A few days before the elections this Sunday, November 19, a new controversy has entered the public agenda: one of the parties competing in the runoff decided to deliver fewer ballots to the Electoral Justice to be distributed at the polling stations, alleging the fear that the ballots would disappear and citizens would not be able to exercise their right to vote. However, this claim has several inconsistencies.

The political parties are responsible for the printing of the ballots and their distribution, for which the State grants them the necessary funds to do so. For these elections, the National Electoral Directorate valued each ballot at $2.92, granting each party the equivalent of 2 and a half padrones. This means that 2 and a half ballots per party are printed for each voter.

For example, only for the category of presidency and vice-presidency in the PASO 2023, each party was granted a little more than 103 million pesos to be used exclusively for the printing of ballots. Although the parties may decide to print fewer ballots than those established by the Law, if they do so, they are obliged to return the unearned amount.

The parties may choose to distribute the ballots on their own or give them to the Electoral Board to take them to the voting centers, distributing bundles of 350 ballots for each table plus 2 extra bundles for contingencies, or four more if the center has more than 9 tables.

Even if the Electoral Justice were given a bundle of 350 ballots per table -which would be enough to cover all the people who are going to vote-, the party would retain a total of one and a half ballot lists to dispose of freely, either by distributing them the days prior to the election or by using them as contingency ballots during the electoral process, with which not only would there be no lack of ballots, but there would be ballots left over.

The problem lies elsewhere. The system ensures that each voter has his or her party ballot available to vote, but why would the parties not deliver the necessary ballots to the electoral authorities? Wouldn’t this be a waste of resources and, above all, a possible “black box”? According to an investigation by El Ruido and Connectas, in this year’s PASO only one list out of the 1,818 that ran for election returned the surplus of unprinted ballots. Moreover, 8 billion pesos went to ballots of parties that did not exceed 1.5% of the votes.

It is because of things like these that many organizations have been asking, for a long time, for a Single Paper Ballot system. But it is also true that the current procedure is reliable and has so far reflected the will of the electorate, and there is not a single indication of fraud. In fact, sometimes there are those who prefer to raise the specter of fraud rather than accept that they were not an option for the citizens.

The Executive Branch of the province of Córdoba presented the 2024 budget bill. On November 9, we presented ourselves at the Public Hearing held in the Legislature.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Like every year, the following year’s budget bill is presented. This 2023, due to the elections, the times were brought forward and the project was presented on October 24, something that usually happens on November 15. After being presented, the project is discussed in several Commissions and approved in two legislative sessions, called 1st and 2nd reading. And in between, a Public Hearing is held.

From Fundeps we presented ourselves to the Public Hearing last Thursday, November 9. In this sense, it is noteworthy that starting this year, all the information related to the debate on the 2024 public budget law, with the project and its complementary documents, as well as with the calendar of sessions, dates of the Commission sessions and the Hearing. In addition, the way to register through a web form was improved compared to other years. Yes, we must note that it would be very useful for future occasions to publish the Commissions that meet on each date and to allow external participation, even if it is from listeners. Currently, committee sessions are uploaded to the Legislature’s YouTube channel after they happen.

At the hearing, we made some general observations that we understand make it possible to better analyze the budget and comments on a program related to Water and Sanitation. First of all, we explained that the descriptions of the Budget Programs are very generic and it is necessary that they be accompanied by physical goals and both quantitative and qualitative indicators, for the purposes of their monitoring. In the case of Program 572 analyzed, its content remains the same since its creation in 2018. In the case of the Works, contained in the Public Investment Plans, they are not directly described, at least in the budget documents. Then, we move on to explain Program 572 on Water and Sanitation, which is made up of two subprograms, one related to Drinking Water and the other to Sewage Liquids and Sanitary Services. In both cases we observe their evolution and behavior in the years 2022, 2023 and how they are projected in 2024. In that sense, in the two subprograms the same trend of sub-executions is observed in the year 2022 (32% and 53% respectively). , greater execution in the current year (87% and 75%) and a decrease in the budget allocation for 2024. More notable in the first subprogram than for the second. In that sense, we appeal that these programs be observed by the Legislators present, in view of budget approval in the second session on Wednesday, November 15.

A budget that guarantees rights, such as in this case drinking water and sanitary services that directly impact the rights to health and a healthy environment, is governed by the principles of progressivity and non-regression, in which care must be taken that In the allocation of resources there are no setbacks, avoiding cutting or reducing the levels reached.

Participation in the audience was very varied. There were Professional Associations (such as Lawyers or Notaries), civil housing associations, social sports, companions of children in vulnerable situations, among other actors. This shows that, although this instance is extremely valuable and allows a direct approach by the authorities to problems that bring together different social actors, it also reveals the lack of more spaces for participation. So that people and citizens who often face and solve public problems can channel their demands more effectively. This could be resolved with periodic hearings or greater social participation in the thematic commissions of the Legislature.

It is extremely important that these spaces become increasingly accessible, open and widespread. This is key so that the greatest number of social actors can approach and present their points of view and observations in the development of public policies that directly affect them.

More information

You can consult the entire Public Hearing here, and our participation in the minutes: 2:55.50 – 3:06.20.

Related notes Public budget:


Victoria Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

Democracy is much more than going to vote and electing authorities periodically. It is collectively building a society and a political system based on respect for diversity, without violence, where it is recognized that the path to development goes hand in hand with the defense of democratic institutions. In these elections, let us keep in mind 40 years of learning as a society. Let us not throw away the democracy we have achieved.

In these 40 years, we have learned to respect differences, to value the plurality of voices, to prefer dialogue to violence. The democratic pact was synthesized in the Nunca Más (Never Again), and from there -with difficulties and many pending issues- we have advanced in more rights for more people. This society voted in 30 elections that reliably reflect the will of the electorate. It is an electoral system we can trust.

Today, the undersigned civil society organizations see with concern how the electoral contest is taking place in the midst of proposals and speeches of hate and political violence, offensive and discriminatory.

These speeches are unacceptable and encourage us to move away from the democratic pact that we have worked so hard to uphold. The idea, which we thought was outdated, that a political adversary is an enemy takes us back to our worst times and can only bring chaos and violence to our daily lives.

There is no doubt that Argentina’s democracy has debts. Therefore, our new democratic pact, the one for the next 40 years, must incorporate bases for development and, in addition, promote practices that bring public institutions closer to citizens in order to improve the lives of all. Democracy is improved with more democracy.

  • Abogadas y abogados del Noroeste Argentino en Derechos Humanos y Estudios Sociales (Andhes)
  • Amnistía Internacional Argentina
  • ARDA (Asociación de Reducción de Daños de Argentina) 
  • Asociación Conciencia
  • Asociación Pensamiento Penal
  • Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
  • Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (Cippec)
  • Democracia en Red
  • Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA)
  • Escuela de fiscales
  • Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
  • Fundación Cambio Democrático
  • Fundación Endeavor Argentina
  • Fundación Huésped
  • Fundar
  • Fundeps
  • Greenpeace Argentina
  • Intercambios
  • Nuestra Mendoza
  • Poder Ciudadano
  • Proyecto Educar 2050
  • RACI
  • Red por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (REDI)
  • Reset, políticas de drogas y Derechos Humanos
  • Salta Transparente
  • Xumek Mendoza

From September 25 to 26, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the eighth Annual Assembly of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was held, an event that brings together its members, business representatives and civil organizations to discuss the direction strategy and initiatives of the organization. At this meeting, the AIIB announced the approval of the first loan in Argentina, intended to finance a wind farm in Tierra del Fuego.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The main objective of the Annual Assembly is to share the Bank’s progress and receive suggestions regarding its strategic direction and operations. It also provides information and encourages exchanges on policies and projects financed by the AIIB in terms of social and environmental impact.

The central theme of the 8th Assembly was “sustainable growth in a challenging world” and highlighted the importance of addressing the global climate agenda and supporting key infrastructure demands for AIIB member countries. The meeting program covered a variety of Thematic topics that include the latest trends and priorities of the Bank. The public sessions were grouped into three thematic streams: sustainability, connectivity and multilateral cooperation. They addressed issues related to the development and implementation of sustainable environmental infrastructure, as well as the promotion and strengthening alliances that improve infrastructure connectivity both in Asia and in other regions.

First AIIB project in Argentina

A particularly relevant event for Argentina was the announcement, during the event, of the approval of the project called “Energy transition of the province of Tierra del Fuego” for an amount of 65 million dollars. This project marks a milestone, as it represents the first financing granted to Argentina as a member of the Bank, which it officially joined in March 2021. The funds will be used for the construction of a wind farm near the city of Río Grande. . According to the AIIB, the main objective of the project is to establish the wind energy generation capacity in the province of Tierra del Fuego and it “is aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Nationally Determined Contributions of Argentina, for which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the adoption of renewable energy.” This initiative arises from the need to take advantage of the wind resources that the province has and the lack of interconnection in local networks for the materialization of projects of such magnitude.

However, it is important to highlight that given the scarcity of information about the project, it is essential to analyze in depth how the project will be carried out, and what the true implications could be in terms of socio-environmental impacts. For this reason, at Fundeps we are monitoring this project and have made a request for information to the AIIB about details that are not yet clear. For example, although an Environmental and Social Management Plan (PMAS) and a Stakeholder Participation Plan (PPPI) have been published on the Bank’s website, the documentation related to the Environmental Impact Assessment is not yet available. and Social, the Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report or information related to the public hearings planned for the project, among other relevant documentation.

This information is key to identifying the real impacts of the project and verifying whether access to information about the project and the participation of the local population is effectively ensured. In turn, another aspect that raises doubts is the role that the CAF (current Development Bank of Latin America) will have in relation to the project, since it has been presented as a co-financed project between both multilateral institutions.


Candela Jauregui


Gonzalo Roza, gon.roza@fundeps.org

A project to promote healthy eating that adheres to the national front labeling law was presented to the Córdoba Legislature. The initiative establishes stamp-free schools, promotes the public purchase of healthy foods and creates a monitoring commission made up of civil society organizations, among other things.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On August 16, a project for adhesion to the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PAS), better known as the “labeling law,” entered the Córdoba Legislature, which presents the best standards among the adhesion laws sanctioned so far. . It was achieved through collaborative work between the team of legislator Miranda and legislator Labat, together with the College of Nutritionists of the Province of Córdoba and Fundeps. It hopes to have the support of all the blocks that consider it a priority to defend public health and access to adequate food for all consumers and, fundamentally, children.
To understand the importance of subnational progress in relation to the national front labeling law, we must look not only at the letter of the law but also at its implementation. The text explicitly obliges the provinces to guarantee the implementation of the law in their territories, but does not say how. It does not command adherence. For this reason, at the time of the sanction and regulation of the national law, the question arose: is it necessary for the provinces to adhere? What should and what can the provinces do to guarantee effective compliance with these recognized fundamental rights? How can we guarantee equality in the enjoyment of these rights throughout the territory? Despite the questions, what was not questioned is that the national standard is mandatory throughout the country beyond the strategies defined by the province.

It is important to highlight that the standard aims to address the food issue in a comprehensive and transversal way. For this reason, it not only introduces front labeling that allows warning about the true composition of what is being consumed, but also regulates aspects such as: healthy school environments, nutritional food education, marketing strategies of food industries, public purchases. carried out by the State, etc. That is why this law is recognized as a kind of suture of the great regulatory dispersion that exists in the regulation of the right to food in Argentina, and it is also seen as a model law for the region.
Now, the implementation of all these components of the law put at the center the challenges of federalism and the system of distribution of powers, and requires coordination between different ministries, agencies and levels of government. In this scenario, the issuance of adhesion or complementary regulations emerged as the best way to ensure the full implementation of all the measures established by law, and thus effectively protect the health of the population.

To date we have only 7 adhered provinces, which according to the regulatory map of labeling in Argentina reflects 63.3% progress at the national level, and this has to do with the fact that none of the regulations regulate the implementation of the different components of the law that require it.

The bill in Córdoba

In this scenario, the bill presented in Córdoba appears as a model to be followed by the rest of the provinces. It proposes broad and comprehensive local regulation, which ensures the effective application of all the measures provided by national law. Thus, it not only assumes the responsibility of controlling and supervising compliance with the front labeling of food products and national regulations on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of these products, but also expands the scope of restrictions on advertising in the areas of local jurisdiction, such as points of sale and public roads. It also defines what is meant by advertising aimed at children and adolescents, correcting an important deficiency in national regulations. Thus, the text achieves full protection of the environment against marketing strategies that aggressively encourage the purchase of products that harm health.

Also, it speaks out regarding the two crucial components that require the actions of the provinces.

  • About school environments: prohibits the offer, sale and advertising of products with the seal within schools of all levels, formal and informal, and requires the permanent and free supply of drinking water; provides for the inclusion of food education in school curricula and teacher training plans; establishes that school cafeterias should prioritize the offer of fresh or minimally processed foods that come from local farmers; and provides that menus be designed by nutrition professionals and improvements are made to school infrastructure.
  • About public purchases: the project accepts the criteria of national law and prioritizes the purchase of healthy foods in all types of contracts and food programs. A priority that becomes absolute if the recipients are children and adolescents.

Other points to highlight in the proposed regulations have to do with the definition of the Ministry of Health as the application authority in coordination with other ministries involved. This is essential so that all the measures taken in the different areas are considered from a public health approach. We also consider the provision of complaint channels, sanction systems and registration of offenders at the local level to be a success, which allow us to reinforce national mechanisms that have been presenting certain limitations in practice.

Another point of interest, which has to do with strengthening the availability of healthy foods, is the incentive to consume unprocessed and natural foods produced by regional economies and peasant, indigenous (and/or) family agriculture.

Finally, we want to emphasize that the project provides for the creation of a Consumer Commission made up of civil society organizations, consumers and professional associations whose objective is the protection of the rights involved. Commission that guarantees citizen participation in monitoring the implementation of the law and in the development of complementary policies.

For these reasons, it is an advanced law for the promotion of healthy eating in the province. It can set the path to be followed by other provinces that have not spoken out and also for provinces with simple accessions to dictate complementary regulations that ensure comprehensive compliance with this public health policy that is being a reference in the region.

We invite citizens to support and follow the process of processing the law in the legislature. Your involvement is essential so that the balance does not tip in favor of the interests of large food industries and the rights of the population, and fundamentally children, to enjoy a healthy life and healthy eating are protected.

Access the bill


María Laura Fons


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org

On October 3, the national government presented the National Plan for the Implementation of the Escazú Agreement. This regional treaty was approved by Argentina in 2020 and seeks to implement the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making, access to Justice and the protection of human rights defenders in environmental matters.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The Secretary of Climate Change and Sustainable Development and Innovation of the Nation was appointed to advance towards the implementation of the Escazú Agreement in Argentina. This tour was designed in two stages: the first, aimed at carrying out a diagnosis to determine the status of compliance with the Agreement in our country, from which recommendations emerged: and the second was focused on designing the Plan. For this, a public consultation, collaborative virtual and in-person meetings, regional dialogue tables and a proposal box were carried out. In total, 533 contributions were received from citizens in the design of the Plan and the majority (65%) of the people who participated were women. At Fundeps we accompany this entire process by providing contributions in the different participatory instances.

The Plan is structured into 6 axes: access to public environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making, access to justice in environmental matters, human rights defenders in environmental issues, capacity building, governance system for the execution and monitoring of the implementation of the Agreement. Objectives and indicators are also established, which are very important for evaluating progress in implementation. The execution of the Plan will be over a period of 3 years and will be in charge of the National Executive Branch.

The process of creating the Plan was an open, participatory and transparent process, focused on ensuring citizen participation and building the necessary consensus to address the needs of the communities and make the Agreement effective. We celebrate the presentation of this Plan, which represents a milestone towards the consolidation of the application of the Escazú Agreement in Argentina and provides concrete tools to facilitate its implementation. Now we urge the national state and the provinces to implement its implementation and citizens to demand its effective application to achieve the ultimate goal of the Escazú Agreement: compliance with the right to a healthy environment.


More Information



Manuela Fernández Grassani 


María Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org

Last week, the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) took place in Morocco. Likewise, a counter-summit was organized that gave space to civil society and social movements to discuss the neoliberal policies promoted by these institutions. Below are some reflections on these events, their limitations and potential, and the particular situation of Argentina.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The Annual Meetings, which this year took place between October 9 and 13 in the city of Marrakech, are spaces where panels are organized with IMF directors and staff, while civil society has its own forums and exhibition spaces and discussion. At the same time, countless closed meetings occur in parallel to the entire official agenda. All of this aims to be able to discuss how the international financial architecture is organized, which determines under what conditions funds are lent mainly to countries in the global south. The role of civil society in these spaces is to bring their concerns and represent the voices of the people affected by this complex lending infrastructure.

For example, the Coalition for Human Rights in Development presented a report where of 38 projects evaluated, in 36 reprisals were identified against people who defended rights and complained against said loans. This shows that, although the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) make high-level proclamations regarding the importance of human rights, there are no measures or real addressing of the negative consequences on defenders who suffer abuse by security forces. security and the police, judicial persecution, the disproportionate use of force, surveillance, and gender violence and sexual harassment in the particular case of defenders.

Likewise, the Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN) presented in a panel on the IMF’s climate strategy regarding the Argentine case. It was made visible how the need for foreign exchange from exports is pushing the fossil fuel extractivist model and going against the country’s climate change mitigation goals. The emblematic example is Vaca Muerta, which if fully exploited would use the equivalent of 11.4% of the CO2 budget. In this case, we can see how the short-term foreign trade balance needs override any analysis of environmental impacts and put the environmental sustainability of the planet at risk.

Faced with this, in general the authorities and staff of the IFIs present on the panels insist that existing policies are the ones that work, they dismiss the proposals of civil society with their own data and are not very receptive to any criticism. For this reason, spaces like the Counter Summit appear, where the conversation flows in a more critical and sincere way about what is happening with the impacts of loans and projects, allowing a space to unite voices in order to change injustices. that today affect so many countries and communities.

The Counter Summit opened on October 12 with a march, and over the next two days there were both small group and plenary discussion sessions. Finally, on Sunday the 15th, the plenary session closed with a reading of the conclusions, which included the cancellation of illegitimate debts, policies that respect planetary limits, climate and social justice, and promote food sovereignty. Also, let end financial colonialism, that there be financing for projects that allow adaptation to climate change, social security and universal health coverage, and a special proclamation for the rights of women who are those who are most negatively impacted by austerity policies.

Argentina and its link with the IMF

According to Noemí Brenta, Argentina has a very particular relationship with the IMF, since it is the middle-income country that has been under its agreements the longest, directing economic and fiscal policies. Today, not only does it have almost 30% of the IMF’s loan portfolio, but it is a good student: throughout all these years and of 22 agreements, only 5 were suspended by the organization. Therefore, it can be stated that the guidelines recommended by this organization have had great influence on the decisions of the different governments.

However, compliance with the policies has implied a notable deterioration in people’s quality of life. On the one hand, the conditionalities impose that the income that the country has be used to pay creditors (that is, to the IMF and other debtors as well), which in turn implies that social expenses are cut and there is no investment for the country. development. On the other hand, the extractivist model is deepened through the agro-industrial production of commodities, the exploitation of fossil fuels and mining – lithium mining is very popular today due to its potential to contribute to an energy transition towards other renewable sources. This has negative consequences on the environment, does not take into account the impacts on the use of scarce and non-renewable resources such as water, and limits the development of the communities that live in the exploited territories.

Mariano Féliz suggests that the impacts on the paid labor market have clear gender biases, since it is women who have to face intensified unpaid and reproductive tasks, while receiving fewer public services. IMF policies that promote women’s participation in economic activity do so from an instrumental perspective because it improves macroeconomic indicators and provides labor that usually accepts worse working conditions. However, while the employment rate for adult women increased, the employment rate for men, especially young people, decreased. All of this only results in the capitalist tendency to overload women with care tasks for their own homes and communities, for example, through the organization of popular soup kitchens.

For the logic of financing agreements and governments, human rights are an ideal that is difficult to fulfill rather than an obligation. The panorama then in Argentina makes us have to think about how to build a political movement against unsustainable and illegitimate debts, against abusive conditionalities that are detrimental to fundamental rights and people’s lives. It also forces us to reflect on how these Levels of indebtedness and precarious lives are linked to the growth of far-right electoral options, which ultimately also promote anti-democratic discourses and practices.

The challenges are many, they are complex and involve a lot of political articulation. However, the context is urgent, since there is no sustainability of life possible under the policies of austerity, impoverishment and extractivism. We have to continue building collective narratives, mobilizing and supporting communities by defending their territories.


Carolina Tamagnini, carotamagnini@fundeps.org

Together with the Table for Water and the Environment of Alta Gracia we present an action for protection for default against the Provincial Administration of Water Resources, for not having responded to a request for public information that we made about the work of providing drinking water for the Country Club “El Potrerillo de Larreta”.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

For months, the Table for Water and the Environment of Alta Gracia (MAyA), made up of people from the community, has been trying to obtain accurate information about the aqueduct that is intended to be carried out to provide drinking water to the Country Club “El Potrerillo de “Larreta.” As has been confirmed, this aqueduct comes from the main pipe that carries water to the entire town and would be 160 millimeters, so it could supply approximately 20 thousand people but the country has only 347 lots.

Let us remember that for more than 10 years, the same country has maintained a 4-kilometer wire in the Los Paredones stream, which is the main tributary of the Chicamtoltina stream (or Alta Gracia stream), preventing community access and violating regulations that establish the right to the common use of terrestrial waters.

The concern for the construction and subsequent operation of this aqueduct lies in the fact that currently the master pipe provides water to the entire community of Alta Gracia and other towns such as Falda del Carmen and Villa del Prado, which at different times of the year suffer from serious problems. of supply. Therefore, if this connection work to the main pipe is carried out, the problem will increase in the future, causing part of the citizenry to have access to drinking water while another large portion does not. Which would imply the violation of a fundamental human right.

Now, given this situation, the Roundtable for Water and the Environment presented various requests for access to public information to the different departments that would be involved in the development of the work. The Municipality and the Alta Gracia Sanitary Works Cooperative responded to the requests made. They said that they were only aware that in 2018 they submitted a request for authorization to use public roads for the construction of a work that sought to provide water to Potrerillo De Larreta. They also stated that in 2021 authorization was requested to begin the work, giving rise to inspections carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Planning.

They also made a request for information about this work to the Provincial Administration of Water Resources (APRHI), the department that exercises ownership of the water resources of the province. Given the lack of response, from Fundeps and the neighborhood community, we presented an injunction for late delivery of the requested information.

What is a default protection? What did the Provincial Water Resources Administration respond?

An amparo for delay is a judicial action whose sole purpose is to obtain, through the Judicial Branch, information that has not been previously provided.

Once the action was presented, the 2nd Nomination Administrative Litigation Chamber, ordered the Provincial Administration of Water Resources to provide the information that had been requested. Only on September 6, 2023 did it respond stating that, in 2014, the then Secretariat of Water Resources of the Province had granted the technical visa to carry out the construction of the aqueduct. This project plans to supply the Potrerillo de Larreta country with a supply of 1,000 liters per connection and in 2017 a technical visa was given to a purification plant.

Denial of Environmental Democracy

Given the lack of reliable information in this regard, first of all we must say that the right to access public information in a complete and truthful manner has been systematically violated. Nor did the Public Administration fulfill the duty of, if it does not have the information requested, to redirect the request to the competent body. Likewise, it is highly questionable that it was necessary to resort to justice to obtain information since this causes jurisdictional wear and tear, and consumes time and resources that limit access to the right to information.

The right to request and access public information is guaranteed in various regulations:

-The Provincial Constitution.

-Provincial Law No. 8803 on Access to Knowledge of State Acts.

-Law 10208 on Environmental Policy of the Province of Córdoba, Law No. 25,831 on the Regime of Free Access to Public Environmental Information, Law No. 25,675 General on the Environment.

-Law No. 27566 by which Argentina approves the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Escazú Agreement).

In short, the conduct of the different organizations involved implies a serious denial of citizens’ rights that must be corrected since accessing public information allows one to know and participate in all political, governmental and administrative processes where the environment is compromised.



Ananda Lavayén


Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org


*Photo taken from the Facebook account “Mesa por el Agua y el Ambiente de Alta Gracia”

During September 26, 27, 28 and 29 we were participating in different activities linked to the Second Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. This Forum is organized by ECLAC in its role as Secretariat of the Escazú Agreement.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Latin America and the Caribbean continues to be the most dangerous area in the world to carry out environmental defense. Last year, 177 environmental defenders were murdered and 88% of the homicides occurred in Latin America. That is why States must make more and better efforts to guarantee security and provide a safe environment for the development of this task.

Let us remember that the Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice – known as the Escazú Agreement is the first regional environmental treaty in the world to contain specific provisions for the protection of defenders. Specifically, Article 9 provides that States must guarantee a safe and enabling environment in which individuals, groups and organizations that promote and defend human rights in environmental matters can act without threats, restrictions and insecurity.

In this context, together with indigenous communities and defenders from across the region, we met in Panama to provide input on the proposed draft of the Regional Action Plan on Defenders that will be presented next year at the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 3). This is a true opportunity to impact environmental issues that affect our region.

The Escazú Agreement is the first treaty in the world that has open and horizontal dialogue spaces. These participatory processes are a true tool for the collective construction of public policies.

The main demand from the communities is the urgent ratification of the Agreement by all the states in the region. On the other hand, the violence that groups and people who protect the environment continually experience were exposed, even more so in the context of climate change. In this sense, it is essential to pay special attention to situations of human rights violations in the context of extractive processes linked to the energy transition.

On the other hand, the main request was for the transversal incorporation of a gender and intercultural perspective into the Plan, giving specific recognition to indigenous communities, who have historically been guardians of our common goods.

We hope that more states in the region will ratify the Agreement in the short term and that the claims that were reiterated by the communities will be considered and included in the Plan.


More Information

Resource on Escazú Agreement | Fundeps



María Laura Carrizo, lauracarrizo@fundeps.org

From Fundeps, together with IDEJUS and Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, we present “Breaking schemes: a Conversation on Feminist Litigation” at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Córdoba. We spoke with an international panel of lawyers with outstanding experience in the defense of human rights.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On Friday, September 15, within the framework of the optional subject “Feminist Litigation: Legal Strategies for Gender Equality” taught this semester at the Faculty of Law, the first discussion on feminist litigation took place. The subject addresses conceptual issues about strategic litigation and feminist criticism of law, with a practical part in which cases and experiences are studied. The teaching team is made up of lawyers from Fundeps, CDD and IDEJUS.

With the participation of Lucía de la Vega (CELS), Soledad Deza (Women x Women), Mariela Galeazzi (Amnesty International), Patricia Sotile (Latin American Justice and Gender Team) and Natalia Acevedo Guerrero (O’Neill Institute for Law and Global and National Health from Georgetown University), we talked about her experience in social organizations and in the development of strategic litigation, the obstacles to the practice of law with a feminist perspective and her response to all types of judicial controversies. They highlighted the importance of collective and interdisciplinary work for comprehensive approaches and the need for training in feminist and human rights perspectives in the legal field.

With a review of those causes in which they participated, the progress of the integration of perspectives for real access to justice and the importance of its promotion and dissemination was analyzed.

Through these instances, in line with what was discussed with the panel and with the institutional support of the Faculty of Law, we are committed to contributing to the training of legal professionals with a gender perspective.



Luz Baretta


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

On August 22-24, the 15th BRICS Summit took place in South Africa, where heads of state of the member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, whose acronym is the acronym) met at a high-level forum to discuss key issues for the most prominent emerging economies.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

During the XV Summit, the Heads of State met with members of the business sector in dialogue with the New Development Bank to outline the main axes that will guide BRICS policy. This year’s agenda included the potential “de-dollarization” of global trade, with China and the yuan at the forefront of this ambition, as well as the possible effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on cooperation between member countries. However, the emphasis was on the expansion of BRICS to include the countries that have submitted official applications for membership: Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

Finally, during the summit, Argentina, as well as the rest of the countries mentioned above, was formally invited to join the BRICS as from January 1, 2024. Since it is an international forum that does not imply a supranational integration process, the decision to join will be at the discretion of the Executive Power that takes office on December 10. Some of the presidential candidates, such as Javier Miliei (La Libertad Avanza) and Patricia Bullrich (Juntos por el Cambio) have expressed critical positions regarding the accession, alleging a strong difference with the international actions of the BRICS countries, especially in reference to their violations of international law, such as during the war in Ukraine.

In this sense, it is possible to identify some key elements regarding the implications of Argentina’s participation in the BRICS. Mainly, reference is made to the quantitative dimension of the BRICS group, which concentrates 40% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s GDP, a percentage that, together, equals that of the United States (World Bank Data Center). In addition to these numbers, there are those that link Argentina specifically with the founding countries: the main recipients of Argentine exports include Brazil, China and India; while its main imports come from China and Brazil (OEC).

The role of the New Development Bank

The economic factor becomes more relevant if the possibilities of financing by the New Development Bank (NDB) are taken into account. The BRICS development bank was founded by the member nations of the bloc in 2014, during the sixth summit held in Fortaleza, Brazil. This international bank is positioned as an alternative to the IMF and the World Bank, with credits oriented mainly to infrastructure projects and which, according to the official website, prioritize “high-impact operations that are environmentally smart, resilient, technologically integrated and socially inclusive”.

Currently, the New Development Bank finances projects in only 6 countries (China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and Bangladesh) for a total of US$ 32.8 billion. According to sources such as Ámbito Financiero, Argentina is already negotiating with Dilma Rousseff, who holds the presidency, a possible credit line that would help alleviate the pressure on the debts with the IMF. In order to join the NBD, Argentina must make a capital contribution of “US$250 million in sovereign bonds held by the Treasury, from the Guarantee and Sustainability Fund (FGS) of the National Social Security Administration (Anses) and other sources” (La Nación). A key element of participation in the NBD is that in their general strategy they commit to grant 30% of their loans in local currency of the recipient country, in order to mitigate the risk of foreign investment (NBD). In the case of Argentina, this could diversify the sources of financing and reduce dependence on the dollar and the IMF. However, there are still concerns about the bank’s transparency and the possibility of access to public consultations or information on the investment process (Diálogo Chino).

Since its creation, BRICS has positioned itself as an alternative multilateral cooperation forum for emerging economies, which emphasizes multipolarity and a “de-ideologized” positioning, prioritizing informal dialogue and trade exchange. In this sense, Argentina’s entry into the forum presents a space for rapprochement with the large economies of the world that are disputing an alternative model of financing for development.


More information



Lourdes Álvarez Romagnoli


Gonzalo Roza – gon.roza@fundeps.org


*Source of the image: El Cronista

Between Tuesday, September 5 and Thursday, September 7, the 8th Open Government Global Summit (OGP Global Summit) was held in Tallinn, Estonia. It brought together members of the Open Government Global Partnership (OGP) from both governments and civil society from around the world, who are working on this agenda in their countries and localities. In this edition, the Summit focused on open government in the digital age, the potential of technology to make governance and policymaking more transparent and accountable, as well as the preservation of democracy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

At Fundeps we are part of the Network of Civil Society Organizations for the Open State, which accompanies Argentina’s accession to the Alliance for Open Government. We also contribute to the creation processes of both the National Open Government Plans, as well as that of the province of Córdoba and the Legislature of Córdoba.

Based on this, within the 2023 Global Summit, we participated in the Session “Building national-local coalitions for open government” and shared a panel with different government and civil society references from Brazil, Morocco, Ukraine and the Philippines. Experiences of coalitions between federal or national governments with local or municipal labor governments or civil society were shared. In our case, we share the Federal Open Government Program (PFGA) which was the result of a construction between the National Directorate of Open Government, the Municipal Training Directorate and different civil society organizations that collaborate in its design and monitoring in the 4th and 5th National Open Government Action Plan. The PFGA consists of accompanying different initiatives of transparency, innovation, accountability, participation and collaboration promoted by provincial and municipal governments of our country.

Then we attended other talks, workshops and conferences related to experiences of participation and fiscal transparency; transparency in the extractive sector; climate change and just transition; among other. Without a doubt, the OGP 2023 Summit was a very enriching space to share and exchange experiences and realities among the entire open government community. Although the challenges in this agenda remain and are renewed.

At Fundeps we are committed to continuing to collaborate in strengthening initiatives that tend to generate increasingly transparent and permeable governments, with genuine spaces for participation and that respond to social demands in a collaborative way.



  • All the Sessions that took place at the Summit: here.
  • The initiatives awarded at the Summit: here.
  • The National Open Government Plan: here.
  • The Local OGP Plan of the province of Córdoba: here.
  • The Open Parliament Plan of the Legislature of Córdoba: here.



Victoria Sibilla: ninasibilla@fundeps.org