The past 2016 was a year of great growth for our foundation, not only for the development of our many agendas of work, but also for the consolidation of our team of volunteers.

We further diversified our work agendas, we were able to increase our social impact, we were able to position ourselves in networks and we increased the collaboration with new partners.

As we did year after year, we continue to conduct research, workshops and events; We participate in national and international meetings with multiple organizations; We carry out activities of monitoring, advocacy and judicial cases to advance in matters of public policies.

We thank all those who participated and trusted in FUNDEPS. We hope that in 2017 we will continue to find and work together in pursuit of our main objective: to continue to grow and influence public policies.

We invite you to read the result of a great year of work, by clicking on our 2016 report at the following link; Or on our website in the “About Fundeps” section.

During the month of December 2016, the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies decided to carry out a survey process in the neighborhood of Chacras de la Merced, in order to obtain accurate information about the state of situation of the community there.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Since 2015, FUNDEPS has been working with the recently mentioned neighborhood of the City of Cordoba, in relation to the problems of the sewage treatment plant (WWTP). The proven malfunction of the plant, located in the area since 1984, has caused numerous problems in the nearby population, as well as in the ecosystem there.

The purpose of this survey process was to be able to discover the perception of the neighbors of the neighborhood with respect to the plant, as well as of other problems that they could identify as an emergency. The instrument used was intended to compile the perception of the community of Chacras de la Merced about the operation of the sewage treatment plant, the environmental situation of the area, the performance of the government authorities towards the neighborhood and its interest Engage in control activities.

In this sense, within the results obtained, below are presented those of greater relevance.

An 83% (44 families) does not feel calm with the environmental situation of the district Chacras de la Merced.

Five issues were mentioned and respondents were asked to prioritize among themselves, establishing from 1 to 5 the urgency with which they believed they should be addressed by government authorities. Of the total families surveyed, 34 (64%) of them gave the number 1 priority and urgency to the pollution caused by the sewage treatment plant.

The respondents were then asked whether or not they knew the work that EDAR does, and 58.8% said they did not know with certainty the work and operation of the WWTP. 50.9% said he was very badly informed about the issues that relate to the operation of the plant. Consistent with this, 79.2% of neighbors said they do not trust the information provided by the municipality of Cordoba on the operation of the plant.

Notwithstanding the lack of knowledge, 86% consider that the plant is not functioning properly; And opined in reference to the factor considered to cause malfunction. 37.2% of the respondents said that the plant does not work properly due to lack of municipal controls that verify the correct functioning. Likewise, 46.5% consider that the malfunction of the plant causes the immediate contamination of the river.

He wondered about the confidence that respondents had in certain institutions and organizations. Entrepreneurs, the provincial government, the municipal government, the police, the legislature, the judiciary, political parties, trade unions and the national government receive nothing from the neighbors of Chacras de la Merced. Private and public universities; Environmental organizations, social organizations, religious institutions, and the media are receptive to the trust of neighbors. The neighbors opined, undoubtedly with 77% (41 families), who do not trust EDAR.

It is important to note that 76.9% of the neighbors do not have / had information about the bidding process carried out by the province for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant. Likewise, with regard to the opinion about the expansion of the plant, it is surprising that despite the declared distrust of the authorities and the information they provide; 58.5% of the residents are confident that the work will improve the quality of life of the community.

88.7% of the respondents believe that they should (people from the neighborhood with civil society organizations) participate in monitoring spaces to the actions of the state in the area of ​​environmental control. It was also consulted about the inclination towards participation in monitoring spaces of the actions of the municipality and the province in the process of construction of the new plant. 56.6% expressed that they would be willing to participate in these spaces if they arose.

The survey also aimed to know about the health history of the neighbors, consulting about symptoms and diseases they have had, their frequency, the diagnosis provided and the treatment indicated. In this regard, 69% said they had suffered from one of the listed symptoms.

The results of the survey process show that the community of Chacras de la Merced is in a serious situation of vulnerability due to the confluence of numerous factors that lead to the violation of their most basic rights. Álida Weht, director of the Las Omas grassroots organization whose objective is to improve the quality of life of the neighbors, has stated that: “the results constitute the visibility of a pollution situation that dates back several decades and a community Which has been immersed in an immediacy of problems for the same time.

In the context of the recent events related to the overturning of the Suquía River, both from company waste and from raw sewage, it is necessary to highlight the emergency in which the Chacras de la Merced neighborhood is located.

Full survey report

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Agustina Palencia –

From April 18 to 22, the World Bank’s spring meetings were held in Washington. On April 20 we presented a panel on the legal framework of Public-Private Partnership Projects and Infrastructure Projects in Latin America with the NGOs that make up GREFI.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


Spring meetings of the World Bank are being held in Washington, DC from April 18 to 22. On April 20 we presented a panel on the legal framework of Public-Private Partnership Projects and Infrastructure Projects in Latin America with the NGOs that make up GREFI.

From April 18 to 22, the Spring Meetings of the World Bank took place in Washington. These meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (GBM) meet annually with central bank authorities, finance and development ministers, private sector executives and representatives of academic circles.

The aim is to discuss issues of global concern, such as the global economic outlook, the end of poverty, economic development and aid effectiveness. In addition, seminars, regional briefings, press conferences and many other activities focusing on the world economy, international development and the global financial system are organized.

Within this framework and within the Civil Society Policy Forum, we will be presenting, together with the NGOs that make up the Regional Group on Financing and Infrastructure, a panel on the legal framework of Public-Private Partnership Projects and Infrastructure Projects in Latin America. Martha Torres Marcos-Ibanez of Law, Environment and Natural Resources will moderate the panel. The exhibitors will be Vanessa Torres from Environment and Society Association, María José Romero from Eurodad, Nancy Alexander from Heinrich Boell Foundation and Heike Mainhardt from Bank Information Center (BIC).

Public-private partnership (PPP) projects have gained a key role in the development of infrastructure projects in Latin America. In this context, the legal framework of PPPs has been deepened in several countries of the region in order to improve and promote the use of this form of investment in the implementation of mega projects in Latin America. It is becoming more common to see how the private sector is taking on the responsibilities and duties of the state alone, and the best example is the provision of public services and the development of infrastructure. In this regard, PPPs have been used by governments as a powerful tool to boost the economy through increased infrastructure development and as a mechanism to bridge the infrastructure gap. This panel intends to report on the legal framework of PPPs in Latin America, more precisely in Peru and Colombia. The legal instruments used by the private sector and the State will be developed to implement the PPPs and will focus on the gaps in the legal framework that generate environmental and social risks in the implementation of infrastructure projects under APP.

On 20 April, we also moderated a panel on accountability mechanisms in financial institutions. We also participated in meetings with the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Inter-American Investment Corporation.

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Juan Carballo –

Concerned about the situation of vulnerability in the community of Chacras de la Merced, we participated in the public hearing with a legal technical report that gives an account of the irregularities of the project to install a new quarry.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On Wednesday, April 12, the Secretary of Environment and Climate Change convened a public hearing to discuss the installation project “Cantera Colombo” in the vicinity of the neighborhood Chacra de la Merced. The Cantera Colombo project would be located to the east of the city of Cordova, outside the urban ejido of the city, in the place known as Heart of Maria, being the population center affected by the work the locality of Chacra de la Merced. This is an open pit dry quarry, where the extraction of aggregates without the use of explosives would be carried out, and then transferred the material to the classification plant owned by the owner named Canteras Ruiz, located at Camino Chacra de La Merced, Km.

Among the main considerations that we made in the Report on the environmental impact study “Cantera Colombo” it should be mentioned that it did not take into account the special situation of vulnerability in which the community of Chacra de la Merced is located due to the accumulated impact that affects Progressive and negative in the right to health, life and a healthy environment. Among the main causes that explain the transformation of what was the “Green Belt of the city of Cordoba” we find: the installation of real estate ventures, quarrying, installation and omission in the controls on tanneries, malfunctions and The supersaturation of the sewage treatment plant (EDAR Bajo Grande), lagoons generated by the old quarries. Also within the irregularities that emerged from the analysis of the environmental impact study we find that:

-The integrality of the project will have significant and mostly negative and irreversible impacts on the environment, especially on the quality of water, soil, air, health and quality of life.

– Does not comply with the minimum content detailed in art. 19 of the law 10,208 (baseline in health taking into account that it will be located 300 meters from a school and 150 meters from the river Suquía, public services affected as public transport).

-Takes outdated baselines (affected population, census 2008).

“He does not cite reliable sources.”

– Does not detail the measures of recomposition and mitigation of the impacts.

Therefore, from FUNDEPS we recommend an in-depth evaluation by the Ministry of Environment as the controlling body of this project, taking into account the considerations made, and having the necessary mechanisms in order to comply with the expected legal and environmental parameters In order to protect the fundamental rights of the residents of Chacra de la Merced.

More information

Report of FUNDEPS by installation Cantera Colombo

Video situation Chacras de la Merced


María Pérez Alsina, Virginia Corradi y Male Martínez Espeche.


Male Martínez Espeche / Environment Team Coordinator

The decision null and void the prohibition on “Take it seriously”, an operation aimed to make people aware of the impacts of the sugar-sweetened drinks. It sets a precedent on the defense of the information, health and food rights.

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Bogotá.- “Don’t hurt yourself”, announces the commercial of “Educar Consumidores” that exposes the consequences of the excess of sugar on the human being. However, after a complaint from Postobon –one of the biggest companies in Latin America- the Industry and Trade Superintendence (SIC) ordered the immediate suspension of the whole campaign, for “misleading advertising”.

Last April 5th, the Constitutional Court of Colombia left with no effect the resolution and for the first time were recognized the rights to access to food and health-related information.

Educar Consumidores is a non-profit civil society organization that in September of last year launched the campaign ¨Cuida tu vida – Tómala en Serio¨. It is intended to show the health consequences of drinking. After the complaint, SIC prohibited the dissemination of commercials claiming to be “misleading advertising” because they did not have scientific or medical support, although the issuing organization forwarded the documents that supported their claims.

The ban constituted a violation of freedom of expression, the right to health and the right to information.In response to this situation, one of the judicial authorities, one of the agency issuing the campaign, focused on its right to freedom of expression, and another from Dejusticia along with a coalition of NGOs, focused on the right of access to information.

The second action was rejected in first and second instance until arriving at the Constitutional Court of Colombia, which ruled in favor of. The Court argued that the SIC should have allowed consumers to participate in a decision affecting them, and that it had not violated their right to the process.In addition, he referred to the right of users to make decisions based on informed consent, and the importance of accessing the information for it to be configured. Likewise, the Inter-American System and the United Nations Protection System, Colombia has an obligation to respect the rights enshrined, and in this case, the SIC failed to comply with this obligation.

From FUNDEPS we accompany actions such as Educate Consumers who seek to empower people to make informed decisions. We also welcome the provision made by the Colombian justice system. Chronic noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. It is the duty of the State to respect, guarantee and protect the rights of its citizens, especially when it comes to fundamental issues such as the protection of health.

More Information

Commercial Consumer Education


Maga Ailén Merlo Vijarra, Federico Piccioni y Agustina Mozzoni.


Agustina Mozzoni –

Maga Ailén Merlo Vijarra –

We will be participating in one of the public hearings convened by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to be held on March 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 in Washington.

In the context of public hearings, the one that summons us is about “Right of access to information relevant to the enforceability of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights”. This was requested from the IACHR in conjunction with organizations in the region, such as Fundación Construir (Bolivia); Institute of Legal and Social Studies of Uruguay (Ielsur, Uruguay); Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information (Uruguay); ARTICLE 19 (Brazil); Center for Archives and Access to Public Information (CAinfo, Uruguay); Fundar – Analysis and Research Center (Mexico); And Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ, Argentina).

The hearing we will participate in will expose to the Inter-American System of Human Rights (IACHR) the need to consolidate standards regarding production and access to information that allow progress towards the effective implementation and enforceability of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights DESCA). There are international and regional commitments in this area that show clear obligations with respect to production and access to information, which are necessary in order to advance the enforceability and exercise of these rights. However, in the countries of the region there are serious failures to comply.

Several international agencies have not found necessary information to determine whether DESCAs are respected in the countries of the region. Specifically, they have noted deficiencies related to the collection and systematization of information on the exercise of the rights to education, employment, health and social security of women; Children and adolescents; People with disabilities; Indigenous peoples; Afro-descendants and migrant workers and their families. In this same line, they have stated that it is a state obligation to produce information from which it is possible to validate indicators and, in general, access to many of the guarantees covered by each social right.

Argentina and Cordoba are no exception in this regard. The case of contamination by the Bajo Grande WWTP plant, which affects the Chacras de la Merced community, is a clear example of human rights violations aggravated by the lack of access to information. The State does not provide data on levels of air and soil pollution, nor does it provide information on health effects to the people of the neighborhood, mainly women and children. In this way, the enforceability of the rights of the people affected is hampered.

That is why it is fundamental to strengthen the implementation of standards around the scope of state obligations of production, availability and timely access to information on DESCA. The latter, in addition to being essential for the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies, makes it possible to strengthen the demand strategies of civil society, generating the conditions for many violations of rights to be repaired.

We invite you to follow the live broadcast through the official website of the IACHR.

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Juan Carballo –

Débora Fernandez

We were part of one of the public hearings convened by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), held on March 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22 of the current day in Washington.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.”

In the framework of public hearings, the one that calls us is about “Right to access relevant information for the enforceability of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.” This was requested from the IACHR in conjunction with organizations in the region such as Fundación Construir (Bolivia); Institute of Legal and Social Studies of Uruguay (Ielsur, Uruguay); Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information (Uruguay); ARTICLE 19 (Brazil); Archives Center and Access to Public Information (CAinfo, Uruguay); Fundar – Analysis and Research Center (Mexico); and Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ, Argentina).

The audience of which we were a part, exposed to the Inter-American System of Human Rights (SIDH) the need to consolidate standards regarding production and access to information that allow progress towards the effective implementation and enforceability of economic, social, cultural and environmental (DESCA). There are international and regional commitments in this area that show clear obligations regarding production and access to information, which are necessary to comply with the requirements to enforce and exercise these rights. However, in the countries of the region there are serious shortcomings in their compliance.

Several international organizations have not found the necessary information to be able to determine if DESCA are respected in the countries of the region. Specifically, they have noted deficiencies related to the collection and systematization of information on the exercise of women’s rights to education, employment, health and social security; children and adolescents; People with disabilities; indigenous Afro-descendants and migrant workers and their families. In this same line, is that they have specified that it is a state obligation to produce information from which the validation of indicators is possible and, in general, access to many of the guarantees covered by each social right.

Argentina and Cordoba are not the exception in this aspect. The case of contamination by the Bajo Grande WWTP plant, which affects the Chacras de la Merced community, is a clear example of the human rights violations aggravated by the deficiency in access to information. The State does not provide data on the levels of air and soil pollution, as well as the information collected on the effects on the health of the people of the neighborhood, mainly women and children. In this way, obstacles to the enforceability of the rights of the people affected are placed.

That is why it is fundamental to strengthen the implementation of standards around the scope of the state obligations of production, availability and timely access to information on DESCA. The latter, in addition to being essential for the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies, allows strengthening the enforceability strategies of civil society, generating the conditions for many violations of rights to be repaired.

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Juan Carballo –

The Bank Group of Thun published a document about the implications of the UN Guiding Principles for corporate and investment banking. A group of civil society organizations publicly criticise these statements.

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Faced with the risks involved in the Thun Group document, a group of civil society organizations issued an open letter criticizing many of the issues raised in that document. We signed the letter 34 academic and civil society organizations from 17 countries, including BankTrack, SOMO, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Global Witness and OECD Watch.

The Thun Group document develops a conceptual framework for the implementation of the Guiding Principles on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights for banks in a context of corporate and investment banking. This document misrepresents principle 13.

The letter requests that the Thun Group demonstrate that it is prepared to participate in the OECD Proactive Agenda Project in good faith by amending the document they have issued and making it clear that it recognizes and respects the advice of the Office of the High Commissioner for United Nations for Human Rights.

The guiding principles are a set of guidelines agreed upon by the international community as a guideline that guides both States in their work to protect human rights and companies in their duty to respect them. This work was led by Professor Ruggie. These principles were adopted unanimously in 2011 by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

In this context, on 21 February, Professor Ruggie of Harvard responded strongly to the Thun Group document. He is “deeply concerned” by the document and raises similar points to those of the open letter. “They can undermine attempts by banks and others to fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights.” In addition, he adds that:

“It is a good example that a group of large banks are doing important work on the application of UNGPs to their sector. But I am afraid that misinterpretation of the basic elements of UNGPs and their implications in this document can seriously damage I would urge the Group to reflect on these issues and consider the possibility of issuing a future document more in line with the basic elements of the UNGPs.”

On 23 February, the coordinator of the United Nations Working Group promoting the implementation of the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights also responded by inviting Thun Group banks to review the document “to align it with UNGPs” The Working Group considers that the discussion paper offers some useful practical considerations for banks in certain situations where they may be directly linked to the effects of human rights through the financial products or services they provide to third parties , Which may contribute or cause a human rights conflict abuse.

“The efforts of the Thun Group to explore the practical implications of the UNGPs are welcome … However, these instruments of practice that seek to interpret the meaning of UNGPs in a sector-specific context should be subject to a consultation process And review by other stakeholders in order to ensure accuracy, soundness and legitimacy. “

The Working Group believes that if not addressed, this can cause unnecessary confusion on UNGPs, which may undermine attempts by banks and others to fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. It should be noted that the discussion paper of the Thun Group was approved by Barclays, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse AG, Deutsche Bank, ING, JPMorgan, RBS, Standard Chartered, UBS Group AG and UniCredit.

On 28 February Christian Leitz on behalf of the Thun Group responded to the CSO group, Professor John Ruggie and the UN Working Group. He claims to be trying to generate a constructive discussion between banks and other interested parties but has not indicated any willingness to revise the document. And it hopes to continue with stakeholders in upcoming multi-stakeholder forums by discussing the document.

A meeting open to all signatories of the letter is scheduled for 19 June where a broader dialogue with the Thun Group will take place. Professor Ruggie has said he will consider participating in this meeting if they retracted the premise that banks can not contribute to damage through their relationships with customers.

In the counter response, civil society organizations express two concerns about the June meeting. On the one hand, define a stakeholder engagement strategy as promised by the Thun Group at its last public meeting. And secondly, that you withdraw and reconsider your recent document.

From FUNDEPS we follow this process and we expect a change in the response that has given the Thun Group. The Guiding Principles on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights were created to “protect, respect and remedy” human rights, and we expect cooperation from states, private sectors and civil society to fulfill their commitments.

More information

Thun Group of Banks releases new Discussion Paper on implications of UN Guiding Principles for corporate & investment banking; commentaries provided

Leading banks under fire for misrepresenting human rights responsibilities


Victoria Gerbaldo / Encargada de Proyectos del Área de Gobernabilidad Global

In February the ICIM concluded the process of selecting members of its External Consultative Group. Juan Carballo, Executive Director of FUNDEPS has been selected to integrate it.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

Following a selection process, the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI) of the Inter-American Development Bank selected eight members to form its External Advisory Council (GCE).

The purpose of the CGE is to support the ICIM’s commitment to fulfilling its accountability mandate in a credible, effective and transparent manner.

Juan Carballo, our Executive Director, has been selected to join GCE with Ana-Mita Betancourt (United States), Maximiliano Brandt (Costa Rica), Leonardo Crippa (United States), Manuel Morales (Ecuador), Paulina Ibarra , Andrea Repetto (United States) and Melanie Salagnat (Mexico). The members will participate voluntarily, without remuneration and the initial mandate will be for a period of two years.

The CGE is planning its first meeting for the first half of this year. We hope that the recommendations and suggestions regarding the membership, composition and objectives and functions of the CGE that we present at the time will be taken into account in the actions of the group.

From FUNDEPS, we will share with civil society in general the opportunities for monitoring and advocacy provided by the CGE.

More information


Juan Carballo / Executive Director

On February 10, we participated in the consultation process opened by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to civil society organizations in Washington, DC. This is done in the framework of the implementation of its strategic planning for the period 2017-2020.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

During the first part of the day, the space was allocated to the organizations present to give their position on the human rights challenges to be taken into account for the coming years. Among the topics mentioned are the rights of migrants, women, LGTBIQ people, people with disabilities, indigenous peoples. In the second part of the consultation, the objectives that the Commission drew up as a draft were revised by working groups.

The challenges we identify in the future for human rights in the region are related to economic, social, cultural and environmental rights (DESCA), which have been widely recognized as human rights but not sufficiently addressed by hemispheric bodies. Another important item on the agenda is access to information, fundamental for democratic systems, and declared as a human right related to freedom of expression by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Access to information is of the utmost importance since it has a direct impact on the exercise of other human rights, including DESCA.On the other hand, we highlight the link between human rights and companies, due to the growing tendency to capture corporations around the world. In this sense, States should play a greater role, avoiding giving in to self-regulation commitments of the private sector and the interference of companies in sensitive public policy sectors. To this end, initiatives should be promoted to increase the levels of accountability of the private sector, not forgetting the responsibility of States. Finally, we express our concern about the situation of human rights defenders, with Latin America being one of the most dangerous regions for this group and we have proposed instances of participation outside national capitals.

The IACHR is a principal and autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS) responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Americas. The processes for reviewing the agency’s activities, such as strategic planning, are of great relevance to the inter-American human rights system and the agenda of civil society on the continent.

More information

Intervention of FUNDEPS in the Strategic Plan process


Carolina Tamagnini –

The International Women’s Strike (PIM) is a grassroots movement formed and organized by women from 35 countries in response to the social, legal, political, moral, media and verbal violence experienced daily by women throughout the world.

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On October 3, 2016 -following the example of the Icelanders, the first women who called for a national strike in 1975– the Polish women called a strike in what was known as “Black Monday”.

In our country, on October 19, 2016, in response to a week in which 7 femicides happened and after a weekend in which the women were repressed in the march of the National Meeting of Women; A call was launched on social networks to join a one-hour strike and mass mobilizations. Thus, in a self-contradictory way, women’s and feminist organizations, including the Ni Una Menos group, joined the measure that was replicated in most countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In Poland, on 24 October, the second “Polish strike” against State violence on women’s issues occurred. Polish women established contact with other women in South Korea, Russia, Ireland, Israel, Italy and Argentina. At the end of October 2016, this group – already under the name of the International Women’s Stop – decided the slogan “Solidarity is our weapon” and a call for unemployment translated into several languages. It was decided that on November 25 of this year, International Day against Gender Violence, will be the first global solidarity action and was elected on March 8 for the International Women’s Strike.

In this way, they proposed to approach a new global activism and to interpret the facts of violence from a common conjuncture. They formed a union to fight against the institutionalized oppression that the patriarchal system supposes and that suffer the men, the women and the society in general, from the State, the Justice and the means of communication.

In Argentina, the strike was promoted from the Ni Una Menos Collective and the main workers’ union centrals (CGT, CTA de los Trabajadores and CTA Autónoma) reached a political agreement of unity in articulation with groups, organizations and activists autoconvocadas. The measure of force seeks to denounce the historical inequality of women in society and its multiple consequences: from sexist violence – and its most extreme expression, femicides – to the feminization of poverty, economic violence, domestic work and care Wage gap in relation to male salaries, labor precarization, universal vacancies in maternity gardens, maternity and paternity leave extensions, salaries for victims of gender violence, equal pay for equal work, reopening of the moratorium for women Of home, among other claims. Each union is defining its type of membership: from cessation of activities from noon to assemblies at workplaces.

From FUNDEPS we extend our concern to all the forms of violence that women suffer every day around the world whose maximum exponent is the femicides. We accompany the fight, invite and join the International Women’s Stop on March 8, 2017.

More information

History of PIM (03/10/2016)

How the International Women’s Strike arose (La Tinta, 03/10/2016)

The United Nations CEDAW Committee listened to civil society organizations (FUNDES, 21/12/2016)

Appeal to the International Women’s Strike – March 8, 2017 (23/01/2017)

The gender claim achieved unity (Página 12, 17/02/2017)


Emiilia Pioletti –

From FUNDEPS we express our concern for the lack of transparency and clarity in the management of the budget for the National Council of Women announced in the last Official Gazette.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

On January 11 of this year, the budget modification for the National Women’s Council (CNM) and the National Plan of Action against Gender Violence (PNA) was reflected in the Official Gazette, signed by the Chief of Staff , Marcos Peña. Until December 2016, there was a budget approved by the National Congress, which included a CNM and NAP item for 47 million pesos, which was added an increase of 20 million pesos to the original budget planned for the CNM. The Budget Law 2017 was then promulgated with that increase from 96 to 116 million by 2017. In the current Administrative Decision 12/2017 of the Chief of Cabinet, only the amount of 96 million was designated for the CNM which implies a reduction of 67 Million pesos of the assigned budget.

From this confusing situation, an amparo action was filed by the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), the Foundation for the Study and Research of Women (FEIM), The Argentine Commission for Migrants and Refugees (Caref), the Women in Equality Foundation (MEI) and the 21st Century Foundation. The organizations made a presentation to the Court to declare unconstitutional the reduction of funds allocated to the National Council of Women And the National Plan of Action against Gender Violence, demanding the State for the violation of the division of powers and the discretionary use of “superpowers”.

The authorities of the National Women’s Council tried to deny this information through an official press release and various statements in the media, claiming that it was an “error” and that the budget item, although not properly published in The Official Gazette, was guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.

We emphasize the importance of carrying out the budgetary allocation according to established procedures, in order not to weaken institutional quality and respect democratic processes. On the other hand, if the elimination of these funds in the Administrative Decision was the product of an error, in order to be valid, the same must be corrected and published in the Official Gazette, according to the formal process. As of today, more than a month has elapsed since the publication of the Administrative Decision, it has not yet become official. This demonstrates the seriousness of the situation and the unclear and transparent management of the budget by the Office of the Chief of Staff.

As the budget line announced in the NAP is one of the points where progress was made in protecting women, we express our concern about this evidence of institutional fragility, lack of clarity and transparency that weakens the achievements against violence of genre. This situation violates the rights of women and girls in a country where every 18 hours a woman dies a victim of violence.

We also add our call for greater transparency in the mechanisms for monitoring public funds for budget execution and for greater clarity in the decisions taken by state agencies that affect the lives of millions of women.

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Emiilia Pioletti –