In the month of March we will start the cycle of workshops “How to access environmental rights? Escazú Agreement for communities”, within the framework of the project “Escazú Agreement: What happens in Córdoba?”, which aims to promote capacities regarding the rights provided for in the Agreement in our province and strengthen community tools to demand its application.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

At the end of last year, we developed the first stage of the project through monitoring and diagnosis of compliance with the rights provided for in the Escazú Agreement (rights of access to information, participation and justice) in our province. The results we obtained aroused great concern about the limited access, by communities, to the rights and tools that the Agreement grants.

Based on the above, the objective of this second stage is to advance in the promotion and consolidation of capacities of the local community, through a cycle of empowerment workshops on the tools provided by this agreement, which was incorporated into our legislation. Within this framework, we will develop four workshops in different strategic locations in the province, with the following schedule:

  • Alta GraciaMarch 18 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Club Central)
  • Villa MaríaMarch 31 (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Universidad Nacional de Villa María)
  • CosquínApril 15 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Sociedad Española)
  • CórdobaApril 28 (in the Amphitheater of the Siglo 21 University – Ituzaingó 484, Nueva Córdoba)

The content of the meetings is presented in 2 large modules:

  1. the first deals with environmental conflicts and essential notions of the human right to a healthy environment and environmental policy;
  2. while in the second it delves into the Escazú Agreement and the rights of access to information, participation and justice.

The speaker will be the lawyer and university professor María Laura Foradori, who is also a specialist in environmental education and a master’s degree in environment and sustainable development, member of ACACIA, a network of environmental lawyers.

We believe that these meetings are very important for the construction of networks and collective knowledge from the territories in struggle against environmental conflicts in our province. We hope that all interested people can join!


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This activity is supported by:

Mesa por el Agua y el Ambiente Alta Gracia – Feria Agroecológica Córdoba – Vecinos Unidos en Defensa de un Ambiente Seguro (Fuera Porta) – Vecinos autoconvocados por la salud y el ambiente Marcos Juárez – ACACIA Derecho Ambiental – RACC (Red de Abogacía Comunitaria) – Legal Empowerment Fund – Universidad Villa María – Universidad Siglo 21


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Laura Carrizo,

On March 3 and 4, we participated in the workshop on Final Beneficiaries of Companies in the extractive and energy sector of Argentina, held in the City of Buenos Aires. The event was organized by Opening Extractives (a program co-implemented by EITI and Open Ownership) and the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The workshop had among its objectives to raise awareness about the importance of public information of the final beneficiaries, and at the same time, provide resources and materials to increase research, projects and analysis within this field.

In this sense, the training was divided into three modules: first, content and information on final beneficiaries was presented, from the theoretical to the legal and also practical, both nationally and internationally. Those who spoke in this first module were: Andrés Knobel from the Tax Justice Network; María Eugenia Marano, specialist in corporate law; Pamela Morales, Undersecretary of Mining Development of the Government of the Nation; Gonzalo Fernández of the Ministry of Mining Development of the Nation; and Lucía Cirimello from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).

Secondly, civil society organizations had the opportunity to present their projects related to the theme. In this way, Edgardo Livitnoff (Red Ruido Coordinator) presented progress on the report “Lithium and transparency in Argentina” that we prepared together. For her part, Eugenia Rodríguez (Centro de Economía Política Argentina) shared details about the work of her organization: “The rich of Argentina”.

Finally, the third module consisted of a practical workshop given by Mariel Fitz Patricks, in which tools and resources were provided for approaching final beneficiaries. The journalist helped us, mainly, to access information and how, in this way, to enrich work carried out and to carry out on the subject.
This instance was very fruitful, not only in terms of knowledge and learning, but also in terms of the possibility of meeting peers from other civil society organizations, with whom one could work together in the near future.



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Maitén de los Milagros Fuma


Maria Victoria Sibilla,

More than twenty organizations from Latin America and the United States addressed a letter to the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Ilan Goldfajn. They ask that the Bank strengthen its work by committing itself to respect for Human Rights and the protection of the environment and that spaces be created for greater articulation with civil society.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The organizations, members and allies of the Coalition for Human Rights in Development alluded in the letter to the commitment assumed by Goldfajn in his inaugural speech as president of the Bank to “take advantage of all opportunities for dialogue” and collaboration with governments, the sector private sector, academia and civil society to solve regional problems.

To strengthen the articulation with civil society, the organizations urged the Bank to open a space for dialogue with civil society at its Annual Meetings, not only because it is a good practice implemented by other multilateral organizations, but also because it is a unique opportunity. to include communities affected by projects.

Since 2017, the group of signatory organizations of the letter has been monitoring and enriching the Bank’s policies and projects that it hopes to continue carrying out. The organizations have contributed to the IDB Environmental and Social Policy Framework, updates to the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism policy, and the Bank’s Access to Information Policy review process.

The organizations seek the IDB to ensure in its practices and operations the promotion and respect of Human Rights, particularly of indigenous peoples, and the protection of key ecosystems in the fight against climate change.

The next Annual Meeting of the Boards of Governors of the IDB and IDB Invest will be held in Panama from March 16 to 19.

Signatory organizations:

  1. Accountability Counsel
  2. AMATE El Salvador
  3. Articulación Salvadoreña de Sociedad Civil para la Incidencia en las Instituciones Financieras Internacionales (ASIFI)
  4. Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad
  5. Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)
  6. Bank Information Center
  7. Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
  8. Coalición para los Derechos Humanos en el Desarrollo
  9. Cohesión Comunitaria e Innovación Social A.C. (México)
  10. Conectas Direitos Humanos
  11. Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR, Perú)
  12. Ecoa – Ecologia e Ação
  13. Fundación para el Desarrollo de Políticas Sustentables (Fundeps)
  14. Fundación CAUCE: Cultura Ambiental – Causa Ecologista. (Argentina)
  15. Gender Action
  16. International Rivers
  17. International Accountability Project
  18. Mesa de Discapacidad y Derechos (Perú)
  19. Plataforma Internacional contra la Impunidad
  20. Protection International Mesoamérica
  21. Sociedad y Discapacidad – SODIS (Perú)
  22. Sustentarse (Chile)
  23. Wetlands International / Fundacion Humedales (Argentina)

Read the full letter here: Letter to IDB President


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Together with the ECOS Foundation, during the months of October, November and December 2022 we were participating in different training and education instances where we addressed fundamental contents to carry out careful accompaniment and guarantee safe practices of Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE / ILE ) from an integral and human rights perspective. These spaces were especially aimed at health personnel.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The training meetings were held in collaboration with the Aurelio Crespo de Cruz del Eje Regional Hospital, the Villa Dolores Regional Hospital, the Dr. Luis María Bellodi Regional Hospital of Mina Clavero, the Villa Carlos Paz Municipal Hospital and the Peasant Movement of Cordoba in the town of Villa de Soto. Around 180 people participated, including health authorities, health professionals, nursing staff, administrative staff, students from disciplines related to health, community health promoters and the general public.

In each meeting, training was provided on the current legal framework that regulates the legal and voluntary interruption of pregnancy, with a detailed development of Law 27,610 and Law 26,529, which regulates the rights of patients in their relationship with professionals and institutions. Of the health. The training also consisted of the development of technical content for the comprehensive approach to careful follow-up, in compliance with internationally recommended parameters to guarantee safe practices of Voluntary and Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE/ILE).

Within the framework of the trainings, we present and distribute our Guide to careful practices for the care of the interruption of pregnancy. It is a document that addresses legal and health aspects based on current legislation, international standards and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Through these instances of training and training aimed at health personnel, we intend to collaborate with the refinement and improvement of this practice from a legal and comprehensive perspective, respectful of human rights and in line with the most current regulations on health matters. In this way, we support the training of health personnel who facilitate the exercise of the rights of women and people with the capacity to gestate, whom we consider guarantors of rights and defenders of human rights.


Luz Baretta

Mayca Balaguer


Mayca Balaguer,

A few days after the second anniversary of the enactment of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law, a new episode of persecution of the reproductive freedom of pregnant people occurred. This time in the city of Villa María, where 4 lifeguards and a doctor were arrested.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Arbitrary raids and arrests

During the afternoon of Wednesday, December 21, two members of the Socorristas en Red organization and a health professional were arrested after a series of raids were carried out, at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, for the alleged crime of illegal practice of medicine. , a crime that, according to the Penal Code of the Nation (art. 208), is releaseable. In turn, two more people had an arrest warrant but were not in the country at the time, which is why, through their lawyer, they made themselves available to justice and began to return to the country. Despite this, the prosecutor’s office issued arrest warrants for no reason, which led to their arrest at Ezeiza upon entering the country, on Christmas Eve.

By virtue of the appeal that the defense attorney presented before the Control Court, on Friday, December 23, the release of the health professional was ordered and the following Monday the other four detainees were released. Along with the request for release made by the defender, multiple civil society organizations appeared before the Court spontaneously expressing their concern for the case in a context in which access to the interruption of pregnancy is a recognized right at the national level. and especially because of the type of measures adopted in the framework of the criminal investigation, which were clearly intimidating and disproportionate.

First aid is health

Since its inception in 2012, Socorristas en Red was established as an articulation of collectives that, throughout the country, provide information and openly accompany people who decide to terminate their pregnancies, so that they do so safely and cared for, in accordance with the law and international health and human rights standards.

The practice of the socorristas consists of informing and accompanying the decisions of those who decide to abort, through listening that accommodates the needs and desires of the people who come to them. First aid supports and demands the dignity and justice of abortions, whether self-managed or in the health system. In their daily work, they produce their own materials with information on the practice, communication campaigns and dissemination of rights, and systematizations on the cases they accompany. Their work is public and visible, and its objective is to work for cultural changes that contribute to eradicating shame, fear, and stigma around abortions, so that they are a free and careful practice.

Within the framework of Law 27,610, the delivery of information and accompaniment in the pregnancy termination process carried out by lifeguards is legal and should not be penalized. So much so, that at the international level it is recognized that community accompaniment for transit through pregnancy interruptions is of great importance to improve the safety, effectiveness and individual experience of this process.

Legal abortion in the hospital and anywhere

Since the enactment of the Law on Access to Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy and Postabortion Care in December 2020, deciding to terminate a pregnancy freely is a right of all people with the capacity to gestate. The law also recognizes the right to request and access care for this practice in the health system services. Therefore, all health personnel (including administrative and security) are responsible for guaranteeing and not obstructing the right to terminate a pregnancy, without prejudice to the fact that these practices can be carried out self-managed.

According to the Protocol for the comprehensive care of people with the right to voluntary and legal termination of pregnancy (IVE/ILE), the care model centered on people adopted by Law 27,610 recognizes the performance of pregnancy terminations with the assistance of health personnel and self-managed. Self-managed practices are considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) if they are carried out with adequate information and the methods indicated according to the gestational age and clinical history of the pregnant person. In this way, the preferences and individual aspirations of the users of the services are taken into account and the cultural practices and values ​​of their communities are considered.

These self-managed practices are carried out through the use of medications, such as misoprostol alone or combined with mifepristone. Widespread practice and numerous investigations have shown that performing the medication procedure on an outpatient and self-managed basis is a safe and effective option. Likewise, it is chosen by many women or other people with the capacity to gestate, because it allows them to start the interruption process at the time and place that is most comfortable for them and gives them greater peace of mind.

We do not return to hiding

Two years after the sanction of Law 27,610, which abandoned the criminal paradigm, and recognized the right of women and other people with the capacity to gestate to interrupt their pregnancies, we repudiate this judicial offensive, which is added to a series of strategies that are implemented by conservative sectors to oppose the rights won. We demand that the criminal investigation continue in accordance with the principles that govern human rights and considering the impact that this case has on access to a fundamental health service. The persecution of those who accompany abortions deepens the stigma about the practice, perpetuates stereotypes and endangers access to the right to health.

Support from civil society

On Monday, December 26, about 50 social organizations appeared before the Control Court to express their concern regarding the deprivation of liberty of the 4 lifeguards who were still detained:  Amnistía Internacional Argentina, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Centro de Estudio de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (CDD), Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA), MxM, Fundación ECoS Espacio Córdoba Salud, Consorcio Latinoamerciano en Contra del Aborto Inseguro (CLACAI), Biblioteca Popular Julio Cortázar/ Radio Comunitaria La Quinta Pata, Fundación GEMA – Género y Masculinidad, Centro de Apoyo y Protección de los Derechos Humanos – Surkuna, Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, Movimiento Campesino de Córdoba, Consultorio de Salud Integral, Centro de Investigación y Formación de los Movimientos Sociales Latinoamericanos (CIFMSL), La Tinta, Ni Una Menos, Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), Instituto Laico de Estudios Contemporáneos (ILEC), Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM), Fundación Siglo 21, Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad (MEI), Fundación Derechos Humanos, Equidad y Género (Fundheg), Movimiento Socialista y del Trabajo (MST), Unión de Trabajadores de Salud, Cooperativa Luna Nueva, Cooperativa Soberanía alimentaria, Cooperativa Podemos, Cooperativa Construyendo Dignidad, Cooperativa Macollando, Asociacion Civil Construyendo Dignidad, Asociación Cordobesa de Medicina Familiar y General (A.C.O.M.F.Y.G), Comisión Provincial de la Memoria de Córdoba, Familiares de detenidos y desaparecidos por razones políticas de Córdoba, Observatorio de Género, Diversidades y Disidencias CPP, Tierra Violeta, REDAAS, Ipas Latinoamérica y el Caribe (Ipas LAC), Fundación Huésped, FUSA A.C., Colectivo de Educadorxs Desde el Sur, Lesbodramas, Colectivo de Acción Contra las Violencias de Géneros de Misiones, Adultxs Protectorxs contra el Abuso Sexual en la Infancia, Docentes por el derecho al Aborto. Misiones, Ñanduti Agrupación Feminista de El Dorado, Colectiva feministas Las Azucenas (La Plata), Consejo Asesor de la Dirección Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. 


Luz Baretta

Mayca Balaguer


Mayca Balaguer,

After participating in a series of face-to-face and virtual public consultations, a group of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from the region sent comments and suggestions to the IDB in the framework of the revision of the Bank’s Access to Information Policy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On December 28, 2022, the deadline established by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for sending comments on the draft of the institution’s new Access to Information Policy (PAI) ended. Thus concluded the Second Phase of the Public Consultation Process approved by the Bank and which lasted 90 days.

Within this framework, together with a group of Civil Society Organizations in the region, we sent a document with comments and recommendations in relation to the Draft Policy prepared by the Bank, which, although it incorporates some positive advances, is not enough to guarantee the right of access to information effectively in relation to the actions of the Bank and its customers.

Among the main recommendations and suggestions highlighted in the document, the following stand out:

  • Commitment to access to information as a fundamental human right. The Bank must establish clear commitments to guarantee respect for access to information as a fundamental human right. The right to information is also a key access right for the exercise of other fundamental rights, such as the consultation, participation and involvement of people and communities impacted by projects in decisions that affect or may have an impact on their ways of life. .
  • Implementation Guidelines. It is concerning that some criteria and parameters that will make the PAI effective are left to be addressed in the Implementation Guidelines. In this way, the effectiveness and force of the PAI will depend a lot on the Implementation Guidelines that do not require mandatory compliance as the PAI itself does. In turn, these Guidelines should be consulted through a meaningful participatory process with civil society.
  • Language ambiguity. The PAI contains a lot of ambiguous language and vague and diffuse commitments, which opens the door to different interpretations, including breaches and serious misconduct. Likewise, it prevents the establishment of clear requirements for the borrowers and also the responsibilities of the Bank itself. The Policy must avoid flexibility and ambiguity of language to prevent the use of discretion and non-compliance with respect to its guidelines.
  • Specification of what information is going to be published proactively, disclosure times, in what formats, channels and deadlines. The PAI must clearly establish what information it is going to proactively publish, through what channels or media, in what formats and in what terms. In turn, response times to requests for information are excessive, and the IDB reserves the right to extend these terms indefinitely. The Bank must define shorter and clearer terms in terms of its responses to requests for information, and must be aligned at least with the currently applicable international standards.
  • Country or customer proprietary information. Although the elimination of the “Exception specific information of countries” is celebrated, there is concern that other points of the policy may end up undermining the principle of maximum disclosure and the openness that is intended with such elimination.
  • Exceptions. The exceptions must be more precise and clear criteria must be established for their application, as well as the identification of the specific documents or information to which access will not be given under the exception.
  • Damage assessment. The inclusion of the assessment of the damage for the application of the exceptions is celebrated. However, clear criteria and scales must be specified to delimit its application. If an effort is not made to define these criteria and procedures in the body of the Policy (and leave them for the Implementation Guidelines), there is a risk that during their application discretionary use of exceptions will end up prevailing on the part of the Policy. of the Bank and borrowers. It is recommended to incorporate the criterion of public interest in the damage assessment, as a counterbalance to the damage, and to make the results of the damage assessment public in each specific case.
  • Open data, simple language, accessible formats and usability of the information. The information that is disclosed and published must be useful for those who request it, especially for the communities affected by IDB projects, paying attention to marginalized groups, such as indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, people with disabilities, women, the LGBTIQ+ population, among others. others. The accessible format, the simple language and the generation of open data are related to the usability of the information. It is recommended that the IDB address the issue of accessible formats, simple language, and open data in more detail and in a transversal manner throughout the PAI, taking into account the importance of this aspect, especially for marginalized groups.

It should be noted that a large part of the recommendations and suggestions contained in the document were previously raised in the framework of the public consultations carried out by the IDB, both online and in person in Montevideo, Bogotá and Washington DC. Precisely, from Fundeps we participated in the face-to-face public consultation in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 15, 2022.

We hope that the inputs provided by civil society are considered by the Bank and contribute to strengthening the draft Access to Information Policy proposed by the institution, which is far from incorporating the highest standards in the matter.

To access the complete document with comments and suggestions sent to the IDB, access here


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Gonzalo Roza,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship is coordinating the process of preparing a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. What are the progress so far and the next steps?

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

What are the National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights?

The National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights (PNAEDH) are transversal public policies whose objective is to address the obligation of the State to protect, respect and enforce human rights with respect to the negative consequences of business activities. Through these plans, governments seek to commit to the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), as well as other business and human rights and Responsible Business Conduct (CER) standards.

The PNAEDH contribute to achieving greater coherence and coordination between the different regulatory frameworks and public policies with an impact on the issue of business and human rights, and contribute to the detection of obstacles and gaps. This makes it possible to establish priorities and commitments for action. Given its transversal and collaborative nature, its preparation requires the representative, broad and plural participation of multiple actors: State agencies, civil society organizations, academia, companies, business and worker organizations, indigenous peoples and potentially affected communities. , among others.

First steps

Argentina, based on recommendations received in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council, assumed the commitment to prepare an Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, a fact that took place in view of its re-election to the Human Rights Council Human Rights on October 14, 2021. For the coordination and leadership of the process of elaboration of the Plan, the Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Nation (MRECIC) was appointed.

Regarding the actions carried out, one of the first steps consisted in the preparation of a Roadmap, which was validated internally by the MRECIC. Next, according to official sources, a mapping of interest groups and agencies with an impact on the matter was carried out and the initiatives and policies, in the process of execution in the country, with some proximity to the matter of companies and human rights and , Responsible Business Conduct to identify possible alliances within the Government.

Priority areas of the Action Plan and preparation of the National Baseline

The Human Rights Directorate commissioned the National Ombudsman’s Office to prepare the National Baseline (LNB) that will serve as a central input for the design of the First Action Plan on Businesses and Human Rights in Argentina. The LNB is a study that allows evaluating the level of implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights within a State. It is a preliminary diagnosis for the preparation of the Plan and generates the information required for subsequent planning by the person who formulates the public policy.

The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights will include 11 thematic axes:

  1. Labor standards (child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, health and safety conditions, freedom of association);
  2. Gender equality (salary parity, access to hierarchical positions, harassment and violence in the world of work, care tasks, reconciliation of work and family life, etc.);
  3. Diversity and non-discrimination;
  4. Environment (environmental protection, participation and access to environmental public information, environmental impact assessment; climate change; energy transition);
  5. Companies and policies of Memory, Truth and Justice;
  6. Rights of consumers and users;
  7. Corporate governance (due diligence and remediation in companies – political commitments of companies on issues of human rights and good governance, business policies and international standards of business and human rights, sustainability reporting, risk management);
  8. Technology, personal data and privacy;
  9. Access to information and public participation in general;
  10. Promotion of the human rights of groups in situations of vulnerability and/or historically discriminated against (persons with disabilities, migrants, Afro-descendants, boys, girls and adolescents, LGBTIQ+ people, older people, people deprived of their liberty, indigenous peoples, defenders or others) and,
  11. Public Governance (ethics, integrity, transparency, access to information, anti-corruption, public procurement, management of public companies).

A participatory process

The process of elaboration of the National Base Line must be participatory and offer the possibility that the different parties related to the subject, as well as those people who have an interest, can collaborate. Within this framework, at the beginning of November 2022, in response to an invitation received, we sent inputs and recommendations on five of the aforementioned thematic axes: Environment, Rights of consumers and users, Corporate governance: due diligence and remediation in companies, Access to information and public participation in general, and Public Governance.

We also participated virtually in the first meeting with civil society and academia, organized by the National Ombudsman’s Office, for the preparation of the National Base Line for the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. Likewise, in the month of September, we were at the multi-stakeholder discussion table, organized by the CERALC project in Buenos Aires, in which the challenges, opportunities and prospects for advancing due diligence for responsible business conduct in Argentina were discussed. . It is worth mentioning that, from the beginning of the development of the PNAEDH, the Directorate has the support and technical advice of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) within the framework of the CERALC Project.

Next steps

According to the work calendar estimated by the national government, the process of elaboration of the Plan is divided into 4 main stages, each one of them with specific activities. The first is the preparation of the National Baseline. Then, as a second instance, capacity building for key actors. As a third stage, the drafting and approval of the PNAEDH is estimated, from January to March 2023. Finally, the publication of the PNAEDH is expected, approximately in June 2023.

Activities and estimated dates

  • Participatory spaces coordinated by the Ombudsman’s Office – September to October 2022
  • Preparation of the National Baseline by the National Ombudsman’s Office – July to November 2022
  • Trainings – October to November 2022
  • Drafting of PAN – January to March 2023
  • Consultations based on the draft PAN – March to May 2023
  • Presentation and publication of PAN – June 2023


The implementation of the business and human rights agenda represents an opportunity to which all stakeholders are called to contribute. It is time for an urgent, deep and real discussion that increases the chances that this global debate will be taken seriously, and evaluated from the perspective of public policies so that a very sober and voluntary National Action Plan is not their single destination.


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Camila Victoria Bocco

Camila Busso



Gonzalo Roza,


*Photo taken from the official website of the Argentine Foreign Ministry

On November 20, the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) appointed Brazilian candidate Ilan Goldfajn, former president of the Central Bank of Brazil and current director for the Western Hemisphere of the IMF, as its new president. After withdrawing the candidacy of Cecilia Todesca, the government of Alberto Fernández supported the candidate promoted by Brazil.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

On September 26, following the recommendations of the Board of Executive Directors, the Board of Governors of the IDB announced the termination of the executive functions of Mauricio Claver-Carone. After the announcement, and through an official statement, the selection process of the person in charge of the next presidency of the institution began.

The Board of Governors, the IDB’s highest authority, is made up of representatives of the 48 member countries, whose voting power varies according to the capital that the country subscribes to the institution. According to the organization’s press release, “to be elected, the candidate must obtain a majority of the voting power of the IDB member countries, as well as the support of at least 15 of the 28 regional member countries.”

In this way, the candidate must consecrate himself with the majority of the voting power of the member countries to be elected. Voting power fluctuates according to the number of shares owned by each state. The largest investor is the United States, which with 30% of the total funds has a key role in the election. They are followed by Argentina and Brazil, with 11.3% each. Mexico accounts for almost 7.3%, Japan 5%, Canada 4%, Venezuela 3.4% and Chile and Colombia 3.1%. The rest is divided into small percentages from different countries.

The new president of the Bank will assume his functions for a period of five years with the possibility of being re-elected only once, and will be responsible for managing the daily affairs of the Bank, as well as managing its operations together with the Presidential Office. The president also formulates proposals on the Bank’s general policy and presides over the meetings of the Board of Directors, being able to vote only in case of a tie.

The alliances behind the election

The new president-elect was consecrated with 80.8% of the votes, and was proposed by the government of Jair Bolsonaro in view of a candidate who would bring consensus to the region after turbulent periods for the Bank, following the dismissal of the former president Mauricio Claver-Carone for violations of the code of ethics. In this way, and thanks to the support of the United States, Canada, and at the last minute from Argentina, Ilan Goldfajn managed to position himself as the new president of the IDB.

It is worth noting the late support of Alberto Fernandez to back the candidacy of the Brazilian; despite his intention to position Cecilia Todesca Bocco as the first woman and the first Argentine to preside over the IDB. However, as a result of the change in its position and the support for Goldfajn, Argentina managed to keep three positions: the Vice Presidency of Sectors, the Infrastructure Management, and a new Institute of Gender and Equality, which will be part of the new management of the IDB.

With annual loans of around 14,000 million dollars, the IDB is the largest source of financing in the region and the change of leadership is essential for the institution to refocus its attention on Latin America after two years of a US presidency.

Prior to the appointment of Goldfajn, from Fundeps and together with a group of civil society organizations in the region, we present an open letter in which we urge those who make up the Board of Governors of the IDB to ensure a transparent selection process and urge the Bank to ensure that the designated person has:

  • Knowledge of the region and experience working with its institutions and communities.
  • Commitment to human rights, sustainable development and the work of human rights defenders.
  • Comprehensive experience and vision on sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Commitment and openness to include civil society and communities affected by the projects.
  • That it prioritize the discussion for the development of a framework for reparation to the affected communities.
  • Lead by example and act in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
  • Commitment to regional and international agreements and treaties that address climate change, the protection of biodiversity, the defense of human rights and sustainable development.

It remains to be seen if Goldfajn, in the course of his tenure, manages to live up to and meet at least part of these requirements. In any case, we believe that a historic opportunity has been wasted to finally position a woman in the presidency of the Bank, a pending account of this type of multilateral institutions. Beyond the progress made by the IDB in generating job opportunities for women and their number in management positions, it is estimated that 3 out of 14 seats on the executive boards are occupied by women; in the alternate executive directorates, out of 12 chairs, only one is occupied by a woman. What gives rise to the claim to this type of organizations to promote specific spaces for participation for women and dissidence in the most hierarchical positions, which allow breaking the glass ceiling.

More information:


Candela Jauregui

Clara Labat



Gonzalo Roza,


Climate change is the main challenge and threat in the 21st century. From Fundeps we carried out a survey and analysis of the climatic phenomena that occurred in Córdoba between 2000 and 2020, the results obtained are truly alarming. The authorities must urgently advance in the design of public policies tending to prevent and face the climate crisis.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Climate change affects the general population without differentiating, however people who are in a situation of vulnerability, for example, people living in poverty, children and adolescents, people with disabilities, women and gender diversity, are affected in a differentiated way, deepening the existing structural inequalities.

From Fundeps we carry out the comprehensive collection and analysis of the various climatic phenomena that occurred between 2000 and 2020 in the province of Córdoba. From this diagnosis we were able to identify that climatic phenomena are cyclical and that year after year they deepen. Climate change is usually perceived as something abstract and distant, contrary to this general perception, it shows how concrete, close and how serious the effects of the phenomenon are. It also makes it possible to decipher the line of (in)action drawn from the State. Fires, tornadoes, floods, droughts, hail storms, and heat waves are some of the phenomena we suffer and that worsen year after year and also have severe consequences for the communities. These must be addressed as part of a comprehensive phenomenon and not as isolated and belated problems.

There are certain policies in the province aimed at promoting sustainable practices. However, these are not actions aimed at significantly mitigating the causes, nor adaptation to the consequences of climate change. Given the occurrence of these phenomena, the responses by the State are always late, inefficient or from a contingency perspective.

We believe that if Córdoba wants to face the climate crisis in a responsible way, it must propose urgent participatory strategies in the medium-long term. To do this, it must take into account the cumulative effects of this achievement of erratic behavior phenomena, guaranteeing access to basic elements for survival, such as water and quality food.

In addition, it is necessary and urgent to concentrate efforts on the design and implementation of public policies that start from an adequate identification of the conditions of structural vulnerability from which some sectors of society start. State actions should focus on reducing/eliminating these structural conditions. On that equitable basis, mitigation and adaptation actions must be designed.

The Climate Response Plan required by Law 27520 on Minimum Budgets for Adaptation and Mitigation to Global Climate Change, emerges as a fundamental instrument to respond to the phenomenon. Remember that according to art. 20 , each province must design this “response plan” that contains information on greenhouse gases, vulnerability and adaptation capacity of communities, goals regarding gas mitigation and adaptation measures, roadmap for each measure to adopt, among other components. The compliance period, according to the regulations, would expire on December 18, 2023, although it may be submitted earlier.

The diagnosis made allows us to affirm that climate change in Córdoba is not a distant threat, but rather a daily experience that will worsen if adequate measures are not adopted.


  • Download diagnosis
  • Download summary



Laura Carrizo,

Last Thursday, November 24, we held a Working Group on Budget and Rights, together with the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the Observatory of Labor, Economy and Society (OTES) and the accompaniment of the Federal Institute of Government (IFG) of the Catholic University of Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The activity was carried out in continuity with a series of virtual meetings that we held in August of this year, where conceptual issues of the public budget, the gender perspective within the budget, and some examples both in the national budget and in that of the province of Córdoba.

In the Working Group on Budget and Rights, the proposal was rather practical and was divided into two stages. A first exhibition, in which OTES commented on some of its reports and main findings after analyzing the budgets of the province of Córdoba, in recent years. From ACIJ and Fundeps we share where the main budget information is located in the province, to give rise to the second moment of the meeting for budget analysis by the attendees.

So, according to thematic affinities, we divided into groups and based on some triggering slogans, we navigated through the web portals of the province of Córdoba where budget information is found and we proceeded to analyze some policies or programs of interest. In this sense, there were groups on the environment, health, education, housing, disability and gender. At the end, we shared the findings in full and different exchanges were generated about the information that is available, the need to incorporate other elements and indicators when carrying out this type of analysis, among others.

This Table took place a week before the 2023 Budget Public Hearing will be held in Córdoba in the Legislature, which is why at the end we share the information on how to participate in it. It is essential that these spaces for participation are promoted and how to attend is clearly and accessible disseminated, with the aim of diversifying the voices in this space and democratizing the debate around a key element for the guarantee of our rights.

Thank you ACIJ for inviting us to be part of this initiative and we hope to continue generating spaces for dialogue, debate and research around the different public budgets that are dictated at the different levels of government.

More information


Maria Victoria Sibilla,

Last Thursday, November 17, we held a meeting on the current management of food programs for school canteens in the provinces of Mendoza, Córdoba, Salta, Tucumán, and Buenos Aires. Special emphasis was placed on food purchasing systems and on the need to guarantee the effective application of Law No. 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PAS) within the framework of school assistance programs in each of these provinces. The event was organized by Fundeps, Nuestra Mendoza, Andhes, Salta Transparente, the Center for the Implementation of Constitutional Rights (CIDC) and also had the support of SANAR.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In addition to representatives of the aforementioned civil society organizations, the following participated in the meeting: Claudia Oliva and Victoria Lo Valvo, General Director of the Comprehensive Assistance Program of Córdoba (P.A.I.Cor) and Director of Legal Affairs of the General Directorate of Purchases of Córdoba ; Franco Pullido and Gabriel Sciola, Director of School Feeding of Mendoza and Undersecretary of Administration of the General Directorate of Schools of Mendoza and Matías Molina, General Director of Monitoring of Procurement of Goods and Services of the province of Salta.

At first, through a participatory dynamic, the different representations and social images linked to chronic non-communicable diseases and, specifically, malnutrition due to excess and the commonly known “law of labeling” were addressed. Then the different components of said law were described and, finally, the provisions related to public purchases for school canteens were studied in depth.

It was highlighted that, when dealing with purchases for educational establishments, they should guarantee that products with black seals did not enter the schools, whether they were already packaged products or the ingredients used to prepare the food. This, given that products with at least one seal or precautionary legend cannot be offered, marketed, promoted, advertised or sponsored within schools, by virtue of article 12 of the PAS law.

In a second moment, the floor was given to each of the leading people from the provinces, authorities in the event that they were present or from NGOs, so that they could comment on how the management of the food programs was in each one of them, how Food purchases were decided, with what nutritional criteria, if this information was accessible to the public, all with the aim of identifying some common points and windows of opportunities for the effective application of the PAS law.

By way of conclusion, each attendee identified opportunities, challenges and possibilities for articulation between civil society and the State agencies involved.



Maria Victoria Sibilla

Maga Merlo


Maria Victoria Sibilla,

Given the opening of a new election process for the presidency of the IDB group, civil society organizations in the region and communities affected by projects, we sent an open letter with recommendations on the profile of who will preside over the Bank.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In the letter we urge those who make up the Board of Governors of the IDB to take advantage of this opportunity so that the person who is selected is someone with probity, capable of leading the transformations that the institution requires today and of effectively facing the emergencies and environmental and social challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Likewise, we consider that the job description must be clear, the selection process transparent, and we urge the Bank that the person who is selected have:

  • Knowledge of the region and experience working with its institutions and communities. Commitment to human rights, sustainable development and the work of human rights defenders.
  • Comprehensive experience and vision on sustainability and environmental protection. Commitment and openness to include civil society and communities affected by the projects.
  • That it prioritize the discussion for the development of a framework for reparation to the affected communities. Lead by example and act in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
  • Commitment to regional and international agreements and treaties that address climate change, the protection of biodiversity, the defense of human rights and sustainable development.

The election is scheduled for November 20, with voting power varying according to the number of shares held by each member country. The person who is finally appointed to the presidency of the IDB Group has the opportunity to lead a Bank that is stronger, more responsible, more effective and, above all, closer to the peoples of the region, leading the way towards truly sustainable and inclusive development.


Gonzalo Roza –