Tag Archive for: Gender

A few days after the second anniversary of the enactment of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law, a new episode of persecution of the reproductive freedom of pregnant people occurred. This time in the city of Villa María, where 4 lifeguards and a doctor were arrested.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Arbitrary raids and arrests

During the afternoon of Wednesday, December 21, two members of the Socorristas en Red organization and a health professional were arrested after a series of raids were carried out, at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, for the alleged crime of illegal practice of medicine. , a crime that, according to the Penal Code of the Nation (art. 208), is releaseable. In turn, two more people had an arrest warrant but were not in the country at the time, which is why, through their lawyer, they made themselves available to justice and began to return to the country. Despite this, the prosecutor’s office issued arrest warrants for no reason, which led to their arrest at Ezeiza upon entering the country, on Christmas Eve.

By virtue of the appeal that the defense attorney presented before the Control Court, on Friday, December 23, the release of the health professional was ordered and the following Monday the other four detainees were released. Along with the request for release made by the defender, multiple civil society organizations appeared before the Court spontaneously expressing their concern for the case in a context in which access to the interruption of pregnancy is a recognized right at the national level. and especially because of the type of measures adopted in the framework of the criminal investigation, which were clearly intimidating and disproportionate.

First aid is health

Since its inception in 2012, Socorristas en Red was established as an articulation of collectives that, throughout the country, provide information and openly accompany people who decide to terminate their pregnancies, so that they do so safely and cared for, in accordance with the law and international health and human rights standards.

The practice of the socorristas consists of informing and accompanying the decisions of those who decide to abort, through listening that accommodates the needs and desires of the people who come to them. First aid supports and demands the dignity and justice of abortions, whether self-managed or in the health system. In their daily work, they produce their own materials with information on the practice, communication campaigns and dissemination of rights, and systematizations on the cases they accompany. Their work is public and visible, and its objective is to work for cultural changes that contribute to eradicating shame, fear, and stigma around abortions, so that they are a free and careful practice.

Within the framework of Law 27,610, the delivery of information and accompaniment in the pregnancy termination process carried out by lifeguards is legal and should not be penalized. So much so, that at the international level it is recognized that community accompaniment for transit through pregnancy interruptions is of great importance to improve the safety, effectiveness and individual experience of this process.

Legal abortion in the hospital and anywhere

Since the enactment of the Law on Access to Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy and Postabortion Care in December 2020, deciding to terminate a pregnancy freely is a right of all people with the capacity to gestate. The law also recognizes the right to request and access care for this practice in the health system services. Therefore, all health personnel (including administrative and security) are responsible for guaranteeing and not obstructing the right to terminate a pregnancy, without prejudice to the fact that these practices can be carried out self-managed.

According to the Protocol for the comprehensive care of people with the right to voluntary and legal termination of pregnancy (IVE/ILE), the care model centered on people adopted by Law 27,610 recognizes the performance of pregnancy terminations with the assistance of health personnel and self-managed. Self-managed practices are considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) if they are carried out with adequate information and the methods indicated according to the gestational age and clinical history of the pregnant person. In this way, the preferences and individual aspirations of the users of the services are taken into account and the cultural practices and values ​​of their communities are considered.

These self-managed practices are carried out through the use of medications, such as misoprostol alone or combined with mifepristone. Widespread practice and numerous investigations have shown that performing the medication procedure on an outpatient and self-managed basis is a safe and effective option. Likewise, it is chosen by many women or other people with the capacity to gestate, because it allows them to start the interruption process at the time and place that is most comfortable for them and gives them greater peace of mind.

We do not return to hiding

Two years after the sanction of Law 27,610, which abandoned the criminal paradigm, and recognized the right of women and other people with the capacity to gestate to interrupt their pregnancies, we repudiate this judicial offensive, which is added to a series of strategies that are implemented by conservative sectors to oppose the rights won. We demand that the criminal investigation continue in accordance with the principles that govern human rights and considering the impact that this case has on access to a fundamental health service. The persecution of those who accompany abortions deepens the stigma about the practice, perpetuates stereotypes and endangers access to the right to health.

Support from civil society

On Monday, December 26, about 50 social organizations appeared before the Control Court to express their concern regarding the deprivation of liberty of the 4 lifeguards who were still detained:  Amnistía Internacional Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Centro de Estudio de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (CDD), Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA), MxM, Fundación ECoS Espacio Córdoba Salud, Consorcio Latinoamerciano en Contra del Aborto Inseguro (CLACAI), Biblioteca Popular Julio Cortázar/ Radio Comunitaria La Quinta Pata, Fundación GEMA – Género y Masculinidad, Centro de Apoyo y Protección de los Derechos Humanos – Surkuna, Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, Movimiento Campesino de Córdoba, Consultorio de Salud Integral, Centro de Investigación y Formación de los Movimientos Sociales Latinoamericanos (CIFMSL), La Tinta, Ni Una Menos, Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), Instituto Laico de Estudios Contemporáneos (ILEC), Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM), Fundación Siglo 21, Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad (MEI), Fundación Derechos Humanos, Equidad y Género (Fundheg), Movimiento Socialista y del Trabajo (MST), Unión de Trabajadores de Salud, Cooperativa Luna Nueva, Cooperativa Soberanía alimentaria, Cooperativa Podemos, Cooperativa Construyendo Dignidad, Cooperativa Macollando, Asociacion Civil Construyendo Dignidad, Asociación Cordobesa de Medicina Familiar y General (A.C.O.M.F.Y.G), Comisión Provincial de la Memoria de Córdoba, Familiares de detenidos y desaparecidos por razones políticas de Córdoba, Observatorio de Género, Diversidades y Disidencias CPP, Tierra Violeta, REDAAS, Ipas Latinoamérica y el Caribe (Ipas LAC), Fundación Huésped, FUSA A.C., Colectivo de Educadorxs Desde el Sur, Lesbodramas, Colectivo de Acción Contra las Violencias de Géneros de Misiones, Adultxs Protectorxs contra el Abuso Sexual en la Infancia, Docentes por el derecho al Aborto. Misiones, Ñanduti Agrupación Feminista de El Dorado, Colectiva feministas Las Azucenas (La Plata), Consejo Asesor de la Dirección Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. 


Luz Baretta

Mayca Balaguer


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

The use we make of language is always loaded with meaning. Therefore, it becomes a tool to recognize the rights of identities that have been historically invisible.

Our starting point is to understand that what is not named does not exist, that is, it sustains oppressive power relations that reproduce inequalities and injustices. Therefore, when we refer to exclusive linguistic uses, we want to explain how the use of the masculine gender in a neutral way limits what can be said.

The following document includes concepts and recommendations on linguistic use, with the aim of promoting inclusion and trying to overcome the totalizing character of the masculine and the binary of conventional language.

Together with the ECOS Foundation, we have prepared a guide with fundamental contents to carry out comprehensive, careful and safe care for the Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE/ILE).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

This guide is intended for people who work in the health field and are part of the care and attention processes, from receiving the consultation, direct participation in the practice and subsequent care. It is also a useful material for those who are in the process of professional training in areas related to health.

The guide contains an accessible development of the legal framework and key aspects to understand the scope of Law 27610 and other regulations to which it refers. Describes the rights of users and the responsibilities of health personnel.

Next, it proposes a comprehensive care model for the practice, so that all the people involved in it can offer a quality service that is respectful of human rights, from the consultation, during the care and after the interruption of pregnancy. It introduces the types of recommended treatments and develops the medical and administrative aspects to be taken into account when carrying out the practice. Finally, it has a series of updated references and resources for consultation.

We hope that this material will be useful and serve as a basis for all health personnel involved in the care of pregnancy interruption, from the first contact with the person who consults and to the subsequent care, to be able to carry out their work of The best way.


Mayca Balaguer – maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

The objective of this guide is to provide health personnel with fundamental content to carry out careful follow-up and guarantee safe practices of Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE/ILE). We intend to address legal aspects and based on current legislation, international standards and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). From the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and the ECOS Foundation we hope that it will be useful and consultation to carry out their daily work.

Together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space and with the support of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, we held the first Provincial Feminist Economy Meeting on September 16 and 17 at the Provincial University of Córdoba. We have the presence of various organizations and self-managed experiences of the Feminist, Popular, Social, Solidarity, and Ecological Economy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

For two days, self-managed organizations and spaces from other economies shared instances of reflection and discussion around a central axis: Feminist economics and the networks that sustain us.

60 organizations from different locations in the province participated, including neighborhood organizations, enterprises, self-management spaces and women’s groups.

Pending debates, expected meetings

Friday the 16th in the afternoon was the first day that began with the opening of the Meeting. Then, organizations from the province of Córdoba linked to the Feminist, Social and Solidarity, Popular and Ecological Economy presented themselves and shared about their spaces and expectations of the Meeting.

The day closed with an open talk by Analía Ayala and members of the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space, where some guidelines and open debates on Feminist Economy were raised.

The next day, different instances of training, discussion and meeting were proposed through workshops designed by and for the organizations. Months before the Meeting, the members of self-managed organizations were consulted about their training needs and topics of debate in order to jointly create the agenda of workshops that the organizations themselves later dictated.

The day was organized in five workshops, built from the axes proposed by the organizations. The topics addressed were:

  • Introduction to the management of social networks by Aylen Corte and Agustina Ramos from Cortezas del Chañar. Workshop where a small theoretical – practical tour was seen to manage the Instagram of an enterprise. They talked about brand identity (logos, color palette, fonts) and tips to create content and not die trying. In addition, they shared planning tools, aesthetics, valuable content and ideas to upload the algorithms.
  • Self-management brings us together and cooperativism brings us together, energized by Guadalupe Fernández and Julieta Ferreyra from El Resaltador. Workshop that started from the premise “Self-managed spaces as fundamental actors to design and apply, together with the State, public policies that contain us.” and the question “How to generate networks that survive in this attempt?”
  • Transfeminisms and Inclusion: context and experiences of organizations in Córdoba. It was a conversation about the regional and national life context of transvestites, transgenders and transsexuals promoted by ATTTA – MundoSur. The “Diversxs y Segurxs” platform was presented and the actions carried out by ATTTA Córdoba in the framework of trans labor inclusion policies and the challenges still pending were shared.
  • Management tools and costing from a feminist perspective. Here, administrative tools were shared that allow ordering and promoting enterprises and organizations. It was energized by Meli Bossio and Estri Quijada.

Weave the nets that sustain us

Throughout the Meeting, the members of the different self-managed spaces were invited to reflect on cross-cutting questions such as: Why bet on alternative economies that put life at the center? What is an economy that puts life at the center? center? What practices in your space do you think are part of the Feminist Economy? These questions opened the doors to pending conversations and to weaving networks among those who bet day by day on fairer and more equitable ways of organizing work and production.

By way of closing and celebration, a fair was held in which the self-managed spaces that were sharing and building collectively during the two days of the Meeting participated. More than 70 vendors exhibited their products at the fair open to the general public on the UPC campus.

In parallel, Josefina Arroyuelo gave a self-defense workshop in the open air. Finally, the Naciente Candombe collective musicalized the space with drums, bass drums and dance.



Irene Aguirre


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org


From the areas of Legal Affairs and Gender and Sexual Diversity, during the last few months we have been participating in different instances of training and education on the legal framework that regulates access to the Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE/ILE).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The different training instances were given in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, and the Príncipe de Asturias Municipal Hospital. Training was provided on the current legal framework that regulates the legal interruption and voluntary interruption of pregnancy, in particular on Law 27610, and Law 26529 on the rights of patients in their relationship with health professionals and institutions.

As a result of this, on July 7 we presented a presentation in the training “The right to voluntary and legal interruption of pregnancy” at the Príncipe de Asturias Municipal Hospital, aimed at its health team and the zonal Health Centers, Residents of General and Family Medicine, organized by the Comprehensive Sexual Health Commission of the Directorate of Primary Health Care of the Municipality of Córdoba.

We were also providing training on this topic to students in training at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, in the second class of the Optional Module “Right to legal abortion in Argentina: comprehensive approach” on August 27; and recently in the Faculty of Social Sciences under the Extension Seminar “Access to abortion from a rights perspective”, on Monday, September 5.

Through these education and training instances we intend to collaborate with the improvement and improvement of this practice from a legal and comprehensive perspective, respectful of human rights and in accordance with the most current regulations. In this way, we pay for the training of more professionals who facilitate the exercise of the rights of women and pregnant people, whom we consider to be guarantors of rights and human rights defenders.



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org


*Photograph taken from the newspaper La Voz Del Interior

We invite self-managed spaces and organizations from the Other economies to participate in the Provincial Meeting of Feminist Economy. It will be held on September 16 and 17 at the City of Arts (Provincial University of Córdoba).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

From our Feminist Economy agenda, we are committed to strengthening alternative economies that put life at the center, starting from a feminist approach and valuing forms of collective and democratic construction.

For this reason we invite organizations, self-managed spaces, enterprises and cooperatives from Córdoba to the Provincial Meeting of Feminist Economy.

We hope to generate a space that enables dialogues that allow us to recover, share and build knowledge and practices related to the Feminist Economy, in exchange with the Ecological, Popular and Social and Solidarity Economy from the paradigm of the sustainability of life.

Tentative timeline

The Meeting will be held on September 16 and 17 at the City of Arts.

Friday 09/16 – starts at 5:00 p.m.: we will share an instance of dialogue and exchange with referents of the Feminist Economy.

Saturday 09/17 – starts at 9am:
*Morning and siesta: workshops and exchange spaces (subject to change)
Topics: Management of social networks | Public policies (obstacles and opportunities) | Administrative tools for self-management | Transfeminisms | Digital gap*We close with a fair open to all public. Those who attend the meeting will be able to participate in a holiday.


Organize: Fundeps, Espacio de Economía Feminista y Fundación Heinrich Böll.

Support: Universidad Provincial de Córdoba

Adhere: El Resaltador, La Tinta, Ciscsa, Enfant Terrible, Mundo Sur, Unidad Central de Políticas de Género de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNICEPG), Incubadora Feminista Latinoamericana. 

More information: 

Last Tuesday, April 26, we participated in the third meeting of the CEDAW Global Network where we shared experiences on the preparation of shadow reports.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

All States that have signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) must submit periodic reports to its Committee to account for compliance with the international obligations assumed with their signature and accession. The civil society organizations of each country, depending on their experience and the work they carry out, can present a “shadow report”, a kind of alternative and complementary report to those presented by the States parties to account for the reality of women that they know first-hand, so that the Committee has the necessary tools to prepare the final recommendations.

In view of the relevance of the participation of organizations in this process, we were invited to participate in the meetings of the CEDAW Global Network, organized by Gloria Ramírez, Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights at UNAM. The objective of this Network is to create a space for convergence, dialogue and discussion around the experiences of elaboration and participation in the formation of CEDAW reports.

From our experience we present and share the process of preparing three reports for CEDAW, all in the framework of the 65th session of the Convention: Tobacco control in Argentina: pending tasks to protect women’s health; Gender violence and public communication policies and Access to natural resources of rural women in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina.

We heard contributions from both the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights at UNAM and civil society organizations from Ecuador, Guatemala, Uruguay and Colombia.

Throughout the meeting we shared experiences by country regarding the challenges of each region, as well as the implementation of the gender perspective in the different areas of the country. The possibility of collaboration agreements with the Chair was explored and we delved into the progress and challenges in reference to gender violence in each country.

In this framework, together with the Global Network and the organizations that make it up, we will continue working to support cooperation in monitoring the implementation of the commitments assumed by the States party to CEDAW, the preparation of shadow reports and the exploration and development of advocacy strategies to collaborate in the guarantee of the human rights of women and diversities and gender-based dissidence.


More Information


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org 

We started the Cooperativism and Labor Organization course within the framework of the Textile Diploma at the UPC (Provincial University of Córdoba).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Last Tuesday, the first meeting of the workshop on “Cooperativism and Labor Organization” was held, which seeks to enable debates around the logic of labor organizations. Together with the UPC, the first module was given where, throughout the day, topics were presented to rethink the economy and vindicate the identity of the workers of the Social and Solidarity, Popular and Feminist Economy.

The Diploma in Collaborative Processes of Textile Production is an instance of learning, communication and collaboration for all people with an interest in getting involved in textile knowledge from a critical and cooperative perspective proposed in coordination with the Network of Textile Producers of the Province of Córdoba.

This training initiative aims to guide the people involved towards a social and sustainable link with the profession and the trade, providing them with tools for its realization and motivating them to reflect on their practices.

From the work experience of the organizations, we talked about the problems that arise when it comes to sustaining self-managed organization spaces, as well as the strategies used by the different organizations to face the socio-economic crisis.

Throughout the conference, topics related to labor organization will be worked on, such as: administrative and legal tools, tax aspects and more.

Registration is still open at the following link: Enrollment in the Diploma in Collaborative Textile Production Processes


More Information


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org 


*Picture of Fashion Network

On April 8 and 9, members of the National Alliance of Lawyers for the Human Rights of Women from all over the country met in Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

More than 50 lawyers from different parts of the country met last weekend to discuss the challenges in the implementation of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law and design legal strategies to overcome them.

Among the challenges encountered in access to the rights recognized by Law 27,610, more than a year after its sanction, the lack of knowledge about the law in the community, the geographic and economic barriers to access, the lack of of availability of health centers, the obstruction by social works and prepaid medicine companies, the obstruction derived from the abuse of the figure of conscientious objection and the improper judicialization of access to abortion. A special concern was expressed about the criminalization of the doctor Miranda Ruiz in the province of Salta, for which it was agreed to articulate strategies to support the request for her dismissal.

The meeting, led by lawyers from civil society organizations that make up the Alliance (Catholics for the Right to Decide, Fundeps, Amnesty International, CELS, ELA and Fundación MxM) allowed the exchange of local experiences and the strengthening of networks for the defense rights from a feminist perspective.

The Alliance is an intergenerational and federal space created in 2011 and made up of 300 legal professionals from 20 provinces. It is an articulation that allows the exchange between those who exercise the Law from different fields and for a more equitable and egalitarian society.

With the energies renewed thanks to the reunion, they agreed and articulated lines of action to continue demanding the effective application of the law throughout the country and online.

The Feminist Economy, together with the Ecological, Popular, Social and Solidarity Economy (the so-called Other economies) allow us to account for the unsustainability of the logics of inequality and looting that characterize the dominant capitalist and heterocis-patriarchal model. Also, it provides us with tools to identify, make visible and strengthen those that are committed to the sustainability of life.

We launched a guide that offers steps and tools for self-managed organizations and enterprises to review their internal management processes and implement good practices with a view to achieving economic sustainability, from the sustainability of life approach.

Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.

The Feminist Economy, together with the Ecological, Popular, Social and Solidarity Economy (the so-called Other economies) allow us to account for the unsustainability of the logics of inequality and looting that characterize the dominant capitalist and heterocis-patriarchal model. Also, it provides us with tools to identify, make visible and strengthen those that are committed to the sustainability of life.

Based on this position, during the year 2021, together with the Latin American Feminist Incubator and with the support of the Heinrich Böll Cono Sur Foundation, we carried out organizational and economic strengthening work aimed at 7 self-managed organizations and ventures from the Other economies of the province of Cordoba.

The goal was to help strengthen various self-managed experiences in our province through the design, implementation and collective evaluation of strategies and tools for economic sustainability. And thus promote the productive and reproductive processes and activities that they carry out and that aim, in a broader sense, at the sustainability of life.

In the different stages of this strengthening process, we used tools for the diagnosis, planning and management of resources (money, goods, services, time, contacts and networks, etc.) that could be adapted to the needs and forms of organization, and be useful for the evaluation and improvement of the management processes of self-managed organizations. Throughout this experience, we not only tested the proposed strategies and tools, but we were also able to identify interests and needs that require attention.

From this place we reaffirm our commitment to the transformation of situations of inequality through the strengthening of the various self-managed experiences made up mostly of femininity and dissidence and that are part of the Other Economies, in this case, providing resources for that purpose.

We have prepared this guide with tools aimed at self-managed spaces in Other Economies, so that they can review their forms of organization and internal management processes in order to achieve economic sustainability from the perspective of a Feminist Economy that is committed to the sustainability of life. . This material is proposed as a second booklet of resources that we have been making since 2020 in order to strengthen practices and reflections on the Other economies.

The guide is a proposal, a working hypothesis, not an imposition or a rigid structure. They are tools made available for each space to discuss, transform and adapt to their own needs.

An integral and sequenced process was thought of, although not necessarily linear. This allows each organization to choose where to start and what steps to follow, to advance in what they consider relevant or more adjusted to their needs.

We hope it will serve you.

Read resourcer


More information:

To access the first issue with administrative, tax and legal resources for self-managed organizations, read: Tools for self-management from a perspective of the sustainability of life.
Report “Other economies: self-management from a Life Sustainability perspective”.
Cycle Virtual meetings on Feminist Economy.
Audiovisual short films on Feminist Economy and Self-management.


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org