Tag Archive for: Water and Sanitation

At Fundeps we have been working since 2009 for the right to a healthy environment. We understand the environment from a comprehensive and broad perspective that includes the interaction between natural common goods and society. From this perspective, we are concerned about the province’s water, so in this note we will tell you chronologically about the actions we are carrying out in the search for solutions for a healthy San Roque lake.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In 2020, we carried out a Situational Diagnosis of Córdoba’s Water Resources: Lago Los Molinos and Lago San Roque, with the aim of analyzing the state of the main basins in the province, fully understanding the problem and analyzing possible courses of action.

The San Roque Lake Basin is in an extremely serious situation due to its advanced state of eutrophication. This means: the proliferation of algae in fresh water as a result of an excess of nutrients, particularly phosphorus; this natural process is exacerbated during hot weather. The situation is mainly due to the lack of sanitation in the Punilla area, a deficient sewage system, lack of control over discharge authorization, degradation of the lake, fires, deforestation, among others. With this basis, we carry out negotiations with decision-makers with the aim of undertaking actions for its remediation.

The pollution of the San Roque Basin not only puts at risk the health of people who are directly or indirectly in contact with the basin, but also affects the quality of life, the landscape, regional economies and the biological diversity of the province.

As we did not receive any positive responses from the provincial administration and as a last resort, in November 2022 we filed a Collective Environmental Protection action suing the Province, the communes and municipalities that make up the San Roque Lake Basin, the Provincial Administration of Water Resources of the Province of Córdoba (APRHI), the Ministry of Public Services of the Province of Córdoba, and the Secretariat of the Environment of the Province of Córdoba (now Ministry). Check out the timeline of the case here.

In the writ of amparo we ask the courts, among other measures, to gradually cease polluting activities such as dumping hazardous waste, sewage, and industrial waste; to order the defendants to build, complete, or expand the necessary sewage works, and to create an autonomous and self-sufficient River Basin Committee, made up of the various stakeholders in the river basin. We also request various precautionary measures such as the suspension of any authorization to carry out untreated dumping, the creation of a temporary management plan, and the design of a risk communication plan, among others.

In March 2023, the Third-Party Administrative Litigation Chamber partially admitted the requested precautionary measure and ordered the Government of Córdoba to prepare and present a provisional Sanitation and Sustainable Development Plan within 60 days.

The province appealed this resolution and simultaneously presented a plan that does not comply with the resolution. The plan presented has serious deficiencies: it does not stipulate deadlines, budget, or agencies in charge of execution. In addition, it is a plan that greatly exceeds the limits of the precautionary measure since it was designed to be executed within a period of 15 years. We at Fundeps made various observations. To date, the intervening Chamber has not yet issued a ruling. We consider that the design of an environmental management program of such impact and temporal extension, which involves present and future generations linked to the San Roque Basin, must necessarily be designed in dialogue with the population and that the future of the basin cannot be decided in the limited period of 60 days.

Currently, the judicial process is still ongoing and in the meantime the province, the Ministry of Environment and the Basin Authority (created in November 2023 by law 10,941) are carrying out insufficient cleanup actions: they are the same ones that have been carried out for years and that have not prevented the current contamination situation.

In the face of the summer season, with very high temperatures, thousands of hectares recently burned and a deep drought, we believe that it is time to demand actions that lead to different results that transform the management of the basin and promote real change. It is a key moment to request citizen participation in the design, execution and implementation of public policies aimed at the sanitation of the basin.


Your participation is key to achieving the cleanup of the basin. SIGN HERE!



María Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org

The Executive Branch of the province of Córdoba presented the 2024 budget bill. On November 9, we presented ourselves at the Public Hearing held in the Legislature.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Like every year, the following year’s budget bill is presented. This 2023, due to the elections, the times were brought forward and the project was presented on October 24, something that usually happens on November 15. After being presented, the project is discussed in several Commissions and approved in two legislative sessions, called 1st and 2nd reading. And in between, a Public Hearing is held.

From Fundeps we presented ourselves to the Public Hearing last Thursday, November 9. In this sense, it is noteworthy that starting this year, all the information related to the debate on the 2024 public budget law, with the project and its complementary documents, as well as with the calendar of sessions, dates of the Commission sessions and the Hearing. In addition, the way to register through a web form was improved compared to other years. Yes, we must note that it would be very useful for future occasions to publish the Commissions that meet on each date and to allow external participation, even if it is from listeners. Currently, committee sessions are uploaded to the Legislature’s YouTube channel after they happen.

At the hearing, we made some general observations that we understand make it possible to better analyze the budget and comments on a program related to Water and Sanitation. First of all, we explained that the descriptions of the Budget Programs are very generic and it is necessary that they be accompanied by physical goals and both quantitative and qualitative indicators, for the purposes of their monitoring. In the case of Program 572 analyzed, its content remains the same since its creation in 2018. In the case of the Works, contained in the Public Investment Plans, they are not directly described, at least in the budget documents. Then, we move on to explain Program 572 on Water and Sanitation, which is made up of two subprograms, one related to Drinking Water and the other to Sewage Liquids and Sanitary Services. In both cases we observe their evolution and behavior in the years 2022, 2023 and how they are projected in 2024. In that sense, in the two subprograms the same trend of sub-executions is observed in the year 2022 (32% and 53% respectively). , greater execution in the current year (87% and 75%) and a decrease in the budget allocation for 2024. More notable in the first subprogram than for the second. In that sense, we appeal that these programs be observed by the Legislators present, in view of budget approval in the second session on Wednesday, November 15.

A budget that guarantees rights, such as in this case drinking water and sanitary services that directly impact the rights to health and a healthy environment, is governed by the principles of progressivity and non-regression, in which care must be taken that In the allocation of resources there are no setbacks, avoiding cutting or reducing the levels reached.

Participation in the audience was very varied. There were Professional Associations (such as Lawyers or Notaries), civil housing associations, social sports, companions of children in vulnerable situations, among other actors. This shows that, although this instance is extremely valuable and allows a direct approach by the authorities to problems that bring together different social actors, it also reveals the lack of more spaces for participation. So that people and citizens who often face and solve public problems can channel their demands more effectively. This could be resolved with periodic hearings or greater social participation in the thematic commissions of the Legislature.

It is extremely important that these spaces become increasingly accessible, open and widespread. This is key so that the greatest number of social actors can approach and present their points of view and observations in the development of public policies that directly affect them.

More information

You can consult the entire Public Hearing here, and our participation in the minutes: 2:55.50 – 3:06.20.

Related notes Public budget:


Victoria Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

Together with the Table for Water and the Environment of Alta Gracia we present an action for protection for default against the Provincial Administration of Water Resources, for not having responded to a request for public information that we made about the work of providing drinking water for the Country Club “El Potrerillo de Larreta”.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

For months, the Table for Water and the Environment of Alta Gracia (MAyA), made up of people from the community, has been trying to obtain accurate information about the aqueduct that is intended to be carried out to provide drinking water to the Country Club “El Potrerillo de “Larreta.” As has been confirmed, this aqueduct comes from the main pipe that carries water to the entire town and would be 160 millimeters, so it could supply approximately 20 thousand people but the country has only 347 lots.

Let us remember that for more than 10 years, the same country has maintained a 4-kilometer wire in the Los Paredones stream, which is the main tributary of the Chicamtoltina stream (or Alta Gracia stream), preventing community access and violating regulations that establish the right to the common use of terrestrial waters.

The concern for the construction and subsequent operation of this aqueduct lies in the fact that currently the master pipe provides water to the entire community of Alta Gracia and other towns such as Falda del Carmen and Villa del Prado, which at different times of the year suffer from serious problems. of supply. Therefore, if this connection work to the main pipe is carried out, the problem will increase in the future, causing part of the citizenry to have access to drinking water while another large portion does not. Which would imply the violation of a fundamental human right.

Now, given this situation, the Roundtable for Water and the Environment presented various requests for access to public information to the different departments that would be involved in the development of the work. The Municipality and the Alta Gracia Sanitary Works Cooperative responded to the requests made. They said that they were only aware that in 2018 they submitted a request for authorization to use public roads for the construction of a work that sought to provide water to Potrerillo De Larreta. They also stated that in 2021 authorization was requested to begin the work, giving rise to inspections carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Planning.

They also made a request for information about this work to the Provincial Administration of Water Resources (APRHI), the department that exercises ownership of the water resources of the province. Given the lack of response, from Fundeps and the neighborhood community, we presented an injunction for late delivery of the requested information.

What is a default protection? What did the Provincial Water Resources Administration respond?

An amparo for delay is a judicial action whose sole purpose is to obtain, through the Judicial Branch, information that has not been previously provided.

Once the action was presented, the 2nd Nomination Administrative Litigation Chamber, ordered the Provincial Administration of Water Resources to provide the information that had been requested. Only on September 6, 2023 did it respond stating that, in 2014, the then Secretariat of Water Resources of the Province had granted the technical visa to carry out the construction of the aqueduct. This project plans to supply the Potrerillo de Larreta country with a supply of 1,000 liters per connection and in 2017 a technical visa was given to a purification plant.

Denial of Environmental Democracy

Given the lack of reliable information in this regard, first of all we must say that the right to access public information in a complete and truthful manner has been systematically violated. Nor did the Public Administration fulfill the duty of, if it does not have the information requested, to redirect the request to the competent body. Likewise, it is highly questionable that it was necessary to resort to justice to obtain information since this causes jurisdictional wear and tear, and consumes time and resources that limit access to the right to information.

The right to request and access public information is guaranteed in various regulations:

-The Provincial Constitution.

-Provincial Law No. 8803 on Access to Knowledge of State Acts.

-Law 10208 on Environmental Policy of the Province of Córdoba, Law No. 25,831 on the Regime of Free Access to Public Environmental Information, Law No. 25,675 General on the Environment.

-Law No. 27566 by which Argentina approves the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Escazú Agreement).

In short, the conduct of the different organizations involved implies a serious denial of citizens’ rights that must be corrected since accessing public information allows one to know and participate in all political, governmental and administrative processes where the environment is compromised.



Ananda Lavayén


Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org


*Photo taken from the Facebook account “Mesa por el Agua y el Ambiente de Alta Gracia”

Yesterday, March 30, 2023, the Court admitted the precautionary measure requested within the framework of the environmental protection presented last November. The Chamber resolves to partially grant the measure and orders the province of Córdoba to “Plan for Sanitation of Lake San Roque and Sustainable Development” within a period of 60 business days.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Background of the case:

In the month of November, Fundeps presented a collective environmental protection action before the Córdoba justice system requesting urgent and definitive measures to be taken regarding the serious situation that the Lake San Roque basin is going through.

The Administrative Litigation Chamber 3A Nomination, on 12/12/2022, summoned all the defendants (the municipalities and communes that make up the basin and the Province of Córdoba), and stated:

“That it is public knowledge of the delicate situation in which the San Roque Lake basin finds itself, whose degradation has been going on for a long time; worsening year after year, with pollution peaks in the summer periods (effect of high temperatures and lack of precipitation, among other causes); all of which is periodically made visible by the different provincial or local journalistic media that graphically portray the state of the water mirror that supplies a large part of the provincial population.

Given this, it summoned the province of Córdoba – through the competent areas or agencies – so that within a period of 15 judicial business days they report, among other issues, whether the Sustainable Development Committee of the Basin is current and operational. of Lake San Roque, if there is a sanitation plan, a Strategic Plan for Sewage Sanitation Works in the area and also requested the Legislative Branch of the Province to inform if there are bills related to the sanitation of the Lake San Roque Basin .

Among the responses provided by the Province, the Chamber highlights that the “Sustainable Development Committee of the San Roque Lake Basin” is not in operation, created by Law 7773, and that there is effectively no Sanitation Plan, but rather isolated measures are adopted from the different departments.

Resolution of the Chamber on the requested precautionary measure:

In this context, the Court, through Order Number 33, in its resolution yesterday considers that, as we had stated in the lawsuit, the remediation of the basin is not possible without a plan that, based on the diagnosis of the current situation, define means and mechanisms to achieve sanitation and sustainable management.

Thus the Chamber resolves, making use of the broad faculties and powers it has in this type of process where collective interests are at stake, to partially grant the requested precautionary measure and order within a period of sixty (60) business days. to the Province of Córdoba the preparation of the project of a “Sanitation Plan for Lake San Roque and Sustainable Development”.

Its main objective will be the sanitation of Lake San Roque associated with the sustainable development of its basin, and must contain, among various requirements:

A. Actions aimed at achieving the objective, with express mention of fire prevention, and the impact of anthropogenic activities in the basin, the territorial planning of the Basin as appropriate to each municipality or commune;

B. goals;

C. methodology;

D. deadlines with milestones with partial stages with times and measures;

E. proposal of different alternatives for the solution of the identified problems and their possible causes, in addition the Chamber requires that these alternatives must be considered in terms of their acceptability, effectiveness, efficiency and quality; The selection of the alternatives taken to solve the different aspects of the problem must be adequately justified;

F. definition of mitigation and remediation measures;

G. Audit systems;

H. among others.

The Plan must be prepared jointly by the Secretariat of Water Resources, the Secretariat of Public Services, the Secretariat of the Environment, the Provincial Administration of Water Resources, with the special participation in said task of the INA-CIRSA.

At Fundeps, we feel very optimistic about this resolution, appropriate and timely regarding the serious water crisis that we are experiencing and particularly the critical situation of the San Roque Lake basin. We consider that this is also an important precedent in environmental judicial matters, and a hopeful resolution for the group of people who defend the environment in the province of Córdoba.

More information

Presentamos un amparo ambiental por la contaminación del lago San Roque

Diagnóstico Situacional de los Recursos Hídricos de Córdoba: Río Suquía 

Diagnóstico Situacional de los Recursos Hídricos de Córdoba: Lago Los Molinos y Dique San Roque 



María Laura Carrizo Morales

Ananda Lavayen




*Photo taken from the digital newspaper El Independiente

We presented an environmental protection before the Justice of Córdoba for the serious situation of contamination and degradation that Lake San Roque presents, one of the main reservoirs of Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

After an in-depth study of the critical situation of environmental contamination suffered by the main water basins of the province, including Lake San Roque, Los Molinos Dam and Suquía River, we made a diagnosis where we capture its current state and the causes pollution, the consequences that this generates in the environment, in the community and in biodiversity, and we make a series of recommendations to the authorities.

As we were able to determine, the main cause of contamination is the lack or deficiency of appropriate public policies. Which translates into poor management of sewage effluents and urban solid waste, deforestation, contamination with agrochemicals, fires, lack of environmental impact studies in public and private works, among others, all of which ends up seriously affecting the water courses.

We particularly focus on Lake San Roque due to the great importance that this lake has for the entire province, since there are various cultural, economic and developmental life webs in and around it, in addition to supplying water to a large part of the people who live in Córdoba. It is estimated that the water that more than a million and a half people drink comes from the lake, and it is the economic engine of the entire Punilla region.

Given the alarming situation of the lake, and given the lack of initiatives by the authorities to stop the contamination immediately and clean up the basin, despite the constant demands of the community, we decided to go to court through an injunction environmental.

What does the protection consist of?

The purpose of this legal action is to request the Courts to intervene proactively in the protection of the right to health, quality of life and preservation of a healthy environment. Through the amparo presented, we sue the authorities responsible for the situation of Lake San Roque, that is: the Government of the Province of Córdoba, the Ministry of Public Services of the Province of Córdoba, the Provincial Administration of Water Resources of Córdoba ( APRHI), the Secretary of the Environment of the Province of Córdoba, and the municipalities and communes that the basin crosses.

The objective of this action is to ask the Cordovan justice to:

  • condemn the defendant authorities to carry out actions aimed at preventing polluting behavior in the San Roque Lake basin and its tributary rivers;
  • order to cease the dumping of substances that pollute the lake;
  • Demand to stop public and private works that could deepen the critical situation of the basin;
  • order the urgent restoration and remediation of the lake;
  • At the same time, we ask for the creation of an interdisciplinary and interjurisdictional River Basin Committee, which has powers of inspection, control, authorization of polluting activities and/or undertakings, among other powers. The formation and proper functioning of said Committee is fundamental in order to consolidate efficient and appropriate solutions to the needs of the entire community. In this sense, we request that citizen participation be guaranteed in advance in its formation and in its subsequent operation, and that its opinion be mandatory for the authorities.

The reality shows the serious and critical situation that all the water courses in the province are going through, something as basic as the water we drink cannot admit more inaction and delays on the part of the authorities. For this reason, we hope that the Justice of Córdoba responds quickly and responsibly to this cause, given the importance it has for those of us who inhabit the province, for future generations, for the environment and for the community of Punilla.


More Information

Situational Diagnosis of the Water Resources of Córdoba: Los Molinos Lake and San Roque Lake

Situational Diagnosis of the Water Resources of Córdoba: Suquía River



Ananda Lavayén


Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org

This document seeks to analyze the current state of the Suquía River from a comprehensive approach, based on various sources of information. The purpose is to achieve a complete understanding of the dimension of the problem and, based on this, weigh the measures and actions of prevention, mitigation and recomposition that it demands.

This document seeks to analyze the current status of Lake San Roque and Lake Los Molinos from a comprehensive approach, from various sources of information. The objective is to achieve a complete understanding of the dimension of the problem and, based on this, weigh the measures and actions of prevention, mitigation and recomposition that it demands.

Last Sunday, April 24, 2022, within the framework of Earth Day, the “Córdoba Repara” Festival was held on the Enchanted Island of Sarmiento Park and Fundeps was part of it through a stand with an interactive and collaborative proposal. with the audience.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The event organized by the Youth Directorate of the Municipality of Córdoba and the Free University of the Environment in conjunction with environmental organizations in the city, aimed to raise awareness about caring for the environment, reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste and objects and the consumption of sustainable products made by local entrepreneurs. All this was manifested through different activities such as live shows, spaces for dialogue, organization stands, vegan, vegetarian and agroecological food stalls, reception of recyclables, collection of blankets and coats to donate and a space dedicated exclusively to the Club of Repairers x Córdoba.

Our proposal consisted of collectively building two maps, one of the city of Córdoba and another of the province, where the people who circulated indicated what environmental problems they knew (or suffered from). From the dialogue with each one of the people and from our maps, environmental problems emerged that are repeated throughout the city and the province, and that are also reiterated over time.

The community that participated, mostly residents of different neighborhoods and areas of the city, identified very similar problems, such as the lack of differentiated waste collection, the existence of open-air dumps throughout the city and especially in the area of bypass, the lack or malfunction of sewers and sanitation in general, the contamination of the Suquía River and neighborhood streams, the contamination produced by Porta Hermanos, the poor/lacking urban planning, the existence of neighborhoods in Córdoba without drinking water, among others. For their part, those who live on the outskirts of the city or other localities such as Mendiolaza, Villa Carlos Paz, Villa Allende, Río Ceballos, La Calera, Río Primero, Segundo, Tercero and Cuarto, Juarez Celman, Punilla, Coronel Moldes, Bell Ville , among others, stated that the main environmental problems are related to clearing, fumigation with agrochemicals, quarrying, contamination of water resources, open-air dumps, fires, floods, and conflicts arising from the Punilla and Paravachasca highways.

At the same time, the lack of citizen participation in environmental matters that manifests itself in all problems also emerged as a concern. They also noted the existing barriers whether in access to public information, access to justice or in the decision-making process.

We were able to observe and analyze that despite the extension and diversity that the city and the province of Córdoba have, the environmental problems are very similar and are repeated in each territory, in addition, that none of them is new, on the contrary, they are repeated and they are accentuated with the passing of the years. For these reasons, we believe that it is necessary to continue working to find alternatives to the form of “development” that has been carried out, while it is imperative and fundamental to strengthen the mechanisms of citizen participation and that the State assumes a true commitment in that sense.



More Information



Ananda Lavayen


Juan Bautista Lopez, juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org

Together with the group Todos Por Nuestro Arroyos de Alta Gracia, we filed an appeal challenging the decision that rejected participation as interested third parties.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

During 2018, together with the group Todos Por Nuestro Arroyos, we requested participation as third parties in the cause of Country el Potrerillo de Larreta. Recall that in this debate the legality of the enclosure of the Los Paredones stream by the country, in the city of Alta Gracia.

During the year 2020, the main cause obtained a sentence by the Chamber of Appeals in Civil and Commercial Matters of the Ninth Nomination of the city of Córdoba, allowing the enclosure of the stream. In December of the same year, after a long time without obtaining a resolution, the Civil and Commercial Court of 2nd appointment of Alta Gracia decided to reject the required participation.

In such a situation, we file an appeal requesting that participation in the process be reviewed and admitted. The grounds on which the rejection is based are based on a vision that restricts and contradicts certain rules present in the national legal system, and that at the same time, sets a regressive precedent in terms of access to justice.


Juan Bautista Lopez, juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org

Together with the social group Todos por Nuestro Arroyos (TxNA) we express our disagreement with the decision of the Civil, Commercial and Family Court of 2nd Nomination of Alta Gracia. Said resolution, notified hours before the start of the judicial fair, denied participation as interested third parties that we requested together with neighbors of the city, in the trial that Potrerillo de Larreta S.A. It started against the province of Córdoba for the removal of the wires, which illegally prevented the passage in the Los Paredones stream.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

“It is regrettable that our participation has been considered irrelevant, and among the arguments the idea has been taken that we have no reason to feel legitimated to participate in the trial. This case mobilized all of Alta Gracia, who understood that there cannot be more wires in the spaces that belong to all of us, “said Fabiana Marbián, a member of TxNA and a resident of the city.

“It gets worse when the Judiciary took more than two years to respond to neighbors who, with no interest other than protecting the resources that belong to all Altagracians, ask for participation in a trial that involves all of us,” he emphasized. Marbián, while adding: “It is not to believe, but the years continue to pass and from the private neighborhood they continue to achieve their objective, which is to wire a public watercourse.”

From Fundeps we will appeal to the judicial decision, because the rejection seriously affects fundamental rights of citizenship. One of the most affected rights is the denial of the participation of neighbors in a controversy in which access to a stream (subject to the public domain) and the enjoyment of its environmental services are at stake, which goes against the guarantee of access to justice, the right to enjoy effective judicial protection, as well as the enjoyment of the right to the environment.

This rejection not only affects the participation of the institution in this specific case, but also sets a regressive judicial precedent for the entire province in terms of access to justice by civil society. The participation of civil society in this type of process is key to improving judicial activity in matters of public interest and to democratizing judicial debate.

Following the opportunity represented by the change of management at the municipal level, we want to express ourselves on key issues for the future of our city. Therefore, we jointly address other Cordoba organizations to the new Mayor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, with the aim of making recommendations regarding structural problems that cause serious damage to human rights.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Within the framework of the assumption of the new municipal management, there are unattended situations for years that need an urgent response. Through an open letter, we announce in ten points what these problems are and we make ourselves available to the new cabinet to work in an articulated way.

The ten points are summarized in:

  1. Environmental and health emergency in the Chacras de la Merced neighborhood
  2. Solid Urban Waste
  3. Urban Planning and Development
  4. Gender parity in the cabinet
  5. Trans labor inclusion and quota law
  6. Access to Legal Disruption of Pregnancy in Primary Care Centers
  7. Application of the Micaela law
  8. Access to public information
  9. Healthy school environments
  10. Smoke-free environments and protection of the non-smoker

These are 10 points, which are not exhaustive or exclusive of other problems, but require an urgent response because of the critical situations they represent. We hope that in the next 4 years we can articulate a joint work to continue advancing in the fulfillment of the human rights of the Cordoba community.

Access the full letter


Carolina Tamagnini, carotamagnini@fundeps.org

The Governor of Mendoza, Rodolfo Suárez, endorsed the reform of the law that protects the water of his province, to end the ban on the use of cyanide and other toxic substances and to remove the need for the Environmental Impact Statement (DIA) For metal mining projects, it must be ratified by the provincial legislative body. This modification implies a setback in the levels of environmental protection.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Law 7722 in force in the province of Mendoza began to take shape in 2005 when, in the face of the interest of mining companies to settle in the Uco Valley, residents began to inform themselves and mobilize in defense of water. The law was approved by the Mendoza legislature in 2007 and ratified by the Mendoza Supreme Court in 2015 before about ten requests for unconstitutionality filed by mining companies. This law does not prohibit mining, but prohibits in the territory of the province of Mendoza, the use of chemical substances such as cyanide, mercury, sulfuric acid, and other similar toxic substances in mining processes, in pursuit of water protection and of agriculture

The draft modification of the law of Governor Rodolfo Suárez, seeks to introduce changes in the essential articles of the law, proposes to eliminate the prohibition of the use of chemical substances –except for mercury- and toxic substances “in metal mining mining processes, prospecting, exploration, exploitation and / or industrialization of metal ores ”; on the other hand, it seeks to remove the need for the Declaration of Environmental Impact (DIA) for metal mining projects to have to be ratified by the provincial legislative body. It aims to promote large-scale metal mining activity in the province of Mendoza.

This modification not only violates the environment as an integral legal good, but also implies the violation of the principles that order the environmental microsystem, in particular the principles of irretroactivity and progressivity established in the General Environment Law (Law 25.675), meaning a setback in the levels of protection already existing in the province. To this must be added the lack of water suffered by the Mendoza area, attentive to the fact that it has a water emergency declaration for more than ten years. The right to water constitutes a basic human right, a fundamental public good for life and health insofar as it is a necessary condition for the enjoyment of other human rights. Thus, in protection of this human right, it is that law 7722 was enacted that today the Mendoza government intends to modify.

It is a primary duty of legislators to listen to citizens who have been mobilizing for years and expressing their rejection of this project during these days. As the Superior Court of Justice of Mendoza will express, the Mendoza decided by law 7722 the productive model they want to develop, it is the right of each society to decide, define and manage the way it adopts to progress. Given these circumstances, we express our concern and rejection of the attempt of the Government of the province to modify the current law.


Maria Laura Carrizo


Juan Bautista Lopez, juanbautistalopez@fundeps.org