Tag Archive for: Gender

On April 8 and 9, members of the National Alliance of Lawyers for the Human Rights of Women from all over the country met in Córdoba.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

More than 50 lawyers from different parts of the country met last weekend to discuss the challenges in the implementation of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law and design legal strategies to overcome them.

Among the challenges encountered in access to the rights recognized by Law 27,610, more than a year after its sanction, the lack of knowledge about the law in the community, the geographic and economic barriers to access, the lack of of availability of health centers, the obstruction by social works and prepaid medicine companies, the obstruction derived from the abuse of the figure of conscientious objection and the improper judicialization of access to abortion. A special concern was expressed about the criminalization of the doctor Miranda Ruiz in the province of Salta, for which it was agreed to articulate strategies to support the request for her dismissal.

The meeting, led by lawyers from civil society organizations that make up the Alliance (Catholics for the Right to Decide, Fundeps, Amnesty International, CELS, ELA and Fundación MxM) allowed the exchange of local experiences and the strengthening of networks for the defense rights from a feminist perspective.

The Alliance is an intergenerational and federal space created in 2011 and made up of 300 legal professionals from 20 provinces. It is an articulation that allows the exchange between those who exercise the Law from different fields and for a more equitable and egalitarian society.

With the energies renewed thanks to the reunion, they agreed and articulated lines of action to continue demanding the effective application of the law throughout the country and online.

We launched a guide that offers steps and tools for self-managed organizations and enterprises to review their internal management processes and implement good practices with a view to achieving economic sustainability, from the sustainability of life approach.

Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic.

The Feminist Economy, together with the Ecological, Popular, Social and Solidarity Economy (the so-called Other economies) allow us to account for the unsustainability of the logics of inequality and looting that characterize the dominant capitalist and heterocis-patriarchal model. Also, it provides us with tools to identify, make visible and strengthen those that are committed to the sustainability of life.

Based on this position, during the year 2021, together with the Latin American Feminist Incubator and with the support of the Heinrich Böll Cono Sur Foundation, we carried out organizational and economic strengthening work aimed at 7 self-managed organizations and ventures from the Other economies of the province of Cordoba.

The goal was to help strengthen various self-managed experiences in our province through the design, implementation and collective evaluation of strategies and tools for economic sustainability. And thus promote the productive and reproductive processes and activities that they carry out and that aim, in a broader sense, at the sustainability of life.

In the different stages of this strengthening process, we used tools for the diagnosis, planning and management of resources (money, goods, services, time, contacts and networks, etc.) that could be adapted to the needs and forms of organization, and be useful for the evaluation and improvement of the management processes of self-managed organizations. Throughout this experience, we not only tested the proposed strategies and tools, but we were also able to identify interests and needs that require attention.

From this place we reaffirm our commitment to the transformation of situations of inequality through the strengthening of the various self-managed experiences made up mostly of femininity and dissidence and that are part of the Other Economies, in this case, providing resources for that purpose.

We have prepared this guide with tools aimed at self-managed spaces in Other Economies, so that they can review their forms of organization and internal management processes in order to achieve economic sustainability from the perspective of a Feminist Economy that is committed to the sustainability of life. . This material is proposed as a second booklet of resources that we have been making since 2020 in order to strengthen practices and reflections on the Other economies.

The guide is a proposal, a working hypothesis, not an imposition or a rigid structure. They are tools made available for each space to discuss, transform and adapt to their own needs.

An integral and sequenced process was thought of, although not necessarily linear. This allows each organization to choose where to start and what steps to follow, to advance in what they consider relevant or more adjusted to their needs.

We hope it will serve you.

Read resourcer


More information:

To access the first issue with administrative, tax and legal resources for self-managed organizations, read: Tools for self-management from a perspective of the sustainability of life.
Report “Other economies: self-management from a Life Sustainability perspective”.
Cycle Virtual meetings on Feminist Economy.
Audiovisual short films on Feminist Economy and Self-management.


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

Situation during the first year of the pandemic and recommendations to promote measures with a gender perspective.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

During 2020, together with other organizations, we worked on the preparation of a report that presents a monitoring of the responses given by the Argentine State to address the pandemic and the impact of these responses on women’s rights. This monitoring seeks to report on the status of women’s rights in Argentina in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic during its first year, contribute to the fulfillment of women’s rights and gender justice and urge the State to take the necessary measures to guarantee and protect rights from a gender perspective.

Within this Gender Roundtable, a working group has been created that has prepared this report made up of Lawyers from the Argentine Northwest in Human Rights and Social Studies (ANDHES), Amnesty International Argentina (AIAR), Center for the Implementation of Constitutional Rights (CIDC), Ombudsman’s Office of the Province of Buenos Aires, Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (FUNDEPS), Observatory of Adolescents and Young People / Gino Germani Research Institute (OAJ / IIGG ), La Hoguera Feminist Organization, Network for the Rights of People with Disabilities (REDI) and Xumek, AC for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.

The report describes the initiatives and approaches adopted by the Argentine government to protect the rights of women and diversities during the first year of the pandemic from March 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 in the country was reported, until the end of 2020. The following priority issues are addressed: political participation and gender perspective in the measures; gender-based violence; the right to care; and access to sexual and (non) reproductive health.

Download Executive Summary

Download full report


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org

On December 1, we presented the report “Other economies: self-management from a perspective of Sustainability of Life” together with the Feminist Economy Space of Córdoba and with the support of the Heinrich Böll Southern Cone Foundation. It was a year-end meeting in which we reflected on feminist economics and self-management together with various organizations.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In the world in which we live, unjust logics of production, work organization and distribution of wealth predominate. They are founded on a neoliberal, colonial and hetero-patriarchal capitalism that legitimizes and sustains inequalities that benefit a few: a male, white, adult, bourgeois, Western, hetorosexual, cisgender around which the entire economy has been organized.Faced with this model that prioritizes markets and the unlimited accumulation of wealth in a few hands, the Other Economies arise. These are constituted, in different measure and form, in real alternatives, and are visible in self-managed organizations of the Feminist, Popular, Ecological, Social and Solidarity Economy. They are characterized by having practices based on mutual support; solidarity and sisterhood; collective support and cooperation; the valuation not only of productive work but also of the work of social reproduction and of life, the recognition of its indivisibility and of its historical feminization and invisibility; the inclusion and care of the life of its members and of nature, avoiding individualistic, selfish and competitive logics that threaten life.

With this north, as of 2020 we have carried out different activities together with organizations and spaces that are committed to a socioeconomic transformation.

2020 was a year of hard work, together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space, focused on the production of knowledge based on self-managed experiences and content aimed at making them visible. As a result, we produced the report “Other economies: self-management from a perspective of Sustainability of Life”. We also carry out a cycle of virtual meetings on Feminist Economics in which we reflect, together with organizations and specialists, on the obstacles and possibilities of carrying out and strengthening other logics of production, distribution, consumption and organization of work that are more equitable and focused on persons.

In addition, we built a resource with legal, administrative and tax tools for self-management and four audiovisual shorts. This year, together with the Latin American Feminist Incubator, we carried out a process of internal strengthening of 7 self-managed organizations of the Other Economies of the province of Córdoba, in order to build tools that serve them to advance towards their economic sustainability from a perspective of the Feminist Economics. This implies thinking, building and planning strategies so that, with the available resources, the spaces can carry out sustainable economic processes in the medium and long term, considering and respecting the times of nature as well as the times and needs of its members and of the communities in which they are found.

The event

On December 1, we met to present the aforementioned report “Other economies: self-management from a perspective of the sustainability of life.” This report is the product of a year of research carried out in the middle of the pandemic. Its objective is to begin to know and make visible a small part of the diverse universe of self-managed and community experiences of Córdoba, from the critical perspective that the Feminist Economy offers us, in dialogue with the Popular Economy, Ecological Economy and the Social and Solidarity Economy. That is, from a perspective that aims to subvert the economy and build another that guarantees the provision of everything that is needed for the sustainability of human and non-human life, through economic processes that preserve the planet and are respectful of dignity. human. This approach is that of the Sustainability of Life and we adopt it because it is multidimensional, holistic since it integrates all sustainability: economic, social, ecological, human and the complex and dynamic interrelationships that occur between all of them over time and in specific territories and experiences.

We believe that this perspective has transformative power by allowing us to identify, on the one hand, unequal relations, such as gender, class, racialization processes, among others, which are sustained from biocidal and androcentric logics. But on the other hand, it also helps us to recognize other types of experiences that carry out practices different from those of the dominant economy and that respond to logics typical of Other Economies.

From this place, we understand that the Feminist Economy appears to us as a necessary perspective to think, develop and strengthen alternatives in favor of the sustainability of life since:

  • It opens the debate around what are the limits of what we understand by economy, the role of gender in it and the consequent inequalities.
  • It broadens the concept of work and recognizes the importance of the works that make up the social and life reproduction, In this way it makes visible and puts at the center of the scene the care that makes life possible, proposes its fair distribution, at the same time that conceives us as interdependent people with each other.
  • It questions the foundations of the sexual division of labor.

The report that we present is a synthesis that includes our positioning and also the lines of action in relation to the Feminist Economy agenda that we are building. Agenda that we conceive as strategic and transversal to all of Fundeps since it touches and problematizes all aspects of our life; and from which we generate and strengthen alliances and joint work networks.

The sustainability of life as a path of transformation

We believe that this type of self-managed experiences can provide us with tools and practices to resolve in a more equitable way the inequalities that are sustained at the cost of the invisibility and exploitation of bodies and lives, mainly of feminized identities and sex-generic dissidences, which are deepened in this context of crisis that we are experiencing: climate, health, social, economic, civilizational and care crisis.

Its existence, strategies and forms of organization, production and consumption, have acquired essential importance in local economies, and are presented to a greater or lesser extent and in different ways, as a real alternative to a system based on violence, oppression , impoverishment and in gender, class, ethnic-racial, age, etc. inequalities.

This does not happen without tensions or nuances since there are different positions and actions taken by these spaces in relation to the State and the predominant capitalist logic. The universe of self-management is extremely broad and heterogeneous. These spaces, like any other, are not exempt from the logic of structural inequality that can even be reproduced inside. However, they have favorable conditions to carry out various practices oriented to the Sustainability of Life, by subverting these situations of looting and inequality.

If we want a democratic and more equitable solution, a transformation, a paradigm shift and a system change that recognizes and strengthens self-managed spaces with the logic of Other Economies that undertake feminized identities and dissidents is urgent and necessary, so that their lives and of their communities are dignified and sustainable. This implies a commitment to profoundly transformative proposals that commit all social actors.

For this, the articulation of local and regional initiatives that aim to this end, and that allow the generation of data, information gathering, visibility, organization, articulation and enhancement of their activities is relevant. We know that what sustains us are networks, so let’s expand, enhance and strengthen them.


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

Civil society organizations Catholics for the Right to Decide Argentina (CDD), the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) accompanied today
legal considerations in the framework of the criminal process of a doctor resident of Salta who carried out an ILE within the framework of Law 27.610 on Access to the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy, as part of the health team of the Juan Domingo Perón Hospital in the city of Tartagal.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The practice had been requested by a patient of legal age, in full exercise of her autonomy. When she was received at the health center, she was cared for by an interdisciplinary team, who, with the endorsement of the director of the
hospital, they found that it was the causal health and that it was duly justified. It is about the possibility of interrupting the pregnancy when the life or health of the pregnant person is at risk.

The procedures performed by the medical team are within the law and each step was recorded in the medical record. The doctor who is currently going through a criminal process is the only non-objector professional, who guarantees the right to comprehensive health for women and other people with the ability to gestate in the area.

It is essential that this case be analyzed in the light of local norms and in line with international human rights instruments. A pregnancy can be legally interrupted when any dimension of health is at risk, be it physical, mental or social health.

Likewise, particular consideration must be given to the social interest that governs this matter, as well as the impact that any judicial decision has in relation to the implementation of a public policy that provides for access to a fundamental human right such as access to Legal and Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy.

Faced with the ruling of the Federal Court of Appeals of Salta that intends to validate that “every citizen” can request the suspension of the law of voluntary interruption of pregnancy, a group of civil society organizations filed an appeal before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (CSJN).

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Amnesty International (AI), the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), the Women x Women Foundation (MxM), the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) requested the highest court of Justice in the country to reject any attempt to restrict the rights of women, girls, adolescents and people with childbearing capacity.

Although the ruling of the Chamber of Salta does not affect the validity of Law 27,610, it is imperative that the CSJN accompany its own jurisprudence on the right to legally interrupt a pregnancy (FAL ruling) and the decisions that from the sanction of the law has issued the judiciary around the country, and rejects actions that seek to prevent women from exercising their right to a legal abortion.

The law of access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy meant a feminist conquest in line with international human rights law. It was approved by Congress after a broad and participatory debate.

Admitting that any citizen can act on behalf of the “unborn” against the rights of women and people with childbearing capacity is contrary to the National Constitution because it violates their right to make autonomous decisions within their private sphere and without interference by third parties, the principle of division of powers and self-restriction of the Judiciary, and the constitutional guarantee of due process.

On the facts

In December 2020, the former Salta senator María Cristina Fiore Viñuales filed a lawsuit against the Protocol for the Comprehensive Care of People with the Right to Legal Interruption of Pregnancy of 2019. She then expanded her petition requesting the unconstitutionality of Law 27.610 This action was considered inadmissible in the first instance. On August 27, the Federal Court of Appeals of Salta reversed that decision.

In addition to validating the collective representation of fetal life, the lawsuit sends out a worrying message because it reinstates a violent network against women who decide not to continue with a pregnancy. It not only calls for the suspension of the law, but also requests that measures be ordered that could involve violence against women.

Additional Information

The signatory organizations had already appeared in the cause in April of this year on behalf of the group of women and people with other gender identities with the capacity to gestate.

Link to presentation

Today they arrested a doctor at the Juan Domingo Perón Hospital, in Tartagal, in Salta, for practicing a Legal Interruption of Pregnancy. The practice was requested by a patient of legal age, in full exercise of her autonomy. To apply for the practice, he traveled more than 53 kilometers to the hospital. The 21-year-old girl was in the 22nd week of pregnancy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

When she was received at the health center, she was cared for by an interdisciplinary team made up of a doctor, a social worker and a psychologist. He had separate interviews with each of them, who also informed the director (manager) of the hospital, who found that it was the causal health and that it was duly justified.

Article 86 of the Penal Code allows abortion until week 14 without having to give explanations about the reasons for doing so. It also allows abortion if the pregnancy to be interrupted was the product of rape or if the life or integral health of the pregnant person was at risk. The latter was the case of the young woman from Salta.

The young woman was accompanied throughout the process and was cared for by professionals who guaranteed her rights and listened to her.

From within the hospital, professionals opposed to the comprehensive health of women, seeing that they could not interrupt the process, decided to summon the young woman’s family. In this way, they violated his right to confidentiality and contravened his will.

Her relatives arrived in the middle of the procedure and the young woman had a moment of doubts, but immediately decided to continue with the procedure and expressed it. It is important to note that the complaint to the doctor was not made by the young woman, whose rights were not violated, but by a relative.

The procedures performed by the medical team are within the law and each step taken was accompanied with conviction by the hospital management and recorded in the medical record. The doctor who was arrested today in an intimidating and disciplinary scene in her workplace, is the only non-objector professional, who guarantees the right to comprehensive health for women and other people with the ability to gestate in the area. This afternoon she was released.

We believe that it is essential to respect the privacy of the young woman, as neither the objector doctors who called relatives, nor the media that fall into morbidity without real data, nor the judicial power that could have saved the staging of the disciplinary detention. It is also essential that those who put obstacles to access the rights arising from a democratic society receive the corresponding sanctions.

Guaranteeing rights is not a crime.


  • Amnistía Internacional Argentina
  • Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir
  • CELS
  • ELA
  • Fundación Huésped
  • Fundeps
  • Mujeres x Mujeres

This Thursday the Superior Court of Justice of Córdoba rejected the appeals that sought to suspend Law 27,610 on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in our province through a precautionary measure. In this way, it confirms that the regulations continue to be in full force throughout the province.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

With a large majority, the members emphasized the presumption of legitimacy that the law has because it is an act of public power, affirming that it is the link of a policy “in matters of public health.” In short, the Supreme Court held that the validity of a law cannot be suspended by means of a precautionary measure with general scope without damaging the principle of division of powers, as requested by the plaintiff.

In this sense, they emphasized that “the Judicial Power lacks constitutional powers” to review “in the abstract or to interfere” in the legislative policy decisions adopted by “Congress, the quintessential representative of the popular will.” They also highlighted that this law is the result of a democratic debate and has broad social support.

The legalization of abortion brought greater autonomy and freedom in our decisions. Law 27,610 makes the entire judicial and health system adapt to the rights that we managed to conquer and to which the Argentine state was bound both domestically and internationally.

We are facing a new conquest of feminisms. In alliance, we continue working so that all women and people with the ability to carry a child have legal, safe and free access to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.


Clínica de Litigio de Interés Público Córdoba

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir


Together with the Provincial University of Córdoba (UPC), we began a mapping of training needs of organizations of the Popular, Feminist, Social and Solidarity Economy of the province. The results will be reflected in training proposals adjusted to the requirements of these spaces.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

In order to collect the most relevant and common problems that arise when sustaining these organizations, this survey will result in the design and delivery of training proposals that arise from their own needs.

We bet on the collective construction of knowledge and we value the situated proposals that are significant for organizations that build and sustain the local economy, from alternatives to the logics of looting and capital accumulation.

Therefore, if you are part of or know of any of these organizations, we invite you to complete and / or share the form. So that we can develop a relevant, meaningful and coherent training proposal with your needs.



Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

Focusing mainly on students, professionals and workers in the health field, Fundeps, Ecos and Andhes launch a cycle of virtual meetings where different aspects related to the voluntary and legal interruption of pregnancy will be addressed, from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary.

Through 4 free webinars of national scope, work will be done on protocols, legal framework, safe techniques, ways of monitoring situations and other tools to take into account regarding Law 27,610.

The first meeting will be on August 27 at 6:00 p.m. It will focus on conditions and standards of application of IVE / ILE, conscientious objection and responsibility of health professionals and will have the participation of Marisa Herrera, Doctor in Law from the University of Buenos Aires, CONICET researcher and teacher .

The second meeting, to be held on September 10 at 6:00 p.m., will focus on the comprehensive approach and safe abortion techniques. It will have as exhibitors Dras. Mariana Romero and Nadya Scherbovsky. Mariana is a doctor, a researcher at CEDES / CONICET, she is a member of the Safe Abortion Access Network and technically assists health teams in the implementation of services. Nadya, for her part, is a general and family doctor, and a member of the Córdoba Integral Health Clinic, the ECOS Foundation and the Network of Health Professionals for the Right to Decide.

Then, on October 4, the third meeting will take place, and it will be attended by Luis Pedernera, a member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. This meeting will be focused on analyzing access to the Legal and Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in girls and adolescents.

Finally, the last meeting on October 15 will take place with a workshop dynamic, where cases will be addressed that allow participants to analyze practical situations to be able to carry out accompaniments from a rights perspective.

Registration is free and free through this form, and you can participate in the full cycle or in each meeting separately.


This Wednesday, an opinion signed by Juan Manuel Delgado, Attorney General of Córdoba, was published in the press within the framework of the judicial case promoted by former legislator Aurelio García Elorrio that seeks to suspend in the provincial territory the effective implementation of Law 27,610 of Voluntary termination of pregnancy.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The opinion arises in the framework of the appeal that García Elorrio presented after the Administrative Litigation Chamber rejected the precautionary measure requested in the amparo that seeks to suspend Law 27,610 in Córdoba. To resolve, the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) must notify all parties and also the Attorney General in order to issue an opinion on the matter, but it is in no way binding and may even be rejected.

It is not less than the letter has also been signed by the deputy prosecutor Pablo Bustos Fierro, with the explicit intention of avoiding that at the time of ruling, it is still pending to resolve its separation requested by the intervening associations. It is also worrying that the resolution is public before being available for the view of those who intervene in the judicial case. The TSJ has not yet issued on the matter, that is to say that the opinion was presented irregularly without being resolved the recusal of the prosecutor.

From Catholics for the Right to Decide (CDD), Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps) and Legal Clinic of Public Interest Córdoba (CLIP) we express our concern about such untidiness that we consider is not innocent and confirms our concern in relation to the suitability of said official to act with the objectivity and respect for the legality required by said function.

Prior to their appointment, Fundeps and the Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP) participated in the public hearing at the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Justice and Agreement of the Córdoba Legislature, which evaluated their specifications to warn about their lack of suitability and its position contrary to the human rights of women and people with childbearing capacity. In the letter that we signed together with more than 40 civil society organizations, we spoke out against his appointment for publicly advancing a position against abortion, an issue on which he should decide later.

The suspension of the right to access the IVE through a precautionary measure and would imply a setback and irreparable damage for women and pregnant people in Córdoba who would be unable to access a basic human right such as health. It should be remembered that the Provincial Justice has already issued on these issues in the action filed by Portal de Belén against the provincial Protocol of Non-Punishable Abortion in 2019, where the amparo was rejected for lack of a specific case.

In the same way, we point out that this type of filings against the IVE Law have been raised throughout the country and most of them have already been rejected by virtue of their inadmissibility. Access to the legal and voluntary interruption of pregnancy is fully valid in the province of Córdoba, as in the entire national territory, despite attempts to obstruct its access through abusive and openly inappropriate prosecutions.

This law represents an advance in the guarantee of the right to life, physical and mental integrity, health, autonomy, freedom and equality of women and people with the capacity to bear children. We are not going to allow undemocratic actions that violate human rights carried out by anti-rights groups to harm it. We continue to work together for our rights.


Clínica de Litigio de Interés Público Córdoba
Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir

3513251601 – 3513294497

Together with the Latin American Feminist Incubator, we advanced in the process of strengthening the self-managed and community organizations of the province of Córdoba that were selected after the call for scholarships.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”

The call for scholarships to strengthen self-managed and community organizations in Córdoba ended on May 14 with 67 registered organizations from across the province. The number of organizations that applied for this call reveals two trends. On the one hand, the large number of self-managed spaces of the Popular, Feminist, Ecological, Social and Solidarity Economy that exist in the province and that show that Another economy exists and is possible. However, and here is the other trend, the need for comprehensive public policies that promote them is notable.

All the spaces that were nominated show a diversity of organizational forms and self-managed activities that represent a great contribution to the community and local economies, which made the selection process an arduous instance full of reviews and discussions.

Following the selection and priority criteria announced in the call, we selected 7 beneficiary organizations for a total grant: Aquelarre VCP, Comadres, Mercado Coop, MEPA, Hacé Pinta, Mokitas and Alternativa Marginal. We will be working together with them until October in an intense strengthening process.

Between May and June, we began a diagnostic process that consisted of a self-diagnosis survey and then a personal interview with each organization to identify their perceptions and realities regarding the obstacles and particular strengths that each of them has identified. This stage is fundamental as it allows to recognize, project, and build an economic sustainability plan based on the own experiences, desires, needs, realities and expectations of each organization.

From July to September, we will advance with the strengthening process itself, consisting of a series of trainings, practical application workshops, personalized meetings with members of each organization, and mentoring. This stage is the central node of the strengthening process for the economic sustainability of these organizations. Throughout this stage, spaces for meeting and joint construction will be generated, sharing interests, positions, projects and knowledge, in pursuit of the economic sustainability of the selected organizations.

We hope that, through this project and together with the different self-managed organizations selected, we can advance in the construction, implementation and evaluation of tools for the diagnosis, planning and management of resources so that a self-managed space not only sustains itself financially but also collaborate in the sustainability of the lives of its members.

More info:

Cecilia Bustos Moreschi, cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org
Incubadora Feminista, hola@incubadorafeminista.com