Virtual meetings on Gender and International Financial Institutions
Two virtual meetings to learn about the world of the IFIs, their accountability mechanisms, and share useful tools with feminist organizations in the region.
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The international financial institutions -IFIs- are one of the most important actors for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of project financing. However, it is necessary for the IFIs to have Gender Policies and mainstream the gender perspective in the design, development and execution of the projects they finance, and consider the gender-differentiated impacts they cause.
For this reason, we launched two virtual meetings in which we will learn about the IFIs and share useful tools for organizations made up of diverse and dissident feminities and identities to build capacity to monitor the projects financed by them.
In the first meeting, we will get closer to the world of the IFIs and their accountability mechanisms. It will take place on Tuesday, November 10, at 4:00 p.m. Argentina.
In the second meeting, we will provide tools to obtain information and monitor projects financed by development financial institutions. It will be held on November 17 at 4:00 p.m.