS has launched its first crowdsourcing campaign in the Global Giving platform.

Global Giving is the first and largest global crowdfunding community that connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world. Global Giving works to ensure that nonprofits access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place. Since 2002, almost 600,000 donors (corregir en español) have raised over $250 million USD in 165 countries.

Our Project ‘Protecting communities exposed to agrochemicals’ aims to strengthen the rights to health and to a safe environment of the local communities affected by the intensive use of agrochemicals. The funds raised will help us increase our work with these communities, and particularly to develop the following activities:

* To organize workshops and trainings to empower the affected communities to understand the risks associated with these activities and the regulations that protect their rights to health and a safe environment;

* To push for the enforcement of the current regulations, and to work for better legal frameworks.

* To conduct research to gather data and information regarding the effects and reach of this problem in the region.

Why Donate?

Your donation will contribute to improve the environment and health of the local communities in Cordoba, through an increased advocacy work, together with the empowered communities.

Your contribution will help us continue to develop our work with the communities, which we have been conducting for many years and has been verified by Global Giving. You will be able to send and receive messages with updates on the implementation.If you are not satisfied with your donation to our project, you will be able to re-direct it to another project of your choice.

What will happen with your donation?

 * $10 (USD) can provide families with information on their health and environmental rights.

* $25 (USD) can support one member of the FUNDEPS team to travel to the rural communities to meet with people negatively affected from exposures.

* $50 (USD) can support one workshop to empower the community to fight for their right to a healthy and safe environment.

* $100 (USD) can support academic research of the impacts on health of exposure to agrochemicals in Falda del Carmen.

* $200 (USD) can support research and development of protective local legislation.

* $250 (USD) can provide one family with technical assistance when filing a complaint to the government.

* $300 (USD) can support a media campaign to share the story of those impacted and demand stricter laws.

How to donate?

 1. Click here

2. On the right side of the page, select an amount and follow the steps. You can donate using your credit card or PayPal.

ccording to the UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (2017), pesticides are responsible for an estimated 200,000 acute poisoning deaths each year. Almost all of these deaths (estimated at 99%) occur in developing countries where legal regulations concerning health, safety and the environment are weaker or less strongly enforced. Agro-chemical spraying of pesticide and fertilizers, implemented by air or ground, have become severe health and environmental hazards for the populations exposed. This is particularly the case when the spraying occurs in the surroundings of neighbourhoods, schools or homes, underscoring the need for environmental protection.

Since 2013, FUNDEPS has been working with communities in Córdoba affected by an intensive exposure to agro-chemical use, in the neighbouring areas. This is a complex problem in all of Argentina, but particularly in Cordoba, a province that relies in agricultural production.

The different aspects of this problem can be seen in:

* The lack of public information on the health risks and effects of the irregular use of agrochemicals, which violates the human right to health and to a safe environment.

* The increased health problems connected to the agro-chemical exposure, such as asthma, allergies, cancer, infertility, abortion and neurological problems, which predominantly affect children, pregnant women, the elderly and rural workers and their families.

* The downplaying of risks and facts, which leads to the rejection of the official complaints of members of the communities by governmental bodies.

Having worked in this area for many years, we have seen a clear need to assist the communities affected by these issues, helping them to guarantee their right to health and to a safe environment. With these ideas in mind, FUNDEPS has launched its first crowdsourcing campaign in the Global Giving platform.

Global Giving is the first and largest global crowdfunding community that connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world. Global Giving works to ensure that nonprofits access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place. Since 2002, almost 600,000 donors (corregir en español) have raised over $250 million USD in 165 countries.

Our Project ‘Protecting communities exposed to agrochemicals’ aims to strengthen the rights to health and to a safe environment of the local communities affected by the intensive use of agrochemicals. The funds raised will help us increase our work with these communities, and particularly to develop the following activities:

* To organize workshops and trainings to empower the affected communities to understand the risks associated with these activities and the regulations that protect their rights to health and a safe environment;

* To push for the enforcement of the current regulations, and to work for better legal frameworks.

* To conduct research to gather data and information regarding the effects and reach of this problem in the region.

Why Donate?

Your donation will contribute to improve the environment and health of the local communities in Cordoba, through an increased advocacy work, together with the empowered communities.

Your contribution will help us continue to develop our work with the communities, which we have been conducting for many years and has been verified by Global Giving. You will be able to send and receive messages with updates on the implementation.If you are not satisfied with your donation to our project, you will be able to re-direct it to another project of your choice.

What will happen with your donation?

 * $10 (USD) can provide families with information on their health and environmental rights.

* $25 (USD) can support one member of the FUNDEPS team to travel to the rural communities to meet with people negatively affected from exposures.

* $50 (USD) can support one workshop to empower the community to fight for their right to a healthy and safe environment.

* $100 (USD) can support academic research of the impacts on health of exposure to agrochemicals in Falda del Carmen.

* $200 (USD) can support research and development of protective local legislation.

* $250 (USD) can provide one family with technical assistance when filing a complaint to the government.

* $300 (USD) can support a media campaign to share the story of those impacted and demand stricter laws.

How to donate?

 1. Click here

2. On the right side of the page, select an amount and follow the steps. You can donate using your credit card or PayPal.

3. Please note that Global Giving will automatically add a 15% extra to contribute to their work. You can reduce or increase the percentage, by clicking on the arrow in the left side of the screen.

Is it safe to donate on the internet?

Yes, Global Giving is a platform dedicated to receive small donations for NGO projects from all over the world. It is the leading platform in the area, and uses secure servers throughout.


Carolina Tamagnini, carotamagnini@fundeps.org

3. Please note that Global Giving will automatically add a 15% extra to contribute to their work. You can reduce or increase the percentage, by clicking on the arrow in the left side of the screen.

Is it safe to donate on the internet?

Yes, Global Giving is a platform dedicated to receive small donations for NGO projects from all over the world. It is the leading platform in the area, and uses secure servers throughout.


Carolina Tamagnini, carotamagnini@fundeps.org

The project “Centro Ambiental Carlos Paz” presents serious irregularities and violates environmental regulations and participation. It would affect Lake San Roque and would not be a definitive regional solution to the historical problem related to the integral management of solid urban waste.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

 In the province of Cordoba, our officials continue to fail to provide an adequate and committed response to the problem of solid urban waste management. As in the elaboration of many other public policies deaf ears are made to the recommendations of science, technology and the needs of the citizens.

The management of urban solid waste is considered one of the main environmental problems of our society. And as a consequence of this, Argentina has an Integrated Management Program for Urban Solid Waste (GIRSU) -AR-L1151 financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The Program finances works for the integral management of urban solid waste (MSW) and the recovery of degraded areas due to the poor disposition of such residues. The total cost of the program is 150 million dollars within the same is the Environmental Center Villa Carlos Paz, whose name is already biased since it would be more accurate to talk about a landfill. A landfill is a place destined to the final disposition of trash, in which multiple measures are taken to reduce the impacts to the environment. In short, it seeks to reduce and isolate waste and develop mechanisms to treat liquids and gases produced by the decomposition of organic matter.

The questioned Environmental Center Villa Carlos Paz pretends to be a landfill where there is now an open dump. The autoconvocado neighborhood group, opposes the construction of the landfill in the selected place and approved by the Secretariat of Environment and Climate Change of Cordoba. Since the beginning of this year we are working together with neighbors and neighbors of the area. The reasons why we require the relocation of this project of more than 200 million pesos are varied. The guidelines of science and technology have not been followed for the elaboration and construction of this type of works and are violating environmental norms and citizen participation.

First, the environmental impact study (EIA) presents inconsistencies.

* Probable outdated baseline studies: There is a high probability of a mismatch of baseline description of water quality, soil, air as a function of the behavior of natural and environmental variables and impacts evaluated . The exact date of its elaboration is not known, but the EIA was presented by TecnoMak S.A. On March 30, 2015, had an opinion of the Technical Interdisciplinary Committee on February 29, 2016 and was submitted to a public hearing on April 6 of that year. In this context, both for the instance of citizen participation and for the execution of the work, the study was done in a context that is not the current one.

* Lack of clarity on the basis for the selection of the location of the work: it is objectionable the justification of the choice of the farm to carry out the works. To carry out the project TecnoMak S.A. Considered three possible properties, however it is unknown the fundamentals by which it was chosen for its location in the building of the current open dump. Neither are the reasons why the other two alternatives were ruled out.

* Possible impacts to the lake and a reserve: The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is intended to build a few meters from Lake San Roque on land that may have a greater propensity to seep or leach into the water and adjoining a protected natural area Natural Reserve La Calera).

* Use of outdated census data: The EIA uses data from the 2008 national population census, with one being carried out in 2010, which shows considerable changes in the number of inhabitants of the area.

Secondly, the resolutions of the administration that establish the useful life of the project are not clear. The first opinion of the Interdisciplinary Technical Commission of the Environment Secretariat (February 29, 2016) suggests that “the draft module for the final disposal of MSW will be maximum for a use of six years.” It also recommends that the use of the module for the final disposal of RSU receives only the waste from the town of Villa Carlos Paz. Following the public hearing held on April 6, 2016, and without public prefeasibility studies, a second opinion of the ITC decided to extend the useful life of the project to twenty years, as well as the number of communes reached To the towns of Villa Río Icho Cruz, Mayu Sumaj, Cuesta Blanca, Tala Huasi, Cabalango and Malagueño. In summary, the reasons for which this decision was taken are not known, the plane with the exact coordinates where the Landfill and the total number of projected modules.

Thirdly, the right to participation of citizens living within the area of ​​influence of the project was affected. The art. 67 of Law 10,208 establishes that the public hearing process must be carried out in the area of ​​influence of the project and open participation. In this case, the public hearing was convened only in Villa Carlos Paz (Department of Punilla), and one of the areas most affected by the proximity of the property is the municipality of Malagueño, belonging to the Department of Santa Maria. In addition, the possibility of convening a popular consultation was not foreseen, considering the possible categorization of the project as having a high environmental complexity (article 68, law 10,208).

This alarming project has an environmental license approved by the Ministry of Environment of the Province, and the EIA has not been prepared in strict compliance with the current regulatory framework. Socio-environmental conflict is imminent and works can begin at any time.

The excessive growth in the volume of waste in today’s society is endangering the capacity of nature to maintain our needs and those of future generations. Population and consumption grow, and as a consequence, also the amount of garbage we generate. The problem is that the space does not grow and that we are not giving the right treatment.

We have submitted requests for information to the Secretary of Environment of the Province of Córdoba, the Municipality of Malagueño and the Municipality of Villa Carlos Paz. In addition, on May 8, we approached a note to IDB officials in Argentina responsible for following up on the program by letting us know about these concerns.

We demand transparency, accountability and coherence in government acts. We need integral and long-term solutions for the integral management of solid urban waste. Our officials are obliged to comply with current standards and to ensure that human rights and the environment are respected. It is not possible to make decisions democratically at any cost and regardless of the conditions.

More information


Male Martinez, malemartinez@fundeps.org

María Victoria Gerbaldo, victoriagerbaldo@fundeps.org

The Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries for Sustainable Development in Mexico City met for the first time in April. It presented the progress of the negotiation process of the Regional Agreement by Principle 10.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

FUNDEPS together with several civil society organizations signed a declaration that supports the fundamental alliance between sustainable development objectives and principle 10, as we understand that:

“There will be no sustainable development without the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) nor without the rights of access to information, access to justice and participation on environmental issues, known as access rights.”

Within the framework of the first meeting of the Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries for Sustainable Development, it was claimed that there can be no real sustainable development if there is no real access to information and justice, as well as As an authentic participation of the citizens. In this regard, the Vice Minister of Environment of Costa Rica, Patricia Madrigal stressed that “Principle 10 redefines the traditional concept of development for its inclusive, transparent and participatory nature.”

Hence the importance of this Forum, which presents the ideal opportunity for the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which proposes 17 Sustainable Development Objectives, and the Regional agreement for Principle 10 to be implemented and can be addressed in an integral way to In order to strengthen each other.

FUNDEPS as an organization that promotes the construction of sustainable public policies participates actively in the negotiation process Regional Agreement on Principle 10, as well as publicly supports the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) of the United Nations Agenda 2030, recognizing the importance of access rights in the implementation of real sustainable development policies.

More information

Declaration that supports the P10 and the ODS-Signers

First Meeting Forum of the Latin American and Caribbean Countries for Sustainable Development


María Perez Alsina


Male Martínez Espeche – malemartinez@fundeps.org

The past 2016 was a year of great growth for our foundation, not only for the development of our many agendas of work, but also for the consolidation of our team of volunteers.

We further diversified our work agendas, we were able to increase our social impact, we were able to position ourselves in networks and we increased the collaboration with new partners.

As we did year after year, we continue to conduct research, workshops and events; We participate in national and international meetings with multiple organizations; We carry out activities of monitoring, advocacy and judicial cases to advance in matters of public policies.

We thank all those who participated and trusted in FUNDEPS. We hope that in 2017 we will continue to find and work together in pursuit of our main objective: to continue to grow and influence public policies.

We invite you to read the result of a great year of work, by clicking on our 2016 report at the following link bit.ly/FUNDEPS2016; Or on our website in the “About Fundeps” section.

During the month of December 2016, the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies decided to carry out a survey process in the neighborhood of Chacras de la Merced, in order to obtain accurate information about the state of situation of the community there.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Since 2015, FUNDEPS has been working with the recently mentioned neighborhood of the City of Cordoba, in relation to the problems of the sewage treatment plant (WWTP). The proven malfunction of the plant, located in the area since 1984, has caused numerous problems in the nearby population, as well as in the ecosystem there.

The purpose of this survey process was to be able to discover the perception of the neighbors of the neighborhood with respect to the plant, as well as of other problems that they could identify as an emergency. The instrument used was intended to compile the perception of the community of Chacras de la Merced about the operation of the sewage treatment plant, the environmental situation of the area, the performance of the government authorities towards the neighborhood and its interest Engage in control activities.

In this sense, within the results obtained, below are presented those of greater relevance.

An 83% (44 families) does not feel calm with the environmental situation of the district Chacras de la Merced.

Five issues were mentioned and respondents were asked to prioritize among themselves, establishing from 1 to 5 the urgency with which they believed they should be addressed by government authorities. Of the total families surveyed, 34 (64%) of them gave the number 1 priority and urgency to the pollution caused by the sewage treatment plant.

The respondents were then asked whether or not they knew the work that EDAR does, and 58.8% said they did not know with certainty the work and operation of the WWTP. 50.9% said he was very badly informed about the issues that relate to the operation of the plant. Consistent with this, 79.2% of neighbors said they do not trust the information provided by the municipality of Cordoba on the operation of the plant.

Notwithstanding the lack of knowledge, 86% consider that the plant is not functioning properly; And opined in reference to the factor considered to cause malfunction. 37.2% of the respondents said that the plant does not work properly due to lack of municipal controls that verify the correct functioning. Likewise, 46.5% consider that the malfunction of the plant causes the immediate contamination of the river.

He wondered about the confidence that respondents had in certain institutions and organizations. Entrepreneurs, the provincial government, the municipal government, the police, the legislature, the judiciary, political parties, trade unions and the national government receive nothing from the neighbors of Chacras de la Merced. Private and public universities; Environmental organizations, social organizations, religious institutions, and the media are receptive to the trust of neighbors. The neighbors opined, undoubtedly with 77% (41 families), who do not trust EDAR.

It is important to note that 76.9% of the neighbors do not have / had information about the bidding process carried out by the province for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant. Likewise, with regard to the opinion about the expansion of the plant, it is surprising that despite the declared distrust of the authorities and the information they provide; 58.5% of the residents are confident that the work will improve the quality of life of the community.

88.7% of the respondents believe that they should (people from the neighborhood with civil society organizations) participate in monitoring spaces to the actions of the state in the area of ​​environmental control. It was also consulted about the inclination towards participation in monitoring spaces of the actions of the municipality and the province in the process of construction of the new plant. 56.6% expressed that they would be willing to participate in these spaces if they arose.

The survey also aimed to know about the health history of the neighbors, consulting about symptoms and diseases they have had, their frequency, the diagnosis provided and the treatment indicated. In this regard, 69% said they had suffered from one of the listed symptoms.

The results of the survey process show that the community of Chacras de la Merced is in a serious situation of vulnerability due to the confluence of numerous factors that lead to the violation of their most basic rights. Álida Weht, director of the Las Omas grassroots organization whose objective is to improve the quality of life of the neighbors, has stated that: “the results constitute the visibility of a pollution situation that dates back several decades and a community Which has been immersed in an immediacy of problems for the same time.

In the context of the recent events related to the overturning of the Suquía River, both from company waste and from raw sewage, it is necessary to highlight the emergency in which the Chacras de la Merced neighborhood is located.

Full survey report

More information


Agustina Palencia – agustinapalencia@fundeps.org

Concerned about the situation of vulnerability in the community of Chacras de la Merced, we participated in the public hearing with a legal technical report that gives an account of the irregularities of the project to install a new quarry.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On Wednesday, April 12, the Secretary of Environment and Climate Change convened a public hearing to discuss the installation project “Cantera Colombo” in the vicinity of the neighborhood Chacra de la Merced. The Cantera Colombo project would be located to the east of the city of Cordova, outside the urban ejido of the city, in the place known as Heart of Maria, being the population center affected by the work the locality of Chacra de la Merced. This is an open pit dry quarry, where the extraction of aggregates without the use of explosives would be carried out, and then transferred the material to the classification plant owned by the owner named Canteras Ruiz, located at Camino Chacra de La Merced, Km.

Among the main considerations that we made in the Report on the environmental impact study “Cantera Colombo” it should be mentioned that it did not take into account the special situation of vulnerability in which the community of Chacra de la Merced is located due to the accumulated impact that affects Progressive and negative in the right to health, life and a healthy environment. Among the main causes that explain the transformation of what was the “Green Belt of the city of Cordoba” we find: the installation of real estate ventures, quarrying, installation and omission in the controls on tanneries, malfunctions and The supersaturation of the sewage treatment plant (EDAR Bajo Grande), lagoons generated by the old quarries. Also within the irregularities that emerged from the analysis of the environmental impact study we find that:

-The integrality of the project will have significant and mostly negative and irreversible impacts on the environment, especially on the quality of water, soil, air, health and quality of life.

– Does not comply with the minimum content detailed in art. 19 of the law 10,208 (baseline in health taking into account that it will be located 300 meters from a school and 150 meters from the river Suquía, public services affected as public transport).

-Takes outdated baselines (affected population, census 2008).

“He does not cite reliable sources.”

– Does not detail the measures of recomposition and mitigation of the impacts.

Therefore, from FUNDEPS we recommend an in-depth evaluation by the Ministry of Environment as the controlling body of this project, taking into account the considerations made, and having the necessary mechanisms in order to comply with the expected legal and environmental parameters In order to protect the fundamental rights of the residents of Chacra de la Merced.

More information

Report of FUNDEPS by installation Cantera Colombo

Video situation Chacras de la Merced


María Pérez Alsina, Virginia Corradi y Male Martínez Espeche.


Male Martínez Espeche / Environment Team Coordinator


In the context of the discussion on how to update the provincial legal framework to protect the native forests of Cordoba, the National Forest Direction states that more information is needed, including a map and technical reports. At the same time, the National Direction affirms that the provincial process must assure mechanisms for substantive participation.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation, through the Directorate of Forests, made known its considerations in relation to the process of updating the territorial order of native forests that faces the province of Cordoba, in response to a request made Córdoba Environmental Forum, by means of note dated 01/27/2017.

– Expressed its concern about the failure of the province of Cordoba to comply with the deadlines set for the update. In this regard, he recalled that he had already requested the delivery of progress regarding the upgrade process. In the communications with the provincial government, he communicated the guidelines and the vision to take into account the adjustment procedures and the accreditation of the updating of the OTBN (according to notes sent on 2/23/16 and 4/6/2016).

– Reported that in August 2016, the local enforcement authority shared informally a first update project. The National Directorate detected significant changes to the first provincial OTBN plan, and highlighted two points: “an increase in the area of ​​declared forest and an important passage from native forests from Category I (red) to Category II (yellow)”.

– Checked the exchange of progress on the updating and existence of opposing positions of various actors, according to their participation in the meetings of the inter-institutional table of dialogue convened by the General Secretariat of the Gov. From Cordoba, the Sec. Of Environment and the Sec. Of Agriculture. In this instance does not refer to any process to try to approach antagonistic positions.

– Observed, among others, that the OTBN bill does not allow to know the areas of native forests by conservation category, which is essential for its accreditation.

In summary, he stressed that for the purpose of carrying out the analysis for the accreditation of OTBN of the province of Cordoba, it is necessary:

1. Have the complete bill (it does not contain the map with the location of the forests and their conservation categories of the OTBN update)

2. To have the technical document with the methodology used for the evaluation of the criteria of environmental sustainability and the resulting surface.

3. Know the participatory process that would accompany this proposal.

So far, the discussion on updating the framework for protection of native forests in Córdoba has not complied with national regulations, has not allowed open participation, has hidden information and shared it with only a few specific sectors.

From FUNDEPS, we demand that the process be transparent, participatory, comply with the requirements demanded from the Nation and be respectful of minimum environmental budgets, in order to avoid the repetition of conflictive situations in relation to the territorial order of native forests of Cordova.

More information


Male Martínez – Environmental Equity Coordinator


In recent weeks there have been repeated pressures to advance against the few remaining native forests in the province of Cordoba. We defend freedom of political and artistic expression and we demand a participatory and technical discussion that assures an adequate protection of our forests.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

By the end of 2016, and thanks to the mobilization of communities and civil society organizations, it was possible to extend the treatment of a forest law project that was intended to be approved without adequate discussion. That project would have meant a clear weakening of the protection to native forests in our province.

From FUNDEPS, we developed a document with numerous legal and environmental critiques of the bill. The criticisms marked the clear weakening of the environmental protection of the forests as well as the existence of a process non-transparent and non-participatory. Both points violate the National Law of Minimum Budgets for the Protection of Native Forests

Some of these criticisms had already been raised in a joint document between the Environmental Forum, FUNDEPS and other institutions that rose to the government in response to the position of CARTEZ entitled “Producing conserving and conserving produce”. Neither CARTEZ nor legislators who presented the project responded to the technical questions that were posed to that position.

Instead of taking advantage of the extension of the discussion period to generate a participatory space or to respond to the legal and technical questions that were made to the project, from the agricultural sector is pressed to get a rapid approval of the bill. It is accused of setting positions without scientific basis when from that sector could never answer the questions that were sent. Likewise, artists such as José Luis Serrano and Raly Barrionuevo are especially under pressure to mobilize against the few remaining native forests in our province. In a statement, CARTEZ strongly criticized Doña Jovita and Raly Barrionuevo for accusing them of “generating confusion” and defending “extreme ideologies”. As a reply, José Luis Serrano challenged the ruralist entity to answer with “scientific arguments” the doubts raised by the Environmental Forum.

In that line and in a surprising twist, journalist Andrés Carpio de Cadena 3 intimately informs José Luis Serrano for his comments regarding the journalist’s description of the March 28 march. The journalist made a strongly negative description of the march describing it in a number much lower than the estimates of the organizers. He also suggested that those who marched did not know well why they did so to the extent that there was already a decision to postpone the treatment of the bill. It seems that in the journalist’s position, the defense of native forests and the visibility of a popular demand are not enough reasons to publicly manifest in a peaceful way.

In that context, the artist José Luis Serrano personifying his character “Doña Jovita” marks his surprise for the inaccurate description of the demonstration against the forest law project. It does so through his character, in an artistic expression and criticism of an inadequate description of a popular mobilization.

We defend the right to free expression and artistic expression with connections to rights and social demands. We are opposed to pressures against public demonstrations. We also strongly reject the use of legal mechanisms to limit the critical positions of public figures.


Juan Carballo, Director Ejecutivo
