Tag Archive for: Healthy nutrition

The objective of this document is to provide simple, clear and timely information about the scope of Law 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating so that the various people that make up the educational community become agents of change that accompany the new food paradigm in the school environments.

The construction of healthy school environments is essential to promote healthy eating in childhood and adolescence. In this document, we gather recommendations and suggestions for the authorities in the field of education to move forward in this regard, based on the implementation of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating and the adoption of complementary measures.

Through this initiative, FIC Argentina, FAGRAN, Fundación Sanar, Fundeps and Consciente Colectivo seek to promote a citizenry committed to the labeling law and thus generate the first citizen report on its compliance. The initiative arises from the identification of various breaches and the lack of effective control by the State.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Let’s not let it pass” is the new campaign launched today by FIC Argentina, FAGRAN, Fundación Sanar, Fundeps and Consciente Colectivo to promote an informed citizenry and committed to the effective implementation of the labeling law. The nationwide campaign seeks to generate a citizen report on the state of compliance with the law, 10 months after the start of its implementation.

In 2021, the organizations promoted the campaign “Don’t cover our eyes” to promote the approval of the law and, on this occasion, they meet again so that this public health measure is effectively complied with. The campaign emphasizes some components of the law referring to the presence and characteristics of the seals (their size, location on the container, for example) as well as their disposition in the gondola.

“A few months ago we carried out a research study to find out how the law is being implemented and we detected that in 83% of the supermarkets surveyed there were breaches regarding the disposition of the products on the gondola, the seals were not visible to the consumer. In 67% we found promotions associated with the price (such as “15% discount” and “50% discount on the second unit”) in products with stamps, which also shows a breach of the provisions of the law, and in the 12% of the surveyed products, the seals were not on the main face of the container. The State must sanction these breaches and with the campaign we seek to make them visible,” said Leila Guarnieri of FIC Argentina.

“It is a priority that the commitment extends throughout the country, counting on the federal representation of the provinces, which monitor compliance with the Law through committed citizens and nutrition professionals who, through Education and advocacy actions put the visibility of this Law at the center of the scene. As a Federation we join the efforts of the entities that we bring together for the effective compliance of the Law, without exception”, declared Ana Caceres from FAGRAN.

“For a full implementation of the Labeling Law, it is essential that as citizens we get involved and demand its compliance. Although it is the State that has the obligation to control, we are observing that these mechanisms can be deficient and inopportune. In addition, up to now we have no data that sanctions have been applied to companies that break the law. For this reason, it is important that we remain alert and report non-compliances to demand that the authorities monitor and sanction appropriately,” said Maga Merlo from Fundeps. And he added: “Let us remember that this law comes to protect fundamental rights such as health, adequate food and information for consumers, and especially for groups in vulnerable situations, such as children. Citizen participation is essential to build transparent public policies.”

“The platform also arises from the need to make visible the actions of companies that break the law in different ways, interfering mainly in the guarantee of the right to information of consumers. Being able to document, systematize the information and thus channel the claim to the enforcement authorities will allow the State to act in such a way that it can put into operation its own strategies to mitigate non-compliance,” said Ignacio Porras from Fundación SANAR.

“For a norm to be effective and not die in the sanction, it is essential that we get involved and demand its correct implementation. It is a matter of appropriating the Law and knowing it to be able to claim for our rights and build new horizons”, declared Ariana Krochik of Consciente Colectivo.

How to participate in this campaign?

Registering breaches at www.nolodejemospasar.org


Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

From Fundeps and Fundación Sanar we present the Regulatory Map of Front Labeling in Argentina, a website that shows the progress of the 23 provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) in the issuance of regulations that regulate the implementation of the Promotion Law of Healthy Eating (PAS) at the local level, and at the same time accounts for the regulation process carried out by the National State. The objective of this tool is to promote and strengthen the full implementation of this law throughout the country.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Law No. 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating, known as the Labeling Law, was enacted on October 26, 2021 and regulated on March 22, 2022. As of this date, it is mandatory throughout the country. However, the adherence and/or the issuance of complementary regulations by the provinces and CABA is of utmost importance to ensure the full implementation of all the measures established by law, and thus effectively protect the health of the population.

The issuance of local, adhesion or complementary regulations by the 23 provinces and CABA:

  • It gives the possibility of adapting the regulations to the reality of each jurisdiction and improving their implementation at the local level.
  • It allows progress on aspects of the exclusive jurisdiction of jurisdictions that national law does not cover.
  • It accounts for an important act of political will.
  • Creates regulatory conditions conducive to the materialization of the rights recognized by the PAS Law.
  • It means an opportunity to raise the minimum floor established by national regulations.

In view of the importance of adhering to and enacting local regulations as fundamental elements to promote healthy eating throughout Argentina, Fundación Sanar and Fundeps present the Regulatory Map of Front Labeling in Argentina. This consultation and analysis tool is aimed at national and provincial public authorities responsible for promoting healthy eating policies and at civil society organizations, academia and the media that monitor the correct implementation of the PAS Law.


Consult the REGULATORY MAP: www.etiquetadoenargentina.org/


About the PAS Law:

The PAS Law seeks to promote healthy eating and guarantee the right to health and adequate nutrition. It includes measures such as placing warning seals on packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages to provide clear and understandable nutritional information, encouraging more assertive decisions by consumers. It also regulates aspects such as school environments and nutritional food education, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of the food industry – with special focus on childhood and adolescence – as well as public purchases made by the State. These components contribute to a comprehensive approach to the regulations, strengthening their protective nature and their focus on rights.



Laura Fons, laurafons@fundeps.org

On February 16, the extension granted to large companies to implement the law expired and on the 20th it is the turn of SMEs, who from that day on must incorporate the seals in their products with excessive content of critical nutrients. In this key month, civil society organizations highlight the need for the law to be complied with and for the State to take an active role in its oversight.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The month of February has two key dates for the Healthy Eating Promotion Law, better known as the Labeling Law. That is why FAGRAN, Fundeps, SANAR, FIC Argentina and Consciente Colectivo met to review the timing of the norm and to highlight that there are no more excuses for the law to be complied with.

On the one hand, February 16 is the day on which the extensions granted to large companies expire, a benefit that they counted on to delay the implementation date that the law originally stipulated (August 20, 2022). That is, from now on, large companies must incorporate seals on the packaging of their products with excesses of critical nutrients. This process will be gradual given that products from companies that obtained extensions can still circulate in stores, and that were prepared and packaged before February 16, which, according to the law, are not required to bear stamps since they were produced under the extension period.

On the other hand, the regulations of the law establish that as of February 20, SMEs must begin to include labels on the corresponding containers. However, as was the case with large companies, SMEs can obtain extensions of up to 180 days to delay implementation.

Although the extensions are within the framework provided for by the norm and are not a violation of it, we from the organizations demand that information be public about the reasons why this benefit was approved, as well as which products. and companies were awarded. This information was not provided by the State, removing transparency from the law implementation process. This situation, added to factors such as stock, generates a confusing scenario for citizens, who do not have clear information to identify if a product does not have seals because it is healthy; because it comes from another stock; or because it has the benefit of extension.

From now on, the role of the State in monitoring compliance with the law will be key to defending the rights of the population. From civil society we will continue to monitor this process, providing tools and information and demanding its correct implementation with citizens.



Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

This material was prepared from the advocacy work in the National Food Commission (CONAL) carried out by Fundeps in 2021 and 2022 for the modification of the regulation of trans fats. It takes contributions from the work articulated with other civil society organizations and proposes a reflective analysis in construction, which seeks to contribute to the debate on the need for greater transparency in the process of elaboration, execution and monitoring of public food policies in Argentina.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

This document is the summary of a report prepared from the advocacy work of Fundeps in the National Food Commission (CONAL) in 2021 and 2022 for the modification of the regulation of trans fats. It takes contributions from the work articulated with other civil society organizations and proposes a reflective analysis in construction, which seeks to contribute to the debate on the need for greater transparency in the process of elaboration, execution and monitoring of public food policies in Argentina.

This document summarizes the good practices of the Latin American countries that have incorporated front-facing food labeling into their regulations. A brief summary of the result of the analysis of the regulations of all these countries will be presented, and a clear comparison will be provided. on every aspect of those standards.

Last Thursday, November 17, we held a meeting on the current management of food programs for school canteens in the provinces of Mendoza, Córdoba, Salta, Tucumán, and Buenos Aires. Special emphasis was placed on food purchasing systems and on the need to guarantee the effective application of Law No. 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PAS) within the framework of school assistance programs in each of these provinces. The event was organized by Fundeps, Nuestra Mendoza, Andhes, Salta Transparente, the Center for the Implementation of Constitutional Rights (CIDC) and also had the support of SANAR.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In addition to representatives of the aforementioned civil society organizations, the following participated in the meeting: Claudia Oliva and Victoria Lo Valvo, General Director of the Comprehensive Assistance Program of Córdoba (P.A.I.Cor) and Director of Legal Affairs of the General Directorate of Purchases of Córdoba ; Franco Pullido and Gabriel Sciola, Director of School Feeding of Mendoza and Undersecretary of Administration of the General Directorate of Schools of Mendoza and Matías Molina, General Director of Monitoring of Procurement of Goods and Services of the province of Salta.

At first, through a participatory dynamic, the different representations and social images linked to chronic non-communicable diseases and, specifically, malnutrition due to excess and the commonly known “law of labeling” were addressed. Then the different components of said law were described and, finally, the provisions related to public purchases for school canteens were studied in depth.

It was highlighted that, when dealing with purchases for educational establishments, they should guarantee that products with black seals did not enter the schools, whether they were already packaged products or the ingredients used to prepare the food. This, given that products with at least one seal or precautionary legend cannot be offered, marketed, promoted, advertised or sponsored within schools, by virtue of article 12 of the PAS law.

In a second moment, the floor was given to each of the leading people from the provinces, authorities in the event that they were present or from NGOs, so that they could comment on how the management of the food programs was in each one of them, how Food purchases were decided, with what nutritional criteria, if this information was accessible to the public, all with the aim of identifying some common points and windows of opportunities for the effective application of the PAS law.

By way of conclusion, each attendee identified opportunities, challenges and possibilities for articulation between civil society and the State agencies involved.



Maria Victoria Sibilla

Maga Merlo


Maria Victoria Sibilla, ninasibilla@fundeps.org

After a long journey in pursuit of the health of all the inhabitants of our country, at the 146th meeting of the National Food Commission (CONAL) held on August 24 and 25, 2022, the proposal for updating of Art. 155 tris of the Argentine Food Code (CAA) to reduce the limits on the content of trans fats in food products and the prohibition of partially hydrogenated oils.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

In September 2021, from the Argentine Federation of Graduates in Nutrition (FAGRAN), the Argentine InterAmerican Heart Foundation (FIC Argentina), the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (Fundeps), Argentine Consumers and the Argentine Society of Nutrition and Food Reales (SANAR), we presented a proposal to CONAL to improve the standards of industrially produced trans fats. Argentina currently has one of the least strict policies compared to other countries in the region. At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Nation presented its proposal online with the aforementioned organizations.

After an arduous follow-up and joint work, CONAL was able to include the treatment of the proposal in its agenda, reaching the Public Consultation instance, with great support from the community and Scientific Societies. The process was postponed in some stages, finally reaching its approval, with adaptation of the deadlines, although without other modifications of the original proposal. The approved proposal grants a term of two years for the adequacy of food to the established limit of 2% trans fatty acids, three years for the adequacy of ingredients and raw materials to the established limit of 2% trans fatty acids and four years for the elimination of the use of oils and partially hydrogenated fats in the food industry.

The new regulation will be adapted to the guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). These are designed to promote the worldwide reduction and elimination of industrially produced Trans Fats in the food supply, given the overwhelming evidence of their negative effects on the cardiovascular health of the population, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the to die for these It should be noted that, in addition, the implementation of superior policies contribute to protecting the human right to health and adequate food.

From this great step in defense of the right to health, from Civil Society we ask the Executive Branch to promptly publish the resolution in the Official Gazette to make the policy effective.

Organizations committed to the health of the entire population celebrate that we will finally be able to say Bye Trans Fats.


Maga Merlo, magamerlov@fundeps.org

According to the regulations of the Law for the Promotion of Healthy Food, this August 20, large companies must begin to implement the Frontal Warning Labeling on their products. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a deadline to do so until February 2023. The appearance of the stamps will be gradual and progressive.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

When did we start to see the seals?

As of this August 20, the products of large companies that have an excess of critical nutrients -such as sugars, sodium, saturated fats, total fats and calories-, must display on the main face of the container one or more warning stamps with the “EXCESS IN” badge. Also, those foods that contain sweeteners and/or caffeine, must present the precautionary legends: “CONTAINS SWEETENERS, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN” and/or “CONTAINS CAFFEINE, AVOID IN CHILDREN”.

In this way, the central axis of the regulation that seeks to protect and guarantee the right to information in consumer relations begins to be implemented. This is the first stage of a gradual process, in which the cut-off points are made more flexible, until reaching (in a second stage) the maximum values set by the Nutrient Profile of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Tool adopted by law to classify and determine products that contain an excessive amount of critical nutrients.

In this way, the central axis of the regulation that seeks to protect and guarantee the right to information in consumer relations begins to be implemented. This is the first stage of a gradual process, in which the cut-off points are made more flexible, until reaching (in a second stage) the maximum values set by the Nutrient Profile of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Tool adopted by law to classify and determine products that contain an excessive amount of critical nutrients.

According to the PAHO profile, the products that should be classified using its criteria are processed (such as fruit in syrup, cheese, or foods preserved in brine) and ultra-processed (such as sweet or salty snacks, cookies, ice cream, candies), either which are the ones that normally contain high amounts of sugars, sodium and fats. For their part, those minimally processed or unprocessed products will not bear stamps. Examples of this are fresh fruits and vegetables, dried noodles, rice, legumes or the exceptions provided by the regulations: common sugar, vegetable oils, dried fruits and common table salt.

Now, what happens to the products that we know have an excess of critical nutrients and that on August 20 are going to continue on the shelves without their corresponding seals?

These cases, which unfortunately will not be few, must be explained in one of the following ways:

1- It can be a product made by an SME, for which the first stage begins in February 2023.

2- It may be a product from a large company that has a production date prior to August 20, which according to the law may be kept on the market until stock is exhausted.

3- Or, it may be a product of a large company, with a production date after August 20, which has obtained an extension.

This last case is the one that generates the greatest concern and uncertainty in civil society. As indicated by the Provision of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT), the possibility of requesting an extension only exists for the first stage and only once. This deadline expired on July 20 for large companies.

For the purposes of said request, companies must declare and specify the products for which they make the order, as well as the specific reasons why they found limitations in meeting the established deadlines. In this framework, the ANMAT can resolve by approving or rejecting. If the extension request is approved, large companies have a maximum period to put the seals on their products, until February 2023.

Something important to note is that the regulations do not provide for the opening of this information, so in the face of secrecy, we decided to present a request for access to public information. Despite the efforts, the ANMAT replied that it could not provide us with these data as they are confidential. This decision, unfortunately, limits the possibility that civil society can be an active agent in monitoring the implementation of the law.

However, after our request, the ANMAT published a statement informing that as of July 27, 2,658 applications had already been received (encompassing a total of 236 companies), of which around 35% had been approved. However, the statement says nothing about: which companies requested an extension and why, on which products the extension was granted and the criteria for accepting or rejecting them.

This means that we will not know if those products that do not have seals, is because they obtained the extension or because they are in fact not complying with the norm. We need better transparency standards to be ensured throughout the implementation process.

What about the rest of the components of the law?

Meanwhile, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the law not only introduces the system of “warning stamps” that will allow us to know what we eat. The seal is part of this standard that seeks to address the problem of healthy eating in a comprehensive and cross-cutting manner. Thus, the Law also contains provisions on: “Promotion, Advertising and Sponsorship”, “Education and Healthy Environments” and “Public Purchases”.

Let’s review each one and see why we say that the correct implementation of the seals is essential for full compliance with the standard:

  • School environments

According to the regulatory decree, the Ministry of Health must coordinate with the Ministry of Education and the Federal Council of Education to include in the school curriculum minimum contents of nutritional food education and guarantee that schools are healthy spaces or free of stamps. In other words, no product with at least one warning seal or precautionary legend may be offered, marketed, promoted, advertised or sponsored in educational establishments in the country.

The corresponding regulations have not been issued on this aspect. Until now, the Ministry has only advanced in the incorporation of courses on Healthy Eating in the teacher training courses.

  • Advertising, promotion and sponsorship

The labeling law prohibits the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of all those products that contain at least one (1) warning seal and that is directed especially at children and adolescents.

Likewise, it establishes that those products that contain a warning seal cannot include complementary nutritional information on their packaging, endorsement seals from scientific societies or civil associations, children’s characters, animations, celebrities, athletes, interactive elements, gifts, games, digital downloads. , etc.

According to the regulatory decree, the ANMAT has the duty to establish and dictate the complementary regulations that facilitate the implementation and control of these provisions. However, this body has not disclosed the implementation and control mechanisms that will be used to guarantee compliance with these provisions.

  • Public purchases

On this aspect, the Ministry of Health must coordinate with the National Procurement Office to guarantee that the National State, given the same convenience, prioritizes contracting those products that do not have warning stamps. This provision has significant relevance. But we still do not know how this articulation will take place, nor what will be understood by “equal convenience” or “prioritizing”.

It is important to highlight that to guarantee the full application of all aspects of the law throughout the country, the work and political will of the provinces is necessary. Either for the dictation of complementary norms that are necessary, as for the control and surveillance in their territories.


More Information


María Laura Fons

Maga Merlo Vijarra


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org 

On May 12, the public consultation ends where the proposal is evaluated presented by civil society to update Article 155 tris of the Code Argentine Food Code, which regulates the presence of Trans Fats in marketed foods, and thus reduce their content and eliminate partially hydrogenated oils. The organizations invite the
population to support the proposal.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

Aiming to protect the health of the population throughout the country, various civil society organizations came together to work in a better regulation regarding Trans Fats. In this regard, they request that establish a maximum limit of the content of trans fats from production industrial 2% with respect to total fats in all products, including those that are used as ingredients and/or raw materials, and that are prohibit the use of partially hydrogenated oils.

This proposal is currently, and until May 12, in consultation public and it is expected that, based on the participation of the citizenry, it will be approved by the National Food Commission (CONAL). It is a proposal that passed to Public Consultation after the CONAL meetings on March 13 and 14 of this year. In this framework, from the Argentine Federation of Graduates in Nutrition (FAGRAN), the Inter-American Heart Foundation (FIC Arg.), the Argentine Society of Nutrition and Real Foods (SANAR), and the Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies (FUNDEPS) the entire community is invited to participate in the Public Consultation process by signing a letter of support for the proposal. In this way, citizens have the opportunity to participate in this instance of discussion on a public health policy.

These fats are found in products such as cookies, snacks, baths, confectionery, among other ultra-processed products, as well as in products of bakery. Scientific evidence establishes that this type of fat is not essential, are not required for any biological function in the body, and are not they have no health benefits. Therefore, international standards recommend that its consumption be eliminated from the world diet.

The Public Consultation takes place until 12/5 and the entire community can participate. To do so, just go to www.chaugrasastrans.org and sign the letter.


More Information


Maga Merlo Vijarra, magamerlov@fundeps.org